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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. But now jokes apart. We may assume a big release for StD as all signs are for it. It just takes more time. It seems that GW is about to tie the narrative to the release which is awesome and something not every faction gets Also all bigger GW Releases were awesome one or another way. This will be too!
  2. As someone who is really realistic on StD I have to say: You spelled Tzeentch in a weird way :'D
  3. I love this! Please let us make a "Things on top of a stonehorn"-Thread as I have one with a Mortis Engine on a Back :D!
  4. Well, with your constellation I would almost concider Slaughterborn. The Battalion is independent from Heroes for the Buff, you have a load of Units that would profil from it and is seems quite matching your defensive playstlye. Althrough I totaly get your point of the value behind not spending the 180 pts on it. I currently also concider more and more defensive playstyle as this in general seems better for the game. There are just armies that are better at doing Khorne Stuff then Khorne.
  5. A nice upside of this mixed and mashed Battletome is also the fact that using out-of-range-models as proxies should be a quite small issue. I have 24+ Glade Guard Riders and I am happy that there will be some "count as" profiles I can use them for viably! Using Wanderer Glade Guards as Archers for Imperium is not really nice and Satisfying, but it is at least possible! I am afraid that Miners from the old Gobbos vs Dwarfs Starterset will be quite sure gone as there is no way of buying them atm. Also I am not sure if Warriors and Quarrelers/Thunderers will make the cut. They really stand out from the current AoS Design. Also I do not know if anyone is playing them as the other Dwarfs seem superior to me.
  6. Haha something inside of me is dying when I see those Warscrolls. Like, yeah, exactly how I expect GW to treat an Slaves to Darkness Subfaction. Because, you know, thoose Darkoath perfectly fit into the setting of beeing weaker than the superior Chaos Warriors. To the guesses of what may stay and what may be gone soon: I think that models that had a price hike in the last time should be quite fine
  7. The Base is not finished yet, still the progress is worth sharing I hope you like it
  8. The current previews seem to follow the same pattern as the last one: -We have actual tomes spoiled. This time Warclans and Cities of Sigmar. Last time Fyreslayers. -We have an hint on a two faction box. Last time Sylvaneth. This time it seems we get Gutbusters, at least the focus on one new hero and plastic models seem like a hint. Therefore we can maybe assume that the Gutbusters may come last, the same as Sylvaneth did with Gloomspite. Interesting here is that while GW gave us last time a clear hint on both Factions to be teased, this time one is clearly in Focus. The other remains a suprise. We only know the narrative of the Bonepact that is broken. It could be possibly a Box paired with one of the new two Battletomes armies. Again, the Wanderer vs Gutbuster Box Rumour seems pretty interesting here
  9. I love the new way the CoS Battletome goes with Soup lists. It is like pure flavor! Also a pretty nice way for gw to lure people into hoping into new armies. You have Free People? Add some Wanderers and Sylvaneth! You have now some Sylvaneth Units? Flesh em out to make them an Sylvaneth army! What? A new Wanderer Book is on the way? Go for it, you already have the first 1000 pts! From Lore perspective I also like the Orruk Warclans. Ironjaws were from what I understood only one single Orruk Clan. Now there are plently of them
  10. Well, we do not know when StD will drop, but at least the signs are good that StD will get some love. A lot of hopes. mine too, were based on the Release of Gloomspite half year after Soul Wars, so I hoped that may be used to estimate a date. This was wrong. Than I hoped that Warcry will be a soft narrative turn into StD Book. Well, it somehow still is as it points the story back to the Allpeaks and Archaon gathering an army again, althrough we have to wait more. But the signs are good that we will have at least a release with new models, something that now many factions get these times, which is nice. And with the current rules, any book will be a massive improvement. Back to topic: I wonder if GW will go for shared units between factions. Wanderers could be an initial attempt to do so. We have Aelfish Wanderers-like Teasers for UW Season 3, whilst we have Wanderer Units confirmed in Cities of Sigmar. From business point of view, it could be a nice way to lure players to play more armies, just because they can reuse a lot of units they already own (main reason I will start Cities of Sigmar f.e.). Also, why is noone hyped about the centaur? I mean, CENTAURS! That seems pretty new and rad
  11. Similar Gargants are used in the Soul Wars book and are described as guardians of the Anvil of the Apostheosis. They are used as an story element to show how highly guarded something is. In the case of the Anvil, it is pretty much described as "Come closer without permit an thoose will kill you". Here it shows how big the threat is as this entity is able to fight multiple of them. I am quite curious on all this Teclis/Malerion Story. Like, really, GW is actually giving us a propper story arc to introduce new releases! It is no longer a "hej, look, here we have faction XY from out of nowwhere with some fluff that describes why they were not there a day ago!". Instead we slowly build up to something new as we see that Teclis has taken offense on Sigmars action. By the way, is this story about the thing that was freed by Olynder? Or something else?
  12. First of all welcome! I am sorry to say this, but in short term you will have the most fun with the painting of StD Units and less playing them. In long term it is a great army, that currently just lacks the punch to compete a lot. This will change somewhere in the future when we receive an battletome. Now they feel weak to every single opponent faction as the rules are dated. There will be a big update in foreseeable future, yet we do not know when. You are already well informed and know the advantages and disadvantages of both. Khorne has some great Traits, Artifacts, Prayers and general Abilities through Bloodtithe. StD allows you to use Knights and other nice units as Battleline. By the way, your Warshrine can invoce the Khorne prayers too if I am not wrong. In general, Khorne offers you more for pledging your Alligience to him. I went the same way, but in the long term replaced all StD Units while waiting for the new tome and play pure Blades now. Slaves are a great army when you want to have a cool fluffy alliegience. Their theme of mighty beatstick warlords trying to slay enemy heroes and monsters for ascension totaly ruins any serious tactics but is hell lot of fun to play
  13. While I think we all can agree of the StD Taste of the Day, Salty, as StD seem to be the best, I think that we shouldn´t loose all hope. While we have to wait even longer, I think that we will get a good load of stuff. I tought GW will use Warcry as Story-Bumber to make a jump into Chaos afterwards, but it doesn´t seem so. Instead they actively work on the Narrative. Heck, we had Malign Sorceries as a great global campaign that set the beginning that went into the Necroquake. Since them we have an ongoing narrative. Alliances break or are redone as we see in the Souped Battletomes. We had just with Forbidden Power another Narrative Step that gave us a new antagonist who was freed by the Legion of Grief. Also we know that the lore gets more and more mixed, with the great Alliances getting weaker. Sylvaneth, IDK and DoK are already quite unhappy with Sigmar. Meanwhile Chaos is in the back, gathering Power which is shown by Warcry itself. Therefore Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath will come, and we can expect a release with new models, more than just souped up StD/Everchosen. It just is not time for us yet.
  14. Well, I slowly turn from "Build an army asap to play them" more into "modelling and painting an unique army". At first glance, I scrolled this tome away as "boring news", but rereading it made clear that this is the tome I wanted without knowning it! I have a lot of old wood aelves lying around that I got from a friend. Not enough to be worth making them into a Wanderers army, yet too many to be woth beeing sold. I also just got 2x the dwarf half of the "Assault on the Skull Pass" Starter which I will share with a friend which were supposed to be my next fun painting project. I also already play Hammers of Sigmar. So there is a lot of interesting stoff going on here for me. Units that I was sorry I wouldn´t be able to field now became something I look forward to paint and build. Models that were iconic once but worthless on the field, are going to be nice again.
  15. Let´s recap: All in all we had a great lot of new teases and some stuff that allows us some assumptions. Some people may not enjoy the taste of those previews, but all in all that quite stuff incoming: Cities of Sigmar und Orruk Warhordes Battletomes Warhammer Legends for some Aelves, Dispossesed Ogors with a new Tyrant WHU Season 3 Name and some model designs including Centaurs The Tithe Teaser Okay, so far the facts. In general GW seems to use the Soup Armies in a new manner with the Cities. This one is quite fun as it is really into the soup theme. Also it is kind of a "new old" thing. We basically get a new faction without new models. We can assume that the included Factions won´t see a tome on their own in the near future. Still there is the question, what the Cities will consist of and what units will be removed. Therefore it will be a hot topic here in tga in the next weeks as there is a lot of potential for a heated debatte as there are a lot of yet unknown design decisions. Orks are fine I guess, the merge will improve the issue of too small model variety by allowing the souped style. Terrain and magic may be expected. Nothing really hot here untill we have some rule previews. Ogors are quite interesting: Having only one new hero it may be a sign of them getting a Tome soon as well as be Part of one of the 2-Faction Sets. Rumours about such a box with wanderers are already around for some time. But why would gw only show the Ogor half? Maybe it is linked to the Cities of Sigmar, as they will contain wanderers? Maybe it is related to the Tithe. Maybe something completly different (Release in a SC!-Box?). Also we have a new Lore Elements mentioning the Bone Pact. WHU Seasons 3 may once again include new elements like Nightvault did with magic. Also we have some elvish and centaur like looking new models. A lot of room for speculations here, especially as centaurs are something new to AoS The Tithe. A lot of Room for Rumours and theories. It might be a second part to Forbidden Power, so we have a 2 Part Campaign like we did with Vigilius for 40k. Might end in a new faction. Might end in a new model. Who knows?
  16. To be honest, it would be a quite big and nice preview if they announce all this what you have mentioned and I think we could be quite happy with it I also could imagine Part 2 of Forbidden Power to come as it is a cliffhanger-end like vigilius now. Also the Previews that were no "earth shattering ones" often had some quite awesome stuff too
  17. Well, I was first of al sceptical to Warcry. But like 70% of my local friends have an army that can be used as warband, hell even the savage orruks I have on the attic have a purpose now! Therefore the price to start is lower in the beginig and the game is worth concidering. I look forward to the first load of batreps
  18. Well,out of boredom I created a magic lore, some new artifacts and traits for StD. Would like your opinion on thoose ideas and mechanics and what you could imagine for StD as a matching alternative: Spell-Lore of Ruinous Power Soothing Darkness The March of the wicked Legions is always backed up by an balefull darkness. This Spell requires a cast roll of 6+. Reduce the range of all ranged weaponsby 6", up to a minimum of 2" until your next hero phase The Voice of a Legion It is hard to focus on a spell with the voice of thousends of deamons in your ear. Cast this Spell on a cast roll of 6+. If this spell was sucessfull, reroll all sucessfull casting rolls for all wizzards within 18" until your next hero phase Descend into Madness It is a long way to ruin, but it only takes a few steps into madness Cast Roll of 7+. If this Spell is sucessfull, select a unit within 18". Target unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. Then you can decide to deal D3 Mortal Wounds to the Caster. If you do, the Target Unit suffers D3 wounds. Repeat this process until you decide to stop the madness, or until the caster or target unit is destroyed Infernal Protection Fear thoose whom you can´t hurt the most. Cast Roll of 6+. When this Spell is sucessfull, target a Model wholy within 12" of the caster. Until your next Hero Phase rolls a dice for each Wound and Mortal Wound suffered by target model. On a roll of 5+ the wound is negated. Sowing Despair Extinguish the flame of valor and you will find fertile ground for dread Cast Roll of 7+. If the spell is sucessfull, select a unit within 24" of the caster. Until your next Hero Phase, target Unit has to make a battleshock test in the battleshock phase. The unit cannot be affected by "Inspiring Presence" or another ability that would skip a battleshock test. In addition, reduce the bravery of target unit by 1 Sap Life Take from the weak. Give to the worthy. Cast Roll of 5+. If the Spell is sucessfull, target unit suffers a Mortal Wound. Remove one wound from a unit within 3" of the caster. Unholy Relics Grimoire of the Voiceless The pages are filled with secrets, invocations and screams of thoose silenced. Once per turn the model can choose to unbind a spell. Do not roll for the unbind. Instead, the bearer of the Grimoire suffers D3 Mortal Wounds and the Spell is automaticaly unbound. Madmans Coin Death and immortality, both just a coin flip away. At the begining of your Hero Phase roll a D6. On a 1-3 the bearer suffers Mortal Wounds equal to the roll. On a roll of 4+ the Bearer removes that many wounds Soulscreamer Plate Screams and bloodstains stick alike to this armour. Reduce the bravery of enemy models within 3" by 1. In addition, if any models were slayed by the bearer this turn, reduce the bravery of enemy units within 3" by 1 more until the end of the turn. Weaponary of Ruin Writhehammer It does worse things to the souls of its victims than to their bones. After a model failed a save roll against this weapon for the first time in a turn, roll 2D6. The target models unit suffers a mortal wound for each point the roll exceds its bravery Shadowstrain To parry this weapon means nothing. To stife its shadows means pain. Whenever the bearer rolls an unmodified hit roll of 1 with this weapon in the combat step, the attack sequence for this roll ends and the target unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound. Worldender It is sayed that this mace was used to eqtinguish stars and even to end the existence of minor realm of magic. Improve the Rend of the Weapon by 1. On an unmodified wound roll of 6 double the damage charasteristic of this weapon.
  19. Edit: I have to get used to the Blog-Function as this is my first one. I will attach the origin story from my Blog Description here so you at least can see that this Blog is about: Armybuilding. The Mournwoods are a sinister place, even for Shyish terms. It is a vast forest east from the city of Gothizzar. It is known for its blackoaks, trees which looks like molten rock, claid in black leafs. The Mournwoods seldom see light as is is veiled greyish black fog for most of the days. There are certain legends about this place and about the ruins of old castles which are scattered across the woods. Parents warn their children to never enter the wood, but actually most sane beeings avoid this place. Even Vampires tend to take a way around, and the few Kharadron Traderoutes that cover southern Shyish are painstakingly laid in a way to avoid the woods, as the mist may rise and devour a whole fleet on a bad day. There are only few natives to the Mournwoods. Wanderers of Dark Paths, clad in Black Coats, have built up a small city within the protection of the repellent aura. Also Necromancers seek in the Woods for old Relics and Shrines, in the hope of finding a Relic they can use for their own machinations. Once, on one of the many silent days in the woods, a chill wind came up from the north and brought noise with it, which was yet unknown to the Mournwoods. The Wanderers of the Dark Paths, seeking for the reason of this disturbance, found a small group of Ogors, riding on giant beasts, riding deeper and deeper into the woods. These giant brutes were only a shadow of what they were described as in legends: Thin creatures, with loose skin which indicated that their flesh was once filled with a cushion of strengths. The Ogors were starving and also were followed by a parade of souls that flied around, mocking and laughing at the brutes. It seemed that in a cruel joke, the Lord of Death send them out to irk and needle thoose intruders which came from one of the many realmgates into shyish. The Ogors tried to grasp or devour the shemes flying around them, but they grasped only thin air and earned laughter in response. The aelves didn´t bother. The Ogors will be no more within mere day, so meddling in this won´t be worth it at all. Or at least it seemed so, untill several days later the woods became colder and colder. A storm of ice rose up where the beastclaws were followed only by a chill gust days before. Also, the wood became more and more unruly. So the wanderers send out ranger to find the cause of the trouble, and what they found were as ironic as disturbing. The giant beasts of the Beastsclaw Raiders from days before were mounted by massive Ghosts. The mounts themself seemed not healthy at all, but nevertheless moved with unnatural vigor. It seemed like the beastclaws came back from the dead, and didn´t even bother. In the first row of their stampede a proud Frostlord rode on his Stonehorn. An old Shirne of the Deathmages was bound to the back of his mount, laying an cursed mantle of light on the army. In whatever way the Ogors managed to came back, this shrine had something in common with it. This terror was riding back north, following a caravan of ghosts that was heading them. Fat, glowing green Hands reached for the spirits and grabbed them like if they were manifested in flesh, only to stuff them down the throat of the Ogor they belonged to. The Spirits, once safe from the Folk from Ghur, now became a dinner to regain strengths on this march. The Plague from the Mournwoods was born and headed North, to the next village. The next Town. The next Realmgates. It headed to feast on the Souls, as there were many to harvest in this war. Well, I finaly wanted to start some project that will get a more love than the usual "built to play" army and as discussed in the cool Thread here I went for a Ghost Ogor army. It is motivated by an Armybuilding-Campaign from my local gw store and the first step is to build a SC!-Box untill next Saturday. I´ve got the back of a Mortis Engine from a friend who used the bottom half for his Black Coach and knew I had to do this project. The overall theme is a mix of Ghost Ogors, Stolen Death-Stuff and some woods-elements just because I like them. I hope you like this project. It will be a small one, covering 2 SC!-Boxes of Ogors so far Original Entry: Below you can see the first and most important unit of the army: Zboj, the Frostlord of the Ghostclaws, the Plague of the Mournwoods. I managed to build and prime him this weekend and hope to paint him up this week
  20. It´s all about expectations. If you have none, every announcement that affects you in any way, is cool. If they say "YOU WILL LOVE THIS!!!" you expect that it is something nice, and not a BT for a Faction you don´t like
  21. Haha I know that this is supposed to be a marketing video but gosh, it really makes me cringe a bit "Yeah, its very heavy...that is a nice feeling" "It is fully packed of sprues which is....nice" Like, why not send it out to all the content creators, let them make real unboxings, take the most positive ones and share as "look what our community things about is" (yeah, I know, thats not how GW PR Works). But this video just feels like someone wants to hop on the unbox trip but really do not know how to do it. In general, it is weird to see an unboxing of a box with sprues and the book~ Therefore theit jump to the fully painted éavy metal miniatures feels unneccessary more staged than it already is.
  22. Actually I can´t find the rule that defines how we get Bloodtithe anywhere in my BT
  23. Destruction Elementars: Humanoid Elemental beeings that appear to cause utter Destruction. Design beeing more similar to Aelven factions, maybe with a light touch in eastern design, with a lot o magical swirls like we know them from endless spells. Like a sane Landslide or Forestfire Dragons: A whole Alligience of Dragons. Most propably as a Destruction Army. Would be in some way an Imperial Counterpart, beeing a faction of huge monsters, but better balanced due to AoS Wound-Mechanic. Having smaller Drakes for Battleline and huge Wyverns as Behemoths.
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