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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. I was looking through the FAQ on base sizes for another model and randomly looked at the Destruction part. This probably wouldn't hold up in court, but..
  2. Yeah this is the kind of stuff I like! I realize it might not be for everyone, but I dont personally enjoy the playstyle of just having a brawl in the middle of the table. I find controlling the game/movement of my opponent to be a lot more interesting and fun, even if it might create a headache for my opponent. 😅 Could you either link me to a similar list or do a quick and dirty mock-up for an idea of how such a list would look like?
  3. Thanks for the write-up of compential lists! Have there been any control-like lists doing well lately? Im personally not a fan of the mass Flamers playstyle, but I rather like the idea of running Kairos + Be'lakor in an attempt to control the game. Maybe with Sorc on Manticore with Blue Scribes and in the summoning cult to summon on chickens.
  4. As @umpac explained, you cant use any ability associated with the Skink Priest. The reason the model has been FAQ'd was because of artefacts/traits/mount specific buffs. Previously the Engine itself was considered the "rider" (like an Oldblood on Carnosaur) and the Skinks ontop were considered the "mount" due to how the warscroll was written. The FAQ specificed that the Engine is now considered a mount because the rider is the Skink Priest. This means it will benefit from stuff like Prime Warbeast in Thunderlizard etc. This unfortunatenly means the Sacred Stegadon Helm wont buff the damage of the Engine/Stegadon.
  5. Actually the problem here is that the batallion specifcally says "Megabosses". People claim the requirement is the guy on foot, but he isn't called "Megaboss" on the warscroll but instead "Orruk Megaboss". Tbh either you can run the Mawkrusha as a "Megaboss" or the batallion simply cant be played because there is no entry called "Megaboss".
  6. Im just thinking since the current meta is very much shooting/magic that many of the top armies will simply remove Syll'Esske turn 1, then you wont really benefit from the host. KO, Tzeentch and Seraphon should be able to take out Syll'Esske fairly easily even turn 1. The host was much better when much of the gameplay revolved around close combat armies.
  7. Wonder if this will really have an impact on Slaanesh. The meta ATM is very much shooting/magic and Syll'Esske isnt exactly that tanky.
  8. Do we know of any incoming armies beyond the Gargants? I just received a fat giftcard from work but honestly none of the new releases are really appealing to me. I hope to god the Vampire stuff is something real because that does sound appealing to me.
  9. Man I can relate to this. It might be due to lack of experience against the eel list, but it is honestly such ass to play against. In general Im a big fan of people playing whatever they want, but mass eels just feels so stupid. Every single game is the exact same and it is incredible annoying to play against every single time. Playing against it when you feel tired is just so much worse. Sad to hear about your result overall but hope you at least had some fun against the chariot madness.
  10. Its the internet - People are generally very negative or at least have a very firm idea of what they believe in. I feel like its very hard to make people change their mind even if you come up with compelling arguements. It also depends on where you look - There are very dedicated faction facebook groups where as the general AoS facebook group is kinda ******. Twitter from my experience is a lot more positive. From my experience a lot of people would rather whine that X is OP and needs to be nerfed instead of sitting back and thinking that maybe they didnt play that game the most optimal way, or maybe they can optimize their army, or they could have played better etc. It seems to me that many people arent interested in becoming better, and instead they believe they should be able to play however they want and if they lose, the game is obviously ****** because they play flawlessly every time. As @zilberfrid mentioned, the rules also cause a bit of a buzz from my experience. The rules are often times not at all clear and sometimes you need to read every little word multiple times and people understand things differently, especially people that arent from the UK/US and might not be flawless at english grammar. Some people insist on twisting and turning every little sentence to their advantage too. Creates awful situations at times when nobody really knows the "correct" answer but have an idea that interpretation is correct. You also have the obvious keyboard warriors that dont really know what they are talking about. They might not even play the game regularly but they read something, somewhere about X faction, hence that must be the truth and they will preach the same thing.
  11. Dont know the exact wording on the Pitch Black rule, but flying has zero effect on anything in regards to line of sight unless a rule specifically says so. Flying only ignores terrain when doing a move. Overgrown terrain specifically mention that if either unit is a flying unit then you have line of sight. but to my knowledge this is the one of the only cases where fly ignores LOS.
  12. Priority roll stays - It is an overall fun and great mechanic. Im of the opinion that most who hate this rule are people that deploy and max move all units across the board with little to no thought and dont look at the bigger picture of a game. Just house rule it out if your club hates this. First turn isnt decided based on drops, but on a normal turn roll with whoever has the lowest amount of drops win ties. It means alpha armies cant just deploy knowing they will take first turn and armies that want to double turn you risks having to go first. Gives an overall more balanced apparoach imo. While drops is great, it seems too random who gets to have a 1 drop army, 5 drop army or 10+ drop army. There is no "choice" for many armies. Fix terrain/flying. It is an obnoxious rule that fly units can land wherever they want to and sometimes it creates confusion/disagreements when units are near wonky terrain and you cant measure properly because the model simply cant fit/sit on the desired spot. This game is a game of inches at times, being able to pile in 4" due to wonky measurements can make or break a fight in certain situations. Im perfectly okay that fly units can pass across models/terrain without issue. Maybe introduce a "flight mode" for flying units - Either they soar high above the battlefield and cant capture objectives/fight or they land on the ground and is treated in the same manner as normal units. Dunno, just fix the current wonky rule. Points are entirely digital. Look-out sir rule isnt good enough for 5 wound heroes when a lot of stuff can get down to really low to-hit numbers. Summoning is OK as it is. Slaanesh 2019 was beyond broken, but summoning armies arent winning every single tournament/TTS as it is, so clearly summoning isnt as OP as some make it out to be. Remove the majority of battleshock-immune mechanics. For OBR you could argue that their army begins to "crumble" when too many in a unit bites the dust. Either better balancing of subfactions or give them points (which is then balanced out by reducing the points for your models so the overall army stays the same) - Batallions already cost different points and offer a wide variety of bonuses for some armies.
  13. I dont see how "each" is a restriction here at all. I can understand if the ability said "once per hero phase". The each part just seems to suggest it is included in the following hero phases, not just limited to the turn you casted it. Balewind is from a time when rules werent well communicated.
  14. If you explain two mechanics it is kinda up to your opponent to piece them together, especially in a tournament. If you explain that when you put model X here, you will effectively shut off all his shooting for a phase, you are starting to talk tactics and what you plan to do. I would probably do it against a less experienced guy during friendly games, but not in a tournament.
  15. Balance in what sense? That all battletomes have a 50% win ratio? I dont think this is important at all. To me it is much more important there arent armies out there that cause super polarized games. If you 100% win every other game and lose the others, you have a 50% win ratio which means your army is "balanced" according to stats but actual game experience is terrible.
  16. The Wizard casted Balewind Vortex in turn 1. When turn 2 comes around the Wizard is now on the Balewind and is sitting at 1 cast + 1 extra from Balewind. He now decides to use his extra cast to autodispell the Balewind at the start of the hero phase as per the rules for the Balewind warscroll. With his remaining cast he recasts Balewind. Here comes the question - When he casts the Balewind with his remaining cast, Will he gain another cast, so now he's sitting on a single cast? Will he be sitting on the Balewin with 0 casts remaining? Technically he already benifited from the extra cast on the Balewind in the start of the hero phase but this is a new spell/model, so Im unsure if he will be able to benefit from the extra cast yet again, or if he is now sitting at 0 casts. The Balewind "Arcane Invigoration" ability seems a bit vague. "A Wizard on a Balewind Vortex can attempt to cast an additional spell in each of their hero phases (including the turn in which the Summon Balewind Vortex was cast), and you can add 6" to the range of any spells that the Wizard casts." The intention of this move is to basically shuffle an otherwise stationary Wizard forward to gain extra range, since when you dispell you get to setup the Wizard within 1" (1" further forward) and then get to setup the Balewind within 1" of the Wizard (another 1" further forward, plus the Bale is about 4" wide, so you effectively gain an extra 6" reach).
  17. Some people will try everything to win - From my experience it is typically middle of the pack players that semi rely on surprise rules to win their games. If Im not in a tournament I want to try and have as fair a game as possible. It holds no value to me if I win just because my opponent was clueless as to what my army can do. I also want the best possible practice against your army for when Im actually playing against a good player. Giving away your strategy is completely different than telling your opponent that you have access to teleport/deepstrike abilities. I think your rundown of your army list is a pretty good rule of thumb of how things should be done prior to a game, unless your opponent knows your army inside out - It takes maximum 5 minutes to run through both of your lists and the most impactful subfaction abilities/alligiance traits, but it removes so many bad experiences. We usually always play somewhat competitive lists and enjoy tuning our armies to an 11, but even then we still help each other out to have as fair a game as possible. It sucks winning because your opponent was clueless or did obvious major mistakes.
  18. Ah I didnt realize you wanted the +1 on two spells on the Starseer. Is the only purpose for the Cogs to give him an extra spell or do you ever activate for extra mobility? 80 pts seems like a lot. Im personally a big fan of the Balewind. I guess you dont want your casters stationary in the back?
  19. @SolomonHelsing The spell on Kroak must be a mistake?
  20. They already have done this with the introduction of “wholly within” buffs/auras/command abilities though. Whenever a new book comes out, largely all the rules are updated to a longer range by wholly within instead of just within.
  21. Unfortunatenly they made it illegal for matched play already. 😒 Saying if your opponent agrees or it being house ruled OK is basically the same as saying "not playable, unless allowed".
  22. AoS is funny in that regard - I mean I dont enjoy Fyreslayers using "their trick" to fight twice or when Plague Monks use "their trick" to fight twice after death etc. 😅 Where do you draw the line for "what isnt fair".
  23. @Scurvydog From my experience the only thing giving me a chance is doing the hero phase charge + retreat trick to ensure they dont get to fight first.
  24. Da Boss Fist isnt matched play legal anymore - See the GHB20 FAQ which answers this question. Basically if it is released prior to the GHB but not in the matched play points section, you cant play it.
  25. Honestly Age of Sigmar is a rather bad quality game and it certainly is not due to the game systems that I spend hours upon hours on this hobby. It is due to collecting figs, painting and the whole social aspect of getting together, playing games and rolling dice. Sure I like to get competitive, but there are tons of way better games with significantly better systems if all I wanted was to “compete” or “game” the systems. If you want me to stand and stare at my iPhone and click/swipe repeatly within an app, it completely goes against the reasons why I play. I want to be social, not interact digitally. I also think it would be super difficult to have an app recognize all potential buffs a certain unit might have. How is the app gonna detect if your support hero is wholly within every model or not etc etc.
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