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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

Yes , he said that 4 AoS Xmas boxes are coming :




Belakor "champions" 

Last year he was right 


It was a previous video on Xmas boxes 

I mean in this latest video he uploaded today. Those were in a previous one.

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9 hours ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

Valrak Xmas box set rumours were 

Xmas box sets 
1. World eaters inc Angron
2. Jump assault marine box set
3. Beast snaggaz box set 
4. Norn emissary boxset 
5. Imperial gaurd - 2 rogal dorns, command squad 20 infantry 
6. Votann - grimnyr, hearthgaurd, landfortress

7. Bonereapers
8. Soulblight
9. Eternus slaves to d
10. Seraphon 

11. Old world Bret’s
12. Old world Tomb Kings

I reckon obr will have katakros, and Seraphon kroak given the generally focus on big heroes in Xmas boxes these days 


To clarify in a previous video he said AoS would get these four and in the newest he revealed the full contents of the 40k ones but nothing about the AoS ones.

But we can derive some info form the 40k contents:
Most of them have a big centerpiece model in there so should expect them same for AoS. Meaning Katakros, Lauka Vai, Eternus and Kroak are likely.
There is only a single model in all of them that is older than 3 years (Specifically not released during their last edition) and two even have models only released in the last/next few weeks. So S2D and Seraphon having only models from their last big waves without old filler in there is likely. Also if there are more, an Ironjawz one with the new kits could happen. I wouldn't bet on it but it is possible since the Marines one has kits that aren't even released yet.

Also based on the discount we normally get on these boxes the price is likely to go up to 180€ this year if AoS gets comparable contents to 40k

Edited by Matrindur
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2 hours ago, Matrindur said:


But we can derive some info form the 40k contents:
Most of them have a big centerpiece model in there so should expect them same for AoS. Meaning Katakros, Lauka Vai, Eternus and Kroak are likely.


Not sure about Lauka Vai (or even soulblight in general) since they had one last year with the Vengorian Lord already. But I suppose GW has done stranger things

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28 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

Not sure about Lauka Vai (or even soulblight in general) since they had one last year with the Vengorian Lord already. But I suppose GW has done stranger things

Maybe the Mortarch kit then? With Neferata or Mannfred on the box.

But that would be an older kit so I'm not sure

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46 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

As someone who has always been iffy about spending a lot of money on a single model, if the seraphon box has Kroak, I'm absolutely buying it. I think that aggradons would also be a great addition to that. I reckon that both the carnosaur and kroxigors aren't likely to be in there, since they're already in the vanguard.

(Everything here goes by the assumption its only new models)

Thinking about it a bit more, a Battleforce should have some kind of basic infantry and since Skinks and Temple Guard are old that slot has to be filled by Saurus Warriors. Theoretically it could also be a mount focused box with Aggradons as battleline but I think thats unlikely. Same as subfaction specifics like Kroxigors and Raptadons. Also I only expect 10 Saurus Warriors as they are already part of the Vanguard and have been in the army set

For leaders all the 40k boxes only have a single one in there or the option to build a non leader version if its two so I would also only expect a single leader here. The obvious choice is Kroak or a Slann which would double as the centerpiece but a Skink-Starseer or Scar Veteran on Aggradon could also work if there is another centerpiece. The problem with that is that all the other big monsters (Carnosaur, Stegadon, Bastiladon) are older models so unlikely based on 40ks focus on newer models.
Between Kroak and a Slann, Kroak is likelier because the Slann was already in the army set and while the same could be said for the contents of the Ork box that army set was longer ago. So lets go with Kroak here.

We are at 155€ right now so around 130€ left to have the same value as the 40k sets.

For other new Seraphon kits that aren't single characters we have Aggradons, Spawn of Chotec, Raptadons and Kroxigors. Maybe also the Warcry Chameleon Skinks but since those are Warcry I think its unlikely. I also don't think we will get Raptadons since they where part of the army set.

The other three options are pretty much in the air as any combination of three kits (so one of each or doubling up on one and adding one of the other two) would still be in the 40% discount range.

The one that feels to most likely to me is two Aggradons and one Kroxigors but it could just be one of each as that would be exactly what was shown in this army shot in the front except you switch out the Slann for Kroak.




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2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

Maybe the Mortarch kit then? With Neferata or Mannfred on the box.

But that would be an older kit so I'm not sure

I think Manfred and Neferata are the same kit?

But yeah, SBG seem to lack a good, modern centre piece for this. Lauka Vai isn't that big or impressive (not to mention I'd estimate 100% of the sprues will get broken in these boxes) and the Mortarchs are kinda old.

Could go Nagash, but he's not really dedicated SBG and is also kinda niche.

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Just now, JerekKruger said:

I think Manfred and Neferata are the same kit?

But yeah, SBG seem to lack a good, modern centre piece for this. Lauka Vai isn't that big or impressive (not to mention I'd estimate 100% of the sprues will get broken in these boxes) and the Mortarchs are kinda old.

Could go Nagash, but he's not really dedicated SBG and is also kinda niche.

Yes Manfred, Neferata and Arkhan are the same kit I was just wondering which they would out on the boxart as Neferata feels better to me but she already was on the box for the 2017 Legions of Nagash battleforce

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Just skipping through Valraks livestream from last night and of course he heard about the AoS boxes but forgot about them again since he doesn't care about AoS...
But he remembers something about "ghosts" so the fifth box could be Nighthaunt. Kinda weird as they don't really have much left that wasn't in a battleforce already.

Other than that he said he also knows about the 4th edition box but doesn't want to talk about it...

He also said he would try to find out the contents of the AoS battleforces again and talk about them in a future stream so lets see if that happens.

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13 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

That's awesome, I am indeed Nick. All well on the teaching front thank you - I'm now teaching in Canada. I certainly don't repeat that lol. Hope life is treating you well Gaz :D 

That’s good to hear. My wife randomly mentioned you and your missus the other day, wondering how you were getting on! 

13 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

To keep vaguely on topic, I'm intrigued to see where the narrative for AoS is going with the new destruction book. :D

No idea but I’m just hoping for lots of Kruleboyz stuff as I’m currently putting an army together for them 😁

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11 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Dang, that OBR one would have some great value, but it’s gonna be a hard sell for anyone who already collects them- I’m about 90% sure we all already have Katakros so that’s roughly 115 bucks of value that’ll need to be resold. And, of course, there will probably be the mandatory 20 Mortek Guard. If it goes heavy on the Elites (Immortis Guard/Stalkers/Morghast) though, I could see maybe picking it up. 

I started OBR last year with the previous battleforce and have not been able to get my hands on Katakros and the other models I would like to finish my list since the new book dropped. So if this box has Katakros and not too much overlap with the last one, I might be a buyer.

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3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I think Manfred and Neferata are the same kit?

But yeah, SBG seem to lack a good, modern centre piece for this. Lauka Vai isn't that big or impressive (not to mention I'd estimate 100% of the sprues will get broken in these boxes) and the Mortarchs are kinda old.

Could go Nagash, but he's not really dedicated SBG and is also kinda niche.

The kit doesn’t have to be particularly big or expensive, just a nice looking centrepiece to tie the box together. Last year we got:

Daughters of Khaine (Cauldron of Blood)

Gloomspite (2 Mangler Squigs)

Nighthaunt (Lady Olynder and Black Coach)

Orruk Warclans (Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha and Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast)

Skaven (Screaming Bell)

Stormcast (Stormdrake Guard)

Sylvaneth (Drycha and 2 Treelords)

So it doesn’t have to be that new (or even an AoS release), just flashy enough to draw attention whilst discouraging multiple purchases. These are, after all, aimed at convincing people to start new armies 

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4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

The PoG rules from the Dawnbringers book are not free. The basic PoG rules were free since June.

I said "Path to Glory rules" not "PtG Dawnbringers rules". And personally I don't care if the Dawnbringers one aren't free, you aren't going to freely give all the stuff that's in your campaign book, that's basic business. I take the free stuff that I'm given, no matter what it is, and I'm grateful for it because free stuff is always cool. I don't know what's "confusing" about that... 

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I said "Path to Glory rules" not "PtG Dawnbringers rules". And personally I don't care if the Dawnbringers one aren't free, you aren't going to freely give all the stuff that's in your campaign book, that's basic business. I take the free stuff that I'm given, no matter what it is, and I'm grateful for it because free stuff is always cool. I don't know what's "confusing" about that... 

40k is receiving scenarios and other free stuff too. I don't understand why you attack a player base to reaffirm your election because the problem with the 40k stuff affects us too.

Your point is not more different when other players says that AoS is a bad game because the Lore is "silly" or the double turn mechanic exists.

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6 hours ago, Matrindur said:

The one that feels to most likely to me is two Aggradons and one Kroxigors but it could just be one of each as that would be exactly what was shown in this army shot in the front except you switch out the Slann for Kroak.

you're probably right with this-

10x saurus

1x salamander

3x kroxigor

3x aggradon

1x Kroak

only thing i'm not sure about is maybe no raptadons? or 5x rapta and no aggradon :(

Christmas gift to ourselves 👀

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