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Satyrical Sophist

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Everything posted by Satyrical Sophist

  1. I... assume you mean different in different photos. I don't think if it's still a traditional ****** pic if there are multiple discrete genitals in there. That is pretty darn sad. I just feel discouraged now.
  2. Have you considered that part of the reason for that may well be that they don't feel welcome. I don't know the statistics for AoS/40k but for magic the gathering the hobby is 62% male, 38% female. That is very much not what you see in large events or tournaments.
  3. There are a couple of reasons I could see being true, with differing amounts of credit to GW. The please don't sue us reason. They already had a lot of similarities to Alien. Just another change to make it less legally actionable. It's pretty lazy, but a fair amount of GW stuff follows the "throw it all at the wall and see what sticks". The more thought out reason. Genestealers share a lot with alien, but one thing they have that is very different is the cult part. There is a very creepy Manson or Jones town vibe to GSC. The idea of people being subverted to a cause. They may have decided that it worked better as a creepy faux paternal figure than as a mother style one. Particularly with the deep veins of subverted religion, the disapproving father.
  4. I've tried typing this a few times and am trying really hard to not sound harsh. You mention that this isn't a big thing for you, but it really seems to be a signature issue for you. I doubt I'll change your mind on this, but figured it was worth a shot. Why did you include diversity in quotation marks? They seem to genuinely be making an effort to increase it, make more people feel welcome. It seems to be working. It's anecdotal, but Sylvaneth, Slaanesh and wanderers seem to be the most popular armies with the female gamers I know. I'd include stormcast on that list, but they are kind of the poster boy for AoS, so seems unfair. That said, the female sequitor in the easy build is a glorious model and one of my favourites. People like to be seen. It makes them feel invested. I think that's a thing that people miss out on when everything is tailored to them. If you are used to 100% focus then dropping down to, what, 80%? focus seems like a big deal. What really bothers you about having more female models in the game? If it makes some people happy then I really think you should reevaluate why you object. I really am not meaning to be accusative, but it's an issue I feel strongly about. on the topic of mortal realms magazine, it's weird to hear people talk about it now. I picked some up about 6 months ago. Turns out I was in the test area of the UK for it.
  5. Is there any confirmation that that's what the nerf is? I assumed it would be nerfed to stop you using it to escape combat.
  6. My assumption was that battle tomes kind of fall into 3 broad categories. 1) Whole new army/basically whole new army. Examples would be bone reapers/gloomspite. Earlier on I'd say Deepkin/daughters. Obviously require a lot of work to make a new army, but can more or less start fresh. Potential upcoming lists might be kurnothi or Ulgu/Hysh elves. 2) Shine and polish job. An army where it doesn't require much work. Mainly updating, adding spell lores, traits and the like. Doesn't get/need many new models. Examples might include Slyvaneth, FEC, Iron Jaws, Bonesplitters. I'd include the merged lists in here, stuff like cities of Sigmar, beasts of chaos, Skaven. These lists do need more work to function, and definitely have some models that could use an update, but the armies are functional without. You can make a definite argument that Skaven belong in the next category though. Future examples of this type for me would include Tzeentch, which doesn't need much to get it up to date and potentially Seraphon if they decide they are accepting some of the old sculpts. 3) this is gonna take some work. The armies where there is a fundamental problem. I'd include KO in that. KO have some stuff that other factions don't, and are also shooting based. I think they erred on the side of having them too weak rather than too strong because of it. They need to decide how the army is going to play, and I can definitely see how KO could be just awful to play Vs if they were on the powerful side. Combining mobility and shooting is a risk. I can also see that they don't want to buff them only to need to nerf them again. Other examples that I think needed more work than you'd expect would include S2D. I'm excited to see what they have done with them. The problem S2D have under the current system is that regardless of points changes or warscroll tweaks you are basically always going to be better off running your S2D army as a god army. Right now Slaanesh gives the clearest indicator of this. You get the (really really really good) exploding/double exploding hits on 6. That's noticeably better than any boost from being S2D currently. So any buffs they hand to S2D are basically being handed to Slaanesh/Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeentch. Them saying that they are aiming to make the S2D units best in their own alliegence makes me hopeful that they have come up with something. I'd probably also include Seraphon in this category, mainly because it seems like the non slann based lists need a heavy rework, along with potentially a fair number of redone models. That said if they get basically the equivalent of what S2D got then I could see the model situation improving enough. I think with one new hero model (I think a slann/skink on throne model), new Saurus (potentially a dual kit) and a herding beast kit (salamander or razordon) would get you an appreciable chunk of the way to updated. A side note would be that seraphon lore needs some developments or at least choices being made. If they were making the Saurus kit dual build then I would love to have the other option be feral Saurus, and play up the difference between the Azyr Daemon memory seraphon and the younger natural born seraphon.
  7. That list above has him for the comet as well. The unbind in that list looks amazing in the mirror. You get to stop a soul scream bridge cold.
  8. I was very tempted by bone reapers, but honestly the new StD caused me to decide not to. I love chaos and have odds and ends of all the gods, as well as a full Tzeentch army. It would be awesome if a more mortal based Tzeentch became viable.
  9. Ogors are hungry or eating. Hungry ogors are not within 3 of an enemy and get +2 move. Eating ogors are within 3 and get a bravery boost.
  10. It's on the app warscroll. Under dread catapult. Each Dread catapult can only make one Cauldron of Torment and one Cursed Stele attack per battle.
  11. Unless they were the Crematorium Bone Daddies, then it's the Splody Bone Daddies.
  12. The ogors having "hungry" or "eating" also could just be flavour, but might have implications elsewhere. Heroes that buff hungry ogors, or other mechanics like that. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a spell from the butcher to refill the mawpot. Or even traits that work together. For example an ogor subfaction might be able to refill charges if the mawpot is empty.
  13. I'm assuming evening time, or Sunday morning for me in the UK. I'm really curious as to what rules are changing. I'm feeling too tempted by getting to run KO in tempest eye without doing a full army. (I love the models but don't want to jump in without seeing their new book. Seems like arkanaut skypike spam is the way to go, and could see warscroll getting errataed)
  14. Your PC game example is not a valid one. The game is multiplayer. People usually move on to the next game when it comes out. Some people might stick around but the default is that people move on. You might have trouble getting opponents to play gears of war 2 these days. That said, yeah, sure you can still do it. If you want to play shadespire, you can play shadespire. If you want to play night vault you can do that. Whether or not people want to do that is another matter. If your opponents are all wanting to play beast grave then I'm assuming THEY will have the beast grave set, so you don't need it. Frankly it sounds a little unfortunate that you bought nightvault just before beastgrave came out, the hobby shop guy should probably have mentioned something, since GW have been pretty regular when it comes to WHU releases (new set end of September, beginning of October, 6 expansions thought-out year). That said, this really isn't the problem you make it out to be. The other ways they could have done it seem so much worse for people. I'm going to list a couple of them. They could allow all cards ever printed. Sounds good right? Well if they keep doing it the way they are right now then that would mean having to buy a huge amount of Underworlds expansions. Oh, you like the new beast men? Well Grimnir's axes have a nice objective, and Ironskull's boys have some useful ploys. Don't forget to pick up Mollog's mob as well. I'm sure you'd be complaining about being that as well. Ok, slight modification, they regularly print an expansions complete card set. This fixes some of the cost issues (though I'm guessing you'd rather have a free solution), but doesn't fix a major problem. By constantly adding cards you are making the decks more and more powerful. That's fine up to a certain point, but has major limitations for them designing new cards. You mentioned CCGs, and this problem is super pronounced there. Games often have cut off points and decks get more powerful the more choices you have. To take magic as an example, a deck made from recent cards (the last two years) will have basically no chance Vs a deck made from every option in the last 15 years. Ok, how about they reprint all the cards, but ban some? Some cards are already banned, or restricted. That's a possibility. The thing is though, that list is going to get longer and longer, and people don't like their stuff being banned. Particularly if they had to hunt down a box set to get it. A natural rotation basically let's them not reprint the mistakes. The relic build basically killed WHU in my local shop. They could have gone for a much harsher option, and cut the shadespire sets completely. They went for an option where you get to keep playing all the war bands.
  15. I'm happy about rotations. It means that old mistakes can be removed. Sure, if some warband only card is too powerful then it sticks around, but will only matter for one warband. You don't have to deal with some particular card being a requirement for competitive play forever.
  16. The realm of light angelic aelves are clearly misdirection. Clearly the realm of light is full of moth aelves, drawn to the light. More information might be available closer to beast grave release, with sigmar warscrolls. If they wanted to make wanderers and kurnathi into a faction while keeping kurnathi out of cities of Sigmar it's pretty simple. They'd just need to give wanderers both the wanderers keyword and the kurnathi keyword, while the new kurnathi don't have the wanderers keyword. That'd work fine under alliegiance rules, cities allow wanderer units, satyr aelves would not have that keyword.
  17. Quote is from Josh Reynolds. In some ways they are more like mostly friendly necrons. They also provide a good entry point for people to join the hobby. Fantasy really suffered from that before. If you wanted to be the default "Good Guys" then you needed to get real used to painting a lot of puffy pants and human skintones, or really like lizards, or the french etc.
  18. Each abhorrent can use his summoning ability once. Majestic Horror means that when the character with it uses his command ability it doesn't cost a command point. It used to do something quite different last edition. The Charnel throne means that any foot Abhorrent (AAR or Ghoul King on Foot) uses their command ability it doesn't cost a command point. Any units you summon have to be within 6 of the board edge and more than 9 from enemy models. So your GKoTG could summon in either 3 flayers or 3 horrors. If he has majestic Horror it doesn't cost a command point, otherwise it costs a command point. The AAR can summon in any of the courtiers, 3 horrors/flayers or 20 ghouls. If he is on the throne it doesn't cost a command point, if he has majestic horror it doesn't cost a command point. If neither of those things is true then it costs a command point. That is all they can summon that game.
  19. Anyone had any luck with a horror based list? Wondered if the new points drop had changed things up. It seems like lists go into a few lanes. Gristlegore monsters, Blisterskin Flayers, then more mixed lists that seem to be a mix of Gristlegore, Blisterskin and feast day. Don't see as much of the other two courts in lists.
  20. Not a Nurgle player, but can answer some. No, beasts cannot take Nurgle allies, slaves to darkness are the only allies they can take. Beasts in general are super fast, which is something Nurgle lacks. Bestigor are good in Nurgle. The spell blades of putrefaction triggers on a 5 and 6 for them Vs large units. Centigors are even better to buff, since they have a native +1 to hit alongside having 4 attacks each. The main benefit Bullgor get is the healing from Nurgle, that said I think they work better in Khorne or Slaanesh (they really want more attacks, or better hit rate). The battalion itself is super flexible. The effect isn't the best, but can be useful. Units from the battalion that get wiped out do mortals to enemies near them on a 2+. So it's a handy buff for little cheap minimum units. Also, being a super flexible and potentially big battalion allows you to have a lot of small units without increasing your drop rate.
  21. 530, 540, 630, 740. Those are the amounts of summoning I can find in winning FEC lists ( it usually seems like a regent, a king on terror geist and one on zombie dragon, sometimes another foot king or regent). That's also assuming you always go for the highest points worth of summonable units, so ghouls for regents, Varghulfs for dragons and flayers for terror geist. The only list that can get anywhere near 1000 points of summoning would be very very arch regent heavy and be at the risk of getting murdered in the first turn.
  22. So this is apropos of nothing, but was wondering about something. If Gors had a 1.5 inch reach (or I guess 1.25 inch would work) that let them fight in two ranks, would any other changes be needed? It seems like a lot of units on 32s are struggling these days.
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