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1 hour ago, Sarges said:

BoC update with Morghur in Dawnbringers V confirmed!



Dawnbringer book 3 for order, book 4 for death, and book 5 for chaos. But its weird to have the last book in new year, because new year is for new edition, should not for the old series.

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5 minutes ago, lele said:

Dawnbringer book 3 for order, book 4 for death, and book 5 for chaos. But its weird to have the last book in new year, because new year is for new edition, should not for the old series.

That's a pretty weird comment. Every other end of edition campaign series for both AoS and 40k has ended in the spring before the launch of the new edition. 

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16 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

What do you think if a book is Khorne VS Stormcast with Khorgos Ascended VS Vandus Descended?

Only if it comes with the same miniatures as AoS 1.0 but a bit taller and a few fancy armors. Of coruse, with diferent weapons and better warscrolls than the old ones.

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28 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

What do you think if a book is Khorne VS Stormcast with Khorgos Ascended VS Vandus Descended?

Vandus is not on its peak... but I don't see him getting into a point where he would "descend". I think it is time for him to clear his mind and "wake up" to come and save the day.

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3 hours ago, Aleser said:

Btw I just found out we are getting few updates to ranges that were introuduced for the first time in Underworlds season 3 (Beastgrave). Wolf riders (Rippa snarlfangs), orruk weirdboyz (Morgok Krushas), Kurnothi (Skaeth wild hunt), new ghouls (Grymwatch). So maybe that is rough timeline for testing waters with new models and then actually producing them for AoS range. (4 


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3 hours ago, Aleser said:

Btw I just found out we are getting few updates to ranges that were introuduced for the first time in Underworlds season 3 (Beastgrave). Wolf riders (Rippa snarlfangs), orruk weirdboyz (Morgok Krushas), Kurnothi (Skaeth wild hunt), new ghouls (Grymwatch). So maybe that is rough timeline for testing waters with new models and then actually producing them for AoS range. (4 years)

What have you heard exactly? 

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27 minutes ago, Aleser said:

Nothing, I noticed that by myself :D

It's good you're paying attention though it's not always a flat timeline. For instance the Starblood Stalkers came after all of the warbands you mentioned but were obviously a frontrunner for the Seraphon update. In general people don't really pay as much attention to Underworlds as they should. We also had a Sylvaneth warband with Revenant archers before that officially became a unit, and compare the Witch Hunter Warband to the new CoS range-you can see a clear influence in details like the armor design, etc.  Underworlds has always been the realm of prototype models for AoS, GW has even said so, explicitly, but somehow it always gets dismissed as an irrelevant sidegame.

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3 hours ago, Sarges said:

BoC update with Morghur in Dawnbringers V confirmed!



Words can't express how much I want this to be true. I don't even play Beastmen, I just want them to have cool stuff for the health of the game and to have great minis to face on the board. And a Morghur centerpiece would be exactly what they need.

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25 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Words can't express how much I want this to be true. I don't even play Beastmen, I just want them to have cool stuff for the health of the game and to have great minis to face on the board. And a Morghur centerpiece would be exactly what they need.

It's also a perfect fit for the Dawnbringers crusade. Who better to attack the crusades as they make their way deeper in the wilds? 

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59 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Chorfs? I clearly see a bunch of Chorfs running in their little legs behind the crusades.

Chorfs are a bit like the Ossiarch in that they have great potential as a dark mirror to the dawnbringer crusades in terms of expansion, industrialisation, and that dubious ‘civilising’ ideology. Disciplined legions of well-equipped troops marching out to seize land and establish their fortified citadel-cities.

You could maybe say the same about skaven, come to think of it, if a lot more rickety. That might be the kind of angle that’s taken in 4th ed.

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19 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA THESE ARE LOVELY!!!! Seriously I love the blowup FEC have been getting since Beastgrave. We've gone from a bunch of cave dwellers wearing no armour to deluded vampiric montrosities wearing rusted pieces of armour and the bones and dried skin of those they've killed. If the wave/refresh continues the trend set by the Arch-Regent and Beastflayers war cry band, then I'll definitely add these guys to my roster (probably based on the old Crusader Kingdoms + The Black Heart Brigade from the Iraq War).

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11 hours ago, Chikout said:

It's also a perfect fit for the Dawnbringers crusade. Who better to attack the crusades as they make their way deeper in the wilds? 

The 3rd edition opener killed me.


"Evil beings who lurk in the forest ambushing from the wilds. The eyes in the darkness beyond your feeble campfire" 


Who's that Pokémon?!



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4 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

Any idea about today preorder ? Warcry kruleboyz maybe ??

Very likely nothing, Space Marines are a two week preorder


All of these products are available to pre-order for a two-week period


Edited by Matrindur
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Ghouls update is here!


>Small update! G H O U L S

Due to work and other stuff havent been able to fully build the ghouls, but ive made some progress, not much options regarding chest or feet, only two ghouls have different back pieces, four of them are actually female ghouls and the rest male. so far ive glued the chests and feet together as shown here, also another close up of all the heads together, ill be uploading some of them built tomorrow hopefully along with size comparison.

weapon option wise, it seems to be like theres going to be a halberd only option(theres 10 0f them) or just sword and claws/ or a torch(only two toches as well as a drum and banner)



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1 hour ago, Sarges said:

Ghouls update is here!


>Small update! G H O U L S

Due to work and other stuff havent been able to fully build the ghouls, but ive made some progress, not much options regarding chest or feet, only two ghouls have different back pieces, four of them are actually female ghouls and the rest male. so far ive glued the chests and feet together as shown here, also another close up of all the heads together, ill be uploading some of them built tomorrow hopefully along with size comparison.

weapon option wise, it seems to be like theres going to be a halberd only option(theres 10 0f them) or just sword and claws/ or a torch(only two toches as well as a drum and banner)



They look more men-to-arms than serfs to me. I hope It is a new unit

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