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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Sounds great Well I can send you a picture when I get to my goal. but this might need some Time πŸ˜…
  2. Of course, a skaven army just feels naked if it doesn’t have a core of at least 800-1300clanrats. (but sadly that’ll have to wait until I’ve finished painting most of my skaven stuff, so maybe a possible goal in 2years)
  3. Well that of course is the perspective of every not skaven player on the world. truth be told the great horned rat is the only true chaos deity in aos. anything else you might have heard of, are lies. Yes-yes lies, all things lie to you-you, truth can only be found by joining the pantheon of our great god the horned rat.
  4. Well, without the horned rat, who wouldn’t be incomplete?πŸ˜‚ edit: also wasn’t the chaos god Malal a 40k thing? thought he was some sort of a god written by fans for the 40k universe. didnt know that he also existed in the fantasy now known as the age of the horned rat (definitely not Sigmar). but hey love the idea of an existing stormcast army worshipping such a god who seeks to destroy all chaos deity’s.
  5. My name may be mentioned a lot in the book of grudges, but we all have to stay together and hope that our beloved beard-things get a book. my skaven army needs afterall a real foe to fight. all those stormcast can not compete with the might and stubbornness the beard-things bring to the fight.
  6. And don’t forget the skaven race. against who should the nightgobbos fight for the bear-things burrows if not against our beloved raties ?
  7. It’s funny i still won, thanks to the many meatshields I owned on the table, but my 500p if 40stormvermin, didn’t do anything. i overbuffed them with spitetail so they’d be able to dish out 4attacks per model. sadly he had his buffs out, in such a way, that i was only hitting on fours and had to reroll all hit roles of 6. in the end I only killed 3and a half blight kings from his twenty man unit. if it weren’t for my buffed stormfiends with shock gauntlets, his death star would have probably done a lot more damage.
  8. They are one of my favorite army’s in the game. Although nothing can beat the faction known as the undervermin (skaven).
  9. Well my main goal for 2019 will be to finish of, painting my 2000p boc army (and maybe some skaven models). as a secondary objective, I’ll be aiming to add another 13’000 to my skaven collection. although that might need more than just a year. for a third and possible objective (rather than the second one) I’ll be aiming to rebase my skaven army.
  10. Yeah tomb kings were a perfect faction. They are unique on their own, and would have been a perfect fit for a death rattle only army. sadly Gw didn’t see the opportunity. same with brettonnia, the only faction which can really field a force of knights riding horses in more then just 1variant. also they look so much better than the existing low live known as poster-things riding dragons.
  11. It’s a better way of ruling them. Unknown to the human rights man-things should have and not able to read or write (some to maybe many), it’ll be much easier to rule over them. They will always think your choice has a meaning. also their probaly somewhat of slaves to the stormcast. luckily johann will soon learn the truth, thanks to the only true chaos god, β€œthe horned Rat”
  12. Well looks like I’ll be using the warpgrinder team, to give my unit of 40Stormvermins a head start. Thanks to the cogs I’ll be able to take a 6inch charge instead of 8 hopfully this’ll be devastating. (not like the last time they charged a unit of blight kingsπŸ˜’)
  13. Nah but combining the so called greenskinz (green-things) and the Ironjaws Range would, from my perspective, be great. more minis (maybe this’ll mean that the Boyz will finally get an upgrade)* and you’d finally have some sort of, meatshields option for your very pricey heavy hitters. (also it makes fluffwise, if you look at Gordrakks mega-whaaaaaag) * upgrade meaning new minis (maybe??)
  14. Nah definitely a confirmation of the skaven race. don’t you see Morslieb waxing in the sky. (a sign for a big skaven uprising, no doubt about it.)
  15. But those medieval German/Italians look so fantastically good. why change it, they still fit into aos perfectly.
  16. Only mixed skaven are true children of the horned rat, no place for traitor-things Yes-yes ah well maybe will get a game chancing battletome in 2020, year of the rat. (Maybe even with a campaign, determining the uprising of the mighty (unbeatable) skaven forces)
  17. Wait still no skaven😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
  18. never seen such fantastic bases. must be their square formπŸ˜‚. jokes put aside your armies looks amazing, will love to see more of your brutal whaaaag(Love The warlord by the way).
  19. I believe that they get the keyword from your greatfray too.
  20. Damm your free Guild army really will be a beauty on the table.
  21. All part of the great horned Rats plan. how else should Gw notice they great boom growing around the skaven faction, squieking for a uprising.
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