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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I have the feeling that right now everyone is super sad, angry or worried. Want to quit the game and many other stuff, but we always forget that minis from not so long ago were moved to legends, like the Cursed City ones. They were phased out in less than 2 years also, IIRC. We will forget about this one as well.

Some will, other people will leave the game. I’m sure my interest will bounce back but right now I’ve zero interest in 4th edition. 

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2 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

How is it not? I'm in a uniquely awful position that this is the fourth army of mine that GW is dropping in the AoS ruleset alone! The legends Chaos Duardin, Slaanesh-marked beasts, the Legion of Grief, and now a Horns-centric Slaves army are all dead. My combined human-wood aelf army was killed before I'd even got halfway.

We are fundamentally different in how we see miniature purchases and what GW as a company should be expected to do in regard to "support". You have approached super niche esoteric armies and are acting "surprised Pikachu face" that they aren't getting full support? Also, how are any of these projects "dead"? you are clearly motivated by the lore, background and modelling opportunities for these projects. You can easily convert, model, paint and proxy any of those aforementioned projects and would be actively encouraged to do so by all. What's the problem? 


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3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

As long as you don't touch Fyreslayers we're good B)

Bad news: I like them a lot and already own two boxes. I'd keep an eye out for the worst version of the "duardin soup" lol

3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I have the feeling that right now everyone is super sad, angry or worried. Want to quit the game and many other stuff, but we always forget that minis from not so long ago were moved to legends, like the Cursed City ones. They were phased out in less than 2 years also, IIRC. We will forget about this one as well.

Those of y'all who still have playable armies will forget about this, yes: because you weren't impacted. My cursed city models are now only frostgrave NPCs because GW doesn't want me to play with them.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

Ignore him. If I remember he has GW stocks and thinks the only thing we're allowed to want is to buy more figures.


I'm done with GW. If I ever buy anything again it'll be third party and I hope GW goes under. ****** em.


And no offense but to the half of the forum acting like I should be happy they told us instead of mad it's happening. Get some perspective. Just accept that your "buddy" James workshop can be, and in fact is, a ******.

Sorry about you. I hope you can still enjoy your minis outside of GW.

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Just now, Pizzaprez said:

My cursed city models are now only frostgrave NPCs because GW doesn't want me to play with them.

My cursed city models are used in my SBGL and CoS armies. 

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@Gaz Taylor

if I may play a teensie bit of devils advocate.  Swearing can help release tension and be cathartic and helpful in processing emotions/events. 

I don’t inherently think swearing is a bad thing. Also I don’t think anyone on whom swearing can be impressionable can access this forum can they? 

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I just read the Warhammer Community article and from what I understand it seems that the Beasts of Chaos faction will disappear from Age of Sigmar to go to the Old World. Am I right or have I misunderstood.

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Just now, Mcm6495 said:

I just read the Warhammer Community article and from what I understand it seems that the Beasts of Chaos faction will disappear from Age of Sigmar to go to the Old World. Am I right or have I misunderstood.

You are correct.

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Just now, Hollow said:

We are fundamentally different in how we see miniature purchases and what GW as a company should be expected to do in regard to "support". You have approached super niche esoteric armies and are acting "surprised Pikachu face" that they aren't getting full support? Also, how are any of these projects "dead"? you are clearly motivated by the lore, background and modelling opportunities for these projects. You can easily convert, model, paint and proxy any of those aforementioned projects and would be actively encouraged to do so by all. What's the problem? 


Outside of Legion of Grief the rest of the armies were supported in Battletomes. It isn't surprised pikachu face to have rules, narrative, etc for "beasts with marks" only for that entire concept to be axed in the next book. 

"Easily" redo an entire project is a crazy suggestion. I played this game when Warhammer Fantasy had extremely old "unsupported" armies that still had books and a seat at the table.

I'm not complaining here about some of my extremely niche projects; Legion of Grief sucked, but it was like Savage Orks (40k) or Lost and the Damned. Couldn't complain too much there in the grand scheme of things, and I was able to get by with friendly games. 

But no, it's extremely fine to be frustrated with games workshop dropping entire subfactions, miniatures ranges, and armies in less than five years. What if I did, as you suggested, suck it up and make my slaanesh beastman army anyways? GW would tell me they should really be on squares within a year. 

Sorry I don't like projects becoming trash?  The problem is I bought into Slaves to Darkness less than two years ago primarily wanting to use the brand-new "barbarians with flamethrowers." No amount of proxying will let me do that one book later. That is garbage and unreasonable. 

No one would be shocked if people complained that Cities lost one of their extremely new kits in a handful of time. Well, some people wouldn't be shocked. It's crazy to see the community pivot to "lol get over it"


6 minutes ago, Hollow said:

My cursed city models are used in my SBGL and CoS armies. 

That's nice.

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Well I’m incredibly sad to see BoC leave AoS. I was pretty sure that wouldn’t happen. I guess i can still hope for an “AoSified” version of them later, but it’s a downer for sure. My first real aos army was boc after all. On top of that, sacrosanct leaving (probably without replacement models) is sad. I love those stupid chonky robey boys and girls. My bonesplitterz will be eating it up in green fungusy heaven. My 32 spire tyrants that i bought to be chaos marauders can obviously still be proxies, but i still feel sad for them. 

I’ll get over it. I own like 15 aos armies the new stuff is always better in the long run, but it’s okay to be sad about it for a bit. 

On the brightside, I guess I finally have an excuse to try old world. 

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2 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

@Gaz Taylor

if I may play a teensie bit of devils advocate.  Swearing can help release tension and be cathartic and helpful in processing emotions/events. 

I don’t inherently think swearing is a bad thing. Also I don’t think anyone on whom swearing can be impressionable can access this forum can they? 

You may play devils advocate but this forum is for everybody and we don't want swearing. It's that simple. 

Like I said, I understand some people are upset but I'm fairly sure anybody who can access this forum is capable of saying their thoughts without swearing. 

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For me the saddest loss are the Warcry bands. BOC and Splittaz ? There was an entire thread about how the writing was on the wall for them. They had had no updates. Their participation in the lore was as token background extras. THW warned us. Most people (including myself, look at my posts in the BOC squatting thread) decided to huff hopium, burry our heads in the sand and say they're totally getting updates guys ! GW has plans for them ! Don't listen to Rob, he's lying to generate clout !

Sacrosanct... they were chunkcasts but they had some great kits like the Tauralon. But the Warcry bands ? They did so much to flesh out AoS by showing us how Chaos cultures developped in each realm. They were all flavourful minis. Yes their balance was iffy and they were artificially bloating the STD army list but each and every one of them were characterful.

Now what will you do ? 

  • Proxy them as other minis ? Viable option.
  • Dismantle your models to get cool kitbash material ? Viable option.
  • Play them in TOW ? Viable option.
  • Be mad and post insults at GW on TGA about it ? Very uncool, you shouldn't do that.
Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Stormcast Eternals - Range reduction pending a large update.

Skaven - Rage reduction pending a large update.

Beasts of Chaos - Range remove from AoS and move to ToW

Blonesplitters - Range removed

11 Warcry Warbands removed from Slaves To Darkness

7 other models removed from the AoS line. 

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7 minutes ago, GrimDork said:

This is why GW should not solely focus on one faction for starter boxes, they have to bring out new sculpts/units every 3 years, artificially bloating the range. Then they need a cull. At least for SCE proxies of old minis should be pretty straightforward. At least GW have given plenty of notice.

Sorry to those whose armies have been squatted tho🙁 Hope you can have at least a bit of fun for the next year. At least they're giving them rules for 4.0.

Wonder what it will mean for the Warcry units in Warcry?

For Warcry it means they'll probably keep the pdf rules for the current edition but not see active support in terms of availability. When the next rules update comes out for Warcry it'll be anyone's guess what happens though 

7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

The fact that AoC already has Tzaangors and Slaangors in Disciples and Hedonites makes me hopeful that we will see Pestigors and Khorngors for Maggotkin and Blades. 

With the new rules for how armies and built. Having a single Beast character and a god thematic unit in each of the mono-god books would allow for a Beast Regiment to be taken. 

This is why I'm convinced they'll be back. The Beasts have a visible presence within the setting. through Slaangor and Tzangors. Khorngors and Pestigors are easy design space to fill for BoK and Maggotkin. And as a faction there's plenty of room for creativity. They'll be back eventually under a different name

2 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

The one that genuinely surprises me is the Sacrosanct Chamber going. I know there's been a lot of Stormcast stuff with more on the way, but I can't say I expected a whole Chamber to be cut and so soon after it was released.

Honestly it makes sense, do pdf rules for the chambers not the focus of the current narrative to allow them to be played and keep them relevant, then update their models in a few years time when you want them to be in the focus and need to release some new Stormcast models with a new edition. That way they can keep things like the Ruination and Logister chambers as being more elite focused whilst simultaneously avoiding rules bloat

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1 hour ago, Scáthborn said:

My heartfelt sorrows to all those affected by the culling of the ranges, always sucks to see hard work and money get snubbed by business decisions like this, it is never pleasant and understandable to be angry at. 

With Bonesplittaz leaving the Orruk Warclanz range, do people think we might see an un-soup (Not sure what the opposite of a soup is?) of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz?

I think so. Yes.

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5 minutes ago, Hollow said:

We are fundamentally different in how we see miniature purchases and what GW as a company should be expected to do in regard to "support". You have approached super niche esoteric armies and are acting "surprised Pikachu face" that they aren't getting full support?

I generally agree, but please take into consideration that for many people (especially new players) the distinction between "core" and "niche" is not that obvious and certainly not communicated clearly by GW. Bonesplitterz were niche, sure - but BoC were hardly niche. Are Ogor Mawtribes niche now? Were Aeldari Harlequins niche?

Maybe it would help if GW openly stated that some armies are here to stay forever and some are temporary only with guaranteed 10-years support.

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I'm not going to condemn anyone right now who is feeling upset by any of these cuts. I think some of the Stormcast culling was definitely overdue, and some will be replaced with new equivalents, but that's little comfort to someone whose favourite lightning lad has begun the long walk towards the sunset.

I will note that I think Bonesplittaz has been a real millstone around GW's neck for some time, and I suspect that they tried to figure out if they could rehabilitate the line in some way before finally having to face the conclusion that they can't. Frankly, I'm amazed GW got away without being raked over the coals much more for the remaining savage orc stuff for so long, and I don't think there was ever going to be a viable route forwards for Bonesplittaz that didn't involve such a heavy reworking that they basically weren't Bonesplittaz anymore anyway, as we're seeing with the Ironjaw and Kruleboy 'inheritance' of their stuff via the Wrekkaz and Monsta Killerz.

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4 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Stormcast Eternals - Range reduction pending a large update.

Skaven - Rage reduction pending a large update.

Beasts of Chaos - Range remove from AoS and move to ToW

Blonesplitters - Range removed

11 Warcry Warbands removed from Slaves To Darkness

7 other models removed from the AoS line. 

You are not counting models that are not still on sale but will be removed too.

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I was kind of expecting this but it's sad to see them go. Lets just say it's not my first time at this rodeo. I would advise those afflicted not to sell/discard your painted miniatures, I did that myself and regret it to this day.

Also, you will be surprised how player communities can keep a game alive. If 4th edition sucks, your mates will gladly go back to 3rd. As for tournaments, from what I saw from TOW, I don't think most independent TO's will be banning any of these armies.  

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3 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

GW would tell me they should really be on squares within a year. 

and? Not to be overly flippant, but unless you are only playing in official GW tournaments and events I'm not sure what GW "Says" means anything in regards to modelling. 


1 minute ago, Flippy said:

Maybe it would help if GW openly stated that some armies are here to stay forever and some are temporary only with guaranteed 10-years support.

I think what they have said is actually pretty fair to be honest. Rules, A year, Legends. 3 months before the edition even drops. 

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Maybe it's a bit early for this post but here it is. 

This situation is something that's going to continue happening and it's not entirely GW's fault. Even accounting for these cuts and the cuts from cities earlier in the edition, the number of AoS kits has grown this edition and we're about to get another 30 or so kits with the new edition. 40k is the same. Kill Team warcry and underworlds are each getting 8 new kits a year. The recent orc and goblin release had more than 20 kits not counting made to order. Multiply that by 9 and you have almost 200 kits for the old world alone.  This is a major issue for GW. Their warehouse space is already pretty maxed out and their factories can't keep up with demand. 

I'm more than a little miffed to say goodbye to my Sacrosanct Stormcast and even more to the disappearence of the opportunity to expand my collection. I was definitely planning to buy another unit of evocators and another unit of Dracolines as I love both  those kits.  I only have 4 of the warcry warbands that are being cut and would have loved to get the rest eventually. 

I would have loved to do all those things but I also love new stuff. I'm really not sure how GW can balance things in the future. They have done a lot of one to one swaps in the past. They didn't just resculpt the tactical marine kit 5 times because it was popular. It also meant they could introduce something 'new' while discontinuing the old one and keeping the overall product range manageable. But these days people want new factions like Emperor's Children, dark Mechanicum and Malerion Aelves. That means either growing the range or discontinuing less popular ranges to make way for new ones. 

I'm really not sure what the best solution is. I don't think there's a perfect world where GW can add ten kits to each of the smaller AoS factions while still keeping all the old ones in stock, especially as AoS is not the most popular product GW makes. 

Maybe the answer is to keep the old models playable for much longer. They promised to balance the older factions for a year.  Why not the whole edition or indeed forever? They can definitely afford to hire a couple more people to the rules team. Doing balance updates for the legacy factions could be part of the training. 

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18 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Bad news: I like them a lot and already own two boxes. I'd keep an eye out for the worst version of the "duardin soup" lol

Well, at least we'll be mourning them in the soup together then.

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11 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:


  • Be mad and post insults at GW on TGA about it ? Very uncool, you shouldn't do that.

Being angry at GW is fine. They're a massive company. They won't even notice. I draw the line with getting angry at other users for not being angry enough. I don't think there's much of that here thankfully, but I've been called a shill in other places simply for having a balanced opinion. 

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