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2 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Counterpoint: why remove Wanderers/remaining High Elves from Cities, but leave Dispossessed and the Steam Tank/Gyros (all of which will be able to be bought and used in TOW) alongside Dark Elves (who will not be available for TOW)?

It's so people can gaslight you in a year's time when they get squatted by saying the current Cities book 'was only ever a placeholder'.

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3 hours ago, DD-Lord said:

I would legit love it if Kurnothis, more similar to Skeath's wild hunt, joined the roster of the Sylvaneth.

Also, a random thought I had yesterday: with the Chaos Dwarves coming back (although the exact time is unknown), what will happen to the Dispossessed Dwarves? Currently, AoS probably holds the record for the largest number of non-traditional dwarves in any fantasy setting.


Fire and magma-themed warrior-based culture dwarves (to the point that they neglect traditional activities like mining and crafting) that see going mercenary and getting paid as a religious duty because gold has slivers of their dead god.

-Kharadrons Secularist high-tech steampunk (actually aether-punk) dwarves that live in flying cities and constantly go to expendions to find more of the substance that keeps their cities flying and even complete with one another about it.

-Chaos Dwarves We don't know how they'll look or how close they can potentially be to their prior incarnation, but we can probably be sure they will be rather unique-looking no matter what happens.

There's also some others who are just mentioned in the lore, like the Rootkings (tree-hugger dwarves what an abominable concept!). and the Shadow Dwarves.

And then we have the Dispossessed, who are just... Normie Dwarves who mine and craft stuff. Since they have been featured in the lore since the start of the game and have not been sidelined since, it clearly seems to indicate that GeeDubs is not interested in shelving them, plus Grungni, their god, is also a major character, so suddenly leaving him with no worshippers would feel really odd. So a revamp seems desperately needed, but how can the designers manage to make them stand out in a setting with so many unique Dwarves?

What are your thoughts?

On the subject of how to make them stand out, being just "normal" dwarves could actually work.

Lumineth-ify them a bit (some unique Khazalid Empire history, wacky Realm-crafting shenanigans, ancestor-spirit-walker things, war machines that are also mining equipment, 4-6 kinds of blacksmith/forger/runesmith heroes ala Scinari), and now you have some "traditional" duardin to go with the "berserker honorable mercenaries" of the Fyreslayers and "capitalist innovator sky pirates" of the Kharadron.

And make a huge Grungni center-piece mini of him posing stoically on some elite demi-god ancestor shieldbearers.

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10 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

On the subject of how to make them stand out, being just "normal" dwarves could actually work.

Lumineth-ify them a bit (some unique Khazalid Empire history, wacky Realm-crafting shenanigans, ancestor-spirit-walker things, war machines that are also mining equipment, 4-6 kinds of blacksmith/forger/runesmith heroes ala Scinari), and now you have some "traditional" duardin to go with the "berserker honorable mercenaries" of the Fyreslayers and "capitalist innovator sky pirates" of the Kharadron.

And make a huge Grungni center-piece mini of him posing stoically on some elite demi-god ancestor shieldbearers.

I would love this! A full-on "Grungni's back!" army with him or Grombrindal would be so cool

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thanks to @Ejecutor revamping the rumor engine site, I got to looking at unsolved ones again. now, with the Loremaster's episode on USHORAN out I think this RE is ghouls. It looks like a literal interpretation of their "ghoul blood being distributed to make cults" narrative.


and I think this second one is the same hand, so maybe Underworlds warband for this?


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2 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Counterpoint: why remove Wanderers/remaining High Elves from Cities, but leave Dispossessed and the Steam Tank/Gyros (all of which will be able to be bought and used in TOW) alongside Dark Elves (who will not be available for TOW)?


My Guess would be that it's because Wanderers and Phoenix Temple will be getting replaced - Wanderers by Kurnothi and Phoenix Guard by Tyrion and the Zenith Temple,  within the lifetime of the Cities of Sigmar Battletone, but the replacement of Dispossessed by a Grungi/Gholemkind Faction and Dark Elves by a new Malerion/Umbraneth faction will take a little longer.

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18 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

We already had an aelf edition an undead edition and an orruk edition. Could we be getting a duardin edition sooner than some might expect? We got the Fyreslayer build up and the chorf rumour for a start.

Fyreslayers Wave 2.

Chaos Duardin.

Ogor Refresh.

Skaven Refresh.

4.0 will be the best Edition yet EASILY!!

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1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

I'd love to see a couple duardin and aelf figures included in every Cities unit, even if just as body types. But, since that hasnt happed outside of one Aelf headswap, I'm lowering my hopes for Cities staying as a mixed-race model range. I'd anticipate a new steam tank and new helicopters to share in an Ironweld aesthetic, and I would bet that any strategic roles solely occupied by duardin right now (like heavily armored foot troops) are due to be replaced in wave 2

Feel like this is one of the bigger red flags about the future of the faction. They introduce a lot of new units that would be perfect for mixed races like scouts and gunners, but did not include one head swap lol.

Think Cities is closer to Imperial Guard then Empire right now. Tabletop wise it will be all humans, but lore wise they will be full of all the races and other factions.

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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Fyreslayers Wave 2.

Chaos Duardin.

Ogor Refresh.

Skaven Refresh.

4.0 will be the best Edition yet EASILY!!

As much as I hate to say it, we might also need to add a potential Lumineth wave 3. We’ve heard of the pachyderm spirits and I want to corrupt them to Slaanesh war-engines (Tzeentch gets the foxes). We also might get Idoneth Wave 2, so here’s hoping 4th comes sooner rather then later!!!!

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25 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

We already had an aelf edition an undead edition and an orruk edition. Could we be getting a duardin edition sooner than some might expect? We got the Fyreslayer build up and the chorf rumour for a start.

Technically it is supposed to be a Chaos edition, though on the other hand during the Undead edition we got Lumineth, SoB and Slaanesh - and during the Destruction edition we got StD, Cities, FeC and Seraphon (though admittedly Seraphon and to an extent FeC fit in tith the "Era of the Beast" thing).


But could see Fireslayers getting something next edition, they have had a reasonable amount of attention in DBs books which tends to be a sign that they will get some love in the following edition I think. But I think it will be a big one, the spectre of Covid should not be messing things up anymore like with 3rd Ed. My bets for big releases would be:

Skaven and Stormcast (obviously)

Chorfs (basically confirmed now)


Malarion's lot

Lumineth 3rd Wave (Tyrion)



Though I think Nurgle and Fyreslayers are in the running as they have had a fair amount of attention.

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I just want a single kit; heavily armored Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors - is there room for those in the best Edition ever?

I‘d take more though, just saying. 

I figure Malerion is a given too, perhaps near the end of 4th ed?


Can we get one of the GW sculptors to join? Anyone knows them? I‘d pay good money 😂

Edited by MitGas
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It's guessing time?



Fs wave 2

idk wave 2

Tzeentch wave 2

Lumineth wave 2

Ogor refresh

Skaven refresh

Seraphon continuation

Soulblight continuation

Cities continuation

Bones squatted

Beasts squatted

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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

Technically it is supposed to be a Chaos edition, though on the other hand during the Undead edition we got Lumineth, SoB and Slaanesh - and during the Destruction edition we got StD, Cities, FeC and Seraphon (though admittedly Seraphon and to an extent FeC fit in tith the "Era of the Beast" thing).


But could see Fireslayers getting something next edition, they have had a reasonable amount of attention in DBs books which tends to be a sign that they will get some love in the following edition I think. But I think it will be a big one, the spectre of Covid should not be messing things up anymore like with 3rd Ed. My bets for big releases would be:

Skaven and Stormcast (obviously)

Chorfs (basically confirmed now)


Malarion's lot

Lumineth 3rd Wave (Tyrion)



Though I think Nurgle and Fyreslayers are in the running as they have had a fair amount of attention.

Are you saying this doesn't fit the era of the beast?


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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

Technically it is supposed to be a Chaos edition, though on the other hand during the Undead edition we got Lumineth, SoB and Slaanesh - and during the Destruction edition we got StD, Cities, FeC and Seraphon (though admittedly Seraphon and to an extent FeC fit in tith the "Era of the Beast" thing).

That was just the vs faction from the starting box, 3rd edition was not “destruction edition”, was “age of beast” with 2022 marketed as “year of chaos”

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31 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I just want a single kit; heavily armored Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors - is there room for those in the best Edition ever?

I‘d take more though, just saying. 

I figure Malerion is a given too, perhaps near the end of 4th ed?


Can we get one of the GW sculptors to join? Anyone knows them? I‘d pay good money 😂

I'd take that and/or Doom Knights such as TWW3 has. Something that makes them more than just Warriors/ Chosen in blue. 

This is one of the best Warhammer art pieces, in my mind, and makes me really want armored Tzeentch.


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2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

As much as I hate to say it, we might also need to add a potential Lumineth wave 3. We’ve heard of the pachyderm spirits and I want to corrupt them to Slaanesh war-engines (Tzeentch gets the foxes). We also might get Idoneth Wave 2, so here’s hoping 4th comes sooner rather then later!!!!


1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

I would be shocked if there is no proper wave for Fyreslayers and Idoneth during AoS 4th edition and preferable before they add any new army to AoS.

So hopefully soon after Skaven.

Idoneth Wave 2 is also a dream I have. I will even put it above a BOC range refresh for myself personally.

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