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  1. I was lucky enough to get the game via my FLGS when it released. Have at this stage played through almost the whole campaign and we've had tons of fun. One criticism is that it is a bit too easy if you play smart (there are some simple houserules around the internet which makes it a bit more challenging - I say use those from the get-go). Hearing about the initial cancelling of expansions and support for the game last spring was a real bummer. Definitely looking forward to the expansions now!
  2. Hi, been out of the game since 2019 but am looking to start up again next year with my nearly completed BoK Mortals army. Been out of the loop with the 3.0 changes, but I had been glancing at the DP to replace my useless Juggerlord. I take it he's no use for BoK anymore with the update? Could someone explain the implications for a BoK DP in more detail? Real shame as I had just realized the Radukar the Beast model would make a damn fine Khorne DP.
  3. Man these orks get my creative ideas going. Winter-themed bases. Klans specializing in ambushing caravans in dangerous mountain passes. Lots crossbows and ballista-things.💚
  4. Check page 24 Actually saved my ass in the end of the first game.
  5. I got two games in with some friends last night and we spent some time on these questions too. We interpreted it as the following: 1. When you finish off a group of mobs (say 3 Bats) or they are driven off, you discard their Encounter Card, draw a new one and place it face down (!) where the Bat card was - lets say this is hostile group 2. When hostile group 2 is activated the next time, you turn the new Encounter Card face up, and mobs listed on that card spawn from the Lychgate furthest from the players. 2. No, see "aftermatch": Inspiration is meant to be used during the game and is not carried over. 3. That's how we played it atleast, essentially there should be only one place where the dropship can pick you up right? In our first game we were literally being chased into the dropzone with zombies and skeletons hot on our heels! We played two Hunt missions to keep it simple (two players were pretty new to the Warhammer hobby in general) but had tons of fun. Things can seem like smooth sailing while you're swatting bats, but then a Kosargi spawns while Brutogg is on the other side of the map and those distant Ulfenwatch suddenly Danse Macabre right into your face. And then Brutogg gets buried over there. ******!
  6. So, when it comes to Preytakers, how are you guys planning on playing them? Strictly swords or one of each? Or none at all? Also torn on the First Fangs, I'm really keen on running two in my warband, what're your thoughts on that?
  7. If I understand this correctly then, sword preytakers are generally better over axes?
  8. Speaking of these, does anyone know how many will be needed at maximum in one game?
  9. This is a pretty good point. Even in AoS there's one particular unit loadout that you are gonna see 80% of the time. Most of the time, having weapon options is mostly about the idea of having a choice, if you know what I mean. My problem with this is the modelling aspect. While the models are gorgeous, it's not very fun seeing identical warbands all the time. The review does have some interesting points about the campaign also. It doesn't sound super interesting. However I can see this game being very good for a one-day group campaign with 4-5 games. Btw, regarding Mordheim, a group of scandinavian gamers recently set up some kind of Mordheim-weekend, with awesome models and terrain. I think John Blanche was involved too. Check out #mordheim2019 on instagram for pictures.
  10. Solid points, I must've overlooked the health aspects. With two cats you'll have a damn fast warband. Btw, is anyone clear on post-game recruitment? As far as I understood we can spend 1 glory point for 50 points, or 3 for 100. Can we keep these in a stash between games? Otherwise it's gonna be difficult to get another cat later on.
  11. Interesting, why do you think that? Cause I can't see any reason to take them other than to fill up points or as objective cappers. Plus I really don't like the models
  12. In a general situation I'd agree, Preytakers have 2 base damage though which makes their output a bit more reliable. Plus Iron Golem with their T4 are gonna be very popular.
  13. Great initiative, I've been pondering how to choose my warband members alot in the past days. There's a few things I'd like to discuss, based on what we know at the moment: 1. First Fang - one or two? I think he looks really solid and the ranged attack seems quite strong for its range. I'm probably gonna convert the Heart-eater mini to a second one and run two of them (I'll convert my own Heart-eater instead). 2. Preytakers - axes or swords? Basically it's A3/S4 or A4/S3. I think Strength is gonna be a biggie in this game so I'm voting axes. You? 3. Plains-runners. Are they useful at all except as chaff? Move 5 but they hit like wet tissues. Maybe to snatch objectives? Are there any rules on break/battleshock/bottle tests that make quantity of warband members matter?
  14. Or a group of Stormcasts guided by a Chaos wizard to attacking a raging.... bunny.
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