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Didnt FS also poll as the least popular army a while back though? Every army is always going to have adherents, hell, im an Anathema Psykana "main" in 40k and they essentially erased us as a faction...

I guess what GW has to look at is whether a range refresh for FS will pay off, IE essentially is it their awful model range keeping them down or their puddle deep fluff?

Personally id  like to see how they do as part of a "Dawi resurgent" soupy list with hopefully a new unit as proof of concept, keep the option to run pure FS but bring in some real dwarves to give the list some backbone. Then as part of a larger and probably more popular faction you have safer ground to expand the FS side of things a bit down the line, and therefore support the folks who prefer them alone.

Its all speculation on our part of course, perhaps there is some obsessive millionaire with a bunker filled wall to wall with FS boxes, adding to them by the truckload; perhaps they barely sell a kit or two a year? Im guessing the answer lies in the middle somewhere as they havent been well supported, but they havent been axed either.

I mean arguably they have been getting better support than fan fave Skaven :P:(

Edited by Noserenda
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Happy for @KingBrodd that Rumor Engines and short stories are hinting at more Ogors and Troggoths releases ! 

Love all the WarCom short stories - the Nurgle Dawnbringer Chronicle was great - but yeah, maybe the Fyreslayers one wasn't the best. Yet it wasn't a bad story either.

TBH those Aqshy Duardins are a fine concept of an army and represent both early AOS (first artwork in the AOS 1 core book) and an hommage to the WFB 6th ed. Karak Kadrin army list. They only need a few new units to have a more diverse looking range. 

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53 minutes ago, madmac said:

. People who don't like Fyreslayers get this idea in their head that practically everyone also dislikes Fyreslayers and that they're a waste of space, etc etc.


Yea, I was watching Warhammer Weekly the other day, Vince was on his usual rant about Fyreslayers being the worst thing that has ever come to be and every moment they are in his vision is a moment of pure suffering, or whatever. So him and the co-host talk about FS having a low meta-representation. And I was like... uhhh, what?

Last I checked, Fyreslayers had a higher meta rep. than half the armies in the game, including Tzeentch, Khorne, DoK, Ironjawz, and everyone's favorite Seraphon. Source: TSN Age of Sigmar Stats. Woehammer's stats also bear out they are more popular. So it really is people who hate them just think everyone else does, too.

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14 minutes ago, DwarfsOnly said:

Yea, I was watching Warhammer Weekly the other day, Vince was on his usual rant about Fyreslayers being the worst thing that has ever come to be and every moment they are in his vision is a moment of pure suffering, or whatever. So him and the co-host talk about FS having a low meta-representation. And I was like... uhhh, what?

Last I checked, Fyreslayers had a higher meta rep. than half the armies in the game, including Tzeentch, Khorne, DoK, Ironjawz, and everyone's favorite Seraphon. Source: TSN Age of Sigmar Stats. Woehammer's stats also bear out they are more popular. So it really is people who hate them just think everyone else does, too.

In June, Fyreslayers had a representation of less than 2%. But for the past while they've hovered around a solid 3-4%. I think there's just this misconception that because they have the lowest aesthetic popularity rating (even people that play them hate that they all look the same), that nobody plays them. Plenty of people still love dwarfs but don't want to play their shooty steampunk cousins.

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21 minutes ago, DwarfsOnly said:

Yea, I was watching Warhammer Weekly the other day, Vince was on his usual rant about Fyreslayers being the worst thing that has ever come to be and every moment they are in his vision is a moment of pure suffering, or whatever. So him and the co-host talk about FS having a low meta-representation. And I was like... uhhh, what?

Last I checked, Fyreslayers had a higher meta rep. than half the armies in the game, including Tzeentch, Khorne, DoK, Ironjawz, and everyone's favorite Seraphon. Source: TSN Age of Sigmar Stats. Woehammer's stats also bear out they are more popular. So it really is people who hate them just think everyone else does, too.

Yeah but I don’t think think tournament meta is a indication of popularity and I am not a fan of people using that as the stats to represent it.

tournament stats is heavily reliant on your army performance and strength. Sometimes an army that not that popular (Harliquins) get over represented in the meta just because of competitive edge. Convserly an army that is out of Meta like SCE and Ironjawz will get worser meta percentage but it isn’t an indictment of popularity either. That an tournament players are a certain small part of the population


Not saying this to damn Fyreslayers even more but  armies that get thoose brief boost (Bonesplitterz, Beast of Chaos, Fyreslayers) doesn’t means anything on their player base size. If Fyreslayers meta performance was Kruleboyz bad I am pretty sure they would be really at the bottom.

Edited by novakai
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11 minutes ago, novakai said:

Not saying this to damn Fyreslayers even more but  armies that get thoose brief boost (Bonesplitterz, Beast of Chaos, Fyreslayers) doesn’t means anything on their player base size. If Fyreslayers meta performance was Kruleboyz bad I am pretty sure they would be really at the bottom.

Fyreslayers are not some flash in the pan meta faction though, they've been played pretty consistently across all three editions with very few dips. While they're not KBs bad, they've never been an S-tier army either, there's no particular reason for someone who is only interested in winning to main Fyreslayers of all things.

They've been consistently good enough over the years that you can basically always run Fyreslayers in tournaments, if you like Fyreslayers.

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2 minutes ago, madmac said:

Fyreslayers are not some flash in the pan meta faction though, they've been played pretty consistently across all three editions with very few dips. While they're not KBs bad, they've never been an S-tier army either, there's no particular reason for someone who is only interested in winning to main Fyreslayers of all things.

They've been consistently good enough over the years that you can basically always run Fyreslayers in tournaments, if you like Fyreslayers.

That fair but tournament data itself is not the best representation of army playerbase as tourney players are a specific part of the AoS population. I just playing devils advocate because of what happen to Haliquins 

granted the amount of other data is hard to compile like Sales data and popularity polls. In reality it could be base on your retail availability and retail presence.

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

Yeah, this is a point I've been hammering on for a while. People who don't like Fyreslayers get this idea in their head that practically everyone also dislikes Fyreslayers and that they're a waste of space, etc etc. When the reality is that they actually have a solid and dedicated fanbase by all visible indications. Like, their tournament percentage alone has always been higher than a lot of factions that are widely considered to be "popular" armies, and it's always been that way.

I think partially the reason this happens is because even Fyreslayer players will agree with a lot of criticisms, like the models being samey or the infantry models not the best looking GW has ever made, but that doesn't mean they don't love the army. For me personally, I play a lot of armies, so me saying that I also play Fyreslayers doesn't have a lot of weight necessarily, but I've realized over the years that of all the armies I get worked up and excited/depressed about, Fyreslayers are the top of the list, so in a way you can say they're secretly my favorite AoS army. Surely they've been neglected by GW over the years, but the core of what they are is really cool and has a special resonance unique to them.

In any case, I do think Fyreslayers will have their due soon, I don't think for a second that them being one of the four harbringers of the new Narrative Campaign is coincidental.

For all the grief it gets online, the Fyreslayer range must be doing something right to get this solid and dedicated fanbase. And not just rule wise, but in terms of models too.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

For all the grief it gets online, the Fyreslayer range must be doing something right to get this solid and dedicated fanbase. And not just rule wise, but in terms of models too.

It’s the beards.

or rather the Mohawk and beard are fun to paint and you can do cool stuff with it. (Even if it the surface area is a bit small for Fyreslayer units)

if you like 300, this is probably the most spartan army in the game

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Hey everyone, I think I have got into the "how to develop dwarfs" debate 3-4 times in this thread over the last year, so I thought I should expand on my thoughts when it comes to the Fyreslayers quite a bit to start more discussion. Hence, I posted a new thread over on the Fyreslayers subforum for speculations and suggestions for how they may be improved. Maybe we can take this discussion there?

The thrad is available here:

Sorry for the shameless plug, but I thought it would also be a nice segue to let this thread go back to its main topic: rumours. Whereas this discussion clearly can go on for a long time!

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4 hours ago, madmac said:

Yeah, this is a point I've been hammering on for a while. People who don't like Fyreslayers get this idea in their head that practically everyone also dislikes Fyreslayers and that they're a waste of space, etc etc. When the reality is that they actually have a solid and dedicated fanbase by all visible indications. Like, their tournament percentage alone has always been higher than a lot of factions that are widely considered to be "popular" armies, and it's always been that way.

I think partially the reason this happens is because even Fyreslayer players will agree with a lot of criticisms, like the models being samey or the infantry models not the best looking GW has ever made, but that doesn't mean they don't love the army. For me personally, I play a lot of armies, so me saying that I also play Fyreslayers doesn't have a lot of weight necessarily, but I've realized over the years that of all the armies I get worked up and excited/depressed about, Fyreslayers are the top of the list, so in a way you can say they're secretly my favorite AoS army. Surely they've been neglected by GW over the years, but the core of what they are is really cool and has a special resonance unique to them.

In any case, I do think Fyreslayers will have their due soon, I don't think for a second that them being one of the four harbringers of the new Narrative Campaign is coincidental.

Fyreslayers are my favourite Duardin Faction. Heck they may even be my favourite Order Faction next to Cities!!

4 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Happy for @KingBrodd that Rumor Engines and short stories are hinting at more Ogors and Troggoths releases ! 

Love all the WarCom short stories - the Nurgle Dawnbringer Chronicle was great - but yeah, maybe the Fyreslayers one wasn't the best. Yet it wasn't a bad story either.

TBH those Aqshy Duardins are a fine concept of an army and represent both early AOS (first artwork in the AOS 1 core book) and an hommage to the WFB 6th ed. Karak Kadrin army list. They only need a few new units to have a more diverse looking range. 

Cheers mate!! Im really excited at the prospect of new Ogors and a massive new Troggoth!!

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18 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Looks like we found one of those mythical 50 people in the world. 😁

Mate swear down if they get a couple new units Im buying fully into the Faction. Same with Idoneth, give me Crabs (never thought Id say that) and Im buying in!!

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27 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Mate swear down if they get a couple new units Im buying fully into the Faction. Same with Idoneth, give me Crabs (never thought Id say that) and Im buying in!!

I'm sure Dr. Freud could've said something about your love for extremely to somewhat unattractive, mostly naked men (SoB, Ogors, now Fyreslayers...) 😉

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11 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

yet every FLGS and club has a handful of FS mains, and you always see them represented at tournaments.

That's because the book is incredibly well written. There's at least four strong list archetypes in there that work competitively. It's a fantastic achievement in terms of rules writing, given there are so few options.

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3 hours ago, novakai said:

That doesn’t sound right as there only two in the book if I recall correctly

There are four main tournament archetypes, and I've seen a few others floating around.

  1. Vulkites + Flamekeepers. Most popular since LVO/New GHB. Usually in Vostarg, sometimes Greyfyrd, backed by supporting cast of Heroes, HGB, and/or a droth.
  2. Lofnir 3 droth w/ Vulkite or HGB support. Popular in the previous GHBs.
  3. Oops all Grimwraths. Self-explanatory. Sees occasional tournament play and has notched some wins due to having extremely strong matchups though also very weak ones.
  4. Control Lofnir. Droth heavy with AHG and KO Nav and/or Runelord support. Heavy on invocations. Has seen sporadic play in tournaments, mostly in the previous GHBs (Lofnir as a whole has fallen off).
Edited by DwarfsOnly
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21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

The second Dawnbringers book is an Orruk book buuuut It could be only Ironjawz.

Let’s hope there will be some focus on other orruk war clans. Although I wish they would split those factions into different books.

Edited by YoghurtKobold
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14 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

Let’s hope there will be some focus on other orruk war clans. Although I wish they would split those factions into different books.

Ironjawz deserve new ardboyz ( black orcs from 2006)

Bonesplitterz deserve at least new Wurrgog/wardokk ( both very dated in resin)

Kruleboyz deserve Gutrippaz cavalry on smaller gnashers

No problem for me to be in one book : Big Waaagh is so cool ! 

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