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The box actually has a lot more game accessories included in it than 40k launch box, so they definitely think more about it.

To me, everything in this is screaming "COMPETITIVE SCENE FOCUS PRODUCT !!", so I guess I'll stay in the Old World.

Miniatures are nice, but I'm more attracted by the clanrats and liberators rather than the new stuff. Which is nice, because it means they'll be present in the smaller, more affordable true starter boxes they'll unavoidably offer later. So I'll wait more and see.

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I also think the inclusion of the Fire & Jade book is really cool. Having all the faction Spearhead rules with twist decks based around Ghyran and Aqshy. Perhaps there will be further "Spearhead" books with new Spearhead rules and new twist decks from other realms. 

If there is any credence to the Warcry going bye bye rumours, what would the likelihood be that we get new editions of Spearhead? With a new book with all the rules and each faction getting a new Spearhead composition each season. (Would they even go so far as having Spearhead v Spearhead launch boxes)? 

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I didn't have high expectations to start with but the box is overall ok.

Skaven stuff is great. Clawlord and his mount, absolutely great artillery and some well sculpted Ogres. The best part is that there's a lot of guns and tech. AoS needed another techy army. I would score it 8/10 as it checks all the boxes but there's no "WOW" model like let's say Thanquol.

As for the Stormcasts they don't justify latest GW's cut in the range that many people suffered from. Most miniatures still feel recycled. Those are just another iterations of the same miniatures released with each edition over and over again. The lack of intrusive political correctness should be considered an advantage and I would score it two extra points. Thus 5/10 for recycling but overall 7/10.

Pretty good box that I'll probably pick up if the price is right.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

If there is any credence to the Warcry going bye bye rumours

They litterally made an article about the future of Warcry and an interview of Warcry game developper who said they will keep working on adding new stuff / new miniatures from AoS in Warcry profiles on the Warhammer Community not so long ago, so these rumours are basically bollocks.

Edited by Sarouan
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2 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

They litterally made an article about the future of Warcry and an interview of Warcry game developper who said they will keep working on adding new stuff / new miniatures from AoS in Warcry profiles on the Warhammer Community not so long ago, so these rumours are basically bollocks.

12-18 months is a long time. Not saying they are true (nobody knows) but I could see it happening. I also don't think it would necessarily be a bad thing if Spearhead is as good as it is looking to be and takes off. If not, I could also see them sticking with Warcry. 

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Posted (edited)

I am happy that 90% of the Stormcast side is eminently proxy-able using the squatted stuff either straight out of the box (Libs, Prosectors, Lord Veritant after he steals the Imperitant doggo) or with a minimum of kitbash (Reclusians, Lord Crow, Lord Axe). Only for the grandsons I'll need something new, but I have already built two using Frostgrave stuff. so the "continuity" of the range is not a negative point from my perspective.

One thing I noticed is that objectives are actually printed on the Spearhead boards, which seems like a weird choice. It adds to the feeling that the "one box and done" selling point of Spearhead is a bit misleading considering how much additional non-mini stuff you'll need (twist and tactics cards decks, custom boards).

EDIT: in addition, having the objectives printed on Spearhead boards greatly reduce their usability outside of that specific format, as you can't use them to build up to a full (or half) table for AoS-main.

Edited by Marcvs
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1 minute ago, Marcvs said:

I am happy that 90% of the Stormcast side is eminently proxy-able using the squatted stuff either straight out of the box (Libs, Prosectors, Lord Veritant after he steals the Imperitant doggo) or with a minimum of kitbash (Reclusians, Lord Crow, Lord Axe). Only for the grandsons I'll need something new, but I have already built two using Frostgrave stuff. so the "continuity" of the range is not a negative point from my perspective.

One thing I noticed is that objectives are actually printed on the Spearhead boards, which seems like a weird choice. It adds to the feeling that the "one box and done" selling point of Spearhead is a bit misleading considering how much additional non-mini stuff you'll need (twist and tactics cards decks, custom boards).

Veritant came with doggo always. It is nice that we can reuse the models. Even the Vigilant can be proxied with the Lord Arcanum on Grhyp Charger.

I agree on the board with the printed objectives. It would have been way better if the objectives weren't there (maybe separate items?) and you could get multiple boards to make a bigger one to play AoS games.

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Veritant came with doggo always

different base size ;) Veritant is OG doggos (40mm) new one looks like Imperitant doggo-size (32mm)



1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Even the Vigilant can be proxied with the Lord Arcanum on Grhyp Charger.

100% but I put it in the kitbashable category as I would at least swap the staff for an axe

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3 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

While the early reports were suggesting a lot less models in the box, I would've still preferred a box without the Spearhead book, spearhead cards, terrain or mat that was just cheaper.

All the minis are great, and even with the increased price it's still a big discount, but I do not want extra ****** cluttering my house up or having to just chuck stuff out because I have no need of it nor can I find a good home for it. It's just wasteful.

Then just wait. They always release starter sets with less auxiliary stuff later on.

32 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

The box actually has a lot more game accessories included in it than 40k launch box, so they definitely think more about it.

To me, everything in this is screaming "COMPETITIVE SCENE FOCUS PRODUCT !!", so I guess I'll stay in the Old World.

Miniatures are nice, but I'm more attracted by the clanrats and liberators rather than the new stuff. Which is nice, because it means they'll be present in the smaller, more affordable true starter boxes they'll unavoidably offer later. So I'll wait more and see.

I disagree. It’s a starter set for a new edition, and for Spearhead. I think buying this for some friends I’m trying to get into the game will be a lot better than me buying it to use competitively. The GHB cards are nice, but that’s really it.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Hollow said:

12-18 months is a long time. Not saying they are true (nobody knows) but I could see it happening. I also don't think it would necessarily be a bad thing if Spearhead is as good as it is looking to be and takes off. If not, I could also see them sticking with Warcry. 

Look at it another way : 40k 10th Patrol Mode didn't replace Kill Team. They are both different games with different flavours. Warcry and Spearhead are the same.

You can believe these rumours if you want, but I think they're made up by people trying to build drama out of nothing just so you keep clicking on their sites / videos.

Edited by Sarouan
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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

Then just wait. They always release starter sets with less auxiliary stuff later on.

I disagree. It’s a starter set for a new edition, and for Spearhead. I think buying this for some friends I’m trying to get into the game will be a lot better than me buying it to use competitively. The GHB cards are nice, but that’s really it.

100% agree. Everything seems made and build for new players, with enough things for old players to be tempted too

Edited by Beliman
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It's just a launch box. The difference is that they include the Spearhead mode in it and that it seems they really think it through about the practicality of this game mode and giving everything to play it right out this box.

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Posted (edited)

I think this is overall a very good box.

Each side has a spearhead included, but we get more than just a spearhead.

Both forces i imagine have a great draw for new players. Each… looks good. With maybe a hero or two „too many“, but that’s it. The core forces have a nice representation of stuff that you’re almost guaranteed to keep using, should you expand on either range.

I also like how they struck a balance between new & old players. GHB stuff for the tourney guys & gals, spearhead for the newbies. Great set of models, some terrain but not too much.

Looks very well thought out.

Edit: Story basically writes itself, too. The Questor quests, is one of the first ones to learn of the new Skaven threat. Fights for is live, gets help from some libs, it’s still not enough, so he calls for reinforcements. Bam, the Ruination Chamber answers, now aware of how dire the situation really is.

Edited by Rachmani
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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

And bonesplitterz would be 3 separate orruk tomes? Or they would just ignore them again as they wont get a spearhead box. 

Edit: or should we be counting SCE again because they have multiple boxes?

Bonesplitterz and BoC are out .

yes , Stormcast has already a spearhead box . Orruk warclans is actually Kruleboyz spearhead. So we miss Ironjawz spearhead to reach 25 spearheads.

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Posted (edited)

This got me so excited that I while GW refuses to fix ToW skavens I could try and play AoS games. Hope Path to glory ends up being cool cos I love narrative games!

Also, I may even use some of these minis as proxies on my Chaos Cult army, lol

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

I disagree. It’s a starter set for a new edition, and for Spearhead. I think buying this for some friends I’m trying to get into the game will be a lot better than me buying it to use competitively. The GHB cards are nice, but that’s really it.

Pretty sure the Spearhead books, maps and accessories will be available separately and not just in the launch box.

As for myself, the fact they included it in the launch box gives already a tone to this new edition that I'm just not interested into. The Path to Glory, I honestly believe it will be skeletal at best in the core book and it's really intended to show in the battletomes that will be released in the future.

Welcome to the Age of Gameplay Shenanigans : fight for 5 stone circles randomly carved in the ground by who knows who to gather objective points each battle round, that makes no sense for the story nor the looks of the table !

Edited by Sarouan
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2 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

It isn't. The idea is to have a fully playable box with two Spearheads, board and terrain. That's the product. Not 'two Spearheads missing terrain, but with extra couple of minis, for a good measure'.

Point still stands, its 4 small pieces I don't want to have to pay for and most established players will already have to play a game mode. It's for people who either just want it (that is totally fine, it looks good), or people without it to play a new mode.
I understand your point, it's a complete game-mode in a box. My point was I wish it was just AoS without the new mode I have to pay for and don't need. It's not that strange of a take. I'm just wishing into the breeze that I didn't have to either get less plastic in a form I want, or pay more for plastic I don't need (same cost outcome). 😉

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't know how deep they will go into describing characters, but it is surprising there's a section for Vedra:


It feels like they are really pushing CoS into a top spot.

Man Gw is begging for people to make Talhia to a breakout charcter. They artifically trying to make a Ursarkar E. Creed and  shove in everyone face actually saying he single handling build the modern Crusade when she was completely against it

To put CoS into a top they have stop making their settlments fodder for the big bad and subplot

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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