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The Helstorm falls under Ironweld Arsenal rather than the Freeguild soldiers this refresh is aiming to replace so I can see the artillery remaining since it’s looking like a steampunky Ironweld wave will hit some time later like the Lumineth temples.

Plus I doubt it’s a TOW thing. They haven’t invented them in the Age of the Three Emperors yet.(they were made around Karl’s time when I think they nearly blew up Todbringer who gave them that name by yelling at them)

They’ve been a pretty common pic for the Ironweld and a weapon that saved the Greywater so it’s not a bad thing they stick around as a AoS artillery.



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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

The Helstorm falls under Ironweld Arsenal rather than the Freeguild soldiers this refresh is aiming to replace so I can see the artillery remaining since it’s looking like a steampunky Ironweld wave will hit some time later like the Lumineth temples.

Plus I doubt it’s a TOW thing. They haven’t invented them in the Age of the Three Emperors yet.(they were made around Karl’s time when I think they nearly blew up Todbringer who gave them that name by yelling at them)

They’ve been a pretty common pic for the Ironweld and a weapon that saved the Greywater so it’s not a bad thing they stick around as a AoS artillery.



Although I agree that we will most likely see an update focusing on Freeguild (and Order of Azyr/Devoted) for the summer, I wouldn't be surprised to see at least a few Ironweld/Collegiate minis (e.g.: Vanari: a lot of Freeguild, Alarith: mid-large amounts of Devoted, Scinari: Ironweld/Collegiate bonus stuff, then a Wave 2, probably for the 4.0 BT, with more Ironweld/Collegiate/something new stuff)

Also, despite being hyped for this release like no other before, I still dread the day Freeguild Guard/Handgunners will cost 50 Euros for 10 like Lumineth 🥲

Edited by Asbestress
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6 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Although I agree that we will most likely see an update focusing on Freeguild (and Order of Azyr/Devoted) for the summer, I wouldn't be surprised to see at least a few Ironweld/Collegiate minis (e.g.: Vanari: a lot of Freeguild, Alarith: mid-large amounts of Devoted, Scinari: Ironweld/Collegiate bonus stuff, then a Wave 2, probably for the 4.0 BT, with more Ironweld/Collegiate/something new stuff)

Also, despite being hyped for this release like no other before, I still dread the day Freeguild Guard/Handgunners will cost 50 Euros for 10 like Lumineth 🥲

If they actually end up looking cool I will take it. If not, there are always Pike and Shotte Landsknecht Missile Troops by Warlord. basicaly exactly freeguild except half the price.

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Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If they actually end up looking cool I will take it. If not, there are always Pike and Shotte Landsknecht Missile Troops by Warlord. basicaly exactly freeguild except half the price.

Tbh. I'm probably overestimating that considering Soulblight Skeletons that used to be around the same price of Freeguild squads for 10 (20ish) is now 50 for 20.

Oh, how I would love 20 man boxes of Freeguild...

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I suspect regular Freeguild will be cheaper on virtue of being watered down to just hand weapons compared to Vanari which are are both super pike infantry & wizards.

It’ll probably be the new musketeers that’ll be Vanari price range if they wind up a spear/hand-cannon hybrid with a bracing tower shield some suspect(that gap underneath the barrel) so they’re a heavy defense unit that can go melee. (And yet will still be cheaper than whatever average pistol militia FW bring out 😛 )

But yeah, not saying we won’t see more(Witch Hunters are already a leak in from the Order of Azyr/Devoted of Sigmar) but that it won’t be a complete model revamp overnight. Just like we know a lot of old aelves & duardin will remain for now(and technically Ironweld is duardin so you can argue the rockets fall under their revamp)

Edited by Baron Klatz
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A friend on Lexicanum got that “Godeater’s Son” AoS book early. The beginning goes over a Hammerhal Aqshy company all the way over in Aspiria recording the peoples the company finds that they can reclaim.

> “The Yrdun. The Palers who once ruled Cardand and Bharat. Yrdun live by a code called the Yrdoval. The wealthiest scions of the ancient Yrdun great houses have been Reclaimed. (Note: Yrdun commoners are open to Reclamation but offer little possible tax revenue. Their welfare is not a priority.) 

> The Beltollers. The Paler tribes that once submitted to the Yrdun, now scattered across the Pale. 

> Major tribes are listed below. 

> The Holmon. The duardin of the Pale, often called ‘delvers’. Notorious for drafting fraudulent contracts. 

> The Hullet. A martial tribe inhabiting the wastes surrounding Cardand. Known to mix the ash of the dead in their war-paint. 

> The Mukwuk. An offshoot branch of the Yrdun. Considered loyal and simple. 

> The Rockwrists. A tribe of diminutive folk with indigo blood. Reliable as a source of labour. (Note: The Company recommends immediate Reclamation of this tribe.) 

> The Sleeps-First Clans. An insular confederation of tribes that believe the Age of Sigmar to be a dream. 

> The Sur-Sur-Seri. An exclusively female tribe. 

> The Telantr. A cave-dwelling people rarely seen on Cardand’s surface. Telantr warriors (‘arrow-tongues’) are known to spit poison. 

> The Ushara. Deadly nomad raiders whose warriors are called ‘warborn’. (Note: The Company recommends extreme caution in dealings with the Ushara. They have been known to track and kill missionaries sent to convert them.)”

Gives the Cities an East India Trading Company vibe and I hope we see this reflected with a unit of Reclaimed Warriors who are more specialist than the regimental Crusaders(ambush, poison and magic specialists from growing up on the wild Realmscapes)

If we even get a fraction of the Astra Militarum treatment I’d love to see upgrade sprues for soldiers in other Realms like examples the current books are giving that Sageking of the AoS lore Reddit went over:

As a start it seems that the days of the Goldjackets are behind us, as each major Freeguild of Hammerhal Aqsha highlighted in the novel has their own uniform. 

  • The Leaden Bulls wear grey uniforms, and are seen as dreary and utilitarian by their peers. 

  • The Heldenhain are known for wearing dusky uniforms coupled with ash-grey cloaks and breastplates made from a black metal. 

  • The Vandusian Guard wear white-and-gold armour. 

  • The Golden Lions, who seem to wear the traditional colours, instead changes up their uniform by adding button-up jerkins and dress caps. 

Now of course these are all big Freeguilds, so it is always possible that these uniforms aren't seen across the entirety of their regiments, outside the unique colours of course, as many factors would lead to divergences. Divergences that we hopefully will see in the future. 

As an aside, other newer stories have shown that regiments of these and the other major guilds of Aqsha operate in other Cities of Sigmar and broad campaigns, so it is a delight to see that the Freeguilds are being allowed to become prolific. 

Another interesting tidbit is that while the regiments of the Golden Lions are run by generals and colonels as one would expect, the governing body of the Freeguild is stated to be a council, to whom the officer corps' of the regiments listen to. 

First-Forged also presents the organization of the Freeguilds as being military forces divided into regiments, which are further divided into companies, which are then further divided into platoons. With Generals, Colonels, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and the like. This seems to line up with other new bits of lore we've received on the Freeguilds of Hammerhal Aqsha ever since the 3rd Edition Corebook. So it seems reliably safe to assume their organization resembles 1700s and latter militaries. 

The Golden Lions have a decent number of storied regiments. The two highlighted in the novel are the 95th 'Edgelanders' who fought to their last against gheists for the Grymgore Mountain; and the Ashland Lancers who routed Orruks from a place called Scorchpine Woods to claim another forest called the Verren Copse. It's not much to go on but it's a start to seeing them potentially rivalling a certain other rag-tag faction of soldiers in a god-ruler's mortal armies. 

Aiding the Vandusian Guard in defending the palace of the Grand Conclave are a pair of massive cogwork golems. Not the first time seeing such things defending Sigmar's Cities, but always a pleasant surprise when they appear. 

Big Freeguilds are business enterprises unto themselves which many influential people seek to invest in and joining them is considered a solid way to improve ones lot in life, especially if they grew up in poorer districts like the Drudges. The major Freeguilds are even stated outright to be rich, and there is much prestige to being part of them.”


Just imagine that with the love the Guard are getting with these articles of soldiers across the worlds?



Lastly, for people scared of the Sigmarite focus excluding other races. Daily reminder that one of their main Saints is a Gargant:


 “Templesen is a gargant recognized as a Saint of the Sigmarite religion. His remains are currently interred in south-western gate, known as the Tomb of the Redeemed, of the city of Glymmsforge.

 Templesen was a gargant Devoted of Sigmar who fought so valiantly for his deity, that he was recognized as a saint after his death and was eventually interred in the Free City of Glymmsforge as one of the Twelves Saint of Glymmsforge. One of his most legendary feats was his stand at Archiba, a deed momentous enough to earn a mosaic within the Tower of Apogee of the Sigmarabulum itself.

The tombs of Templesen and the other eleven saints were used in conjunction with sacred wards to protect the city. His tomb was constructed within the southwestern gate of the city and came to be called the Tomb of the Redeemed.”“

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20 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

known to track and kill missionaries sent to convert them

this is a bit :| and I guess confirms the conquistadore vibe that some art and armor has put forth.

20 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Templesen is a gargant recognized as a Saint of the Sigmarite religion. His remains are currently interred in south-western gate, known as the Tomb of the Redeemed, of the city of Glymmsforge.

things like this make up for it though, hoping to see more. there's gotta be duardin or aelven saints right? hell give us a nighthaunt of a saint that came back after the necroquake.

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Still the small chance that it could be the spring one lol.........

At least my wallet will be happy, still not looking forward to waiting most of a year to see if any non human things will still remain. 

At least one of the rumors was that it was spring so there is still some hope.

Edited by RyantheFett
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Soulblight, Ossiarchs and Blades of Khorne are basically confirmed as 3 of the Spring BTs (due to repacked units with 3.0 box arts appearing on webstores), thus leaving only Kharadron, Slaanesh, and Cities with 2.0 BTs. As we'll be getting 2 Chaos Tomes Slaanesh is most probably also coming in Spring.

With the Kharadron BT and Start Collecting box no longer being produced (no longer on the EU GW site), that leaves us with Cities coming either late Summer or early-mid Fall, maybe like 40k Sisters launching with an Army Set in October-Novemberish and getting fully released in January.

At least I will be able to finish my Xintil War-Magi and second Steam Tank while waiting...
And hey, maybe we'll get a full model at Warhammer Fest 🥲 (wait, what are we actually getting there? Most Spring releases would have been released already, and unless we stop hearing from the Seraphon until then, there won't really be any AoS stuff left apart from Cities/surprise new thing.) 

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6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Maybe some battlebox with new units/heroes? There are a lot of tomes during spring... 

Generally Warhammer Fest reveals have actually been really good with a lot of new stuff (like whole new armies, new editions for games, big range refreshes)

Based on the last 2 Warhammer Fests, I would be expecting something with a bit more "wow" factor, unless they stop having several days of reveals and just condense it into one show, which, considering we are supposedly getting 40k 10th edition and (bit unlikely imo) Horus Heresy Epic, seems unlikely, unless we get our first look at The Old World and they count that as AoS content.

It would actually be quite fitting to get some CoS stuff at Warhammer Fest, considering the refresh got announced at 2022's Fest...

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On 1/22/2023 at 6:32 PM, Baron Klatz said:

Templesen was a gargant Devoted of Sigmar who fought so valiantly for his deity, that he was recognized as a saint after his death and was eventually interred in the Free City of Glymmsforge as one of the Twelves Saint of Glymmsforge. One of his most legendary feats was his stand at Archiba, a deed momentous enough to earn a mosaic within the Tower of Apogee of the Sigmarabulum itself.

The dude needs to be forged into a (gargantuan) Stormcast!

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On 1/27/2023 at 10:47 AM, Asbestress said:

Soulblight, Ossiarchs and Blades of Khorne are basically confirmed as 3 of the Spring BTs (due to repacked units with 3.0 box arts appearing on webstores), thus leaving only Kharadron, Slaanesh, and Cities with 2.0 BTs. As we'll be getting 2 Chaos Tomes Slaanesh is most probably also coming in Spring.

With the Kharadron BT and Start Collecting box no longer being produced (no longer on the EU GW site), that leaves us with Cities coming either late Summer or early-mid Fall, maybe like 40k Sisters launching with an Army Set in October-Novemberish and getting fully released in January.

yeah I think my guess is on K.O for the spring Order tome at this point, especially with Drekki coming out

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With LVO reveals, I rethought my theory about the COS release :

I noticed that after initial announcement of WarFest 2022, articles that GW published were every 2 months (September, November and January). I take the bet that it will still be the case until the release of the army set. And I'm convinced that the latter will be released in November and then the full army in January 2024 (same pattern as the Sororitas, Astra Militarum and STD). Which would give according to my predictions :


March : article on Wh. Community

May : same

July : same

September : army set reveal (Nova Open preview ?)

November : army set release

January : final and complete release


Which would ultimately give exactly 18 months between the first announcement and army set release, with 6 WarCom articles between the two.

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On 1/18/2023 at 7:52 PM, Baron Klatz said:

The Helstorm falls under Ironweld Arsenal rather than the Freeguild soldiers this refresh is aiming to replace so I can see the artillery remaining since it’s looking like a steampunky Ironweld wave will hit some time later like the Lumineth temples.

Eh, actually...

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Even though the Cities refesh is the release I am most excited about, I'm still so nervous about it. Everything we have seen looks cool, but there is still the possibility that my existing Freeguild army will just be completely invalidated.

Personally, I am hoping for three main things, in descending order of importance:

  • The Steam Tank stays (and is good, if I can be really optimistic)

I have three of those guys and without them, I basically have no list.

  • Handgunners finally get updated to look cool

I have been putting off buying Handgunners for at least two years now, even though they fit my concept, because the models are just so bad.

  • A cool steam tech/artillery list is possible

The most wishlisty item on my wish list. But the Imperial Guard release was just full of super cool stuff and I really hope the Freeguild gets a similar treatment. I especially like the field artillery and support weapons kits:




I really hope we will see the techy side of the freeguild get some attention. The Cities books definitely keep presenting Cog Forts, steam tech and the huge cannons of Greywater Fastness as something that is uniquely cool about the faction. I would love to actually see that on the table.

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I'm on the same boat. I understand that freeguild stuff need to be updated and I'm excited for!
But, at the same time, I will be sad if artillery will be removed without a proper replacement... sure volley gun and rocket battery are very old-fashioned, but still I like them, and I think we need more artillery in the future.

Edited by Fulcanelli
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