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3 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

More likely we have time before battletome Khorne comes in 4th and new miniatures will unavoidably be with it, not before.

Sure, she is from WHFB but she's also a demon and not affected by mortality. Wouldn't be surprised if she comes back in a much bigger, Daemon Prince-size miniature if GW decides to keep her.

I expect 4th ed khorne BT will have a plastic herald on juggernaut since he's still around despite being finecast

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3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

A fifth grand alliance, and then a souping of the existing four into a great resistance. Like the crowning of Malekith as Phoenix King (where seemingly all the High Elves just shrugged their shoulders at the centuries of war crimes and said "well I guess the fire says he's a goodie so we forgive him"), no one will bat an eyelid at Archaon working alongside Stormcast.

I mean, they did have a big civil war about it first, and only really stopped that because 1) the leader of the resistance went crazy and 2) the end of the world got in the way.  The way it was left, if team anti-chaos had stopped the apocalypse the high elves would probably have gone back to civil warring about it.

also did the flames say he was good, or just the legitimate heir?  because he honestly was the latter, and the real villain was hereditary monarchy as a political system in the first place.

but that's enough trying to defend a bad book.  Yeah, end times khaine was a huge disappointment, as both a narrative and as a game supplement, and after nagash and glotkin had been such spectacular successes.  real shame.

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4 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I expect 4th ed khorne BT will have a plastic herald on juggernaut since he's still around despite being finecast

That's assuming GW still keeps the "let's release only one hero with the new edition battletome" path for 4th.

All the juggernauts also come from WHFB era. My lil finger (that whispers me rumors too ;) ) tells me a new AoS juggernaut unit plastic kit with bitz for hero option inside wouldn't be impossible. That way, they can keep the old juggernaut kit for TOW nostalgic players.

Edited by Sarouan
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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Thank you I missed that post. This is the problem after removing one Faction, we all worry ours is next.

Too much stress in the real world to worry about plastic soldiers!!

You don't need to be worried for a while.

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6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

That's assuming GW still keeps the "let's release only one hero with the new edition battletome" path for 4th.

All the juggernauts also come from WHFB era. My lil finger (that whispers me rumors too ;) ) tells me a new AoS juggernaut unit plastic kit with bitz for hero option inside wouldn't be impossible. That way, they can keep the old juggernaut kit for TOW nostalgic players.

Seems to be the pattern in 40k in some cases. 1/2 heroes.

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Meanwhile, we dive headlong into Warhammer Age of Sigmar as more reveals of new rules, new miniatures, and a few surprises begin the road to the new edition in earnest. It’ll be your first chance to see some of the new Skaven.

I guess those new miniatures and new Skavens, in the plural, were talking about the Clan Rats, right? Or do we expect more minis to get their face off?

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26 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I expect 4th ed khorne BT will have a plastic herald on juggernaut since he's still around despite being finecast

And cross fingers for bloodgors/khornegors ! 


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16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Seems to be the pattern in 40k in some cases. 1/2 heroes.

Yes, but in 40k, Horus Heresy isn't really about releasing old 40k kits that were removed from sale.

Now with TOW and the clear new stance between both miniature ranges, different situation can lead to a different path for 4th battletomes.

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10 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Any rumours about Kharadrons Overlords? Not even a hint?


I think it's probably too early to say anything for sure past the launch box for now. I'm definitely expecting a second wave for kharadron, and a warcry warband for them is all but guaranteed in the next few sets

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6 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I'm definitely expecting a second wave for kharadron, and a warcry warband for them is all but guaranteed in the next few sets

You mean "Cities of Sigmar", don't you. ;) :P

Joke aside, more stuff for capitalist flying dwarves will always be welcome. Especially more female dwarves.*

*I say that too for Fyreslayers, and it happened so...

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16 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Any rumours about Kharadrons Overlords? Not even a hint?


90% sure we will receive Warcry band. I hope also to see a mid-size wave just like Sylvaneth got. Probably 2 or three heroes, 1-2 units. My personal wishlist is some new close combat unit, probably grundstok one with heavy armor and drill-like weapons. Also clockwork mech or suit could be great. Interesting if they develop a bit on clockwork thematic within KO army. You know, Grundstok thunderers have this little drill-bill buddy, so another automatons would fit great in the army thematic. I expect also to see another ship or maybe an upgrade to existing ones. So put on hopium mask and lets hope GW will give some love to dwarves this edition. 

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I'm expecting more like a scouting unit, specifically for Warcry - like a band whose main job is to look for hints of new aether-gold ores before sending the fleet (less ressources spent that way too !).

Less clad in sealed suit, more ragged troops with a lot more faces (and women :P ) to see .

Edited by Sarouan
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1 minute ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Khorne already had his go at having his own Beastmen, back in... what was it, 5th edition? 6th? Something like that. 

No more beasties for Khorne. 

Khorne Blood Bowl Team - Skull-tribe Slaughterers

Khorne already has Khorngors!

Just in a different game...

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2 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Khorne already had his go at having his own Beastmen, back in... what was it, 5th edition? 6th? Something like that. 

No more beasties for Khorne. 

In a completely different game system. It’s like ruling out anymore Kharadron sky ships because Squats had them in Epic.

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I wonder if we ever get dragon ogors in aos back. They're one of the coolest concepts in both settings and it's a shame for them to just disappear, especially after having a homeland to fight for. We could see some new models for them in S2D, to serve as a tanky cavalry for Darkoath.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Any rumours about Kharadrons Overlords? Not even a hint?


Every faction but stormcast, skaven and chorfs are totally blind right now, we know nothing about our dudes.

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