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The Rumour Thread

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Something you all probably know by now I love Chaos, and I am not a fan of Space Marines. Something you may not know is that I have a fondness for Knights and a soft spot for Dark Angels of all Space Marine Chapters. Seeing these models makes me very tempted to start up a Fallen Chaos Space Marine Army, using Horus Heresy and these new Dark Angels for Chosen. 

Unfortunately, I have just started Cities of Sigmar and a Fallen Army is just beyond my budget.

Edited by Neverchosen
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12 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

So are we thinking we are going to get some of the other reveals today? The Sons of the Lion reveal was kinda early in the day and now they are weirdly quiet.. :/  

The Dark Angels also leaked early this morning so that's probably why the article was early too. If they didn't leak it would have probably gone up at the normal times

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1 minute ago, YoghurtKobold said:

The question is whether they wanted to reveal DA today or they were scheduled for different day. Is this that “huge” reveal they promised or did someone forced their hand by leaking the photos?

Regardless of scheduling, we should still be getting "something special" tomorrow (Tomb Kings and Boxing Day mini?), and probably some smaller reveals every day (hopefully solving the entire Advent Engine)

Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024,

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8 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Regardless of scheduling, we should still be getting "something special" tomorrow (Tomb Kings and Boxing Day mini?), and probably some smaller reveals every day (hopefully solving the entire Advent Engine)

Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024,

Yea and didn't they say the rest of the ror for db4 wouldn't be announced until the new year

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Considering the popularity of Dark Angels - or rather, more Primaris - it probably does qualify as huge... just not for anybody who isn't into Space Marines, but we are something of a minority in that respect.

Considering how many Rumour Engines aligned with them, I think they probably were always the intended reveal. 

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Considering the popularity of Dark Angels - or rather, more Primaris - it probably does qualify as huge... just not for anybody who isn't into Space Marines, but we are something of a minority in that respect.

Considering how many Rumour Engines aligned with them, I think they probably were always the intended reveal. 

But but we probably have 3 RE for Lady of Ruin , 2 RE for Nighthaunt poisoner, 2 for Kurnothi, 1 Ossiarch , 1 Nurgle , 1 stormcast  and maybe more ! ;)


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15 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Since we've already started ticking off things from the calendar, why not have some predictions?


Oh this is fun, if only I had written a song that mixed speculation with parody to cover such things. Oh darn maybe next year.


But in all seriousness I think you are right on the money although I do wonder if the cloak is tied to our Lady of Ruin? 

As I feel like the reveals might simply be the Lady of Ruin and a warcry set of Kurnoth vs Nighthaunt.

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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I really hope tomorrow is an AoS reveal and not something Old World. We're the main fantasy game, we deserve to go first.

It's almost certainly TOW and presumably Tomb Kings at that. From last week's rules preview:

"There’s no Old World Almanack next Monday – it’s Christmas Day after all, but check in on the 26th for something of an off-white Christmas…"


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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9 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I really hope tomorrow is an AoS reveal and not something Old World. We're the main fantasy game, we deserve to go first.

The launch of a new game system is probably more important than auxiliary models for a campaign/narrative book… 

I want to see AoS stuff too, but let’s be realistic. 

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45 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Oh this is fun, if only I had written a song that mixed speculation with parody to cover such things. Oh darn maybe next year.


But in all seriousness I think you are right on the money although I do wonder if the cloak is tied to our Lady of Ruin? 

As I feel like the reveals might simply be the Lady 

1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

Since we've already started ticking off things from the calendar, why not have some predictions?



"Tomb kings one " is probably the rumored eldar swooping hawks.

The boney one seems Ossiarch to me.

"Cities/Hobgrot" are the most mystery ones 

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58 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Hopefully not just the tomb king box set we've already seen, quite boring if so. Plus some indistinguishable silhouettes for new models due to be released later this year.


I wouldnt expect more TOW models appart from what we would get in the boxes. Then we would have to wait until the next faction boxes for new sculpts.

Edited by Ejecutor
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