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Back briefly to rumors about 4e. Was there any idea on what the Skaven may be getting? I love the weird technology of the weapon teams and warlocks like Ikit Claw and I hope they get some strange tech like that. I would love for a warlock like the one in the recent short story with an exoskeleton and a minigun. (Not everything of course, but I would love for that stuff to get refreshed)

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13 minutes ago, Draznak said:

But has GW given a specific date for the release of the dataslate/battlescroll (I don't follow these things closely as I'm not interested in competitive stuff) ?

If so, I can understand in a pinch. Otherwise it still seems overreacted to me.

They promised a quarterly battlescroll. If the next one comes out on Thursday it will be a full 5 months since the last one. We’re not talking a week or two late here. 

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2 minutes ago, Tetheus said:

Back briefly to rumors about 4e. Was there any idea on what the Skaven may be getting? I love the weird technology of the weapon teams and warlocks like Ikit Claw and I hope they get some strange tech like that. I would love for a warlock like the one in the recent short story with an exoskeleton and a minigun. (Not everything of course, but I would love for that stuff to get refreshed)

Nothing solid apart from the two possible heroes mentioned by Whitefang.

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11 minutes ago, Draznak said:

But has GW given a specific date for the release of the dataslate/battlescroll (I don't follow these things closely as I'm not interested in competitive stuff) ?

If so, I can understand in a pinch. Otherwise it still seems overreacted to me.

They have said quarterly.

I get that complaining on every social media post isn’t it, but the frustration is understandable. 

Not everyone goes to GT’s - I get that. I’m someone who goes to one or two a year as a weekend of AoS is just a ton of fun. Here in the US the ticket for an event costs around $80 - $100. Then, if it’s not local, there’s the cost of the hotel. Food and drinks. You’re talking a lot of money. 

Then there’s all the prep that goes in to getting your army ready for the event. Say the battlescroll drops a couple days before lists are due. All of the sudden, the army you were working on may no longer be legal, much less optimized. 

They just need to put out actual dates for these updates. It’s not like these are affected by production or logistics. This year they delayed it because of LVO - but that wasn’t communicated ahead of time despite me knowing this back in December.

Due to them stating these would be quarterly updates and prior history, people have been expecting this since Christmas. 

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I don’t like all this talk about my poor goats getting axed 😢 seem weird that they’d have BoC as a fully fledged TOW faction and not have them in AoS🤔 especially since we actually got a new model with latest battletome.

atleast have them as a sub-faction for ST2🙏🐐

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25 minutes ago, Tetheus said:

Back briefly to rumors about 4e. Was there any idea on what the Skaven may be getting? I love the weird technology of the weapon teams and warlocks like Ikit Claw and I hope they get some strange tech like that. I would love for a warlock like the one in the recent short story with an exoskeleton and a minigun. (Not everything of course, but I would love for that stuff to get refreshed)

The skaven dawnbringers chronicles story mentions a warlock piloting some kinds of skaven "coffin" walker with a rattling gun

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53 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

A lot of companies are finally cutting out China but rebuilding local infrastructure takes a lot of time.

If the plastic mold is not compatible with the GW production line then they must be rebuild. That's the problem with endless and faction terrain, maybe is not profitable make a new one and they prefer the actual business problem of short stock

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Sons of TGA! Of Morghur! My beast-brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of the weak manlings. A day may come when our tome is squatted, when we forsake our horns and break all bonds of the herdstone, but it is not this day. An hour of the man-god and shattered hooves when the Age of the beast comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we bray! By all that you hold dear on this foul earth, I bid you stand, Beasts of Chaos!

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The Crone Herald’s Army of Renown is going to be a little weird. It looks like the only units I would think she gets are the Non-Morathi/Melusai/Harpy units.

*Witch Aelves

* Sisters of Slaughter

*Hag Queen/Slaughter Queen 

* Cauldrons of Blood

*Doomfire Warlocks

*Maybe the Shadeborn/Shadowstalkers

Avatar of Khaine debatable

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12 minutes ago, Cataphract said:

The Crone Herald’s Army of Renown is going to be a little weird. It looks like the only units I would think she gets are the Non-Morathi/Melusai/Harpy units.

*Witch Aelves

* Sisters of Slaughter

*Hag Queen/Slaughter Queen 

* Cauldrons of Blood

*Doomfire Warlocks

*Maybe the Shadeborn/Shadowstalkers

Avatar of Khaine debatable

I would think surely she gets khinerai, I doubt avatar and shadowstalkers unless they state that they don't necessarily always align with the khainite cult somehow

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1 hour ago, Kosmion said:

I don’t like all this talk about my poor goats getting axed 😢 seem weird that they’d have BoC as a fully fledged TOW faction and not have them in AoS🤔 especially since we actually got a new model with latest battletome.

atleast have them as a sub-faction for ST2🙏🐐

If the remnants of BoC get folded into S2D that book will be even more bloated than SCE, it would make sense to put them there but the army already has so much in it. Maybe we lose some of the 1st ed warcry cultist units to legends in 4th or folded into a single proxy updated marauder datasheet. 

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

If the remnants of BoC get folded into S2D that book will be even more bloated than SCE, it would make sense to put them there but the army already has so much in it. Maybe we lose some of the 1st ed warcry cultist units to legends in 4th or folded into a single proxy updated marauder datasheet. 

I would expect them to drop the warcry stuff at some point, maybe make a pdf file with them being a "mercenaries" for all Chaos factions, and if Beasts ARE being squatted, MOST things are getting removed, and STD will not gain that much, as I see it, Ungors, Gors, Bestigors, Cygor/Ghorgon, Bray shaman and Beastlord are all safe in a sense that even if BoCs are axed, they will still exist in S2D

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6 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Maybe we lose some of the 1st ed warcry cultist units to legends in 4th

I hope that doesn't happen. Warcry cultists really embody StD perfectly since they're normal people of different cults all over the mortal realms. The warbands being viable in both Warcry and normal AoS is also a great thing for both games, and now that Warcry is not chaos-cultist focused anymore StD won't get even more overloaded.

As they are now, the rules and the variety of base sizes within units are not great though.

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27 minutes ago, Luperci said:

If the remnants of BoC get folded into S2D that book will be even more bloated than SCE, it would make sense to put them there but the army already has so much in it. Maybe we lose some of the 1st ed warcry cultist units to legends in 4th or folded into a single proxy updated marauder datasheet. 

Don't underestimate how bloated SCE can turn with every new edition 😏

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I'm hoping for Warcry this pre-order. It's got beautiful models, really fun rules, great game length and table size and it's very accessible. With the new focus on other warbands besides chaos, it's genuinely become my favourite system. I like that the two sidegames are now connected to AoS in the narrative too, really helps flesh out the lore. I can't wait to see which realm they do next (though I'll always keep hoping for a proper Aqshy terrain set from Warcry).

We have not heard any leaks on the last warbands on the roadmap right? Or when the Nighthaunt and Lumineth are supposed to be releasing?

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4 hours ago, ERHanmer said:

With talk about production in China being cut, I don't blame GW. Maybe this will provide some perspective.

Companies honestly cannot trust their IP to most companies there, because they do not have a business and cultural concept of copyright. There are literal lawsuits over Chinese companies producing counterfeit Chevy and Apple products, or even creating fake Apple stores.

GW would rather have the less consequential items be produced there, so it is harder for someone to start making recasts of Space Marines en masse. This clearly hasn't worked out well.

One of my previous jobs was with a Chinese owned/partnered company, and it was SUPER shady. Picture faked Kosher certificates and wondering if the product really was what they claimed it to be. Quality control (even on food ingredients) was minimal at best (literal dead lizards in packaging), factories were rationing power under the directive of the Government, and there was always chaos and excuses for everything being delayed.

Having to work with suppliers on the other side of the world is frustrating, and even a friend in the tool and die industry said they have to x-ray incoming product to make sure it isn't hollow on the inside.

GW wanted endless spells, printing and terrain off their production plate. I don't blame them. A company cannot always produce everything. But, they have unfortunately been burnt repeatedly on this. Remember the Sylvaneth 2.0 book being delayed by months?

I'm not trying to bash Chinese manufacturers. There are some VERY good companies there. But contractor factories are super shady. There is a reason the upcoming incarnates and terrain have disappeared.

I work in the surgical supply industry now. Most surgical supply manufacturers (think tables, lights etc... for an OR) have things written into contracts NOT to sell to China. Literal lives would be on the line with counterfeit equipment that was sold cheaper with cut corners.

This is all to say, I think we will ONLY see single piece terrain from here on out. GW cannot produce everything and forays into outsourcing have not worked well for them.


*Edit formatting and a weird typo*

Whelp! Whitefang loved my post!


Based on the auguries, I'm on the money why we aren't seeing terrain and incarnates.

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Come on guys : isn't there any company in the whole UK or Europe that can print battletome, make scenery or dices instead of Chinese companies ???

GW wants to make as much profit as possible and producing in China with their low cost hardworking is their way to go ( Apple, Samsung, other it companies doing the same)


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3 hours ago, Cataphract said:

Aren’t the Khinerai also like the Melusai?

They're both scathborn created by morathi yeah, I feel like that's a less concrete connection than being an avatar of khaine or morathi's elite assassin cult. I just think that the winged hero will surely be able to be ran with the winged unit.

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