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Everything posted by hammer49

  1. Those Orruks look very impressive. Hope to see more of the chaos warriors.
  2. Great job. Think your idea with the snow would help the overall look too.
  3. Chimera looks great and the splintered fang but maybe slightly too dark a pic
  4. Watch AOS coach on youtube who just did a show on FEC which might be useful.
  5. Ok thanks for the reply. But you could fill in the weaknesses inherent in the book?
  6. Army painter do two brown primers leather brown which is probably too light and fur brown which may be closer to what you want. It may save you having to do the black primer stage at least. Maybe Zenithal style and then use multiple washes building up the colour.
  7. Nice work on the bases and models. Look fwd to seeing them painted.
  8. Do KO work better in a cities of sigmar army than they do on their own?
  9. Though id maybe not use black but a very dark grey or dark brown so you still have the option of black for shading
  10. Could you make the highlights brighter to make up for the lack of the darker colours.
  11. Fantastic work. Especially Kharadron Overlords
  12. Id say ushanti as i think that would be easier closer colour wise to tyrant. Screaming skull is much brighter.
  13. Great series your doing on youtube with AOS coach. Only criticism is i wish it was more often that there is more new content lol. Keep up the good work!
  14. My aim is to start clearing my painting back log for Aos. 40k always gets in the way. ive spent a bit of time getting a lot of models on the right bases and a few more to go. But essentially what I want to get finished are these and some storm cast I've got else where. I've been working on getting some flyers layers further along. Still very much work in progress.
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