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12 hours ago, Hollow said:

I don't want to get off-topic. Just remember that perspective is important and a lot of the information sources of today thrive on pumping out negative narratives. It's important to step back and look at the big picture. 2023 is THE BEST time to be living for the vast majority of human beings, better than any other time in human history. Hundreds of millions of humans have been lifted out of extreme poverty, with more access to education, health and information than ever before. 


As for the GW release cycle, I'm not a fan of how much isn't actually new stuff. If you look at the pre-order page on the GW website today, there isn't really a single new thing. It's just all repackaged stuff in different starter sets. (Incidentally, many of my local FLG's and Warhammer stores still have dozens of copies of Levithian sitting on the shelves.) 

I find frequently that I think, "damn, so many new things coming out this week! 12+ preorders" but when you actually look into it, it's only maybe a handful of actually new things. I sincerely hope this trend doesn't get out of control ( I fear it might with the number of old kits returning for TOW) where they just start churning out old stuff, repackaged because it's nearly all profit)



This is such a bad response. I have a degree in Anthroplogy, and I think this answer is both wrong and uninformed. 

It's like you're getting ready to quote Pinker, who's a joke in the academic community. 

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1 hour ago, jerhien said:


This is such a bad response. I have a degree in Anthroplogy, and I think this answer is both wrong and uninformed. 

It's like you're getting ready to quote Pinker, who's a joke in the academic community. 

A multiple award-winning tenured Harvard professor, who has served on the editorial board of several journals, is a joke in the academic community? Sure some of his work is contraversial but that seems to be going a little far. I assume given your degree (and topic) you are probably mostly referring to "Better Angels", which did have a mixed reception, but I knew professors that were on both sides of the fence about it anyway.


But yeah this is a little off topic so that I think will be my 2 cents on it.

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7 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:


This in new art isn’t it? Notice, that floating chains in the background.

It's the cover art for the Army Set (and probably also the regular Battletome)



Wouldn't put much on us getting a metalith themed unit, but it'd be cool!

Also, where's the image from?
Edit: nevermind, it's from Instagram

Edited by Asbestress
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Just now, Beliman said:

Wow, that looks awesome! Common GW, give us the whole range!!

I know GW can be pretty random in terms of social media posts, but this without a miniature reveal is kinda lame (even though the art is amazing and is immediately getting used as some kind of wallpaper)

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3 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


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Also, where's the image from?

Its also comes from a Facebook post (not even an hour ago) asking which is our favourite city.

There's nothing to suggest an imminent release, but the little clues are piling up one after the other...

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3 hours ago, Still-young said:

I’m not sure how well the MTG thing maps over all that well. The reason there’s so much burnout there is that almost every MTG release theoretically applies to every player (apart from some format specific sets etc) and you need to keep buying to keep up. Unless you play lots of armies, which is a choice, most GW releases shouldn’t really apply to you. How many big model releases has AoS actually had, and how many of them do you need to get?

I don’t disagree with the rest. World’s whack. 

MtG burnout is also down to product fatigue. For GW we have a fairly limited selection and you know what is in pretty much every release as it comes out. Yes things are constantly being released but it's very easy to compartmentalise between the different systems, factions and product types without too much difficulty. Magic has the issue where not only is pretty much everything relevant for Commander (the most popular format), but each product is released in 4-5 different ways that further muddies things.

There's plenty of people who are just mentally burning out from that overload. I forgot Commander Masters was a thing until I stumbled across a preview for it... it just wouldn't click that there could be two booster sets in between two standard sets. Last time I tried to order singles I hit major decision paralysis because I was discovering cards that I just didn't know existed.

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49 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:


This in new art isn’t it? Notice, that floating chains in the background.

Loving the fact that we are getting art featuring the new models. I wouldn't mind another metalith terrain piece either.

Overall, a new batch of terrain is fairly likely. We have already seen the completed Dawnbringer buildings in a bunch of pictures. I would say a new floating island (Highscryer island?) could definitely also be in the cards. GW seems to like that modeling tech, and they should absolutely use it more. I don't think anyone else makes floating island terrain at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

A multiple award-winning tenured Harvard professor, who has served on the editorial board of several journals, is a joke in the academic community? Sure some of his work is contraversial but that seems to be going a little far. I assume given your degree (and topic) you are probably mostly referring to "Better Angels", which did have a mixed reception, but I knew professors that were on both sides of the fence about it anyway.


But yeah this is a little off topic so that I think will be my 2 cents on it.

I agree. This is definitely going off topic. And who really wants to have to read my 15,000 word reply to why I disagree with the Pinker thesis, anyway? 

But we don't come to this forum for academic debate about the state of the world. A far more relevant way to think is to focus on what possibility is there of us getting all our toy soldiers painted before global civilization collapses?

(responses in 1000 words or less, please)

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27 minutes ago, Wraith said:

A far more relevant way to think is to focus on what possibility is there of us getting all our toy soldiers painted before global civilization collapses?

(responses in 1000 words or less, please)

Very little for me. And that's assuming I die of old age before a global collapse ;) I'm very good at procrastinating.

Hopefully I'll at least have my khorne painted up though. Since I'm a good chunk of the way through them 😅 But that cities release has me mighty distracted 🥰

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4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would say this is an AoS thing. Reminds me most of the base decorations of Yndrasta or the Killaboss.

Yeah, definitely AoS unless 40k goes somewhere truly bizarre. 

My initial thought was Warcry terrain, since we know we're getting Season 2 soon and it's presumably still set in the Gnarlwood.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Rumour time.

Tactical rock? Terrain? 


My mind says it’s either Skaven, Nurgle, or FEC related. All three factions deal with decay in different ways (decay of environment, decay of body, decay of mind), so it’s possible. However, given the Dawnbringers focus on Nurgle and FEC specifically, my money is more on one of those two factions getting a new hero/monster with a tactical rock.

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5 hours ago, jerhien said:

I have a degree in Anthropology, and this sounds like ****** to me. 


If you're gonna quote Pinker, just don't. 

A degree! Wow!

Somebody with a degree in Anthropology should know what a quote is. I didn't quote anybody. Although, if I want to, I will quote anybody I like. I have 2 BAs, an MA and a PHD. Bow before my superior academic qualifications peasant! 

(I also know how worthless and bankrupt much of Academia is. Having worked in it for years) 

Regardless. I wasn't trying to make some political point. I was trying to provide a little perspective, to what I perceived as someone feeling a bit down about how things appear to be these days. That is all. So get back in your box. 

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I'm a little out of the rumor loop, but today's engine got me thinking... Didn't Whitefang (all hail) hint that something was coming for Stormcast "soon"? I think the conversation was centered on whether older stuff would be updated to Thunderstrike. Of course, next year we'll see some along 4th edition, but has there been any further rumor of stuff coming before that? Maybe a small release at the tail end of 3rd/the Dawnbringer arc? It's certainly not unprecedented for them to get stuff mid-edition...

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51 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

I'm a little out of the rumor loop, but today's engine got me thinking... Didn't Whitefang (all hail) hint that something was coming for Stormcast "soon"? I think the conversation was centered on whether older stuff would be updated to Thunderstrike. Of course, next year we'll see some along 4th edition, but has there been any further rumor of stuff coming before that? Maybe a small release at the tail end of 3rd/the Dawnbringer arc? It's certainly not unprecedented for them to get stuff mid-edition...

I don't think they said soon, just that older stuff being updated was on the cards. I assumed it was talking about 4th edition

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