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Everything posted by Seraphage

  1. @Cerlin although read it, didn't realise the Trollpedo got to shot twice, that is great ! Units of 10 could work although against some global spell armies / shooting ones being dealt this 1 wound hurts a lot ?
  2. Competitively wise it's better because we get to have better pile in and even more importantly : less opponents to attack our heroes + easier cover. You just give yourself a disadvantage so no one will force you to change them ?
  3. @pforson it should definitely work as we don't lose any synergies while most of other armies do. Well this could definitely work. Might swap the king for a runelord for that extra unbind + extra -1 rend on a 2nd unit. The +1 wound is really good but he is fragile so you can't rely on that as much + buffing your units will end up in much more damage than the king !
  4. Anyone had any new games yet ? Any comments on our army regarding the new scenarios, weaknesses and maybe some hidden strengths we haven't realised yet ?
  5. Seraphage


    Amazing conversation man, great job !
  6. Guys where can I find the FAQ that someone said exists about taking 2banners? *questioned for some Chaos dudes ? Searched General Chaos + Order and couldn't find it !
  7. Nevermind, found the proper FAQ (couldn't from cellphone) Long Beards, Old Grumblers, Who does this beardling think he is? Change to: ‘Friendly Dispossessed Heroes within 8" of this unit are treated as if they were your general when working out the range of command abilities.’ While they still are good, the discount is not good enough for me I think as the 8" in combat phase will be a problem of positioning in order to buff our hammerers !
  8. I definitely agree wih the comment, I wonder why they don't use more warriors in lists. I think they worth the time and it's a very good shield unit for your army *can't recall the discount for maximum capacity right now, but it is really good
  9. Guys my book is 45km away from me atm, can someone text me the points of thunderers please ? I 've never put them into my lists *and thus i do not remember them by heart * the last months but I wanna give them a shot
  10. So true ! Hahaha ! That silly +4 never comes along ! ?
  11. Guys no offense but people got overly excited and judge things as if we really have a clue on how they work yet. What have happened to the EotG is simply that it has a point to be seen on the table as its warscroll didn't make sense before. Summoning sure is cool, but is it really SO strong ? If you put 4 EotG you have good chances for summon, yes. You also invested 880p - 45% of your army for it on 4 monsters that go down fast and you also get many drops count -> your opponent will most likely be able to choose who goes 1st + he might strike them - or even worse the slann before being able to move. Or just charge with something like a 30 man unit of tzaangors and kill 2 with ease on a round of combat after shooting down our skinks. I definitely believe it will be strong for casual games where the opponents don't really try that hard on their list building or choices *which is stil awesome, I do that as well from times to times as it can be really joyable too*, but being in a highly competitive environment, I can reassure you that no one thinks that this is too strong or anything similar
  12. Guys you seem to be overly sure about our strength - I definitely think we are stronger than ever but isn't a bit too early to say we're broken ? Was there enough time yet to play against all armies in a competitive level at all of the scenarios ? The past few years - if it wasn't for the Kroaknado list *that is one single list out of our army which is one of the biggest ! - we would have hardly seen our army in the top 50 of tournaments besides some few exceptions ? Anyway things definitely look better than ever ! *and things that never got to see the table the past 2.5 years will finally get their chance ! ?
  13. Couldn't agree more. We will get an update eventually, no worries on that @Kimbo !
  14. Yeah makes sense ! Maybe try to take the Steam Tank off - although I have to admit that I'm LOVING the model - make the 2x10 -> 1x20 Ironbreakers and go for a 30man unit of warriors ?
  15. Thanks a bunch for sharing your experiences @Furuzzolo ! Really appreciating it ! I thought the same about the 2 x 10 squads before even seeing you writing it yourself ! What are your thoughts now ? Maybe swap them for a blob of warriors ? Although having units of melee replacing those 2 squads will be better but the points arent enough I guess ? Unfortunately I also believe the same for the Unforged. Shame that such an awesome model cannot really be fielded. Longbeards : Are you satisfied with how they did or are you thinking of trying big blob of ironbreakers / something else isntead ? I 've thought of using them somewhere midfield so both my hammerers and irondrakes can benefit from the reroll to wound but 8" ain't enough so that they can also be placed in a really useful place. Whaddya think ?
  16. While not at top tier, I honestly thing our shorties are more fun to play now and definitely lots stronger ! I like all the changes - they buff us up *except the lost command from Longbeards but oh well* great times of fun ahead !
  17. Lovely color scheme and vibrant colors, excellent !
  18. Really nice !
  19. Seraphage


    Nice army, liking the colors a lot
  20. What a fantastic blog indeed ! Thank you so much for all the amazing photos and all the details shared !
  21. That was your FIRST army paint ? Wow.. seing lots of talent around congrats ! I loved both the color scheme and the conversation parts. Truly funny and joyful. Thanks a lot for sharing !
  22. My oh my, I' m in LOVE with your army bro. A M A Z I N G!
  23. Seraphage

    Skaven Grey Seer

    Excellent color scheme
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