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So a great looking fyreslayers warband. Tbh I was expecting the next warband to be sylvaneth/Kurnothi so this was a little surprise. So could be that the order v death warband is sylvaneth v OBR? Either way that won't be until a winter release which will be next year. 

So does this mean that the rumoured Kurnothi release is more then the warcry warband I suppose we won't know until we start getting some hints about book 3. 

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6 minutes ago, Aleser said:

To be fair I expected Blacktalon models with Dawnbringer 2 but it seems we still didnt get them. So what do you think how will they release them and when 😂

Maybe in October as part of the warhammer 40th anniversary celebrations. I can see multiple celebration releases then including old world. 

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I was pretty set on getting some Kharadron one day as my first AOS dwarf models but If Fyreslayers get a release/second wave with models that match the style of that warband they might take first place.

That is unless Chaos Dwarves ever materialize, in which case any possible future Kharadron and/or Fyreslayer plans will immediately be pushed to the side. 

Edited by SilentSentinel
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With a proper next wave, Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords (and IDK and OBR) can both become effectively 'Finished' armies IMO. At least for an edition or 2. The models they have now are amazing and beautiful, but they just need some more options/variety to finish them.

Ironjawz feels like a proper, coherent, beautiful finished army now. Of course, I don't think that means they shouldn't get releases anymore, but a hero each edition would be a blessing instead of a punishment now, and a way to add more interesting synergies, unique models or even Armies of Renown to the game.

Nighthaunt (except for the Cairn Wraith and Mourngul which can both go), Sylvaneth (except for Dryads which could definitely use an Ardboyz style upgrade), Seraphon, Lumineth, StD, SoB and Slaanesh also feel that way to me. Stormcast too, but they'll get updates anyway. And hopefully FeC gets their next wave with updates to outdated sculpts and a new direction sooner than later, so they'll feel finished too.

But then there are also factions like Ogors, Skaven and BoC, where a lot of models are actually still resin/metal/ugly plastic WFB holdovers that are desparately in need for updates. But so where Seraphon and StD until basically this year, so who knows.

After all armies are at this level, then GW can start thinking about and focusing on full new army releases again, and not the Lumineth wave1/wave2 disaster. Malerion, Grungi, etc.

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5 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

I really love Army of Renow, sadly it's what they do at end of edition (cool themed army soon obsolet)?

Yeah im not a fan of these temporary armies. Bought into Iyanden supplement once just to have an invalid army a few months later with a new edition (i think it was 8th).

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2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Yeah im not a fan of these temporary armies. Bought into Iyanden supplement once just to have an invalid army a few months later with a new edition (i think it was 8th).

I'm hoping that they incorporate each mono-faction AoR into future battletomes as actual subfactions. Would be a great way to give new rules even without new models, and keeps them viable throughout the editions.

AoRs like Legion of the First Prince and Big Waaaagh could also be good, as long as they're not the focal point of balance.

Edited by Snarff
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2 hours ago, Jator said:

I'm really glad for you!
Specially after knowing @KingBrodd never actually bought King Brodd, a lukewarm reaction from you to these miniatures would have shaken everything I took for granted.
Have fun with these lasses!

PD: No offence, King! I actually commend your restrain and sensible gestion of your finances

I'm sure those who have perused these forums a longer while have noticed I've not been around...well, in a while - truth to be told (and I realise the dangers of uttering this on this board) I've not felt AoS hype in a while, committing arch-heresy and even purchasing my first 40K figures in a decade (😱).

That is, genuinely, until this announcement. Legitimately I haven't felt this hype about plastic crack in a long while, and this time I can afford them. Thinking about duardin makes screeching customers a bit more worth it (remember to be kind to customer service, we're people too) 😄

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2 hours ago, Jator said:

I'm really glad for you!
Specially after knowing @KingBrodd never actually bought King Brodd, a lukewarm reaction from you to these miniatures would have shaken everything I took for granted.
Have fun with these lasses!

PD: No offence, King! I actually commend your restrain and sensible gestion of your finances

No offense taken mate!! The model just didnt do enough for me personally to justify the price tag. Meanwhile I can get 6 Rockguts, the most customisable GW kit in decades and a new MASSIVE Troggoth for £40 cheaper?

Im Troggin it.

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1 hour ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

Although I will buy our new glorious king it doesn't feel like it is as survivable as as a standard Troggboss with Glowy Howitz and he gets a big target on his back for all the shooting and magic spells especially if he buff the whole army. 

Rolling that "5" in his Malfunctioning Laystone can to turn off over 80% of Kharadrons damage.

With his 1D3+3+1 heals, he will usually throw 3 to 4 dice. Good enough to shut down an entire army (even if I use x9 bubbleboys).

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What an amazing warband! What a difference with those older kits. Hopefully FS will receive even more new mini's in the near future.

1 hour ago, Snarff said:

With a proper next wave, Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords (and IDK and OBR) can both become effectively 'Finished' armies IMO. At least for an edition or 2. The models they have now are amazing and beautiful, but they just need some more options/variety to finish them.

Ironjawz feels like a proper, coherent, beautiful finished army now. Of course, I don't think that means they shouldn't get releases anymore, but a hero each edition would be a blessing instead of a punishment now, and a way to add more interesting synergies, unique models or even Armies of Renown to the game.

Nighthaunt (except for the Cairn Wraith and Mourngul which can both go), Sylvaneth (except for Dryads which could definitely use an Ardboyz style upgrade), Seraphon, Lumineth, StD, SoB and Slaanesh also feel that way to me. Stormcast too, but they'll get updates anyway. And hopefully FeC gets their next wave with updates to outdated sculpts and a new direction sooner than later, so they'll feel finished too.

But then there are also factions like Ogors, Skaven and BoC, where a lot of models are actually still resin/metal/ugly plastic WFB holdovers that are desparately in need for updates. But so where Seraphon and StD until basically this year, so who knows.

After all armies are at this level, then GW can start thinking about and focusing on full new army releases again, and not the Lumineth wave1/wave2 disaster. Malerion, Grungi, etc.

Pure logistical wise this seems unlikely. AoS will hopefully get 1 or 2 new armies per edition, but eventually they will have to redo their older AoS armies.

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2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

What an amazing warband! What a difference with those older kits. Hopefully FS will receive even more new mini's in the near future.

Pure logistical wise this seems unlikely. AoS will hopefully get 1 or 2 new armies per edition, but eventually they will have to redo their older AoS armies.

Eventually yeah, but we're nowhere near the point that entire armies need refreshes yet. Besides the obvious of Skaven, BoC, FeC etc.

Edited by Snarff
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29 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Eventually yeah, but we're nowhere near the point that entire armies need refreshes yet. Besides the obvious of Skaven, BoC, etc.

It's not really because an army needs a refresh miniature wise. Most miniatures sculpted for AoS are fine and will still be fine in 20 years or more. It's more that there is a hard cap of armies they can support / stock per game system. So it's more easier to resculpt certain units and remove the older sculpts, than just keep adding more and more units / armies.

AoS currently has 24 factions and 40K has 26 factions. That's already a lot.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I would love to see dozens of new units and armies. There is so much that can be added. I just don't think it is possible.

Edited by Tonhel
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