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That image has me quite excited. I'm not a big elf fan but there's a lot of scope for new elven aesthetics in age of sigmar. Could be some really interesting stuff incoming.

As for Death I feel it would be strange to not release a new sub faction this year. There is so much potential there for new and interesting death stuff, especially with all the barely touched upon mortal followers of nagash.

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25 minutes ago, Nico said:

They could give Mannfred and Neferata the Soulblight Keyword and a 3+ save as an interim fix.

I've said it elsewhere, but I'm fine with no new models for death, but a book of batallions, spells and allegiance abilities would be 80% of what is needed to make them interesting to play (with and against) again. Updated warscrolls would be great. I realise sales are driven by new models, but I want what chaos space marines got in traitors hate - rules that fit the units fluff and make them balanced. No new models required

Although new models would be lovely

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1 hour ago, DantePQ said:

Yeah I doubt they will release anything anytime soon for Stormcasts, as they needed new Battletome to be in line with post GH battletomes so they added more minis and much needed repacking of old units. 

Now it's time for other armies it's all speculation but I think we may see : 

- Dwarfs - Spring

- Aelves Shadowkin and Tyrion's Elves along with Slaanesh - Summer

- and then some Death Battletome maybe along with Nurgle or some Destruction - Holiday. 


That would mean 6-7 Battletomes in 2017 which may be too much, but Death could be  moved into 2018

I would kill for a nurgle battletome!! It seems a possibility due to them being in the new board game much like tzeentch tzangors in silver tower

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24 minutes ago, Turgol said:

Iam quite sure that the teaser is about the elves. And omg does it look promising. One could say that is abussing masks, but this mask looks so much better than the SE's! 

Yeah! Because it is silver. Everyone knows gold sucks because gold is stormcast, yeesh.

Stormcast, amIrite guys?!

Those silly geese.

Edited by Turragor
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2 hours ago, TerrorPenguin said:

2018 would need to be a whole year of death to make up for that release schedule. 

Most of the release schedulenthat people have.mentioned are the major ones though. Duardin and aelves. However its more than likely we will see some repackages and army revamps for others like with FEC. I wouldnt be surprised to see a death battletomb of some sort before the summer

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10 minutes ago, Turragor said:

Ohhhh I get you.

I thought you were just hating stormcast for their very existence for a second.

Naah, I actually have an SE army and like most of its range. I still need to get me some sweet Palladors. But that elven mask seems much better than the SE one.

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4 hours ago, ZealousJ said:

That image has me quite excited. I'm not a big elf fan but there's a lot of scope for new elven aesthetics in age of sigmar. Could be some really interesting stuff incoming.

As for Death I feel it would be strange to not release a new sub faction this year. There is so much potential there for new and interesting death stuff, especially with all the barely touched upon mortal followers of nagash.


2 hours ago, Turgol said:

Iam quite sure that the teaser is about the elves. And omg does it look promising. One could say that is abussing masks, but this mask looks so much better than the SE's! 

This is excite. That face mask looks brill

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4 hours ago, ZealousJ said:

That image has me quite excited. I'm not a big elf fan but there's a lot of scope for new elven aesthetics in age of sigmar. Could be some really interesting stuff incoming.

As for Death I feel it would be strange to not release a new sub faction this year. There is so much potential there for new and interesting death stuff, especially with all the barely touched upon mortal followers of nagash.


2 hours ago, Turgol said:

Iam quite sure that the teaser is about the elves. And omg does it look promising. One could say that is abussing masks, but this mask looks so much better than the SE's! 

This is excite. That face mask looks brill

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2 hours ago, Jamister1 said:

Could be nagash-corrupted stormcasts?? wasn't there something about him trying to suck all the sigmastuff outta them?


Er he just wants their souls same with marked chaos followers. Sigmar disrupting the life cycle is weakening him hence him being so gung ho on grabbing their souls also don't forget nagash is most likely losing out on those being taken by chaos. 

I don't know why people want to see nagash corrupted stormcast I think that's the last thing GW would do for a new release for death. Nagash is still into his undead and mortarch's. The whole of the last realm gate book was nagash getting them back under his thumb again. 

Let sigmar and chaos keep the big burly warriors. 

Edited by shinros
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