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11 hours ago, Lysandestolpe said:

That pic suggests high aelves, the mark on the shield is not spireguard, unfortunately. I want a battletome for swifthawk agents almost as much as I crave one for "Orruks" (both Greenskinz, and Ironjawz). Likely won't happen, but a boy can dream ^^

The note on the bottom of the pic shows it was from Fantasy Flight in 2013, so these are Elves from the Old Universe.

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3 hours ago, Killax said:

Do you like Bloodpriests?


I've just read and re-read that battalion.  they don't even have to stay near him, just be in range when he opens the portal... epic.  I'm looking forward to this book. If we could have marked beastmen, minotaurs, skin wolves and mammoths life would be complete... well on a nerd level at least :D


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1 hour ago, Tyromancer said:

The note on the bottom of the pic shows it was from Fantasy Flight in 2013, so these are Elves from the Old Universe.

Oh for those that didn't know, that picture was a goof! Their was some 'coin' based game FFG did for WFB a while ago (a complete trainwreck imho) and that's where that silly art comes from. 

42 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

I've just read and re-read that battalion.  they don't even have to stay near him, just be in range when he opens the portal... epic.  I'm looking forward to this book. If we could have marked beastmen, minotaurs, skin wolves and mammoths life would be complete... well on a nerd level at least :D


Yeah I wonder if Beastmen will stick around, I really do. Not to raise up any concerns (this is just my opinion) but if there is something to be dropped for Chaos I'm afraid it will be Beastmen. Certain parts can certainly be integrated into Tzeentch (and they have done so), certain bigger beasts will likely stay but for their general Ungor/Gor stuff I just don't know if it's unique enough. GW never bothered to give them the same depth as Skaven for example, who like many others will likely still end up with 2-3 factions to work with to remain 'mono skaven'.

My expectation is that GW just rolls with this very slowly, so people will not be upset and fans of WFB can still get their stuff while the stock lastst in both HQ's, GW's and local stores who happen to sell Warhammer.

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