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10 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Interesting. What you see as something negative I see it as something positive.

I had all the Steelhelms and Cavaliers I wanted, but I was missing the Cavalier Marshall and a second Cannon, so I bought the Spearhead and sold 10 Steelhelms and 5 Cavaliers that I would replace later on with the ones from the box.

The result? A pretty sweet discount on the models. I know it could not be too convenient for some people, but for me the discount I ended up getting was worth the shot. The Marshall and Cannon ended up costing me 24 €, while purchasing them separately would cost me (store discount included) 78,15 €. Almost three times what I paid. And it is not the only case where I've done this, I normally buy multiple big boxes to get something I am looking for just cheaper, and I also help other people to buy stuff cheaper as I usually sell my stuff at a 40% discount over GW price.

But you wanted two things from the spearhead, which consists of all new stuff anyway. Not the same few kits that are being stuffed in all boxes for almost 10 years now.

Maybe Fyreslayers are a special case as there are only 2 units of infantry, but every single new release is put in a box filled to the brim with these 2 units. Since there are so many already out there, there's almost no way to sell them.

If I wanted a Magmadroth, I had to buy a start collecting with 10 Vulkites. Since you want more than one Magmadroth for a lot of lists, that's already multiple of the same box. At that point it was fine, the kits were still new and exciting. Also, back then units of 30 Vulkites or 10 Hearthguard were still a possibility.

Then the other releases started happening. Especially if you want the models at launch, and they can take forever to get a standalone release.

You want a Battlesmith? You have to buy the Vanguard, containing 20 more Vulkite Berserkers and 5 Hearthguard.

You want the Auric Flamekeeper? Buy Fury of the Deep, which in addition to the Idoneth half contains 10 more Vulkites and 10 more Hearthguard.

Grimhold Exile? Oops, 10 more Vulkites and 10 more Hearthguard.

I'd rather buy a single overpriced hero model than these (still overpriced) boxes which keep giving me more and more and more models I don't need and cannot sell.


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I am all for the talk of merging Stormcast warscrolls, but before discussing judicators/vigilors/hunters I'd say there's both lower hanging fruits (single warscroll for the 3 paladin variants, 3 melee dracothian guards, prosecutors) and a much more pressing need to reduce the number of Leaders

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7 minutes ago, Snarff said:

But you wanted two things from the spearhead, which consists of all new stuff anyway. Not the same few kits that are being stuffed in all boxes for almost 10 years now.

Maybe Fyreslayers are a special case as there are only 2 units of infantry, but every single new release is put in a box filled to the brim with these 2 units. Since there are so many already out there, there's almost no way to sell them.

If I wanted a Magmadroth, I had to buy a start collecting with 10 Vulkites. Since you want more than one Magmadroth for a lot of lists, that's already multiple of the same box. At that point it was fine, the kits were still new and exciting. Also, back then units of 30 Vulkites or 10 Hearthguard were still a possibility.

Then the other releases started happening. Especially if you want the models at launch, and they can take forever to get a standalone release.

You want a Battlesmith? You have to buy the Vanguard, containing 20 more Vulkite Berserkers and 5 Hearthguard.

You want the Auric Flamekeeper? Buy Fury of the Deep, which in addition to the Idoneth half contains 10 more Vulkites and 10 more Hearthguard.

Grimhold Exile? Oops, 10 more Vulkites and 10 more Hearthguard.

I'd rather buy a single overpriced hero model than these (still overpriced) boxes which keep giving me more and more and more models I don't need and cannot sell.


It might be that second-hand markets are more popular over here, I don't know, but I never had a problem selling stuff, and trust me, I sold a lot of stuff.

For example, I purchased all the VS boxes from the third edition just to put my hand on the little lore book that comes inside. I sold everything else (and even won money from that), that includes the Fury of the Deep box, that you mentioned, and its FS. I bought all the Hachette issues from both collections purely for the reading material. Sold all the sprues without a problem at all. Bought a second-hand Silvertower purely for the Excelsior Warpriest and sold everything else, the Dawnbringer box with the FEC harbinger just for the hero... I have a lot of cases and I never had a problem selling the minis. That's why I see it as something positive.

4th edition would launch, and if CoS or FEC get a new hero inside a battleforce I will be happy because that would mean a free hero (or even earning some money) for me.

** EDIT: As a note the particular case of the FEC Dawnbringers box. I bought it once Ushoran and Co were announced, so I bought after many more people would do something the same I did but on the release date, and the material inside the box is old as FEC and even came inside one of the Mortal Realms premium issues, so it could be a case similar to your FS.

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13 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Let's face it, most people outside of kitchen-table-hammer aren't playing narrative though.

I guess my club never went away from the kitchen table then😂.

we’ve got around 20 people of 40ish that are playing 40k and aos with legacy/legend units,

me included

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11 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Let's face it, most people outside of kitchen-table-hammer aren't playing narrative though.

Maybe they will succeed with pushing the popularity of narrative or casual formats up a bit with their new modular rules system. A casual battle mode that is matched play but with more freedom could be popular. Like, remove battle tactics, add in allies, that kind of thing.

Otherwise, any rules that are in the "ask your opponent" zone are just kind of cursed to never see any use.

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13 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

So if what most of us are speculating is true and allies are being removed with regiments of renown as the stand-in for them, that is going to break a few flavour specific (i.e. non-competitive) ally choices, like the Black Coach allied into SBGL (because that's where it belong you thieving bedsheet ghosts! *cough* ahem).

Same for fluffy stuff like specific SCE into order factions as a city-protectors based splash, or Dryads, etc. into an order faction for a splash of my guys/gals are from the living city. Yada-yada. Unless you're one of the lucky ones and the hero or unit you like having in your army gets a Regiment of Renown box...

That's a little bit of a bummer if it plays out that way... we get a win for construction flavour but at the cost of ally flavour.

I was thinking something similar. But, then, I never really expected the Allies rules, at least as they currently stand, to survive in this new edition. It's a a shame... but it's the same old story, rules changes because some ultra-competitive clowns were exploiting (or abusing) things for the sake of winning a game. 

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It might be that second-hand markets are more popular over here, I don't know, but I never had a problem selling stuff, and trust me, I sold a lot of stuff.

For example, I purchased all the VS boxes from the third edition just to put my hand on the little lore book that comes inside. I sold everything else (and even won money from that), that includes the Fury of the Deep box, that you mentioned, and its FS. I bought all the Hachette issues from both collections purely for the reading material. Sold all the sprues without a problem at all. Bought a second-hand Silvertower purely for the Excelsior Warpriest and sold everything else, the Dawnbringer box with the FEC harbinger just for the hero... I have a lot of cases and I never had a problem selling the minis. That's why I see it as something positive.

4th edition would launch, and if CoS or FEC get a new hero inside a battleforce I will be happy because that would mean a free hero (or even earning some money) for me.

** EDIT: As a note the particular case of the FEC Dawnbringers box. I bought it once Ushoran and Co were announced, so I bought after many more people would do something the same I did but on the release date, and the material inside the box is old as FEC and even came inside one of the Mortal Realms premium issues, so it could be a case similar to your FS.

It's also not necessarily about reselling everything, I also feel wasteful buying so much extra plastic I'm unlikely to use. And the fact that it takes time and effort to resell also plays a role. If I could, I'd just buy the units I wanted instead.

A box of completely new models? Hell yeah. Nearly the same box of old units which I already have a ton of, but with a different hero each time? Just let me buy the hero.

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1 minute ago, Aeryenn said:

To be honest you convinced me about the role Stormcasts play. I still don't like it but will treat it as necessary evil. If that helps AoS as a whole let them show some more golden boys. 

Ok, now we will work hard until you get a Stormcast army.

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19 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Let's face it, most people outside of kitchen-table-hammer aren't playing narrative though.

Youd be surprised by crusade's popularity amongst 40k players, myself included. Not only it is funny, but also has less loads of rules to keep control of, and use to be played on smaller games (ever1 seems to be playing at 1k points nowadays anyways)

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Casual play in all my locals has always been skirmish versions of the games, basically no one plays non-standard AoS/40K here.
It's pretty much the same with MTG as well. It's modern, sealed, commander (sweaty but not technically cEDH) or go play your cube at home.

So for me and those with locals like mine, it's still going to be sad to see it go. But you're all correct, it's not a big deal really. Times change and my kitchen table is still open.

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15 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Shaved the hammer head down and painted the nose guard to match existing trim. Does it help?


It helps, but again many of the participants around here probably think I'm a bit of a "mood breaker" (even if so: why not? 🙂 ), but I think the new Liberators helmet is worse than its predecessor.
Is it really a divine dwarven forge capable of doing this? I don't know.

ps: I I would have really liked it if the new stormcasts had maintained an even more humanized and refined face, like this: 


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2 minutes ago, Holy_Diver said:

It helps, but again many of the participants around here probably think I'm a bit of a "mood breaker" (even if so: why not? 🙂 ), but I think the new Liberators helmet is worse than its predecessor.
Is it really a divine dwarven forge capable of doing this? I don't know.

ps: I I would have really liked it if the new stormcasts had maintained an even more humanized and refined face, like this: 




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34 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Ok, now we will work hard until you get a Stormcast army.

First minis I've ever bought and painted are Stormcasts from the very first starter that was SCE vs. Khorne Bloodbound. Still have them on my shelf.

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51 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Let's face it, most people outside of kitchen-table-hammer aren't playing narrative though.

In reality, the only reliable stats we have is from tournaments - and that only applies to players attending them (it's not surprising most tournaments aren't about narrative play). Data about the rest of players (which, just to see numbers of sales in comparison, is clearly WAY MORE than tournament players) is impossible to get. So we really can't know other than talking about our own local area or just have feelings about it.

Maybe the truth is something completely different, who knows - like customers actually not playing in majority but just collecting and painting. :P

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Early warning of what's going away in 4.0. It's official, Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitters are off to the great Old World in the sky, at least for competitive play.


Two factions, Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitterz, as well as a number of older Stormcast Eternals from the Sacrosanct and Warrior chambers, will be receiving free-to-download digital battletomes. These will feature new background and rules, and will be considered legal for use in competitive play until summer 2025. At this point they will move over to Warhammer Legends, and will no longer be supported for competitive play.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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5 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

In reality, the only reliable stats we have is from tournaments - and that only applies to players attending them (it's not surprising most tournaments aren't about narrative play). Data about the rest of players (which, just to see numbers of sales in comparison, is clearly WAY MORE than tournament players) is impossible to get. So we really can't know other than talking about our own local area or just have feelings about it.

Maybe the truth is something completely different, who knows - like customers actually not playing in majority but just collecting and painting. :P

Yeah, no it's fair enough what you have all said in regards to differing focuses in different gaming groups. I guess what I should have said was that I want to be able to do it in a tournament or "standard" setting, and will miss the ability to do that if it turns out to be true.

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44 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

rules changes because some ultra-competitive clowns were exploiting (or abusing) things for the sake of winning a game.

AKA people were playing within the ruleset that a very big succesful game company gave them. I also hate it when those ultra-competitive people build hotels on Park Place!

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Pretty solid article!

Sad for BOC:


The Beasts of Chaos are leaving Warhammer Age of Sigmar, but they’ll be back in the future… or rather, the past. Yes, the Beastmen are returning to their old feeding grounds in the World of Legend and Warhammer: The Old World.

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Aaaah nooo not the warcry bands !

...oh well, they'll make proxies for darkoath, I guess.

So they're really serious about making everything that was still made of Warhammer Battle miniatures go The Old World exclusive. I wonder how they will explain that in the background...maybe something like "undivided beastmen were actually all skaven with goat disguises, yes-yes !"

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