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7 minutes ago, Vagard said:

Aren't they after the release of the new edition? 

It was from May 2nd to June 2nd, it's different than the indexes: it's just a teaser for each faction of what's changing/staying. So it was before the release.

Indexes got published during the preorder window, and core rules were also fully available before the release (early June, after the faction previews)

Edited by KarrWolves
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35 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Huge waste of resources.

Not only I think that changes are purely cosmetic but even some like helmet or kilt are a downgrade from its previous version.

Meanwhile Beasts of Chaos, Ogors, Dark Elves, Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz and like 90% of Chaos daemons beg for a refresh.

Go on, refresh sequitors next year.


I mean, we knew that SCE were getting a new wave and we knew that it was going to be TS Libs as part of it. Is it a shame that GW feels the need to make 1/2 of every new edition box SCE instead of giving other Order armies a bit of attention? Yeah of course, but realistically none of the armies you named were ever going to get a look in, except maybe DEs in Malarions lot I guess. Hell even if SCE weren't the eternal poster boys it would still have been an Order vs Chaos box. Chaos is obviously Skaven (who are probably the most deserving of a refresh of any army GW produces in any system).


Err, SCE will be basically done after this year until next edition, if Sequitors aren't in the wave of releases coming with the 4th Ed book then it will be 3 years until they have a possibility of being released unless GW radically changes how it handles AoS.

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3 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

I mean, we knew that SCE were getting a new wave and we knew that it was going to be TS Libs as part of it. Is it a shame that GW feels the need to make 1/2 of every new edition box SCE instead of giving other Order armies a bit of attention? Yeah of course, but realistically none of the armies you named were ever going to get a look in, except maybe DEs in Malarions lot I guess. Hell even if SCE weren't the eternal poster boys it would still have been an Order vs Chaos box. Chaos is obviously Skaven (who are probably the most deserving of a refresh of any army GW produces in any system).


Err, SCE will be basically done after this year until next edition, if Sequitors aren't in the wave of releases coming with the 4th Ed book then it will be 3 years until they have a possibility of being released unless GW radically changes how it handles AoS.

At least let GW make some really distinct Chamber, nothing we've seen before. Most Dominion sce already looked really similar to what we've already known. Now they're going with rescalpts. Seriously? Okay, go with sce every year but make them as distinct one from another as Moonclan, Squigs, Troggoths and Spiderfang are. Not clones that all they differ is the weapon or helmet.

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45 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Huge waste of resources.

Not only I think that changes are purely cosmetic but even some like helmet or kilt are a downgrade from its previous version.

Meanwhile Beasts of Chaos, Ogors, Dark Elves, Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz and like 90% of Chaos daemons beg for a refresh.

Go on, refresh sequitors next year.


You think like a fan, whereas GW thinks like a company.

SE are the ideal army for beginners : quick and easy to paint, few in number, relatively simple to play, forgiving of mistakes as you learn, and big guys in shining armour. They're the perfect army to sell when you discover the hobby.

You just have to hope you're the army in front of them to get attention every 3 years. This time it's the skaven's turn. Who knows who will be the lucky one in 2027...

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Interestingly the teaser video liberator is, like usual, one of the early 3D print pre-runs that the studio gets for painting (nothing special about that) - but there are signs of significant manual processing on the face (ridge, right) and gorget (inner towards face), which is unusual to see. There are also visible pocks from the support point sheering that are usually well hidden (TMM is making them more obvious). It seems to indicate he's an early run of the internal prints.
Just a little inside-baseball observation.


Also, he has had a rough time waiting around for his shoot lol:


Edited by GloomkingWortwazi
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6 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

At least let GW make some really distinct Chamber, nothing we've seen before. Most Dominion sce already looked really similar to what we've already known. Now they're going with rescalpts. Seriously? Okay, go with sce every year but make them as distinct one from another as Moonclan, Squigs, Troggoths and Spiderfang are. Not clones that all they differ is the weapon or helmet.

GW is still looking for opportunities to sell more minis. One time it will be new units, another one, old refs resculpts...

Range refresh is one way of providing a new opportunity to sell and keep the business model going. That's the only thing they're concerned about.

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1 hour ago, Grungnisson said:

In all fariness though, it's still probably possible to write enough warscroll variants for the units SCE have. But the gazillion options for a foot hero with a sword, that needs addressing. Please, GW, I beg of you.

Last I checked, there were more heros than actual units in the SCE roster. Slash out the excess heroes and the Stormcast range becomes significantly more reasonable.

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Underwhelmed by the Lib, it’s too similar to Vindictors for me. 

I don’t like the helm but that’s an easy head swap. I’d have liked the libs to keep the tabard or something instead of the scale skirt, just something else to separate them a bit. I mean, it’s fine.

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If soup means more armies will get book releases faster I'm all for it. Split them back up in 4.5 edition.

I don't want books coming out a few months before a new edition (fec). Give the game a year to just breathe with all the factions up to date.

edit: seems I'm a bit late to the soup-talk party /shrug 😂

Edited by Verminlord
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1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

Huge waste of resources.

Not only I think that changes are purely cosmetic but even some like helmet or kilt are a downgrade from its previous version.

Meanwhile Beasts of Chaos, Ogors, Dark Elves, Spiderfang, Bonesplitterz and like 90% of Chaos daemons beg for a refresh.

Go on, refresh sequitors next year.

Yeah, because more people play SCE than Beasts, Ogres, DE, Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz combined. Simple as.

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New Liberator looks... fine? I certainly don't hate it, but I think (in this case) painting the noseguard gold would make it harmonize more with the rest of the trim. I think these will look great next a unit of Vindictors.

As for whether or not people would have liked Stormcast better if they had looked like this originally...

Obviously, the reception was dictated by the circumstances of ending WHFB and so on, there's really no way to discount that context.

But personally, it was never the "fatness" of the OG Stormcast that bothered me. Even seeing them side by side, I still like aspects of the original.

The things I actively dislike(d) about the original wave of models are 1) the gaudy paint scheme and excessive lightning bolt iconography, 2) the absence of helmetless heads, making the entire army look dead and monotonous and making players think that they were Thousand Son-style automata, and 3) the lack of diversity in body types. 

Sequitors addressed all three of these well enough that I would have been happy to accept those as the standard template for Stormcast going forward, but here we are. I do think Thunderstrike looks great as well, and people certainly seem to have connected with these, especially as the setting matures and the miniatures released become a little more grounded and less gaudy-looking.


Now show me a damn Clanrat! I want to know what the enemies of Sotek look like already!

Edited by Magnusaur
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1 hour ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

Interestingly the teaser video liberator is, like usual, one of the early 3D print pre-runs that the studio gets for painting (nothing special about that) - but there are signs of significant manual processing on the face (ridge, right) and gorget (inner towards face), which is unusual to see. There are also visible pocks from the support point sheering that are usually well hidden (TMM is making them more obvious). It seems to indicate he's an early run of the internal prints.
Just a little inside-baseball observation.


Also, he has had a rough time waiting around for his shoot lol:


This is why I get so insecure taking photos of my minis lol. They look great to me but the second I look at a photo I realize how bad my vision actually is.

Luckily even 2 inches from my face and I am still painting for arms length. Luckily my friends and opponents are kind to my abilities haha 😅

Edited by Neverchosen
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I was really surprised they shown the same miniature as 3 years ago. Then I saw he carries a hammer instead of a spear and has a slightly different helmet.  Should have been and upgrade sprue.. 

The thing I feared after watching new edition trailer is that we only saw 3 new stormcast and the rest was old with different weapons. If they release almost the same box with hammers instead of spears might skip it and get skaven on eBay.

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22 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yeah, because more people play SCE than Beasts, Ogres, DE, Spiderfang and Bonesplitterz combined. Simple as.

If these factions had sce level of support these numbers would be much different. If Dark Elves/GG/Lumineth/KO were in every edition starter box they would be in top 3 popular armies as well. 

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Ok without jokes. I think all Stormcast designs types have their own thing i like about them. First i have to that i absolutely hate the term fatcast. I do like the bulky designs i just would have liked them non helmeted. The thunderstrike design looks more like a marriage between a gladiator and a super hero suit, dont really like the helmets here too. I do like hooded or normal stormcast heads. I do like the helmets of these new designs so far, but it might just be a paint scheme thing. Cant wait to see more of the heroes.

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