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this maybe just me but i feel like the way GW design their human-sized models, they look kind of Stuby (like the proportions are a bit off) (the CoS infantry, Guards, that Bretonnia model, most Human size underworld models)

Edited by novakai
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8 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Looks like Duradin and Aelves are still going to be in Cities.


Wonder if the wanderers stay too? Otherwise my CoS army is pretty large chunks of my CoS army is invalid (at least there will be the old world!).


Not big fan of the Scorpion back, but otherwise nice models!

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8 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:


He's resin but they confirmed Bretonnia will be getting plastics. 


Great model. Yet as a resin model I‘ll never buy it.

Cleaning and „un-bending“ parts

glueing it: Pure Horror

Playing with it: Everything will break



the new cities Models are mostly awesome!


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The starter army box for CoS does look tempting. 2 units of the basic troops, heavy knights and a couple of foot heroes is a solid base to build around. 

Hopefully it comes with a selection of transfers for the shields, etc

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all cerastus knights in plastic make me happy, and a proper manticore finally.

once I've done a wings and face conversion on it it'll be mythically awesome and will make my chaos lord awesome as well, and I can bin that hideous storm of magic monstrosity they dared to call a manticore.

Other than that... yea... meh.

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Lots and lots of Space Marines in this preview haha.

Cities of Sigmar:
Loving the sculpts so much and that hero is amazing, as much as I want to make a deathly city just painting these in my own heraldry seems really rewarding and fantastic.
Marshals: we have seen these before and they continue to impress and will allow for a varied builds and I expect to see so many unique takes on these heroes.
Alchemite Warforger looks great and like a fun and characterful model though seems like an unwieldily thing to carry onto the battlefield.
Free-guild, so many great and diverse head sculpts and varied body types makes me so excited to see more of their lore and see people develop stories around them. Love the inclusion of the priest
Cavaliers, I am a sucker for some cavalry. 
Lioness of the Parch: That is a centre piece and what a Manticore can’t wait to see it take down my learning chaos manticore. 

Horus Heresy:
I have a Chaos Knight army that I still need to build (Magnets are still beyond my skill set), and possibly one day I will be able to afford to add these. I think it is also a sign that bigger Garments may one day arrive. 

Plaguepack: Vile Secret of NHIM. Every new Skaven model shows how amazing the Skaven refresh will be. I think these look great and really fun. If rumours for 4th edition prove true than the Skaven half will look amazing.

Monsta-Killaz: These are so dope, love that hero and the baboons… the clutter grot and the monkey’s can easily make their way into Critters and Keys! I was sad they didn't announce a new boxset or season. 

Old World:
Now I am caught between the Bretonnians and the Cities of Sigmar. If I do make a cities army I feel like some Bretonnians will make their way into it. I feel like Old World will be a bit too costly for me though so I am still leaning towards Cities. 

Legions Imperialis:
Looks really neat, makes me hold out hope that we can see a similar epic scale for Old World some day down the line. I do think if I get into a game of this scale I might try a historical game instead. 

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Just now, Captaniser said:

In hindsight, it kinda makes sense that they didn't reveal anything for the next Dawnbringer book since that might make people not purchase the new sets they came out with today.

it also not stated to release until Fall (the last three months of the year) so it probably too early to fully reveal stuff for it (well they did reveal the Maw Grunta already but they probably holding stuff back)

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1 hour ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

Nothing from Harbingers book 2? The miniatures they showed were awesome, but I was honestly expecting one or two more AoS reveals.


Besides the awesome CoS stuff this reveal has been pretty underwhelming for me. Was really hoping for something non-Kruleboyz for warclans and some other news on Dawnbringers. Guess i have to wait some more :p.

Also would have liked some more Warcry news.

Edited by Gitzdee
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I love the KB Warcry band. They feel like Kruleboyz. I especially love their baboons. It's a really neat and clever inclusion. Baboons are little vicious evil geniuses that are way stronger than they look. Perfect match for Kruleboyz.

I like how Warcry hads those little animal companions to warbands now. Gives more flavour to them (and also can cheekily augment the number of warscrolls).

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