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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. Hi all, I´ve got a lot of these models lying around: https://www.games-workshop.com/de-DE/Goblin-Warriors-2018 Do you think they would be a good count-as for Nurgle Marauders? Just slap some shields on them (maybe the ones from Ungors) and you´re good to go? Unfortunately they are rather small compared to the original Marauders but they are on the same 25 mm base...
  2. This post seems to consist of some good advice, though it is almost impossible to follow because of those abbreviations. Do you really think every person knows every single abbreviation?
  3. I can hardly decide between Blood Sisters (the half-snakes of Daughters of Khaine) and Gloomspite Troggoths. I like both model ranges and both are rather elitish with some interesting support units. What would you choose and why?
  4. Thanks for all the replies concerning Blood Sisters! If I´d like to include one of the "horde" units of Daughters of Khaine, what should it be? Witch Elves or Sisters of Slaughter? And one more question: I can hardly decide between Blood Sisters and Gloomspite Troggoths. I like both model ranges and both are rather elitish with some interesting support units. What would you choose and why?
  5. I go to tournaments with lists / armies I like due to a certain aspect. This might be theme or nicely painted models or background stories or... Once there, I like to give my best and try to finish as high as possible. If I was a tounament player who plays to win tournaments, I would go that exact same route as posted somewhere above: I´d buy a meta dominating army and pay for it to be painted. Simply because there is no other reason to get that army but winning games. There is nothing that would interest me besides the models are needed to play the game. I did this playing Warmachine/Hordes. HTG
  6. He is faster, better protected and after summoning his dudes he has earned back his points. What´s not to love?
  7. Hi all, short question: What about the half-snakes of Daughters of Khaine? I like the models and the fact that you can build an army with these as battleline is really interesting, though I´ve never seen anyone playing them nor did I see a tournament list in which the snake–ladies appear. Therefore: 1) Are they any good? 2) What about an army consting of these snake-ladies? Is it well suited to be played in casual games and local store tournaments? Thanks in advance HTG
  8. Hi all, I´m pretty excited about that release, though I wonder about the missing high rend attacks. Can´t see how this army is able to reliably slay the foe (think about Bonereapers with reroll saves for example). Well one question: Chariots for example are battleline in a SLAVES TO DARKNESS army. On the other hand you can build an army that is all NURGLE and SLAVES TO DARKNESS. That army could be run with NURGLE Allegiance. Would Chariots be battleline in auch an army, because the army is a NURGLE, SLAVES TO DARKNESS army? Same aplies to Tzeentch, Khorne and Slaanesh. If that´s possible I think you could get a pretty good NURGLE army.
  9. Hi all, what´s the deal with Ungor Raiders? I see them in many lists and there is some talking about making them better in Gavespawn lists, but reading through my Battletome I can´t hardly find a reason to use them. What do I overlook?
  10. Hi, does anyone regularly play the Iron Golems? If yes, what is your standard crew setup? In my experience, Iron Golems seem to be lackluster. Though I have some nice conversions in mind...
  11. Make the owner of my local game store happy again! Hi all, I absulutely love the Harverster sculpt, though I´m not able to build an army around two of them that I really like. The needs are: 2 Harvesters 1000 points to 1250 points well balanced force Can you help me to find a good list? The owner of my LGS would be very happy!
  12. I´m not sure about the Nurglings. I played them several times and more often than not there was no cover providing terrain to deepstrike in.
  13. Can´t help you with the snakes. Oh, wait, there is a game called Bushido: https://gctstudios.com/catalog/izu-serpents Now a question to you: I own some pretty old original GW pewter snakes and want to use them for a yet to build Splintered Fang crew. What is the base size for the snakes? Thanks in advance HTG
  14. Thanks for your answer. Today I went to the store and grabbed a Battletome: Cities of Sigmar due to the fact that I really like the idea of a steam-tank-centric army. To be honest I bought the book the moment I saw the flying Kharadron dudes which can also be included if I go for Tempest´s Eye. Another unit of fantastic looking models.
  15. Hi all, just wondering: what about steam tanks? I like the model and rumors had it that you can run them as battleline if you also field some kind of character steam tank. That is some awesome news to me. Though I´m not sure wether this might be a good idea or not. Do you think it´s a good idea to go and get 1-2 steam tanks as centerpieces for a CoS army? Or would it be kind of trash even in casual games?
  16. Thank you for your input. I guess that some Slaaneshi-Bullgor list is going to be created very soon.
  17. How does that Goats style looks like? I´m contemplating the use of Bullgors in a Slaanesh army simply because Bullgors as well as Keepers are awesome models. And the rather underwhelming Bullgors + the rather overpowered Slaanesh rules might form an army that is ok for friendly games.
  18. Hi all, over the past 1 to 2 years I became more of a 40k player, though I never really lost interest in AoS. Actually I´m starting to get some Khorne Daemons for 40k and because there will start a small AoS league in my LGS I thought that I could try and get some AoS games in. The league will be 1000 points to 1250 points due to giving newbies an easier start. The models I own right now are 20 Bloddletters 10 Flesh Hounds Daemon Prince Karanak What models do you recommend to get a good starter army? Modelwise I like Skullreapers, Blood Reavers and Khorgoraths. Or should I go the "as much Bloodthirsters as possible accompanied by Flesh Hounds" route? Any advice here? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi, in my area AoS is most often played with 1000 points. To have a good start, might the following list be any good? Allegiance: Ironjawz Leaders Orruk Warchanter (110) Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460) - General - Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa Battleline 3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160) - Pig-iron Choppas 15 x Orruk Ardboys (270) Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 66 It´s rather easy to build out of the start collecting with some additional purchases and I think it looks good on the table. So, what´s your opinion on that list? Is there a better start? Maybe just 2 start collecting boxes? Though I´d miss the centerpiece of the army then... Well, because I´ve got some 10 Boingrot Bounders lying around, the following might also be a good start: Allegiance: Ironjawz Leaders Orruk Megaboss (150) - General Orruk Warchanter (110) Battleline 6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320) - Pig-iron Choppas 10 x Orruk Ardboys (180) Units 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) Total: 960 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 83 Thanks in advance
  20. Thanks for the answer! It seems to me that my love for Banshees pushes me towards LoG... Were can I get some informations / overview on what units are available to LoG, especially battleline?
  21. Can this also be done in a pure NH list? I´m still not sure wether to start NH or LoG. What are the pros /cons to both of them? Why / when should I run LoG instead of NH?
  22. Hi guys, thought about a Tempest´s Eye army based on some steamtanks as well as Endrinriggers. Which characters support these two units? I know that a Khemist is a good support for Kharadron units, but he is almost as expensive than 3 additional Endrinriggers... What other units should I take into consideration to round out the force?
  23. I´ve run that list (though a Herder instead of the Netgitz) and it was pretty fun.
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