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Even the ghb battle tactics are annoying and unbalanced, some armies can naturally do them while others have to make sacrifices (Who has ever wanted to play with units of furies ?) to be able to score them. Imo fighting for objectives is enough, we don’t need extra challenges.

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So I came into the stream a little late after getting home from a farewell party for a friend, I also made the mistake of watching it on Twitch and seeing the comments was as disheartening as ever. Turns out that Warhammer fans don’t hate AOS they hate everything (except Space Marines).

40k — Chaos Reveals I missed the character reveals but the models look pretty cool and intimidating. Despite my love for Chaos I feel these box sets feel rather uninspired. Maybe I am underwhelmed relative to the amazing Chaos Reveals we have had in AOS recently. I always feel this way with Chaos Space Marines and I am starting to except that I don’t know if I will ever make the jump. I have my Chaos Knights to show my love to the Dark Gods in 40K. Still with the right theme and concept I feel like I'd jump on board. 

Kill Team — Now this is what I am talking about. The League models in their jackets are just exceptional and the addition of characters for the Gene Stealers makes this a really cool entry point for the army. But also poses the risk of alienating people that already own those models. I have loved the terrain for this season and despite loving generators these feel a little oddly proportioned and aesthetically different from the rest of the season. Still a nice addition to a great set.

Horus Heresy and Necromunda — If I was watching for these systems I would be pretty devastated. Still new takes on Admech sound cool and I guess fighting in mines or something could be neat?

Old World — I will always love the setting and game but these sculpts really drive home how little I am interested in returning to the system for the time being. The new character models are great but they look jarring next to some of the old models. I feel like I will try and get some Regiment tray convertors for my Slaves to Darkness and play that way especially as my Knights and Warriors are mostly from WHFB so won’t look out of place.

Warcry — Best game with one of my favourite reveals. The Ossiarchs really found a way to lean into the composite construct idea in more fascinating and cool ways. I am heart broken that we have once more skirted the chance of Kurnothi but these vine heavy bee keepers are so up my alley as to be perfect. The terrain piece is terrific but also odd to get another Sarlacc pit so soon. Probably my Favourite model reveals of the show and sadly I don’t play either.

Underworlds — Things I did not see coming! The Flesh Eater Courts are wonderful as always and love the idea of them being chefs. The Cities cultists… I have been waiting to see how the updated cultists will look and what we got was so out of left field that I don’t know how indicative they will be of future release. Still characterful and strange in a truly Age of Sigmar fashion. I don’t know if I will pick them up and might even lean away from the cultist side as I thin they are beyond my skill as a hobbyist but they are fascinating.

Now onto the main event

AOS — Dawnbringers, I am sad we didn’t get the Darkoath reveal at this moment as it would have made a great reveal even greater. The Lady is unbelievable and with two units of Varanguard in my army she’ll be a natural fit. I am a little sad that like Archaon the silhouette is so dependent on the mount. But I love the model and lore, her spear creating Spawn sounds like a fun mechanic and I can see her adding to my overly large army.

4.0 — I won’t get too far into it as there is too much to cover. But it was an unbelievably cool reveal and Stormcast just get better with each release. Skaven have never suited my play style but their design’s are fantastic and this seems like such a great expansion of their range. I probably won’t get the box as I have a full Stormcast Army and no room for a horde army. My partner called me during the discussion of rules so I will have to play catch up but they seemed interesting.

The interesting thing for me is that I really loved the reveals, but the one thing I think I am most likely to get is the Lady of Ruin. But can't wait to see the others on the tabletop. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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33 minutes ago, Mutton said:

The continued existence of battle tactics is overwhelmingly disappointing.

They may be drastically different from what they are now

If they keep the same system, I will also be overwhelmingly disappointed. There are so many problems with the current implementation of Battle Tactics

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16 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

to be able to score them. Imo fighting for objectives is enough, we don’t need extra challenges.

they mentioned a "modular" rules system so maybe we're (finally) getting a "casual version" without battle tactics and other stuff, and a "tournament" one with the added seccondaries. After all, the lack of a "casual battlepack" was a common critique to 3.0

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I'm not a fan of how the Ruination elites' shoulderpads are looking more like Marine-pads than other Thunderstrike, but overall I'm happy with the trailer and the Chamber opening. Hallowed Knights are my favorite, silver looks better than all gold armor, so I'M READY!!!

my guess is that these "normal looking" Stormcast are the elites that still look Human, and the other Ruination kits are going to devolve further into the worst parts of the Flaw.

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It’s my turn :



-Abraxia is very a pretty mini. I don’t really named in my games so I am not very enthousiast like people here. But I pray that Dawnbringer 6 will be a good end from in my opinion, one the best narrative campaign from Games Workshop.

-Sorry Slaanesh but Skaven call me...or may be can I do Slaaneshi Skavens. It’s very heretical yes-yes. Skaven are fully fun, they are faithful to themself and their historical design. I am curious about the lore between Archaon and GHR which seems to finally conclude a pact. 

-Stormcast are very good. But I feels that they are too...normal. I prefer wait the minis which seems to be more unatural that a simple Thunderstrike Liberator.

-Indexes ; yes, may be. I have never play AoS but may be It’s will allow me to start for a time before Meta will become the new boss of the 4th edition.


Good news for CSM. I am happy for them.


The plastics dwarves are very good. I want the dude on shield to convert him to chaos. Umgrim is always Ungrim but we feels his yougness, so I believe that is good ?



Sylvaneth are not for me. They are perfect of course but not for me. Hoewever, Ossiarch must be a warband on ma to do list. I already hear the souls whispers from the three dogs. And wow..did you imagine you melt your soul with another one and put it on a body with four legs and two hands ? If you don’t have a PTSD, that fate could give you one.


FOR SIGMAR EDDISON ! They are very funny, but I find them too grimdark. Yes AoS is dark but have a cult from a good god where you torture yourself...it’s 40k. I would prefer Fĺagellants like in the lore who their bloods cures from the chaos.


Ghouls are nice, but not a miracle.



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My take

4th Edition Trailer: The trailer was awesome and did a fantastic job of telling a story and setting up the edition. Great piece of work.

SCE: I have to say I'm more excited for the design of the new SCE than I was after the trailer for Dominion, which I skipped as I had a large SCE army already. I'm tempted though this time round, to the point where I could still get the Dominion models and maybe start a new Stormhost instead.

Skaven: Don't love the Ratling gun, but the mounted Clawlord looked cool.

The new edition- I'm slightly apprehensive that they started by saying they've rewritten my favourite GW game from the ground up. Combat range and USRs sound like good ideas. Spearhead sounds fine, and sounds like it's compatible with the Vanguard boxes which is good. I've got a mild urge to pick up a Vanguard box now for a new army and get it ready for when it drops. If they really do achieve elegant, balanced and reflect the lore on the tabletop, then we're in for a good ride. Fingers-crossed.

Abraxia: It's a cool model but not one I'm wow'd or particularly excited about, and I think that's largely because Abraxia appears to be the same as any other mortal StD hero. 

Nexus Chaotica: Very cool scenery piece and I wonder if this is faction terrain for StD going forwards

Darkoath: Presumably were meant to be part of the show and agreed with Neverchosen it would have been nice if these hadn't been spoiled prior.

Dawnbringers VI: good to get confirmation that this one is the final one of the series, and like Broken Realms I think the story has been really good and a great way to see out the edition. Kruthusa's was a bit random, but the story has been full of intrigue I think.

Brethren of the Bolt: The execution is just too out there for me. Fantasy tasers.

The Skinnerkin: The bat-man is the winner from the warband, otherwise fine but not particularly inspiring. 

Teratic Cohorts: For me it would have been great if the Mortek Guard had looked like the Mortek Cykloptians when they were first released, they look fantastic. I like the Centari a lot and the prowlers are fine. Harpies look odd to me without arms

Twistweald: a very characterful evolution of the existing kits. Not terribly exciting, but I like the models. What I found slightly ironic is that there have been some calls to see the dryads get redone for AoS, and the Dryads in this kit basically just look like the current Dryads, so what would the point be.

Ravening Gnarloak: Looks like something from Kingdom Death to me. Creepy AF. 

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Also, I don't think this has been mentioned:


The Dawnbringers action doesn’t stop with the release of Book VI. Warhammer stores around the world are embarking on three months of activities as they battle over the beleaguered cities of the Mortal Realms. Contact your local store to find out what they have planned!

That leaves us Apr, May and June for those events. So the box comes in late June or early July.

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40 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

they mentioned a "modular" rules system so maybe we're (finally) getting a "casual version" without battle tactics and other stuff, and a "tournament" one with the added seccondaries. After all, the lack of a "casual battlepack" was a common critique to 3.0

Fingers crossed !

All the players in my local club have left AoS because are too complicated and it’s really difficult to get back in after you had  a break. I have only be able to find games at tournaments ever since.

Hopefully this new edition will bring them back and also many new bloods !

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14 hours ago, king.del said:

I'm claiming a win.

From the trailer: "Sigmar lied. He never told us the true cost of this honour. Soon, all that will remain of me is an echo. Lost to the storm. But until that day...I fight. "

So from this, SCE seem to still see reforging as a honour, despite their eventual demise, and gladly pay this price. The "lie", is just a lie of omission.

I will say my theory made a lot of people say they dislike this direction that SCE were going, or say they thought it made them less interesting.

My view is that this change makes them more interesting, grants them more humanity in a way. They now "know" that they have a limited number of reforgings. Sure, they have more deaths than a normal human, but this change reintroduces risk/stakes to their personal stories. I love SCE, but their novels/short stories didn't excite me. I now can't wait to read about the new chamber, its members and how this new lore affects the standard SCE.

Can't wait to read your thoughts on this. Especially you lore masters.

it's still a flaw in the magical process though. i do agree that Stormcast more-explicitly knowing the cost of their immortality makes them more interesting, and it's more of a lie of omission/the honor isn't so exciting.

what was also so exciting for me is the way these veterans are described, they've been allowed to rest in retirement homes (monasteries) before things became so dire that they had to be called back.

Edited by CommissarRotke
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About the Twitch chat...there was the time it was launched that mattered and I suspect it was more about internet trolls wanting to troll than real "Warhammer" fans. So I wouldn't really mind it that much, it's not like it's actually representative of the reality.

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“Hope cast into Ruin” is a great catchphrase for the new edition because of its double meaning.

”Hope cast into ruin” means on the one hand that hope is gone and that ruin has replaced it, as the Skaven are known for destroying anything they come into contact with. One of their lores of magic is even called the lore of ruin.

But on the other hand it means that your only hope is in ruin, meaning, the Ruination chamber of Stormcast Eternals.

Or, as a wise old storyteller once said, “it’s like poetry, it rhymes”.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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I really like where the story with stormcast is going. Makes them more interessting for me. But I wished the "Sigmar Lied" to be about a bigger surprise. 

The SCE Models in the Trailer are Not my Cup of Tea. They are so incredible chunky with oversized shoulder Pads and Look Out of proportion in my eyes. Maybe the actual models will look great. The latest Models " Blacktalons, dragons" for example are extremly good. So i will wait for actual model pics before i judge them.


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16 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

About the Twitch chat...there was the time it was launched that mattered and I suspect it was more about internet trolls wanting to troll than real "Warhammer" fans. So I wouldn't really mind it that much, it's not like it's actually representative of the reality.

From what I see from the comments online the responses from the trailer were overwhelmingly positive. There’s always some minority of troglodytes who like to dunk on AoS because they think it’s one of their valued personality traits, but personally I don’t give two ****** about these guys, they can mald and seethe and stay mad as long as they want, I couldn’t care less and so should you.

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4 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

“Hope cast into Ruin” is a great catchphrase for the new edition because of its double meaning.

”Hope cast into ruin” means on the one hand that hope is gone and that ruin has replaced it, as the Skaven are known for destroying anything they come into contact with. One of their lores of magic is even called the lore of ruin.

But on the other hand it means that your only hope is in ruin, meaning, the Ruination chamber of Stormcast Eternals.

Or, as a wise old storyteller once said, “it’s like poetry, it rhymes”.


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3 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

About the Twitch chat...there was the time it was launched that mattered and I suspect it was more about internet trolls wanting to troll than real "Warhammer" fans. So I wouldn't really mind it that much, it's not like it's actually representative of the reality.

I mean...we're not even sure that they play/paint/collect/read anything related to warhammer..except maybe some meme about 40k and SM. The fact also that many new 40k lore enjoyer are just there for Horus Heresy book is kinda annoying for me (then every 40k lore related topic is something like : " who is the most powerful primarch?" Or "what is Rogal Dorn underwears' color of Rogal Dorn ?").. I love 40k and AoS lore both for different reason but the former become kinda annoying right now when the later improve each year.

On topic: 40k is just "2 characters with codex" as usual. Not overly excited. Foot lord is really cool...the other is kinda weird in his posing.

KT: ..Votans are cool...Genestealer Cult are...a bandaid. They need something new and shiny to me. Not enought kit to enjoy. Feels like many half baked army sadly.

Warcry: Yes ! Yes ! And so many yes ! I love me Ossiarch so much. Only thing that i fear is the unit in AoS would feel kinda weird with that many different model in one unit. I wish they split them in as much warscroll. I waited for an Ossiarch warband to jump on this game...might be the right time now.

AoS 4th: On the rules/edition: enjoy index just  because it will allow me to download rules and try to tempt à friend to jump in haha.

Skaven enjoyer I'm glad for you and really..if they redo Eshin clan I might join the Vermintide(..or Vermindoom ?). Can't wait to see the new models..ecen the Stormcast because they became an acquired taste for me over the years.

Lady of ruin...instant buy...enough said. Great center piece. 

I don't mind if the Darkoath were revealed earlier. Still enjoying the news as quality is better than quantity and this show was better than most reveal so far to me.

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