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AoS Made to Order


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9 minutes ago, hellalugosi said:

I'd love to see the old slaaneshi champ too!


That model oozed arrogance. All the slaanesh heroes do and most older Slaanesh models as well. Think of the pose of the Slaanesh lord on boobsnake and the Sigvald model. Love that mix of arrogance and danger/killyness that they portrayed. 

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7 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

People also seem to be forgetting that the GA books don't include legacy items.  As cool as it would be to see some real classics be re-produced, if the warscroll has been sidelined to the legacy pile, I think it's unlikely they'll bring it back anytime soon.  That said if enough people ask for a model that now counts as something else you never know!

They're not asking for models that are in the book necessarily -- they're asking for " suggestions for any older models for factions within the Grand Alliance: Order book" -- so models that are no longer made for factions that exist in the GA:O are definitely an option here. GW hasn't said anything about bringing back warscrolls, just producing models.

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2 hours ago, Bosmer Nightblade said:

I'd love to see Dark Elf Shades make a return, and particularly Mengil Manhide's Manflayers from dogs of war. In fact whilst I'm not a fan of other dogs of war stuff, I do know it's very popular.

The Manflayer command are excellent models (especially for their time) and some of my favourites but the troops themselves are sadly not particularly good sculpts. They look almost 2d and are awkwardly posed.

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This Thread is about which model from the grand alliance: order book should be brought back as made to order. It is not about whether or not legacy had a place in competitive tournaments.  The point made is that it is unlikely we'll see models for legacy armies as made to order (at this point) since they are not in GA: order (or are they? I don't own the book)


on the Facebook page people are calling out for bretonnian models. But it is doubtfull we'll see them as made to order, at least for now.

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23 minutes ago, elfhead said:

on the Facebook page people are calling out for bretonnian models. But it is doubtfull we'll see them as made to order, at least for now.

Why would you say that? They are still a good option for any free peoples army, they have some beautiful models and a huge following that desperatly wants a second chance at some of the models. :D 

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10 hours ago, Bosmer Nightblade said:

I mean no offense when I say this, I just mean it in the literal sense: But that is an ignorant viewpoint. Firstly, your point is only relevant for matched play. Narrative and Free has no issue with 'legacy'.

Secondly, legacy is still valid in matched play depending on where you play. The upcoming gw masters event for example is allowing legacy, and that's pretty much the top most competitive tournament you can get.

Erm, not quite sure how telling me my post was ignorant won't cause offence, but I'll respond in what I hope is a polite manner.  I was commenting on the subject in hand - GW are asking what models from armies in the GA: Order book we'd like to see be produced as "made to order" - it (and this topic) has nothing to do with playing legacy armies in AoS.  I have absolutely no issue with playing legacy armies at all - my brother has Tomb Kings and another mate has Wanderers, so it would be exceptionally hypocritical if I did.  Legacy is completely valid in all methods of play, I think all legacy warscrolls have points in the GHb so they're valid in any tournament unless the TO decides not to allow it (default is allowed).

My post was in response to the sheer number of people who have suggested something that is completely off tangent - hobbit models, non-Order units, etc

9 hours ago, rokapoke said:

They're not asking for models that are in the book necessarily -- they're asking for " suggestions for any older models for factions within the Grand Alliance: Order book" -- so models that are no longer made for factions that exist in the GA:O are definitely an option here. GW hasn't said anything about bringing back warscrolls, just producing models.

As I said, I'm sure if there's enough requests GW will happily bring back any model they have the masters/molds for.  However I personally think they'll focus on models that have a suitable warscroll in the GA book.  As an example, the Hellcannon only has a legacy warscroll - it doesn't exist in the GA: Chaos book so I don't think they'd be keen to bring it back (if they did I would certainly pick one up).  Freepeople covers a multitude of sins, so I could see some of the Bretonian range potentially appearing at some point.

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Its strange, because when it comes to the made to order stuff I don't think about what's playable, although its not surprising that a lot of people do i suppose. For someone like me, who has collected for almost 20 years but has never played a game, my interest is always in the fluff, the model for the sake of the model. There are things i'd love to own and paint just for the sake of having them. I miss things like the halfling hot-pot, and regret not getting one at the time, it may have no place in the current game/rule set, but I love it as a piece of historic GW oddness. I love the made to order because it gives me the possible opportunity to pick up those models that give me a nostalgia hit, that remind me of my own hobbying journey, and just remind me of how much I love the models and worlds GW have created. I'm now going to sit down and reread all my old 4th and 5th edition army books for a further nostalgia hit. 

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38 minutes ago, chord said:

I would LOVE to see the Citadel Mighty Fortress re-made.  The current castle stuff is too Khorne for the battles we play.

We had pieces of one of these at the old local store. It's a great generic kit, would love to see a reimagining that as you say isn't as specifically-Khornate.

Half-tempted to pull out GW's old Helms Deep tutorials and give it a go myself, though. 

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7 hours ago, Kramer said:

Why would you say that? They are still a good option for any free peoples army, they have some beautiful models and a huge following that desperatly wants a second chance at some of the models. :D 

I would love for them to bring back Some Bret models too. But I don't think GW will at this point, because they were only recently discontinued And I think they want to use made to order to promote AoS, not WFB. 

But I may very well be wrong, which in this case would be a good thing?

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5 hours ago, elfhead said:

I would love for them to bring back Some Bret models too. But I don't think GW will at this point, because they were only recently discontinued And I think they want to use made to order to promote AoS, not WFB. 


Yeah I thought so too but then they supplied us with deamons of slaanesh through made to order. Which gave me the impression they were looking at what sells out fast/what does the community want. 

But well were both guessing ;)

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I would love to see the "Bretonnian Questing Knights", those guys are extremely characterful.

Otherwise, with the release of Spire of Dawn, I'd wager that a lot of old High Elf sculpts would go down really well. 

"Handmaiden of the Everqueen", both of the old Alarielle miniatures, some of the old princes and noble miniatures... that blind swordmaster guy.

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to kind of echo the call for the 'fortess' above, I do wish GW would put out all the old 'classic' scenic pieces - particularly skullvane manse and the like.

availability and prices on ebay are awful, and there is very little to touch them, quality-wise from elsewhere.

I guess the bonkers 'planes' setting (which I like) of AOS might be thought to preclude their use, but that's just the point, the planes settings doesn't limit anything in theory, and I find it hard to believe demand for such things wouldn't be decent (I mean the eternity stair and choas portal would be very popular surely, even as things stand re: the current fluff).

sorry if this isn't relevant to the GA: order aspect ...


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On 14 december 2016 at 9:53 AM, RuneBrush said:

Erm, not quite sure how telling me my post was ignorant won't cause offence, but I'll respond in what I hope is a polite manner.

Not a native English speaker but I think what he meant is the meaning of the word ignorant: as in not knowing certain pieces of information. 

But good on you for staying polite ;)  

As is it is a bit 'unhelpful' that the limitation (within order) was below the fold on Facebook. I reckon half the respondents only read the first bit and thought: yeah clean slate. But only good feedback for GW right? 

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So after thinking about it for a bit, I came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no OOP Order Miniature I'd buy right now.


18 hours ago, Soulsmith said:

I think the thing to take away from this is it's another bit of positive outreach from GW. They want the consumers to literally tell them what to make. I know it's so they can make the most of their moulds, but still. Bring on Destruction's turn!


Personally I am very eager for Death to get its turn. So many classic metals I'd love to get my hands on. Depending on the prize, I might order an entire unit worth of the old metal Nagash, to use as Statues in Death themed Terrain.

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27 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

So after thinking about it for a bit, I came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no OOP Order Miniature I'd buy right now.



Personally I am very eager for Death to get its turn. So many classic metals I'd love to get my hands on. Depending on the prize, I might order an entire unit worth of the old metal Nagash, to use as Statues in Death themed Terrain.

Yep, pretty much.


I REALLY want the Jes goodwin Ogres and Skrag the slaughterer. 



These guys would be plenty lovely ta GW

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