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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Unfortunately if you go clanrats, you have to go all clanrats as battleline. Stormfiends and Acolytes lose their battleline status in mixed lists. So either the clanrats have to go or you add in a 3rd clanrat unit.
  2. For Lofnir 2k, is 3 Runesons on Magmadroths a good number? 2 Coal Hearts and 1 Ashheart. The only problem is that they really want to be near each other to benefit from both Ashheart and the Runeson reroll hits.
  3. Go for it! It's not like your taking grots and saying they're fyreslayers! Now that would be a stretch. 😜
  4. To be fair 2.0 battalions have also been very much simplified with almost always only having 1 benefit. If Nurgle battalions are going down in price significantly, it'll also have to come with rule slashing/consolidation.
  5. Fleshhounds for sure. Warhounds are....well they exist.
  6. I mean it's still Citadel branded paint! 😉 I'll need to wait for more reviews but it would be interesting if this replaces the "dip" (via brush of course, not actually dip) method for quick and fast paint jobs. Or at the very least gives an alternative. Or did I miss the methodology and this is a form of the dip method but combining the Prime+Base Coat part?
  7. It's the opposite. If a Battalion is tied to an Allegiance, it may only be taken in that Allegiance unless it is taken as an Ally (and the entire cost of units+battalion is the ally). BoC is the exception which had to be specifically FAQ'ed otherwise RAW would make it impossible to have marked BoC in God armies. I think the Furies are separate warband. It would seem weird to me for a starter set to have "three" factions.
  8. Got to love all those skull kits and bitz!
  9. Well the assumption would be they would buff the slaughterbrute in a battletome since it basically has been unchanged since the start of AoS. It suffers quite a bit in the rend department for example.
  10. Probably have to wait for the Slaves to Darkness to get updated since it is technically more predominantly a Slaves to Darkness unit.
  11. Well that will really hamper the army though. Unless you convert clanrats into weapon teams, jezzails, and acolytes. Which is of course feasible, just that you'll need a bunch of clanrats and spare parts.
  12. So much awesome work! Though thematically TK would be Legion of Sacrament right? I mean the whole Arkhan thing. ☠️ (they really should do a 'Nighthaunt' with them for TK stuff)
  13. I'm curious if Clawlord on Brood Horror with Verminous Valor will be more common on some lists since now the point change is more visible. 60 points more for more wounds, regen, extra attacks, and bigger Aura seem pretty great over losing Look Out Sir.
  14. Speaking of Darkoath while they may be smaller scale (more true scale, though they also tend to be a tad larger than other historical 28mm), hot dog the plastic vikings coming from Victrix look pretty darn great and animated! If you want to go for a Norsca look, they may look pretty good alternative. On the topic of marks, it may also be a Nighthaunt situation where the base Slaves to Darkness are sharable bu the new units aren't. For example it doesn't seem like the Warcry Warbands are favoring any particular gods.
  15. I think it depends if theres Matched Play points. If there are points, it technically is legal to use.
  16. It happens eventually. But usually not at launch. Though they have been very late for the Archregant/bombardier. I think they didn't expect those boxes to sell out that fast (unlike wrath and rapture which is still available)
  17. The battalions do 2 things on top of their individual buff. 1. The unit gains the [God] Keyword. This makes them a part of the [God] faction, similar to Slaves to Darkness. 2. The Battalion is part of BoC Faction and [God] Faction. This allows the Battalion to be taken by the god of choice. This goes around the Battalion faction lock issue.
  18. But outside of Azyr, where are the point changes? Strange that FW hasn't made any different PDFs, unless they're hidden somewhere on FWs site.
  19. Plus it helps that the slaanesh BoC battalion is the cheapest (though technically the smallest, but I think you would rarely fit in 12 units outside of using the 6 slots for chariots or something)
  20. If Stormfiends have their forced 1 out of 3 model weirndess, I'm pretty sure KO will follow suit. As mentioned before, Sequitors do indeed actually have enough GreatMaces to have half their 10 man box being equipped with the weapons. Remember even 40k is moving far more towards build out of box mentality. Yes you can obviously still have a CSM squad with a lascannon, but a lot of their new characters for example completely rely on their box for their options (or lack of). I mean Primaris Space Marines couldn't take Power Fists until they specifically made a Power Fist upgrade kit. Forget things like Thunderhammers or Combiweapons.
  21. Well theres only so much you can do when making a chair out of bones! You put the skull there, and the femur there...☠️
  22. I think it's because they managed to figure out how to make them work decently. SCE and BoC were the guinea pigs for the 2.0 subfactions, and SCE is a bit of a disaster since they made EIGHT of them! So it was a bit hard to figure out how to balance the Force Item and Trait. Some of which are definitely more "Tax" than Boon. Like Blade of the Desecrator vs Mutating Gnarlblade.
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