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13 minutes ago, Doko said:

people criying about the content of the battleforce when one faction in entire 8 years of aos NEVER have got a battleforce.

yes i am speaking about fyreslayers the forgotten faction of gw with only two non heroes boxes,0 battleforces in 8 years etc

Beasts of chaos, cities of sigmar, bonesplitterz, sons of behemat and flesh eater courts also haven't gotten one.
Its probably a sales thing though. Outside of just throwing 20 hearthguard in a box I'm not sure you could build a good one?
Although they've released some stinkers in the past like the gutbuster one with a giant ally, or the beastclaw raider one that had RESIN MINIS in it.

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3 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

Once again, with a feeling: Games Worksop is a model making company.

Everything else is an extra to support and maximise the sales of plastic models. This really shouldn't be this hard to comprehend.

And the markup? Well, blame capitalism, because there's absolutely nothing unique about the way GW markets and sells their products. People buy Citadel models because they want to own those particular models. And GW will sell them for as much as people will continue to spend. GW as a company has no obligation to provide services or ensure their product is affordable to the masses. It's not food, it's not basic clothing. Why don't you go and have the same argument with Apple about the pricing of their phones and laptops? Or with Leica about their cameras? Or Bang & Olufsen about their audio equipment?

Wouldnt yoy say it is a miniature board game company? Without games theres no minis to sell.

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16 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Beasts of chaos, cities of sigmar, bonesplitterz, sons of behemat and flesh eater courts also haven't gotten one.
Its probably a sales thing though. Outside of just throwing 20 hearthguard in a box I'm not sure you could build a good one?
Although they've released some stinkers in the past like the gutbuster one with a giant ally, or the beastclaw raider one that had RESIN MINIS in it.

cities of sigmar got 3 pseudo battleforce,the tempest eye,anvilgard and hallowhearth(i dont remember if was that name,had humans)






bonesplitterz isnt a army,is only a alegiance inside of the army big wagh,and big wag got one battleforce allready,so bonespliter got one.

flesh eater courts got one battleforce allready,in first edittion that had one or two terrorgheist



beast of chaos i dont remember

Edited by Doko
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14 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Beasts of chaos, cities of sigmar, bonesplitterz, sons of behemat and flesh eater courts also haven't gotten one.
Its probably a sales thing though. Outside of just throwing 20 hearthguard in a box I'm not sure you could build a good one?
Although they've released some stinkers in the past like the gutbuster one with a giant ally, or the beastclaw raider one that had RESIN MINIS in it.

I’d say the only reason the FEC aren’t getting one this year is their refresh. By the time this drops, they should be dropping their FOMO box and a battleforce would potentially eat into those sales. 

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7 hours ago, Vagard said:

BUT to play this new free content, you have to buy at least the new box and more dragons if you don't have enough. I relate it to the last Total war Warhammer DLC which crate a shitstorm against Creative Assembly because of the price. Yes it is an additionnal content and you don't need it to play the game, but this does not justify the price to pay to play it. 

I'll be the first to complain about GW's ~43% profit margin, but as someone who mods Total War i have to object here: the DLC price increase for TWW3 is because players want EVERYTHING in Immortal Empires; they want new factions, new units, new lords, and they want the old stuff up to parity with 3's factions. we are not getting that from a single 60$ purchase.

the tech debt carried over from Mortal Empires cannot be understated. the amount of work that needs to go into immortal empires cannot be understated. for videogame DLC, you are paying for game patches and game upkeep. people who don't buy the DLC are still benefitting from the giant patches that come with each DLC.

GW's problem is that maintaining the HUGE profit margin for stockholders is ingrained into their business model; it is a goal stated in every single one of their earnings meetings. it's not even close to Total War's legitimate technical debt.

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3 hours ago, Vagard said:

Do we know approximatively when the CoS vanguard box will be announced? 

Usually after a couple of months. What would you expect inside the box? I only ordered Tahlia as I am waiting to see its content. I just hope it is a Castellite focused one.

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1 hour ago, Vagard said:

maybe for the 4th edition, when one of the two big crusades has settle down

Not saying that I won't buy them, as I have a thread here where I am building a city it would be a perfect for me, but... would they really release another scenery tha is so similar to what we already have? Sales whise doesn't seems the best strategy. Specially if they come with the 4th ed boxes. Would almost be the same box with different minis.

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51 minutes ago, Doko said:

people criying about the content of the battleforce when one faction in entire 8 years of aos NEVER have got a battleforce.

yes i am speaking about fyreslayers the forgotten faction of gw with only two non heroes boxes,0 battleforces in 8 years etc

Who are they? I've never heard about that faction.

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2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

he looks really interesting in Lethis (he gets the City prayer if I am not mistaken) and even his appearence feels very thematic for the city 👍

I'd say him autochanting his warscroll prayer is already an interesting option. Plus, depending on the battlepack, there are always at least some useful generic options.

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I wish they built these battleforces around meta lists. How about morathi and the bow snakes, or sharknado, or oakenbrow, or kroakbomb?

The people who build these boxes prob don't even play the game. Either that, or they add random useless units like doomfire warlocks to the box as a cynical 'tax' on the rest of its content.

The closest they came was the squigalanche box last year, and that was prob the fastest selling battleforce ever.

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14 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I wish they built these battleforces around meta lists. How about morathi and the bow snakes, or sharknado, or oakenbrow, or kroakbomb?

The people who build these boxes prob don't even play the game. Either that, or they add random useless units like doomfire warlocks to the box as a cynical 'tax' on the rest of its content.

The closest they came was the squigalanche box last year, and that was prob the fastest selling battleforce ever.

Sounds like a bad idea tbh, those kinds of lists only last until the next points update or battletome refresh. Which is to say yeah, they’d sell well, to a minority of serious tournament whales at least, but tbh I don’t think GW is actually interested in specifically targeting them.

@CommissarRotke Peachie’s podcast, Painting Phase, had a good interview with Tom Hibberd, formerly a senior designer in GW, and he was clear that GW works on the assumption that a majority of people buying don’t necessarily go on to play much, if at all. Many don’t even paint. The idea behind stuff like Contrast paints was to smooth all that out, get people painting quickly, onto the tabletop, and ultimately staying in the GW ecosystem for longer.

He was also pretty clear about tournament players, folks with multiple armies, people who focus in on older ranges, people who are deep into it enough to be deeply involved in forums, they’re all such a tiny minority in the grand scheme of things that they’re not really worth considering when it comes to serious business decision.

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36 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I wish they built these battleforces around meta lists. How about morathi and the bow snakes, or sharknado, or oakenbrow, or kroakbomb?

The people who build these boxes prob don't even play the game. Either that, or they add random useless units like doomfire warlocks to the box as a cynical 'tax' on the rest of its content.

The closest they came was the squigalanche box last year, and that was prob the fastest selling battleforce ever.

Honestly that sounds like a horrific idea. 

I've bought battleforces pretty much every year. You realise there's more to gaming than the "meta"? Good models, will always be good models. The meta shifts like the sands.

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3 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

Honestly that sounds like a horrific idea. 

I've bought battleforces pretty much every year. You realise there's more to gaming than the "meta"? Good models, will always be good models. The meta shifts like the sands.

This, I hate the way the meta starts to take over most casual scenes. I'm very much fine with battle forces and vanguards being cool grab bags of that faction for people to start small projects with

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