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AoS 2 - Blades of Khorne Discussion

Gaz Taylor

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On 11/9/2021 at 11:10 AM, LordDave said:

Looking for some advice please - Trying to make chaos knights work in 1.5k list - this is where I’m at.  Not sure which slaughterhost/artefacts/prayers/grand strategy would work with it - any suggestions?  Thanks

Well you have the essential daemon prince and lord on daemonic mount which is a great start.

I would say knights really need a bloodstoker for the extra movement (plus 4 to charge is huge) and reroll wounds. Extra attacks are also essential so keep the bloodsecrator and swap the priest for a stoker (you can always AOD if you need +1 save). That means you can drop the wraith axe and put those points somewhere else. 

Then your knights need a source of rerolling hits, or at least rerolling 1's to hit. Skullfiend tribe sub faction is pretty good for this, or take mark of the slayer artifact on the lord. With those buffs in place your knights should slap!

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So I've had another successful game with my beasts of khorne.  

A fairly non competitive ironjaws list of 10 brutes, 40 ardboys, cabbage and foot boss. 2 chantas a shaman and an allied fungus cave shaman.


I ended up taking first turn because I actually outstripped my opponent (12 to 12 but I won the roll off) and deployed my priest far enough forward to get the hex skulls in range of his casters turn 1 which basically made them useless all game. Other than that I moved up in places counting on bloodslick ground to save me from charges (too aggressively it turned out thanks to mighty destroyers and some high charge rolls) and just kind of postured.

His turn 1 he moves right towards me and makes a bunch of charges killing off both ghorgon and my bloodreavers before they even swing thanks to smashing and bashing. Of note, his mawcrusha was unable to use his special stomp ability because all the guys around him were either monsters or hunters of the heartlands.

Luckily I did not get double turned and my turn 2 was just a blood bath. Brought down the cabbage and foot boss as well as 10 boys while managing to steal and burn one of his objectives with a long dog charge. Also his poor boss with destroyer artifact didnt do a single wound as he rolled bad and then I spiked my saves.


His turn 2 ended pretty uneventfully as he whiffed on killing my kark lord or anything else really while losing 10 more boys I think? I had to leave early at this point and offered to concede since I was the reason we couldnt finish but he told me he thought it was clear I was going to win since i just had so much more power left on the table and called it in my favor. 


Ardboyz are not killy and he was sad to see how theyd gotten worse. Khorne continues to be tons of fun to play in a casual setting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Real quick question here, does a Bloodsecrator innately get +1 attack thanks to his Rage of Khorne ability?

I know Daemon heroes innately re roll hit rolls of 1 because of their Locus of Fury battle trait which applies to Khorne daemon units wholly within 12", so it makes sense that because a Bloodsecrator's Rage of Khorne applies to Khorne units wholly within 16" he always gets 1 extra attack, does this work like I think it does or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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29 minutes ago, ogarrah said:

Real quick question here, does a Bloodsecrator innately get +1 attack thanks to his Rage of Khorne ability?

I know Daemon heroes innately re roll hit rolls of 1 because of their Locus of Fury battle trait which applies to Khorne daemon units wholly within 12", so it makes sense that because a Bloodsecrator's Rage of Khorne applies to Khorne units wholly within 16" he always gets 1 extra attack, does this work like I think it does or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yeah, the rule says to add 1 to the attacks of khorne units wholly within 16". Since he's always within range of himself he gets the extra attack. For him to not affect himself there would have to be an exception in the rule like the wrathmongers.

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  • 5 weeks later...
30 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

Probably will not be a huge boost but I am glad my favourite units from the book got points drops. Migthy Lord of Khorne, Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut, Korghos Khul, Blood Warriors.

Points drops on Skullreapers and Wrathmongers is also nice. 

I don't know, overall I think it might be a wash. Slaves units losing access to the tithe table and sub factions hurts. Archaon is effectively removed from the army and the prince is a little bit worse than he was since he can't double fight in reapers of vengeance and can't use the tithe table at all. At least he still gets the crimson crown for now. The point changes are better than nothing I suppose but even if you run a lot of wrathmongers and skullreapers you might save what, 50 points? That really isn't enough to buy you anything. The point changes on the heroes are never going to matter. They still offer too little for the army compared to the prime choices (bloodsecrator, stoker, heck even priests) and will never do enough damage compared to bloodthirsters. They could have cut their points in half instead and they'd still be bad. Blood warriors were at least a decent tweak but they're still nowhere near as good as flesh hounds. 

Edited by Grimrock
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Yeah imo not too much here for Khorne, all our lords of khorne need a warscroll change to be viable, points drops are useless. Blood warriors are still way the heck overpriced, skullreapers and wrathmongers getting a points drop is a nice bonus but doesn't really do too much. Coalition units losing the ability to use allegiance abilities really hurts, karkadrak lord, archaon and probably even the DP are out for good now, as are StD units in general I think.

On the plus side, Unleash Hell got slapped upside the head, which I see as a big win considering how hard it is to get into melee combat with good shooting units and not having your dudes shoot off the board first thanks to that rule. Amulet of destiny going to a 6+ feels like it could benefit us, it didn't really fit too well into our army and usually (at least for me) ended up on an StD hero like the DP or karkadrak which are out now anyway, plus it was stupid good on megagargants.

The bottom line is that the only thing that's going to help us is a new battletome...

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I am personally happy with the design decision to remove this "souping of chaos factions". I see a lot of grief on the new update thread about Khorne getting nerfed but nothing from Blades of Khorne battletome was actually nerfed. What was nerfed is STD units can no longer use Blades of Khorne allegiance abilities and I think they should not. I never liked that mixing. People on tournament scene have not played Blades of Khorne. They played Slave to Darkness with Blades of Khorne allegiance abilites. Yes most Blades of Khorne warscrolls are bad and they need a rewrite but I never liked this patching of Blades of Khorne with other books. It make the game a lot harder to balance and it creates an illusion that some faction is competitively good when in fact it isn't. If it was up to me I would go a step further and removed allies rule all together. That would make a game easier to balance and would give an honest picture of every faction competitive status and then we could legitimately ask from GW to write a better battletome for us.

Blades of Khorne are one of my two favourite AoS armies. And Mortal subfaction is my favourite one from the book. I played Blood Warriors in every game I had. I played either Khorgos or my Mighty Lord of Khorne coversion from Magore and Riptoof in every game I did and every time they were the army general. And what I would like to see is them being decent and army being pure Khorne army. So I will actually have use from this FAQ and I like that they are removing the soup from the game. I think GW did a good decision when they incentivised people to play pure armies in 40k I wish they went further in both games and removed it completely.

Edited by frenk_castle
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4 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

I am personally happy with the design decision to remove this "souping of chaos factions". I see a lot of grief on the new update thread about Khorne getting nerfed but nothing from Blades of Khorne battletome was actually nerfed. What was nerfed is STD units can no longer use Blades of Khorne allegiance abilities and I think they should not. I never liked that mixing. People on tournament scene have not played Blades of Khorne. They played Slave to Darkness with Blades of Khorne allegiance abilites. Yes most Blades of Khorne warscrolls are bad and they need a rewrite but I never liked this patching of Blades of Khorne with other books. It make the game a lot harder to balance and it creates an illusion that some faction is competitively good when in fact it isn't. If it was up to me I would go a step further and removed allies rule all together. That would make a game easier to balance and would give an honest picture of every faction competitive status and then we could legitimately ask from GW to write a better battletome for us.

Blades of Khorne are one of my two favourite AoS armies. And Mortal subfaction is my favourite one from the book. I played Blood Warriors in every game I had. I played either Khorgos or my Mighty Lord of Khorne coversion from Magore and Riptoof in every game I did and every time they were the army general. And what I would like to see is them being decent and army being pure Khorne army. So I will actually have use from this FAQ and I like that they are removing the soup from the game. I think GW did a good decision when they incentivised people to play pure armies in 40k I wish they went further in both games and removed it completely.

I get not wanting to be "Archaon in red" the book, but that's an Archaon problem not a blades if khorne or slaves to darkness problem. There is no sensible reason why blades of khorne shouldn't have access to a demon prince of khorne. A lord of khorne ascends to princedom annnnnnnd they kick him out of the army?

There is no reason why a bullgor marked with khorne and fighting in a blades of khorne army shouldn't be affected by blood tithe.

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15 minutes ago, The Red King said:

I get not wanting to be "Archaon in red" the book, but that's an Archaon problem not a blades if khorne or slaves to darkness problem. There is no sensible reason why blades of khorne shouldn't have access to a demon prince of khorne. A lord of khorne ascends to princedom annnnnnnd they kick him out of the army?

There is no reason why a bullgor marked with khorne and fighting in a blades of khorne army shouldn't be affected by blood tithe.

In my opinion warscrolls that are not in Blades of Khorne battletome should not be able to use any of the rules from the battletome. I am not talking about lore I am talking simply about tabletop game mechanic. I never liked that it was allowed and I am glad it is gone. It allows to cherry pick stuff from multiple books and create easily abusable inbalances and then as a fix units are raised in points and people who play "pure" armies get punished for something they never used in the first place. If it was up to me I would enforce a rule that one army can only use one book. What to play Chaos Warshrine play Slaves to Darkness. What to play Bullgors play Beasts of Chaos. You are free to disagree with me. In my opinion people only used that to get better rules for their models. To "abuse" a legal rule. I had a conversation with a friend recently who wanted to play STD and Disciples of Tzeench. And when I told him you can still play same models in the army his reply was "I can but I will not get the rule and army will not be that good". I played Mighty Lord of Khorne, which is bad, like me in almost every game. He did not play Blood Warriors in every game, and they are bad as well. I played most of the Blades of Khorne game with mortal and concensus is Daemons are better. And I did that because I like that theme of the army more. I did not pick stuff based on the rules.

Now I am not saying my way of playing is right and other are wrong. Everybody is free to play the game anyway they choose. What I am saying people wanted these rules because they make their models have access to rules they would not other wise and that existence of those rules created abusable situations and game was harder to balance. You could get "around" the problem by adding additional units and warscrolls to each battletome. But just having blank import I think creates more problems then benefits. 

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28 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

In my opinion warscrolls that are not in Blades of Khorne battletome should not be able to use any of the rules from the battletome. I am not talking about lore I am talking simply about tabletop game mechanic. I never liked that it was allowed and I am glad it is gone. It allows to cherry pick stuff from multiple books and create easily abusable inbalances and then as a fix units are raised in points and people who play "pure" armies get punished for something they never used in the first place. If it was up to me I would enforce a rule that one army can only use one book. What to play Chaos Warshrine play Slaves to Darkness. What to play Bullgors play Beasts of Chaos. You are free to disagree with me. In my opinion people only used that to get better rules for their models. To "abuse" a legal rule. I had a conversation with a friend recently who wanted to play STD and Disciples of Tzeench. And when I told him you can still play same models in the army his reply was "I can but I will not get the rule and army will not be that good". I played Mighty Lord of Khorne, which is bad, like me in almost every game. He did not play Blood Warriors in every game, and they are bad as well. I played most of the Blades of Khorne game with mortal and concensus is Daemons are better. And I did that because I like that theme of the army more. I did not pick stuff based on the rules.

Now I am not saying my way of playing is right and other are wrong. Everybody is free to play the game anyway they choose. What I am saying people wanted these rules because they make their models have access to rules they would not other wise and that existence of those rules created abusable situations and game was harder to balance. You could get "around" the problem by adding additional units and warscrolls to each battletome. But just having blank import I think creates more problems then benefits. 

They are never going to put in the work required to balance individual units across multiple factions but that's a problem imo. Lore and rule wise it would better to have access to more units across multiple books. It just opens up options and that's always a plus. If it gets abused they can fix it but their current model is: make it an option, it's not strong (except Archaon so maybe fix archaon), then take the option away to "balance" something that isnt broken while not giving anything in return.


Personally I think they should just put some units in multiple books and point them accordingly. Bulks out armies and gives more options to the players while also making lore sense. Nobody benefits from less options except GW.

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The thing is-the Blades of Khorne book has some many poorly written warscrolls and it has become so outdated. Khorne only has  41% win rate, whereas StD have a 51% win rate (Source: The Honest Wargamer), just because the StD warscrolls are so much better than the Khorne Warscrolls.

If you want to play Khorne competetively, the Slaves to Darkness units are the way to go. Marauders are Glass cannons, but sooo god at it, the Demon Prince has one of the best CAs in the game, the Karkadrak or the Manticore lord are finally beatstick heroes to put a Gorecleaver on, the Warshrine is the best priest option for Khorne.


About the mix and match point of view: This one has always been an issue under debate. We´ve been there and had that. Strangely, the people complaining about that were always the ones not playing Chaos and still complained after they won.

Chaos has always been a mix-and match faction in WHFB. The Chaos Gods welcome anyone following their dogma and grant their gifts and attention to anyone devoted to their cause, beast, demon or mortal. Before AoS, a specific Khorne army did not even exist. I played Beastlords as general, Gor Herd as core units, Chaos Chariots, Chaos Knights, Minotaurs or Dragon Ogres as beaststicks. The ability to combine a multitude of individuals to fight for one god has always been the strength and unique characteristic of Chaos armies. However, GW always managed to ****** Chaos up, so that you could cherrypick, but it was never really good. Only Tzeentch-focused armies could become good meta armies.

So there we are back again. Cities of Sigmar still have all-inclusive coalition rules, which really pushes them, whereas the chaos armies take a big nerf- again. After having lost all 5-Wound-heroes to the shooting meta and priests to the new edition( not mentioning the loss of effectiveness on all 32mm base units- which are most of our units), we are now losing effectiveness on our most effective units.

I see the point that it looks weird to have a Slaves to Darkness army under a Khorne banner. In a friendly local meta, Blades of Khorne in itself is perfectly fine. In a tournament meta, Khorne armies cannot compete without Slaves to Darkness units. It is not the player`s fault that GW simply does not intend Khorne units to be strong. The points changes did not even make up for the points increase from the last GHB. I have no player group nearby to play regularly, I only get the occasion to play on tournaments and I do not want to go home having lost all games, my goal is to win at least one game, which I always managed to do somehow. I am not super competetive, I am just satisfied annoying some top table army :).

Oh, and about the point of patching old armies with new units from other books: Stormcast are very good at this with the onl exception of their patching units being from the same book. The power level increase of new units is so enormous, it is not even funny. I still have my first AoS starter box Stormcasts unassembled. I do not think I will, because these units are utter garbage nowadays. Nobody would take Judicators or Prosecutors in a tournament list anymore, because the newer releases are so much better. Only the Liberators as a cheap batteline would be useful. This is the same  that happened to Blades of Khorne. Their update has not been that long ago so I think the hope for a new BT is in vain. On their last update, GW changed very little, the unit stats remained largely unchanged. Blades of Khorne is still a book on the AoS 1.5 power level. I mean, look at the Blood Warriors. I never understood why they get their special weapon for every ten models, not for every five like Liberators who were clearly designed to be their counterpart. Chaos Warriors are cheaper and better, because they fulfill the tank role so much better.


It is not the end of the world that we lost the allegiance abilities on coalition units. They are still very strong, Beastmen got a price drop and the StD units have enough internal balance and abilities to not depend on allegiance ablities.

So I may still be able to win games at a reasonable rate. It just bugs me massively that Chaos armies get nerfed so much. Order factions get nerfed much less, although they have advantages due to their better shooting and smaller base size. Most Chaos armies tend to fight an uphill battle each game.

I just wanted to disagree on the viewpoint that Blades of Khorne is a self-sufficient book and Chaos armies should not be mixed. They always were. I see no game-breaking imbalances by combining units from different battle tomes in this case. The top tier Chaos armies are Tzeentch (Which is a strong battle tome in itself due to Flamers, Horrors and Kairos/Lord of Change in combination with Eternal Conflagration - so a bad internal balance, only a few super-strong units carry the whole battle tome in a specific sub-faction) and the Legion of the First Prince- which is a mixed faction. However, its biggest strength is its summoning ability. Khorne is far below these two armies, even with a complete mix of battletomes. Archaon in RoV is a very strong combination. However, it is a do or die strategy that is more likely to fail the more experienced the opponent is. This combo was not sufficient to establish Blades of Khorne on a higher power level, pure StD still performs way better.


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Hi, been out of the game since 2019 but am looking to start up again next year with my nearly completed BoK Mortals army.

Been out of the loop with the 3.0 changes, but I had been glancing at the DP to replace my useless Juggerlord. I take it he's no use for BoK anymore with the update? Could someone explain the implications for a BoK DP in more detail? 

Real shame as I had just realized the Radukar the Beast model would make a damn fine Khorne DP. 

Edited by Bjornas
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Was in the game when it release, dropped it 2 years ago due to power creep.

@Salyx101% Agree on your statements.

I always had the feeling, that BoK was just designed to be the baddies, to be beaten my SCE. At least that's how the gameplay felt back then. Nowadays, basically anyone can ****** on BoK, except even worse armies, where we might have a chance to win some games.

To be honest, I keeped only like 2000 points of BoK, was 7500 when i played actively. I always got roflstomped by the local armies, and people where telling me, that the BoK army is soooo good. But they refused to play it themselves. One of those did indeed try it on a local event, got stomped too. Then he agreed, that it isn't as good, as he thought.

Lost hope in GW's capability do design a good game. Now, regarding new armies are released with a massive advantage vs the armies before, I don't see it becoming better at all.

Gonna play OnePageRules "Age of Fantasy". That's where our army is actually good and fun to play. Even though, the game itself is simpler, the flow of a game is so much better than AoS. More fun for 100% free rules = win, at least in my book.

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Fantastic analysis. Was a really good read and I enjoyed it. I am also sorry if anything I wrote offended anybody that was not my intention.

I want just to give some context to my background before I give my opinion just so you all have better understanding of "where I am coming from."

I am not a native english speaker so I may not have perfect sentences. I started playing AoS in autumn of 2018. I was only 40k player until that time and my main army is Flesh Tearers. So I got some Stormcasts I got them painted as Anvils of the Heldenhammer, cause I loved Soul Wars novel, and started playing. And while Anvils were good I never really got into whole Shootcast idea and was looking for a more melee focused army. So when my friend offered to sell me his Blades of Khorne I took them and have been loving them ever since.

Now two things to note.

1. I do acknowledge that Chaos was always a mix of various "individuals" and that is a theme of Chaos. So lore wise make sense to mix Blood Warriors, Chaos Marauders and Bestigors under one roff.

2. I do acknowledge that Blades of Khorne warscrolls are really bad. Especially Bloodbound which are my favourites and that they stand no chance competitively. Their allegiance abilities are decent but there is nobody potent enough to carry them.

So I agree with you on those points. My only argument is game where multiple books are allowed in the same army is harder to balance. And that is one of the problems GW struggled constantly in all the time I played 40k and in AoS there are issues as well. Now we could argue which game is worse balance wise but I think both could use a lot of the improvement on the balance front. So while I do acknowledge that mixing of units in the same army is an established lore, both in 40k and AoS I still maintain that if that practice is removed from table top, for all armies, game will be easier to balance. Yes game will maybe be less fun, people will definitely have less options but game will be easier to balance I think. And then with each book having to carry its own weight alone GW would have to write decent stuff for each book or they will have no sales for that book. So while I do agree Blades of Khorne are not self-sufficient book I do think they should be. They should have a good enough warscrolls to "hold their ground". And I also think, and I could be wrong, that the option to "patch" bad warscrolls from one book with warscrolls from another book disincentivize GW to actually put an effort into making next version of Blades of Khorne battletome decent.

I do not know if I am right. I could be completely in the wrong here. If I was a game designer in charge of both 40k and AoS I would remove all rules that allow for mixing of units and rules between books. I would literally make that each army needs, and can only use, a core rules and it's battletome/codex. Now would that make a more balanced game? I think it would but I also think we will never now since I do not think GW will ever completely remove the options for mixing.

Anyway I will still play my Bloodbound, cause I really love the models and the way army plays and will hope next battletome is decent.

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After being completely left out of the Broken Realms series, I'm really salty with this so called 'balance update' for Khorne. The points decreases do nothing in terms of being able to fit in an extra unit. 3 heroes that nobody takes due to tragic warscrolls,  while skullreapers and blood warriors still way overcosted. The allegiance ability remains the only one that makes you choose between summoning or actually getting a buff, and now our pool of units to buff is smaller. I loved mixing in slaves units and while there are still generic "khorne" buffs I might still do, but the day will come where I lose a game because the unit I need to hero phase move with bloodtithe is not a 'blades of khorne' unit and that is going to suck. If Archaon was a problem then fix Archaon; no need to punish everybody.

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13 hours ago, aquenaton said:

I, as a casual player from a casual community that only enjoys one game per month, mostly against Stormcast Eternals that are always bringing the new toys, I start to feel left behind. Last year our games were really close ones, with my people being able to do quite damage before dying, only to empower my blood tithe and buff other units. I play only mortals, and my collection is still a bit tight. As time passed, I realized I needed soooo much support (in the very fragile form of heroes that could die from 1d6 mortal wounds) to make shine anything that is not a team of skullcrushers. I like the models, I enjoy the impact on charge and armor to take a punch back, and really have a nice time when I manage to whip them before sending to the enemy, but looking at the new armored Stormcasts that spawn within 7" of my men doing a trillion wounds on the charge and proceed to save everything, I think every mortal unit in the book is almost obsolete.

I looked at the Slaves to Darkness models and they seemed to fulfill some places on the army (looking at the shrine) but it is true that the options among the books could become a bit too vast. Personally, I would enjoy if a couple models from the other books are added to ours, as Soulblights and FEC share the dragons and big bats. Demon Princes should be part of the army, and, if we do not get access to doombulls, we should get khorgors or something like that.

Really hope the future will give us something to enjoy some of our games, as offering Khorne only our own blood is starting to become a bit tedious.

Totally agree and I could definitely see them mixing it up a bit more in the future. There are already two different point costs for tzaangors, one in BoC and one in Tzeentch, so I don't see any reason why they couldn't do the same for us with some more typically khorne models like minotaur or khornegors. They've even worked minotaur into the Khorne roster for total war warhammer 3, so hopefully that's a good sign. Although, they didn't do any mixing on the new Nurgle book so maybe it would be hoping too much. If they had had pestigors and a daemon prince it would have been much more promising. Maybe by the time our book comes out (next Christmas according to the rumors... sigh) they'll have a khorne specific daemon prince sculpt for 40k or something since there's supposed to be a big world eaters release this summer.

Edited by Grimrock
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It does seem like, for the God of Bloodshed and Violence, Khorne has some of the most limp wristed warriors around.

I used to play Khorne, and knew three others who did, and every single one stopped playing Khorne because of how poor the warscrolls are, and how it felt narratively disjointed to have the red tide so easily beat back. 

In fact, one of the ex-Khorne players said the book made them go off AoS in general it was so disheartening. They had a narrative army in mind of a one man army cutting through hordes as he got stronger and stronger, but good luck doing that with a Mighty Lord of Khorne. It was very disappointing to see his lord crumble to basic threats, and it's totally understandable how they'd be put off the game. 

Losing S2D is a big blow, but we can only hope that it spurs the next rules writer to give the Blood God's warriors some actual damage without five cheerleaders giving them encouragement.  

It was said before (but I can't find who said it), that it feels like Khorne is playing the "bad guys" as if they were an NPC faction designed to make someone else look good. In all honesty, Khorne in early AoS's narrative was written abysmally, and their rules have really reflected the theme of tides of chumps ready to die to a stronger opponent. 

It's a massive shame because BoK should be an easy faction to get right (they did with Warclans), but they've consistently been disappointing. I'm really hopeful for a new battletome that will reignite some of the passion for Khorne.

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Blades of Khorne has really bad warscrolls. Allegiance rules in current battletome are in my opinion really decent but warscrolls are bad. That is why most people went the S2D route for competitive setting. I am hoping who ever gets to write next iteration of Blades of Khorne battletome does a much better job. Blades of Khorne are one of my favourite AoS armies and one I play often. I play mostly my custom Mighty Lord of Khorne and his mortal warband and it is painfully obvious they are not at all scary like they are in some of the novels.

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Hi i need some advice with list this is my core:

 - Army Faction: Blades of Khorne
     - Subfaction: Goretide
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (140)
     - General
     - Command Traits: Hew the Foe
Bloodstoker (85)
Bloodsecrator (125)
     - Artefacts of Power: Banner of Rage
Slaughterpriest (110)
     - Prayers: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (110)
     - Prayers: Blood Sacrifice
6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)
     - Bloodglaive
6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)
     - Bloodglaive
6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)
     - Bloodglaive
TOTAL POINTS: 1590/2000
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

What put next to list? Blood warriors? Skullreapers? Wrathmongers? Maybe some std? Help


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13 hours ago, Skarband said:

Hi i need some advice with list this is my core:

 - Army Faction: Blades of Khorne
     - Subfaction: Goretide
Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (140)
     - General
     - Command Traits: Hew the Foe
Bloodstoker (85)
Bloodsecrator (125)
     - Artefacts of Power: Banner of Rage
Slaughterpriest (110)
     - Prayers: Bronzed Flesh
Slaughterpriest (110)
     - Prayers: Blood Sacrifice
6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)
     - Bloodglaive
6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)
     - Bloodglaive
6 x Mighty Skullcrushers (340)
     - Bloodglaive
TOTAL POINTS: 1590/2000
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

What put next to list? Blood warriors? Skullreapers? Wrathmongers? Maybe some std? Help


I would add in two units of 10 Blood Warriors. They can hold things up and with their pile in attach when they die they can deal some decent damage. They'll also bolster your numbers of you need to take objectives.

Additionally it might be worth running 6 units of 3 Bloodcrushers so you don't have to deal with the coherency rules for them.

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