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Naming your models!


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I finally realized what I love most about the 'regular humans' armies in 40k and AoS.  I get to name them!  I've named every single Catachan Guardsman (and woman) in my IG army and intend to name every member of my growing Free Peoples force.

I've just named my General on Warhorse "Johann Gambolputty von Hautkopft of Ulm".  Its a Monty Python reference, and I know his real name is much longer but it wouldn't fit on the underside of a 60x35mm oval base.  My General on foot is name "Apple-banger Horowitz" and my General with the banner will be christened "Burstein von Knackerthrasher".  

Amongst my Catachan Imperial Guard some of my favorites are Butch Deadlift, Bolt Vanderhuge, Buff Drinklots, Smitty McNotakroot, Lil' Hotness, and 'Your Mom! OOOOOHHHH!'.  

So how many people out there like to name their little plastic dude-man-bros?  Do you go for thematic in-world names or just what you think would be funny?  I think you can all see what I prefer but I'm curious.

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Is there any particular reason behind the name?  I have a cyber mastiff in 40k named after my dog Copper (he's a corgi in real life).  In the previous codex he was my Company Commander's bodyguard but since that option went away he's been demoted to a simple veteran sergeant.  He's very good at his job even though I don't know how his squad understand his orders! 

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4 hours ago, Kamose said:

Is there any particular reason behind the name?  I have a cyber mastiff in 40k named after my dog Copper (he's a corgi in real life).  In the previous codex he was my Company Commander's bodyguard but since that option went away he's been demoted to a simple veteran sergeant.  He's very good at his job even though I don't know how his squad understand his orders! 

Not really. The Mighty Lord is too busy making the blood flow to get creative with names. He does, however make time to throw the ball for Spot.

For me though, I like ironic dog names. I think it would be fun to have a corgi named Fenrir or a doberman named Marshmellow.

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This Lord-Celestant on Dracoth is named Antonius because I sometimes name my in-game character Anthony (for no reason, just randomly pick a name).

More importantly, his Dracoth is named Angelo, which is the name of my dog who died 4 years ago.
I kept some of his hair with me and put it in the Dracoth to commemorate his loyalty (and cuteness and fluffiness).



This is Angelo.


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This is Megaboss Block Rippa. The first record of him, he was leading a unit of then Black Orcs as a Black Orc Warboss against a combined unit of Duardin warriors and foot soldiers (also some chaos deamons, but the other orruk boyz took care of them). The two factions clashed, and his unit of Black Orc boyz started to get take out the dwarves, but took many hits themselves. Eventually, the Black Orc unit was gone, the Duardin units were at half strength, and only this single Black Orc Warboss stood (again, the other Orruk boyz were mopping up some deamons). The Duardin would move to attack him, and their axes would bounce off his shield, while his axe would in turn cleave them down. In the end, a bloodied, laughing warboss stood among a circle of dead Duardin. His boyz started to call him Block after that, and his pride and size began to swell.

The next sighting of this Orruk, was in the Realm of Metal, a few months after the Ironjawz made their appearance in the Mortal Realms. Now known as Megaboss Block, he was leading a mixed band of Orruks against some sandy skeletons (Tomb Lords). From a fortified position, farm from the lines of combat (like the dusty cowards they are), the skeleton archers took aim, and darkened the sky with arrows, all aimed at Megaboss Block. Quickly, he ripped up a huge slab of the very metal earth beneath him, and held it up to block those arrows. One hit his foot. The other 39 in that volley bounced off the shield he carries to this day.


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On 1/8/2017 at 6:23 PM, Kamose said:

Amongst my Catachan Imperial Guard some of my favorites are Butch Deadlift, Bolt Vanderhuge, Buff Drinklots, Smitty McNotakroot, Lil' Hotness, and 'Your Mom! OOOOOHHHH!'.  

Is there a Big McLargehuge? :D

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I'm a sucker for naming my characters and units, I love coming up with detailed backstories and engaging in worldbuilding for my armies and warbands too. 

Being able to really take a piece of the setting and make it your own is one of the greatest things about this hobby IMO. 

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17 hours ago, Kramer said:

A ff8 reference? Because he does look the part

@Lissë-Prime - I was just about to ask this myself! Awesome.

In answer to the OP, yeah I love to name my models and armies, often creating a backstory for them.

This originally leads back to my Dark Elves, The Heartless, who have had several iterations over the years (literally painted 3 versions of this army). Always lead by Agatio the Heartless and Karst Ether'Rage. They were also tied into the background of my 6th ed Cult of Slaanesh, The Black Sun, led by one of my most famous characters of all time; the Druchii Anointed, Prince Xizor, and also my Slaaneshi Chaos armies (again, there were a couple), The Destroyers of Innocence. I wonder if there are any old druchii.net readers here who remember all that?!

More recently I have settled upon Ironjawz as the army I have bonded with and felt a need to name and develop. Da Black Sunz (I'm proper original when it comes to naming my stuff!) have grown in stature over the last 6 months or so and now Megaboss Krunk is well known across both the interwebs and the UK Tournament scene - often people will come up to me and ask how he is getting on and in game people will actively try to kill him even if it doesn't make the most tactical sense just because it's Krunk (obviously he never dies, just picks up a flesh wound!), which I love. He's essentially become a special/named character! ;) 

So yeh, it's a lot of fun and I would encourage everyone to give it a go! :D 

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2 hours ago, Chris Tomlin said:

Da Black Sunz (I'm proper original when it comes to naming my stuff!) have grown in stature over the last 6 months or so and now Megaboss Krunk is well known across both the interwebs and the UK Tournament scene - often people will come up to me and ask how he is getting on and in game people will actively try to kill him even if it doesn't make the most tactical sense just because it's Krunk (obviously he never dies, just picks up a flesh wound!), which I love. He's essentially become a special/named character!

I'm kind of hoping to achieve a similar thing with Dogga da Albino, leader of my Ironjawz force! 

I'd also like to thank Gary Hennessey for naming the other Megaboss in my army...Damien Rice...

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Well my armies narrative is evolving with every new battle but essentially i play BCR mainly, and when i first started out olaying against khorne daemons every week. So! Since then ive won 3 games in all against this giy since AUGUST! Therefor my frostlords name is bjerkhok the useless.

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If you have a hoard of models to name, one trick I learned doing social media projects is to Google for a nationality first names and then surnames of a nationality, such as Swedes for Dwarves (I'm still old school). Mix and match for the best effect, and tweak as necessary.

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Im taking this a step further, mabye too far haha. But I plan to post here the pics of the models along with fleshed out lore for each induvidual hero. Im even trying to bake into the story of each one how the clan itself started and rose to power etc.

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I named and wrote fluff for every character and unit champion in my 30,000pts World That Was Chaos army. I'm now planningto update my favourites as the daemon prince patrons of my Age of Sigmar forces. Likewise my forces of order will probably be distant descendants of my old elf, dwarf and empire armies. 

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I come up with pretty detailed names and themes for my armies. I say 'themes' rather than 'backstories' because I want to be able to adapt when the official storyline shifts. For example: my growing Arcanites has a musical theme. Not in the Slaanesh sense, but in the Tzeentchian 'secrets-of-the-realms-concealed-in-a-piece-of-music-that-makes-you-insane' sense. They're based in the ruins of a city in the Realm of Metal that was once known for its musical tradition.

The cult is called The 9th Movement, which sounds a bit like a symphony and vaguely suggests change. '9' is Tzeentch's number. However I painted my first units (the Silver Tower stuff) in the colour scheme which is now associated with the Cult of the Transient Form. I'm going to stick with it, but imply that this is now a splinter cult of that larger faction.

For units themselves I try to include some kind of reference or pun within something that sounds lore-appropriate. My Tzeentch Sorceror Lord is called 'Irai Xaron, The Last Conductor' - 'conductor' has a fun double meaning in the context of a magic-themed army based in the realm of metal. His initials, IX, are the Roman numerals for 9.

My Herald of Tzeentch is called 'Jz'salo', or 'Jazz Solo'. On account of the fact that he looks like he's in the middle of a freaky jam session.


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I name them, with a short backstory to go with them

My Stormcast


My Empire (whfb)


Have a start on some Seraphon


and I am adhering to the official stuff for the Skullfiend Tribe (bloodbound)

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  • 3 months later...
On 10.01.2017 at 0:56 PM, Davariel said:

I'm a sucker for naming my characters and units, I love coming up with detailed backstories and engaging in worldbuilding for my armies and warbands too. 

Being able to really take a piece of the setting and make it your own is one of the greatest things about this hobby IMO. 


This. I did this with my CSM and Dark Angels back in the day, and do now with WHFB and AoS stuff, naming all heroes and units with some short biographies, as I paint them. So for now I have a darkoath chieftain (my barbarian lord of Tzeentch) Menkauret of the Spire of the Bronzed Dawn, an Unforged Hrolf Hrolfsson, a wight king Guidarn the Relentless and a duardin cannon "The Angry Thunder". It's really an important part of the hobby.

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