109 files
Open Play Battleplan Cards
By Nuno M
The Open Play battleplan generator, found in the Core Book 3.0, is the best format for pick-up games.
Many Deployment formats, Twists and different Victory conditions to challenge different army list strategies. There is even one Victory condition that involves a mysterious Objective (the Arcane Prize) in the center, that has to picked up by a unit but you never know what it is going to be! It could be trapped, it could be a warding icon, it could give off an arcane aura bonus! What's better than battleplan generator tables? Why, those tables in card format! Here is a set of cards with all the AoS 3.0 Open Play battleplan tables to print out. Using a professional printing service, in cardstock, yields best results. It's become very useful at our local gaming shop!! Enjoy!
@WH_narratives29 downloads
AoS Campaign Structure (club style slow-grow)
This is an incredibly simple campaign structure for Age of Sigmar, designed to:
encourage players to organise multi-player battles; incentivise players to paint their miniatures. Enjoy!
- multiplayer
- campaign
- (and 2 more)
Allegiance Cards: Disciples of Tzeentch
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- gaming aids
- allegiance
- (and 2 more)
Allegiance Cards: Ogor Mawtribes
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- destruction
- (and 4 more)
Allegiance Cards: Ossiarch Bonereapers
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- death
- (and 3 more)
Allegiance Cards: Seraphon
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- seraphon
- (and 2 more)
Efengie Campaign - Fall of Bludor
By Nacnudllah
In the aftermath of the Necroquake warbands sack the ruins of the stormvault Thindrongol Nuk setting off a race to construct a Grand Soul Engine... with tragic (and bombastic) consequences.
This book includes a 2+player Narrative Linked-battles Campaign, a custom warscroll you can use to field great Heroes of the Realms in your narrative campaigns, and all of the battleplans and fluff chronicling five months of Age of Sigmar Game Day! Also included is a recap of Efengie's participation in the Animosity: The Hallowed Necropolis global narrative event along with a battleplan to re-live some of the action.
This is the sixth book in this series. You don't need the others, but if you enjoy this one, you may also enjoy the rest.
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Realm of Battle: The Eightpoints
By Hanskrampf
Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
Realm of Battle: Shyish
By Hanskrampf
Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- realm of battle
- shyish
- (and 1 more)
Tzeentch Spell Cards
By Oreaper84
Found this floating about, not mine but great list of cards for new DoT Battletome spells
Allegiance Cards: Kharadron Overlords
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- kharadron overlords
- (and 3 more)
Allegiance Cards: Slaves to Darkness
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- slaves to darkness
- (and 2 more)
Allegiance Cards: Flesh-Eater Courts
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- flesh-eater court
- (and 3 more)
Allegiance Cards: Hedonites of Slaanesh
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- slaanesh
- (and 4 more)
Allegiance Cards: Beasts of Chaos
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- gaming aid
- allegiance
- (and 2 more)
Allegiance Cards: Blades of Khorne
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- khorne
- (and 2 more)
Allegiance Cards: Cities of Sigmar
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- cards
- (and 9 more)
Allegiance Cards: Idoneth Deepkin
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- gaming aids
- allegiance
- (and 3 more)
Allegiance Cards: Sylvaneth
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- sylvaneth
- (and 3 more)
Unnoficial Orruk Warclans endless spells and scenery rules
By futbarista
I've made some endless spells and scenery rules. Horn is the same as Dirgehorn - use the same base size and points. Also Foot of Gork is based on Nighthaunt Scythe - give the same base size and points.
Please give me some feedback, is it ok for play.
Allegiance Cards: Beastclaw Raiders
By Hanskrampf
- gaming aids
- allegiance
- (and 2 more)
Campaign - Soulless Seas
By Nacnudllah
The Soulless Seas Campaign book includes full rules for using warships in your Age of Sigmar battles! Read about the denizens of the Soulless Seas of Ghyran and their war to capture the Idoneth Deepkin Soularium. This book also includes:
- A 3 battleplan campaign for 2 players
- Soulless Seas Weather
- Flagships and Naval Command Abilities
- Specialty Cannoneering
Allegiance Cards: Orruk Warclans
By Hanskrampf
Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
And the amount grew rapidly.
Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.
All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)
If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.
All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo © Games Workshop PLC
These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.
Overview and changes
- allegiance
- cards
- (and 6 more)
Allegiance Cards: Ironjawz
By Hanskrampf
- allegiance
- ironjawz
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Allegiance Cards: Bonesplitterz
By Hanskrampf
- gaming aids
- allegiance
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