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About this blog

Brandt Cers - The Wet Palette Warrior

This is a blog detailing my  journey with the Free Peoples faction in Age of Sigmar.

I hope this blog get the hobby juices flowing for fellow wargamer's and those who are interested in the Free Peoples faction.


Entries in this blog

Freeguild General Leos Von Liebwitz / Hans Leitdorf

"Leos von Liebwitz was the younger brother of Countess Emmanuelle von Liebwitz of Nuln, who died under mysterious circumstances." "Hans Leitdorf, brother of deceased Marius Leitdorf, was the Grand Master of Knights of Sigmar's Blood. Though he had a claim on the title of Elector Count of Averland, he decided his position in the Order to be of greater importance. Ten years before End Times, Hans Leitdorf along with witch hunter Tibalt Greer had led the Knights of Sigmar's Blood into Sylvania



The Azyrocopter II - Knight-Azyros

"The herald of the Stormhosts, an avenging angel clutching a glittering starblade that can carve a swathe through the hardiest of foes, the Knight-Azyros wields another, far more potent weapon. He carries a celestial beacon, a lantern radiating the searing light of the heavens, a light that falls upon the forces of Chaos as a sea of torment far more painful than those twisted agonies the Dark Gods gleefully conceive. Wherever this light shines, so might Sigmar cast his divine bolts more easily -



Averland Mountainguard

"The Mountain Guard are the elite forces of Averland who guard Black Fire Pass. They are the cream of the Averland forces and include regular troops, Halflings, as well as a special unit of trappers and rangers. They are often the first forces to intercept invading armies and as such commonly take high casualties. They are successful at their job of patrolling the pass, although it is difficult to patrol such long piece of road" Do you want an unit full of German William Wallace's? The



The Swords of Ulric

"The Swords of Ulric, also known as the Sons of Ulric are a Middenland regiment of Templar's and fanatics dedicated and funded by the Ulrican Church of Middenheim. The formidable training of the Swords of Ulric consists not of marches or military drills, but instead on patrols and war parties led out of the city itself and into the hazardous regions of the Drakwald Forest, where they hunt out the tribes of beastmen that have taken residence in the land. Initiates hoping to join this famed regime



Sterntower Marksmen

"The Sterntower Marksmen are a newly formed regiment out of Steingart. They are garrisoned as part of the line of sentry post and signal towers that guard the low foothills of the eastern Wissenland, under the shadow of the imposing Black Mountains. Always at the ready to launch their signal flares to signify invasions, the watchtowers are essential for border defence. The Marksmen share the Sterntower with several other Imperial regiments - Halberdiers and Spearmen - with whom they have estab



The Beginning

Welcome to the first entry for my Free Peoples blog. I have been working on this army since 2015. It's been a passion project of mine since first seeing the Empire army in the 8th Edition army book. I had always wanted to start an Empire army but never though I had the painting skills to do them justice.  In 2015 my best friend James was painting up his Bretonnian army. We reconnected (we had deployed together in the military and became good friends) after a couple of years and we



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