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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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I am working (mostly printing) mini's for Bretonnia (also with a focus on exiles), Empire, VC, WE, HE and TK, I want to start with two armies of 1000 points each. I think TK will the first one I manage to print completly.


On a related note the plastic BSB on royal pegasus is back in stock. I ordered it 😄. I am curious how he will scale with the mini's I already printed.

Edited by Tonhel
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I'm gonna refresh my Dark Elves for tOW.
I have a whole bunch of "new" plastic models, Spearmen, Crossbows, Black Guard, Cold One Knight, Black dragon, Sorc, that are mostly painted but would need baseconverters or rebasing.

Then I have a solid amount of old metal models: Corsairs, Executioneers, Shades, Bolt Throwers, Dreadlord, Assassin.
These would need to be stripped and repainted because they were painted when I was young and the quality is quite poor.

I'm also looking at adding a few models, like: Cold One Chariot, Dark Riders.

Have some other projects that I'm working on that I would like to finish first (Terrain, Necrons, Gobsprakk), but soon the Dark Elves project will start!

That will then be my main and only army for tOW.
But a future High Elves release might change things, hehe.

Edited by Sabush
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1 hour ago, Davariel said:

The Bret exiles seem very popular, I wonder if it's because they offer so much room to be creative and put your own spin on things.

When people get the choice between a normal option and a few weird ones, I think there is generally a tendency to want to be special. The old role-playing paradox of "If most people in this world are supposed to be humans, why does our party look like they escaped a circus?".

But also: Exiles get cannons and cannons are cool.

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I’ve got a couple of old armies (Brets and VC) that I’m leaving as is, rebasing like 120 poorly painted skellies has no appeal at all. I bought a load of DE for a song from a bring and buy about 18 months ago and have been slowly painting them in preparation, just a few crossbow left to paint before 2000pts are ready. That will be my go to list for a while. My new ToW army is Khemri, got the big box and a couple of each plastic release so far, and MTO chars on the way. Missing a screaming skull and tomb scorpions, but will take me another year to paint the list so no rush lol

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I know GW has said Cathay and Kislev are a couple of years away, but what do we think the odds are of even half of the roster from Total War being ported over? Including DLC stuff?

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2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I know GW has said Cathay and Kislev are a couple of years away, but what do we think the odds are of even half of the roster from Total War being ported over? Including DLC stuff?

I think extremely extremely good within a decade or so. Not at launch. Looking at AoS, we're likely to get a couple "sub factions" from the army, mentions of other things/factions/characters existing in the narrative, and then a couple followup waves later on to keep interest up.

The Bretonnia articles mention a couple times how, in designing new things, they were considering how (if time/success/finances allow) they could circle back to update older kits. That's planning an extremely long game when not everyone has even had an initial release!

I'm so excited to pick up that Great Moon Bird in like six years!!!

Edited by Pizzaprez
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3 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I know GW has said Cathay and Kislev are a couple of years away, but what do we think the odds are of even half of the roster from Total War being ported over? Including DLC stuff?

Fingers crossed! It seems like OW has been more successful than GW anticipated though which may bump up future project priority to try to capitalise and hold interest. Edit @Whitefang any word on whether that's the case? You tend to be in the know and am curious how GW regards the OW's success in its sales/

Either way, I am a Tomb King man, but damn me if I don't love Cathay's designs! I have a feeling they will be my first Order/Forces of Fantasy Old World army!

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3 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Fingers crossed! It seems like OW has been more successful than GW anticipated though which may bump up future project priority to try to capitalise and hold interest. Edit @Whitefang any word on whether that's the case? You tend to be in the know and am curious how GW regards the OW's success in its sales/

Either way, I am a Tomb King man, but damn me if I don't love Cathay's designs! I have a feeling they will be my first Order/Forces of Fantasy Old World army!

Ah, a fellow loyal subject of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! I for one welcome the chance to remind the cathayans that ours was the first proper empire in the setting.

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Just now, Twisted Firaun said:

Ah, a fellow loyal subject of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! I for one welcome the chance to remind the cathayans that ours was the first proper empire in the setting.

Absolutely! My first and only allegiance is to the King of Kings, Settra!

But I do respect the Cathayan's realisations that Constructs are superior, even if they foolishly haven't dedicated to it!

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Got the first game in with my new beasts, against Daemonsnof Nurgle. 1500 points and both had new armies, so we only got 5 rounds in the 3 or so hours we had available.

Some highlights:

-My beastlord failed stupidity (from the gaze of gods) twice in a row with ld10 (and then broke from combat and failed to rally)

-Great unclean one is a tough nut to crack

-Minotaurs and Dragon ogres are very good, 33 plague bearers charged three dragon ogres from front and lost by three. Then got totally destroyed by the minotaurs counter charge to the flank.

-Ld7 is not very good in the game (big surprise :D)

-Magic did again next to nothing, even with combined 10 levels plus a bound spell on the table. In total 3 wounds from magic missiles and some buffs that the GUO didn’t really need. 2 lvl 2s against single lvl4 actually meant that one bray shaman got to cast his spells pretty freely (and the other one as well as the lvl4 greater daemon couldn’t dispel from combat), though the spells didn’t do anything in the game as s3 doombolts don’t really matter against t5 beasts of nurgle :)




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7 hours ago, Davariel said:

The Bret exiles seem very popular, I wonder if it's because they offer so much room to be creative and put your own spin on things.

It is a very different list from the other two Bret options and has a good amount of unique units that are good. Not really sure if the TK book does the same as well

Also find it very suspicious that the new Cities stuff are all good proxies for the exiles units.............

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9 hours ago, Davariel said:

The Bret exiles seem very popular, I wonder if it's because they offer so much room to be creative and put your own spin on things.

It offers some really interesting hobby opportunities. Like, these are presumably the less traditional Bretonnians, and they might be in a part of the world that puts them in contact with a lot of other cultures (the Border Princes for example), so perhaps some if your knights gave adopted the armour or style of those cultures. Bretonnians wearing bits and pieces of Empire armour for example.

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I need to wait for the lion chariot to be released again, but here is my concerted prince who be mounted on it. Plus a few extra shots of the conversions that need new square bases. Army shot, spearelves, shadow warriors. 






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I‘ll be having another game today.

I‘ll post (a waterfall) of images again - sadly my army is only 30% painted this time, sorry!


The list: 

++ Characters [999 pts] ++
Wight Lord [146 pts]
(Hand weapon, Heavy Armor, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Banner Of The Barrows, Skeletal Steed)

Master Necromancer [210 pts]
(Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, On Foot, Spell Familiar, Cloak Of Mist & Shadows, Earthing Rod, Dark Magic)

Vampire Count [510 pts]
(Hand weapon, No armour, Zombie Dragon, Talisman of Protection, Ogre Blade, Beguile, Dark Magic)

Vampire Thrall [133 pts]
(Lance (when mounted), Heavy Armor, Shield, Nightmare, Dark Acolyte, Dark Magic)

++ Core Units [505 pts] ++
7 Black Knights [214 pts]
(Lances & Shields, Skeletal Hooves, Heavy Armor, Barding, Hell Knight, Standard bearer, Musician)

25 Zombies [80 pts]
(Hand weapon, Standard bearer)

26 Skeleton Warriors [171 pts]
(Thrusting Spears & Shields, Light Armor, Skeleton Champion, Standard bearer, Musician)

5 Dire Wolves [40 pts]
(Claws and Fangs (Hand weapons))

++ Rare Units [494 pts] ++
7 Blood Knights [354 pts]
(Hand weapons, Lances & Shields, Iron-Shod Hooves, Full Plate Armor & Barding, Kastellan, The Blazing Banner, Standard bearer, Musician)

1 Varghulf [140 pts]
(Wicked Claws, Calloused Hide (light armor))

Created with "Old World Builder"


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Here we go!

The game was a draw. I didn’t manage to make a single save for my Blood Knights (including regeneration) so they died to a whim BUT they still performed well!

I misplayed some parts (Necromancer should have been roaming the board) and my opponent misread the Sphinx‘s decapitating strike as strike first and insta-killed my Vampire inside the Blood Knights (otherwise they’d had oneshot that monstrosity!)

Overall there were some good back and forths. The Varghulf wiffed all his attacks and died (they forgot to add trample attacks to his stats) the Black Knights did nothing and died (I struggle to see a use for them tbh). Imo Dire Wolves are the better Black Knights: Same role but incredibly fast as cheap! The wolves tief up the Catapult for 3 turns.

Overall I struggle to see a use for Grave Guard and Black Knights for the same reasons: Expensive Models, only 1 attack each, no supporting attacks, bad WS.

It was a great game! :)


















Edited by JackStreicher
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1 hour ago, GhostShark said:

Can anyone suggest a good source for movement trays? Im in the US.

GreenStuffWorld worked for me

Btw, I finally managed to magnetise and put almost everything on new trays, so I'm ready to take on TOW lol

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