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new whisperverse video from Valrak!

-The ork HQ may be as big as a dreadnought (he hopes it's as big as Ghaz)

-Some more info on the custodes

-No more kroot being showed (he doesnt specify if its his own specualtion or not)

-The order of releases this spring will be: kroot>orks>custodes>CSM

-New flying HQ for sisters of battle, new HQ for GSC (the new unit will come via KT)

-He talks about agents of the imperium and plastic krieg, but nothign new

-Doesn't know when mandrakes vs night lords will come, aparently GW is having serious problem to satisfy the demand for their products

-Definitively the next KT is brood brothers vs pioneers

-Once the Solar Auxilia stuff ends, GW will start pushing Mechanichum (aparently there's more coming?)

-Some more stuff about 30k which I didn't care to follow

-After Orcs & Goblins, dwarfs are next

-AoS section! Emperor's Children aren't coming this summer because the focus will be on the 4th ed and Skaven vs sigmarines

Not a lot of new things on this video, tbh

Edited by Garrac
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Emperors Children are the Slaanesh ones, aren't they? I should keep an eye out for them... fresh bits and bobs that can be ransacked for my Hedonites. 

Speaking of... is there a reason that there's no Daemon Primarch for Slaanesh? Excuse my ignorance, 40k is something of a closed book for me. 

Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

because the focus will be on the 4th ed and Skaven vs sigmarines

AoS taking priority before 40k? Now GW is learning 😈

It would be ace if he had more info that he would have mentioned it... not just a side mention because affects a 40k release :(

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2 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Emperors Children are the Slaanesh ones, aren't they? I should keep an eye out for them... fresh bits and bobs that can be ransacked for my Hedonites. 

Yep, I just hope that the 40k designs are over the top, they are the perfect army for weird and crazy stuff, but I'm not sure about the rules.

I've played them in Age of Darkness (tabletop simulator), and I really loved their really cool gameplay (your badass god of war can only hit me on 6s, and I don't even need to hit you back to win the fight LOL).

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4 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Speaking of... is there a reason that there's no Daemon Primarch for Slaanesh? Excuse my ignorance, 40k is something of a closed book for me. 

There is for 30K - https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/fulgrim-transfigured-2023

Not yet for 40K and less of that here please :D 

1 hour ago, Garrac said:

-Doesn't know when mandrakes vs night lords will come, aparently GW is having serious problem to satisfy the demand for their products

This is the big problem GW have at the moment and I've heard they are trying to resolve this with an additional factory unit to be able to produce stuff. This is going to impact everything they do until they have the capacity and I really would expect GW to carry on with the FOMO for now.

1 hour ago, Garrac said:

-AoS section! Emperor's Children aren't coming this summer because the focus will be on the 4th ed and Skaven vs sigmarines

Not surprising but again I think they just can't made enough models for demand.

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24 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

AoS taking priority before 40k? Now GW is learning 😈

It would be ace if he had more info that he would have mentioned it... not just a side mention because affects a 40k release :(

Who knows, Valrak himself admits on the video that he has more info on the Agents, but is waiting to be closer on the preview release to spill the beans

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10 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The WarCom article specifically calls out Kurnothi, meaning this is clearly from Kurnothi as they're trying to do reverse psychology to make us think it's NOT Kurnothi because they said it out loud. You read it here first.



They seem too big to be part of a "classic Kurnothi" to me. Or at least they look more chunky/ less refined. Like if it would be part of a moose. Maybe we have moose riders?



Edited by Ejecutor
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13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The WarCom article specifically calls out Kurnothi, meaning this is clearly from Kurnothi as they're trying to do reverse psychology to make us think it's NOT Kurnothi because they said it out loud. You read it here first.



With WarCom only calling out fantasy stuff for this one, watch it be some weird 40k thing in the end.

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14 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

To me it looks like the image is upside down, and the antler could be being suspended from those dark straps at the bottom of the image, as a trophy or decoration, perhaps.

I don't think they rotate rumour engines anymore. I think they just crop and grayscale their webstore promo shots.

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Ooooh. Really am hoping it is Kurnothi. If it is Darkoath I'd be super happy too, the straps look Darkoathy and we have had rumour engines of skulls with runes, that staff with a rune and now antlers so could possibly all be connected.


BETTER YET a new Darkoath vs Kurnothi warband for the next Warcry reveal would be the real icing on the cake.

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