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2 minutes ago, Gotz said:

most of sacrosanct can easily be used as proxies for the stuff that's remaining. 

bit of a sweeping statement, what about:

celestar ballista



and, without kitbashing (because if you count kitbashing, every stormcast is any stormcast):

evocators on dracoline


arcanum on gryph


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2 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

On a positive note, that just cut THOUSANDS of points from my painting backlog.

Also, my Stormcast army suddenly aquired a sh*tload of Sequiberators.

I second the motion for the naming of Sequiberators. All those in favour, raise your hand. 😂

Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That's bit was just in reference to Stormcast and the Warcry/Underworlds stuff. I agree that the full BoC/Bonesplitterz removal is pretty hard to justify.

I'd still argue that the Sarcosanct removal is already hard to justify. They made up the launch faction just 2 editions (not even 6 years) ago and I know quite a few people who have them. GW making their own posterboy faction's models and heroes obsolete that fast is good reason for people to be wary of any future purchases.

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1 minute ago, Gotz said:

most of sacrosanct can easily be used as proxies for the stuff that's remaining. 


Just now, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Plus, what is a Sequitor if not a Stormcast warrior with a hammer, or hammer and shield? Looks like it's a Liberator to me 😎.

That's definitely how I would handle it. My old Empire Outriders are currently serving as veteran Freeguild Cavaliers.

I can understand that some people feel differently about it, though. Especially right after this surprising announcement.

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6 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'm not advocating for people to throw stuff away, but using more caution when buying GW products now is very warranted.

To be fair, caution is to be made with every miniature game, especially nowadays with Kickstarters, 3D printed miniatures and mostly how faster things come and go in general. Anima Tactics, Confrontation, AT-43, Battlefleet Armada...I still miss them even now. Some may come back on a different form, some are gone forever.

GW is the company that is the most resilient so far, but when they killed Battle the 1st time, they already showed none of their games was safe. The good thing is that with TOW, we also know that doesn't mean they can't resurrect a game with all the old miniatures from the past, even though you'd never expect them to bring back such ugly miniatures. :P

Edited by Sarouan
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4 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Plus, what is a Sequitor if not a Stormcast warrior with a hammer, or hammer and shield? Looks like it's a Liberator to me 😎.

What is worst. All this talk about archers in the SCE and we all forgot about Castigators. It is kind of understandable they are going out.

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3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I agree that the full BoC/Bonesplitterz removal is pretty hard to justify.

The current BoC range is fairly generic, the faction was never super popular but has a core of followers that has kept the range in service for the last decade with minimal support. ToW studio feels that there is a space within their range to support the kits and have the models service the game (they came from

Bonessplittez are a fairly generic, dated fantasy troupe in a game with 2 other well-supported Orruk "factions". 

I feel like of all of the product lines across AoS the ones that have been listed are the easiest to justify. 

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3 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

bit of a sweeping statement, what about:

celestar ballista



and, without kitbashing (because if you count kitbashing, every stormcast is any stormcast):

evocators on dracoline


arcanum on gryph


I'm not counting any kitbashing. Just proxying similar looking/equiped minis with similar basesizes.

I think dracolines and dracoths share the same base size, so proxing them is no prob. (same as with the sequicators).

Tauralon could work with Celestant Prime or Ionus... but maybe they re-release thunderstrike Aventis...

The ballista looks tricky if they don't release a ruinator warmachine

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I guess you could also just roll a bunch of the old heroes into a Liberator squad as fancy Liberators, or primes.
Errant Questor, Vorrus, Gavriel, older Paladins, Lord Ord, etc. they're all weapon and shield, or greatweapon stormcast. I don't see people taking issue with that?

3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What is worst. All this talk about archers in the SCE and we all forgot about Castigators. It is kind of understandable they are going out.

They're some of my fav SCE and I still forgot about them lol. Dang.

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20 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I'm not taking from you the right to be delighted by this GW move if you want. Leave mine to dislike it. We can discuss it in a polite manner.

It sounds like a pretty bad joke to cut down almost 2 whole editions of Stormcast miniatures. I don't know how to justify that. These are pretty good looking miniatures. Relatively young miniatures. In my opinion GW should print expiration date on their products so that people can value if they are worth the money. Sorry, I don't buy this "don't worry, it moves to legends or TOW". People bought those minis to specifically play AoS, not other systems or sub-systems.

Where do I feel this cut is justified? If any I feel like Bonesplitterz. Outside of that UW warband they didn't get a single mini for AoS. They always felt to stand apart. But still I would understand people who feel sorry about it.

Beasts of Chaos are something different since they received new hero and some Endless Spells which suggested further support. Imagine how a person who bought BoC this year feels right now. They received start collecting, battle forces, minis, at least two battletomes and now they are gone. I have a friend who collects BoC and we played a couple of times. Wonder what is he going to say. I already know how my friend with Sacrosanct chamber feels like. Spoiler alert - Not good.

Thing with WarCry warbands is more difficult. They can still be used in a game they originated from but they were at some point advertised as a product you may use in AoS. I bought two WarCry warbands ONLY to use them in AoS. This time they are not on that list but from now on I think I won't buy any WarCry warbands to use in AoS. Too much of a risk.

In my opinion GW should really work on its communications with customers about what lifespan to expect from their products. There were never clear signals that dozens of Stormcasts or Beasts of Chaos are to be used temporarly.


My friend who plays BoC just said he quits AoS. Whether or not he changes his mind time will tell.

I bought 3 units of Spire Tyrants to use with my Slaves to Darkness as they were the only warband that fit in with the look of the army, the new girl Abraxia is literally a Spire Tyrant who clawed her way up the pits of varanspire. It feels backwards them going vs the other warcry sets who didn't really gel with the StD range or core lore. 


My beastmen going is literally upsetting. I don't want to play The Old World. Why are Dwarves and Dyrads safe but Beastmen get karate chopped if its to do with ToW sales data. How do we know those units are safe when they can be sold and dropped on a moments notice come their battletome. It's just scummy in every way. 

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Wonder which models are next on the chopping block if GW is axing stuff this hard.

I guess all the WFB subfactions/old WFB models are ready to be cannibalized back into TOW.

So Spiderfang, Dispossessed, all the old Dark Aelves in CoS. Maybe Beastclaw Raiders as well? The longer it takes for a faction to get a refresh, the more in danger they are.

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What is worst. All this talk about archers in the SCE and we all forgot about Castigators. It is kind of understandable they are going out.

Guilty as charged. I was reading through the article, saw their picture and suddenly realised I forgot they existed.

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6 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I'm surprised about all BoC going as my thought process was they would be resculpted into a new range rather than a whole faction going. 

I honestly still expect this to be the final goal. 

Writing rules and keeping it tournament legal for a year sounds oddly specific. My guess would be a full redesign of the concept of "monsters" without the expectations of the past in 2025/early 2026. BoC always felt like a soup army anyways and the odd "god" units did not help.

My guess is GW will Pick one of the aspects ( wild Monsters, Minotaurs, DragonOgres, scavenging wooddwellers, dark rituals/mutated) and form a new and 110% AoS faction out of it.  Maybe not even as Grand Alliance Chaos. 

( And if it works maybe more)

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1 minute ago, Hollow said:

The current BoC range is fairly generic, the faction was never super popular but has a core of followers that has kept the range in service for the last decade with minimal support. ToW studio feels that there is a space within their range to support the kits and have the models service the game (they came from

Bonessplittez are a fairly generic, dated fantasy troupe in a game with 2 other well-supported Orruk "factions". 

I feel like of all of the product lines across AoS the ones that have been listed are the easiest to justify. 

Hard to justify from a player standpoint, not from a business standpoint.

Bonesplitterz were one of the first AoS battletomes and BoC had endless spells, a terrain piece and lore significance as recently as Thondia. That creates certain expectations. These were both full factions and removing them 10 years into the lifespan of this game is bad. We were supposed to be out of the "full armies getting squatted" phase of AoS at this point.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

Wonder which models are next on the chopping block if GW is axing stuff this hard.

I guess all the WFB subfactions/old WFB models are ready to be cannibalized back into TOW.

So Spiderfang, Dispossessed, all the old Dark Aelves in CoS. Maybe Beastclaw Raiders as well? The longer it takes for a faction to get a refresh, the more in danger they are.

Yeah, I still feel old spiders might not be safe. But, could still be reworked. Either way, despite having 2K+ of spiders in my mega gitz army, I won't be sad to see them just go if they do. I love them, but they're old and fugly 😐.

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1 minute ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

I bought 3 units of Spire Tyrants to use with my Slaves to Darkness as they were the only warband that fit in with the look of the army, the new girl Abraxia is literally a Spire Tyrant who clawed her way up the pits of varanspire. It feels backwards them going vs the other warcry sets who didn't really gel with the StD range or core lore. 


My beastmen going is literally upsetting. I don't want to play The Old World. Why are Dwarves and Dyrads safe but Beastmen get karate chopped if its to do with ToW sales data. How do we know those units are safe when they can be sold and dropped on a moments notice come their battletome. It's just scummy in every way. 

I wouldn't count any of the non FS/KO Duardin as safe (I wouldn't even consider them safe, newer models have been axed). Dryads I would count as mostly safe since the Sylvaneth are a staple AoS faction by now. I could see AoS dryads getting a refresh with the older kit going back to TOW.

I wouldn't want to own any model originating in WFB from now on.

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Just now, Snarff said:

Wonder which models are next on the chopping block if GW is axing stuff this hard.

I guess all the WFB subfactions/old WFB models are ready to be cannibalized back into TOW.

So Spiderfang, Dispossessed, all the old Dark Aelves in CoS. Maybe Beastclaw Raiders as well? The longer it takes for a faction to get a refresh, the more in danger they are.

What happens to gloomspite? How can Stabbas/Shootas, spiderfang/araknoroks, aleguzzler gargants exist in the AoS when they are also part of legal non legends ToW Orcs and Goblins. It's weird double standards throwing beastmen to ToW but not other ToW legal models. Savage orcs get the worst of it, they aren't even an army in legends or core ToW. It's a 1 in 1000pt upgrade for an Orc unit to get warpaint and frenzy....

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To my fellow fans of the green my hobby heart goes out to you. The range had a fantastic run. 

I'm personally excited what this means for jawz and krules going forward as it opens up design space occupied by our fallen friends. 

I sympathize with fans who are on the losing end here but I also can understand why this is happening from a design point. Hopefully you can find a new home with a new force. 

Interesting times ahead. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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8 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


That's definitely how I would handle it. My old Empire Outriders are currently serving as veteran Freeguild Cavaliers.

I can understand that some people feel differently about it, though. Especially right after this surprising announcement.

its a way of having diversity on the army, but, s you say not everyone will feel the same. And I assume not everywhere proxying will be received the same way.

I got fed up painting skeletons, and wanted some visual diversity on my soulblight army, so I built  20 skeletons and 20 chainrasps to proxy as skellis. 

So if I want to field a heavy liberator army, but I want some variety (and use my old painted minis), I could use some liberators and some sequitors. 

A benefit of doing this is that in big melee fights, its easy to diferentiate units from each other. 

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Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

We were supposed to be out of the "full armies getting squatted" phase of AoS at this point.

Says who? I could easily see the removal or consolidation of existing factions in future editions of the game. I think when it comes to support, 10 years is meeting expectations. 

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