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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Well many armies need a revamp. So I guess it’s best to wait and hope, since it looks like that the book probably won’t be bringing any new models to the range. although I might be wrong and probably will be very jealous, since the skaven are as well in dire need. although I’d be happy if they changed some of the free peoples esthetic, I’ll be hoping that the theme of the free people what was it 17th century something, stay as they are.
  2. are Only jokes of or in the aos setting allowed?
  3. Well, I mean, they could technically fill the missing plastic miniature of each armies later in the year. For example the skaven battletome army habe probably the biggest range of 6th and 7th edition models than any other army, but updating them technically isn’t really hard since you could easily bring just the models out sometimes afterwards. I am actually much more happier playing an army of that I know will stay for a bit longer than a year before it gets discontinued, and an army that at least got a rules update is easier and much more enjoyable to use then having to face defeat most or almost every time you play a game of aos.
  4. Yeah, well the Warpseer really makes the decision of taking the bell or not easy. I too am working with a Verminlord, although it the Warbringer and not a battleshock immune making Warpseer. and for 40p the bell can actually be pretty good in a skaven army that wants to take distance from the warpseer/plague monks meta.
  5. Could It be Azhag the slaughterer, mighty Ork warlord and a deathcaster as well (although it just might have been his crown.
  6. Same I actually started with a few Brutes and a Megaboss. and well always wanted to get myself those two greenskinz start collecting, which are still available in my local store😂. well technically they aren’t a part of the book, but could be good replacement for the naked Orruks of the savage Bonesplittaz tribes.
  7. Well I usually use the doom bell endless spell, since it give me and my around 120++ not plague monks competitive list somewhat of a battleshock immunity both. and since most People don’t really se a thread in the bell (since it basically almost never gets played) they usually a encouraged not to unbind it. As for plague monks, stave are fantastic especially when your taking the plague monks in units of 40, granting them the fantastic allegiance ability buff of +1 to the hit and wound rolls. take the plague monks in any other numbers and blades will be the better option.
  8. Well I guess you could say I fell in love with the critics of Sigmar and the Orruks warclan tome announcements. in total I really like the idea of combining the forces together, since it’ll be giving you a interesting play-style for every kind of player. There have been so many people arguing about the point that Ironjaws should be their own thing and should stay that way, other arguing that this is exactly wrong, and with the new tome basically everybody can choose to go either full out on one or take both in one. now what really interest me more and probably also is the reason for fear of the announcement and reviews, will be the free cities allegiance. many people including myself, were hoping for a well dwarf/ human standalone tome, and with the not yet known allegiance abilities and how they’ll be working, fear is that people who are interested in playing a certain direction like only highborn or beard-things will either not get a standalone allegiance ability, or get any benefits being played at their own, or just will get a exact replicate of the not so great allegiance ability from the ghb19 As for competitive sake, I’m guessing it’ll be similar to the skaven where a mixed force of man, Aelves and beard-things will probably be the better option then them standing alone, although it always depends on what way the allegiance abilities or better said each factions can be played on their own, and since we can only make up how this rules will or are written, truth may be told that we actually don’t know of how it will actually be written.
  9. Yeah the skaven, the Gloomspite gitz, all got an amazing book, but believe me this disappointed was a big factor as well so c empathy players really wanted that only skyre or pestilence book. Not sure why though, They were meant to coexist under themselves anyways, never understood and still am not why Gw just ripped them apart anyways. Nor do I and should anybody buy me a squad of them, they’ll be cut down to limbs and body part and used as banner materials for my skaven or future Kharak dwarf project. Well at least you got the most seats on the council. but just wait till we are back-back, Yes-yes, make examples, for-for the council, musk of fear-fear is-is needed to comtroll-rule, plan-scheming Skaven. Anyways, the disappointment is there, that’s definitely true even for me, especially now that the hated Storm-things are a part of the book. But in the end let’s face it every time a new book comes out people complain about it, about the rules that we haven’t seen yet, about the lore we haven’t read yet and the made up grudges of books that where instead not released. combining all of those faction gives armies like the free peoples, dispossessed etc. new rules update warscroll that needed a change for so long and more. stuff that you would be waiting for maybe another 1-4years. No I’m not misjudging your ability to wait, since all of us old world players have been waiting the last 6-11years if not even longer for an update of our armies, but I doubt that we want to wait another 4or more years, because I am so desperately in need for an update of our old world army battletome. the battles are literally getting boring, when your playing like always against Dok, fec and The hated Storm-things although that probably my problem of facing the wrong opponents. also in the end I think the book might make the options rather interesting. sure we might not get rules for playing different kind of kharaks, but in the end I’ll be taking anyways a free Cities allegiance that’ll fit the bill and fluff of my imagined kharak.
  10. I’ll take the more ratty part of your collection, if the price is right my friend😁
  11. Well there’s that one thought that we might see the dwarfen warriors go for good. but I mean I could also just be wrong.
  12. Oh I am really getting hyped for that release. no glue why but that I somehow really want to build a free people/Dispossesseds/ Ironwald arsenal/Aelves army.
  13. Well I do like the part where they basically did that although I am rather disappointed that they kept the greenskinz till now, just to tell us that they’ll be gone for ever. well I guess you could technically use some of them as bonsplittaz. still the free cities one struck me by surprise, didn’t think they’d do that. Sure it could be seen lazy, but than again it’s better than having to wait another few years before we finally would have gotten a battletome for our own faction. and in total I think it’ll be interesting to see how they made those allegiance for the order battletome. Yeah and as for our beloved not yet dead and loved dinosaurs, sorry I somehow really must have forgotten them. not sure how that happened😅. and for archaon and the rest, well you know me, anything that sees the skaven as a low thread sometimes just get forgotten, nothing to worry about just my skaven brain trying to see and forget what is not important (for me in total, not saying that the ever chosen are in no need for a battletome/updated) edit: because they definitely are)and please don’t ask me why I’m literally writing so much, that warpstone filtered beer, is really getting to me. Probably better of going to bed now.
  14. So since will be getting a combined Aelve/duardin/man-thing book and the Orruks all get combined (with the exception of the greenskinz(😭)) what left. ogors in total definitely, But is there anything else I’m missing with the exception of Tomb kings and Bret’s?
  15. Firstly no, you can’t have my brain, still need it to deceive my friends and foes(😂). but hey who knows maybe there’s somebody else willing to donate his brain to you, in the name of the horned rat. anyways, as it is looking like meeting engagement right now, going full out on Skryre seems to be very strong right now. Going out on full Moulder might also be probably one of the better choices, since both ways grand you great battle lines that can be harshly and devastating against your foe. think of how much he will fear your unit of 6 stormfiends in the main body, who are equipped with rattling guns and wind launcher which get buffed by your warlord warlock engineer (doesn’t matter which one) or a unit of 4rat ogor tearing through anything in their way. god the look in your opponents eyes, when his ghoul king he thought to destroy all gets shot down the first time he reaches the cross fire of our beloved Stormfiends. now disclaimer I haven’t played any meeting engagement myself, sadly didn’t got the chance to engage in a friendly fun tournament which was using those rules, last weekend.
  16. Clanrats! lots and lots of meatshields scurry-running forwards, dying in droves and keeping your objective markers in your control, forever!! Yes-yes if kill-slaying is no good anymore, the let the traitor-things get overrun by hordes of weak-meat
  17. Well I would go for the bell anyway since it cost less points then the warpseer, but in the end you’ll have to face the truth and that is that the warpseer is probably the ultimate survivor of the game. unlike the screaming bell, which needs support of massive hordes of Infanterie to move the Verminlord can scurry away without any help. sure the screaming bell has a 13wholly within inch Aura ability of free battlshock immunity, but should you ever go the full horde style play, many to some of us have chosen to play, you’ll notice that a 26wholly within aura will be better then the 13inch bubble. But what really makes the Warpseer so great, is his cp farming ability, which is even better then that of the fungoid cave Shaman. now in total I would probably say that both are a good, choices, since there are more than just the warpseer command-ability that can deal with battle-shock (like the doom bell, my favorite endless spell). In the end it only depends which model you like more and what role you have given it. I mean if you need a reliable caster that has the option to take spells from the lore of the grey seer, you’re better of taking the bell. another reason for the bell would be those 80juicy points, that could be spend on something differently, like pumping your small unit of 20clanrats to 40, or taking a plague priest or one of our many wonder weapons from clan skryre. also unlike the Verminlord, the bell is a much easier purchase, since it is available in our starter collecting, which gives you next to that even a warplightning cannon and some of our most cheesiest killing units in the whole game “plague monks”
  18. Warpseer: -generates a cp on a 3+ And D3 on a 6 every turn at the beginning of the herophase. -can cast two spells, knows the dreaded warpgale spell, which deals d6 mortal wounds on a enemy units within 26inches, as well as halving the run and chargeroll of that unit. -has the Masterclan keyword, giving him some great warlordtraits and artefacts like master of magic (+1on the cast), suspicious stone (5+ feel no pain), etc. -has a 26wholy within ranche of battleshock immunity aura, when spending a cp in the battleshockphase. -can be almost unkillable when given the suspicious stone artefact (4+ reroll able save, 5++ and another 5++ feel no pain)
  19. Yes-yes, more-more man-thing to work-die in Slave pits, better suited for-for labor work then-then most hated storm-things. more-more fun opponent than-than poster-things. Yes-yes let droves of things and clanrats die-Die. (in other words let the man-things rise again, no need for undying thousand sons themed flesh crafted man-things. we are in dire need of story’s about the common people of the realms as well as good rules for them.)
  20. Well there are tons of combination and tricks we can use thanks to the battletome we now have. I think the recently used tactic for the skaven in the tournament scene was to use a ton of magic caster, who would the. Lay traps like the Warplightning vortex and other endless spells to damage or hinder enemy from moving up. as it is right now, no pry really knows, best bet is to just try a few things out and go with what you like the most.
  21. Dunno, although he still might be the better caster between the verminlords thanks to his axes to the Masterclan warlordtraits and his dreaded warpgale spell. And with his command ability he still seems to be a good option for any skaven army
  22. Well, as you probably know or have noticed is that the clanrats aren’t really that great in competing against other units when it comes down to combat. what I for one really like doing with my meathsields is to usually retreat from a unit, when in combat trying to get myself into the range of a objective. If I’m to far away well don’t worry my friend charge that unit that was engaged with you one more time and see fit that the rest of your clanrats charge into the nothingness where the objective is held. to make that tactic legal, take that one brave clanrats and set him up within 1/2 inches of the enemy units, and the rest will just form a congaline back to the rest of the blob of clanrats, that charged the wrong direction. or another one is to just retreat your Stormvermins out of combat when there’s just one model holding the unit of , and charge a bigger unit that could threaten your army. Those are just some example, since there will always be a time when the retreat and charge rule will come in handy, and it can sometimes even be unexpected, for the player himself.
  23. Well for 30points you could technically take an endless spell, although I’d just skip it for the first few battles you’ll encounter. as for bells and banners well, banner that can be taken by Stormvermins and Clanrats will let you retread and charge in the same turn, giving you an ability not often seen in the battlefield. the banners and musical device the clan pestilence have (plague monks, well I guess are a bit more difficult than it looks like. the plague monks have two banner and two musician option. one of those two banners allows you to role a dice for each plague monk model that dies in the combat phase, in a unmodified role of 6 the attacking unit suffers a mortal wound. the other banner increases the damage of the weapon by 1, when rolling for the to wound rolls a I unmodified 6. The bale-chime, increases the rend by 1 when you role a unmodified 6 on the to hit chart. and last but not least the doom gong, allows you to add 1 to the run and charge rolls. anyways, your list seems interesting and since a few units got a point increase/decrease I would just try a few things out, meaning just take what you like more. Also as an reminder the aos app is for free.
  24. Went yesterday to the store, trying to get a copy of that book, aaaaand well, I was told that it was sold out and they can’t order it in any way again until it gets reprinted. wait could this be one of the great schemes of the great horned rat himself, trying to keep his most trusted left claw Verminlord under control!?😵😵 edit: although it just might be Thanqoul again😑,
  25. Probably won’t happen for me, unless, Gortrak and Thanqoul would be a part of it. no offense man, although stormcast have an interesting fluff and some kind of story, I really must say that I enjoy humorous and very dark themed story’s Oh and don’t forget schemes and manipulations. And-and backstabbing betrayal. and some kind of an anti-order story, just like the old times where some kind of hero die-dies to a some traps laid by some-some devious creatures. or-or a faction gets overrun by an endless swarm of vermin’s. 🙄 Wow! Never thought I’d become so obsessed with the skaven faction. Probably just the warpstone-dust i’d put in my coffee!
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