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How many squatted armies does everyone have


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Mostly a question for old-timers but anyone welcome.My list includes from Warhammer,DOW and Chaos Dwarves.From Storm of Chaos,the black orcs,Lothern Seaguard and the Vampire army.From AOS I've lost Wood Elves,Brettonia and my Wolfrider army(all Hobgoblins).So over the years I've just learned to live with it and move on.

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All I have is the last iteration of O&G. Basically a bunch of orcs, wyverns, goblin war machines, and pump wagons.

Guess I also have a number of different metal heroes from many different armies that I started collecting when finecast started replacing them. Basically anything that I thought was cool I would buy to avoid finecast.

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First 2k+ point army I bought was a beautifully painted Swifthawk Agents army.  Was just getting back into game after failing to ever finish the Battle at the Pass starter set.  Had downloaded the app and free rules.  Read through pretty much every war scroll looking for the mobile but shooty list I was going for.  Hunted eBay until I found something I loved.

9 months later they got the squat.  Hadn’t picked up on that whole battletome thing… fortunately the “Vs” army I’d picked up was Ogors and I’ve since become a huge Mawtribes fan.

While still in the process got a “great deal” on the Execution Herd in Legion of Azgorh.  Twice bitten I guess…

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OG 3rd edition WFB metal all Slann army. ( Was going to turn them all into Seraphon, but it was too much work.) 4k points. 


Wood Elves. 6k points, probably. ( Nearly every metal wood elf model GW ever made.) Some of them are doing work counting as Cities of Sigmar.


Various Dark Elves. Again, some are doing work counting as Cities models. ( I just round based a few units early last week.) 

So. Many. Old. Characters. 

Ariel. Orion. Skaw. Dark Elf general on Temple Dog. The list goes on and on. 



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I have 50 high elf spears, 50 high elf archers, 40 high elf silverhelms (knights), 4 repeater bolt throwers, 40 white lions, 4 high elf chariots (2 lion, 2 horse), 2 dragons, 2 elves on the small griffins, 2 flying chariots and 10 metal dragon princes. That's just the losses from my High Elf forces. I had a full 2 units of pretty much everything, but the swordmasters are decent counts-as freeguild greatswords, and the phoenix guard and phoenixes are still usable.

I also have over a hundred orc boyz, 4 bolt throwers, 2 rock lobbas, 4 orc chariots, 4 wolf chariots, a wyvern-mounted warboss, and a bunch of battl;e standard bearers for different forces. The orc and goblin split caught me wrong-footed. my small savage force is all old metals, and I own a LOT of black orcs (ardboyz) but they aren't painted yet.

My dark elves survived mostly intact. My other projects were all speculative when I quit (30 mid conversion marauders, 20 skellys for a maybe TK army) but those were not full armies at the time.

They all live in the closet of shame while I assemble and paint new stuff. Occasionally I find a way to reuse the old stuff (bits, basing, etc.)

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My Wood Elves were the only squatting that really got me. When I first got into AoS I was so looking forward to seeing how they would play once I ported them across from Fantasy, but there seemed to be so much missing that I couldn't make it work. Later again, when Cities of Sigmar was being hyped, there was hope for a reinvigoration of the Wanderers... but they were just as incomplete as before. Then I sold them, and now I wish I hadn't because we've had a local surge of interest in WHFB and I would have loved to get them back on the table.

Still hoping we'll see a full Kurnothi release one day, and a return of the Wood Elf-style gameplay and lore with a Mortal Realms twist. I was never into the Sylvaneth side of things.

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Darn this is a depressing one. 

Something I really liked about GW is how they supported their minis for a long time, often leading to interesting sights on the table. Different generations of a sculpt coexisting looked cool to me, and meant a company that respected your time and money invested. 

We all know this has changed brutally. It is not only end times and the primaris move. They have been favoring adding completely new “units” in similar design spaces and abandoning the old ones in terms of rule support. What baffles me is how new players accept that (and some of the old ones too) as a necessity. They can’t support forever, you know, they need to make money! Yet they did, for the most part, and grew a company that way. 

Do not get me wrong, I also like new sculpts and new armies. Some really cool ideas were new at a time, of course, like Dogs of War. But there should be a better balance between adding cool new things and supporting existing ones. The lore of the setting, the beauty of the model range, those things, if cared for properly, age wonderfully. Constant new things just lack that depth.

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High elf spearmen, archers, seaguard, white lions, chariots, swordmasters, silverhelms, dragon princes, ellyrian reavers and bolt throwers.

I find the Lumineth release interesting and equally annoying as they pretty much replaced squatted high elf units with like for like copies but AoSified. Spearman, archers, swordmasters, silverhelms, ellyrian reavers and bolt throwers are all represented by new models in the Lumineth range. 

Dwarf wise I have lost warriors, thunderers, quarrelers, cannons and organ guns. I hated that Games Workshop introduced Blacksmoke Battery in 2019 just to shift models and then shortly after retired the models required for it. What Games Workshop did still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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I guess two of my armies are squatted, but also technically none of them are?

I tried to get into warhammer three times over the years. Once as a ~10 year old boy, playing with my older brother. I had a few High Elves at the time, which of course are no longer supported. But I didn't have enough models to call an "army" anyway, so I don't feel especially bad about this one.

The second time I tried to get into the game was when I was around 20 with Tomb Kings. They are actually an army I am still actively working on right now. I am running them with Gravelords rules, because a Gravelord and a Tomb King are basically the same thing.

Now I'm 30 and have bought into some Freeguild models for Cities of Sigmar recently. So if my unerring intuition for picking to-be-squatted armies is correct, they will probably be retired soon ;)

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Not an entire squatted army, but:

  • Cannons & Mortars
  • Old Slayers, Thunderers, Quarrelers, Warriors, Miners and even two marauders (last don't count as squatted, unsure of the total amount)
  • Warpriest
  • Excelsior Warpriest
  • 2x General on Horse
  • 3x General with a loadout that disappeared from the warscroll
  • 3 Freeguild archers (not a full unit)
  • 16 Empire knights
  • 10 Glade Riders
  • Empire Engineer
  • 50 Bretonnian Bowmen
  • 8 Bretonnian knights
  • Probably a few others.

Of these, I purchased 

  • Excelsior Warpriest
  • Warpriest
  • Generals on horse
  • Generals with removed options

thinking I would be able to use them in game as is, the rest was conversion food anyway or just generally there for the hobby.

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48 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I guess two of my armies are squatted, but also technically none of them are?

I tried to get into warhammer three times over the years. Once as a ~10 year old boy, playing with my older brother. I had a few High Elves at the time, which of course are no longer supported. But I didn't have enough models to call an "army" anyway, so I don't feel especially bad about this one.

The second time I tried to get into the game was when I was around 20 with Tomb Kings. They are actually an army I am still actively working on right now. I am running them with Gravelords rules, because a Gravelord and a Tomb King are basically the same thing.

Now I'm 30 and have bought into some Freeguild models for Cities of Sigmar recently. So if my unerring intuition for picking to-be-squatted armies is correct, they will probably be retired soon ;)

Please stick to the ugly models: Handgunners, Crossbowmen, Guard and General on foot! The rest still holds up quite nicely.

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1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

hated that Games Workshop introduced Blacksmoke Battery in 2019 just to shift models and then shortly after retired the models required for it. What Games Workshop did still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Stuff like this is not negativity, it is legit toxic anti consumer behavior and needs to be called out. I can fanboy over new centaurs and satyrs for kurnothi and still rightfully make a big deal about such practices.


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1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

I find the Lumineth release interesting and equally annoying as they pretty much replaced squatted high elf units with like for like copies but AoSified. Spearman, archers, swordmasters, silverhelms, ellyrian reavers and bolt throwers are all represented by new models in the Lumineth range.

I'm strongly ambivalent about this kind of thing. On the one hand, it's certainly annoying when 'classic' units are retired and later recreated in all but name, with the expectation that you should buy the new version and abandon the old. On the other hand, a like-for-like replacement actually gives you a perfect opportunity to dig out those old models and reuse them with the new rules, since they couldn't be more perfect proxies.

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1 hour ago, Greybeard86 said:

I like the general on foot. Not as a general, but I like it as a duelist champion of sorts.


1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Just kind of sucks that the worst-looking foot general with the weirdest pose is the only one still around. Although it's super easy to kitbash a better one, so not that big of a deal.

Yup. It's not a bad model, but every single Greatsword model is a better General than the current General.

Also, I really dislike the use of the word General, because General already is a term in the game.

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Err... most of them?

I have large armies of Tomb Kings and Chaos Dwarfs. The Tomb Kings were my current project when End Times hit, and I had a bit of a scramble to finish my collection before the range went away. I managed it though, and now treasure that set of models.

The Chaos Dwarfs were kind of my protest army. Having got into the second hand market to finish my Tomb Kings, I then figured I'd collect some more retro armies instead of buying anything from GW, and for the next two years or so I gradually put together 90's era Chaos Dwarf and Lizardmen armies, which were great. I ultimately did branch out into the forge world Legion of Azgorh models, which brought me back to GW, around the time I started taking interest in AoS. Its thus a little ironic that they have now joined their elderly cousins in the squatted collection.

Then there are the armies which are half and half squatted and not. I have fairly large collections of Dwarfs, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, and the Empire. I'd say about half of those are still functional cities of Sigmar units, which makes CoS my largest single army if I were to put them all together. I have a few elderly Bretonians serving as Knights and Archers in my empire/freeguild army, so they count too.

Then I was just about to start collecting orcs and goblins when the older Greenskin stuff got removed. Sadly I never really got many of them, so just have a few shamans and an ork or two which hang around with my much larger Gloomspite force. (I also collected a 90's era Night Goblin army, but they are actually all perfectly playable as Gloomspite so don't count.)

I also quite like the Forge World Monsters, so have the carmine dragon, the dread maw, and a few others which look like their days are numbered.

So I think I've been caught by just about every wave of squatting since the end times. Honestly this doesn't really bother me that much. I'm more of a collector than a player, and actively like and collect retro armies (mostly 90's and 00's so I guess "middlehammer"). Thus the main stress has been trying to pick up the models to round out my collection when they are discontinued, rather than the angst of no longer being able to use them in games. (I've never played a matched play game, and have no plans on starting, so legends is actually just as good for most purposes.)

I'm kind of tempted to try to put together an 80's to 90's era Kruelboy army using the older, smaller orc sculpts that seem to have inspired this newest wave. We'll see if anything happens with that...

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Much of my Dwarf army, a sizeable Wood Elf force and a decent chunk of a High Elf one.

Not a lot is outright unuseable as proxies, particularly the Dwarf stuff, but there's a reason I swore off GW for years and even now am wary of them.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Dogs of War


Chaos Dwarfs

Large chunks of my big 'ol Dwarf and Empire armies

The small collection of Swifthawk Agents I painted up when Spire of Dawn came out

Actual Squats


These are pretty much the only armies I've ever owned/painted. I should really collect Space Marines, just so GW stop making them

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3 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

Dogs of War


Chaos Dwarfs

Large chunks of my big 'ol Dwarf and Empire armies

The small collection of Swifthawk Agents I painted up when Spire of Dawn came out

Actual Squats


These are pretty much the only armies I've ever owned/painted. I should really collect Space Marines, just so GW stop making them

Hey, I loved you post on DoW. Is your blog inactive?

Some time ago I started putting together a DoW collection for a hobby project and your post resonated with me.

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16 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

Hey, I loved you post on DoW. Is your blog inactive?

Some time ago I started putting together a DoW collection for a hobby project and your post resonated with me.

Thanks! 😃

If the blog's inactive, it's been more of a gentle slide into inactivity than a conscious thing. I've been very busy with work, and haven't had as much time/interest in AoS as previously.

I've got adding Settler's Gain and Excelsis to the Cities of Sigmar quiz and updating the discontinued unit proxy articles with Lumineth and 3.0 stuff on the to list, but can't find the time or enthusiasm for them atm.

The blog may well transition into a Warmaster blog for a little while, as that's what my friends and I are currently painting and getting excited about. 🙂

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