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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Who said Kurnothi were forbidden from having pet Sylvaneth bugs ? Every unit in the Sylvaneth BT has the right to have bugs. Bugs are awesome. They make the army distinct. More bugs please !

Maybe stag beetles for Kurnothi???

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Who said Kurnothi were forbidden from having pet Sylvaneth bugs ? Every unit in the Sylvaneth BT has the right to have bugs. Bugs are awesome. They make the army distinct. More bugs please !

I love the army and dislike the bugs - moreso that it’s only bugs and not other forest friends.

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32 minutes ago, EntMan said:

So, looks like flora rather than fauna for Sylvaneth?

Shame, I was looking forward to beasts, but new trees could also be good.

As much as I like my Sylvaneth I am a little burned out on trees at this point. If it really is just another tree-man in a box of kurnoth hunters or whatever I will probably have to give it a miss

 I grow weary of waiting for Kurnothi, honestly.


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6 minutes ago, madmac said:

As much as I like my Sylvaneth I am a little burned out on trees at this point. If it really is just another tree-man in a box of kurnoth hunters or whatever I will probably have to give it a miss

 I grow weary of waiting for Kurnothi, honestly.


This - this this this. I don’t want to drag the thread into WhFB vs AoS, but I think what you say rings really loud with me. It’s one of the aspects I struggle with AoS. The Army Theme is EVERYWHERE.

In WhFB you’d get a myriad of units, with some armies having the Choice to lean a little more one way by having either specific Characters or Lords with Special rules that allowed for very specific thematic builds- but It was essentially a ragtag of so many different units in each army.

Sylvaneth and DoK particularly suffer from this, where everyone is some sort of Tree or snake/Harpy/Witch. Dark Elves offered that, but along with Knights, corsairs, Hydras, Manticores and warriors.

I think partly Why I want Kurnothi is so that the Trees have some Animals to be able to play with. I guess I want more Soup in the Narrative and Books.

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I find myself a little confused by Whitefang's likes. I understand that Kurnothi is essentially just a religion so any kind of Sylvaneth can be Kurnothi. I perfectly happy for a new Kurnothi subfaction to include Kurnoth Hunters and other existing minis but what does that mean for new minis? These previews almost never talk about rules so there is definitely at least one new mini on the way. 

Does this mean that new Kurnothi will have nothing that sets them apart aesthetically? 

Right now there are three varieties of Sylvaneth. Tree people (Treemen, Kurnoth Hunters, Dryads etc),  Tree/Aelf hybrids (Alarielle, tree revenants, gossamid archers etc), and outcasts (Drycha and spite revenants). I was hoping we would see the new Kurnothi minis  add a fourth aesthetic that tiptoes the range back towards its wood elf origins. 

Even if they don't do that, I hope whatever comes for Kurnothi does do something interesting with the aesthetics of the range. 

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