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8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I agree that in thematically mixed/inconsistent armies like SBGL this would feel bad and look weird. However, I can see it be really cool in the more thematically coherent armies (Stormcast, Idoneth, Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth etc.) where rules like this could really give something to underused heroes. It'd also make some more focused lists even more possible.

I personally wouldn't be against it, though it remains to be seen if it wouldn't bring other issues. Aura bubbles are not a mechanic I'm a big fan of myself.

Sylvaneth was actually one of the other armies I was thinking of as an example, but didn't cite. Arch-Revenants have very little to do with Tree- or Spite- Revenants mechanically, but match them in silhouette, and would look super weird attached to the units of Kurnoth they are actually associated with. I guess the lone operatives thing they mention could cover examples like these, but I feel like it wouldn't always be the right thematic fit.

Ultimately, where I'm at it "this is a great mechanic for 40k, but the way AoS does it works just fine for AoS. Change for the sake of change or for making two different games unnecessarily similar is bad."

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I don't know if they'll announce it on the website, but it looks like the first of the Dawnbringer eshort stories is up:

Black Library - The Road To Helsmarch (eShort)

It's not mine, so no idea what it's like, but I can't very well push my own work without giving my fellow authors a bit of a bump as well - that'd just be impolite! :)

According to the eshort subscription page, mine'll be the last in the series, releasing on Saturday:

Black Library - Dawnbringers 2023 eShort Subscription

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3 hours ago, Lucentia said:

A Vampire Lord leading some Grave Guard (or even standard skeletons) feels fine to me?  Commanding their undead minions towards the enemy, etc.  But personal preference, I suppose.

Indeed, they already have rules specifically geared towards enhancing them. The entire army is themed around them being their will and necromatic presence that moves the undead into a cohesive fighting force. I mean, attaching a huge monster like VLoZD to a unit is a bit silly but having certain hero models be able to lead could be interesting.

Perhaps some kind of keyword for heroes who fit that particular niche. We already have stuff like Totem in the game so why not something focused around hero + unit synergies?

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4 hours ago, Ferban said:

I kinda like the idea for AOS.  I'm not a huge fan of constantly measuring (for moves, charges, and pile-ins) to make sure my units stay in various bubbles.

Same. I have to say, the meticulously measuring and remeasuring units against different auras/bubbles was one of my least favourite features of AoS. I was playing Khorne damnit!

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3 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

I don't know if they'll announce it on the website, but it looks like the first of the Dawnbringer eshort stories is up:

Black Library - The Road To Helsmarch (eShort)

It's not mine, so no idea what it's like, but I can't very well push my own work without giving my fellow authors a bit of a bump as well - that'd just be impolite! :)

According to the eshort subscription page, mine'll be the last in the series, releasing on Saturday:

Black Library - Dawnbringers 2023 eShort Subscription

I wish the summaries were posted before the story itself launched :( does anyone know if the subscription discount remains after they're all released?

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Swirly smokes looks to be same value/style as this rumor engine.

When we get really weird stuff like this, I tend to just guess it's an Underworlds Warband or Necromunda thing we haven't seen yet that's drawn out of nowhere. Trying to assign some of these weird ones to a faction that exists tends to lead to disappointment, in my experience anyway :P


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It seems like that Nafka/Faeit person posted more rumors about TOW and something related for AoS:


Warhammer The Old World will be just (like Epic) a small release. We get the Launch Box, Rulebook, the Compendium and an Accessories Pack for returnee Players.
They want to fill the "40 Years of Warhammer" Topic without blunders. Bigger releases then in Early 2024 before they go "all in" with Warhammer Age of Sigmar...

Not sure what that "all in" means, but maybe it refers to the 4th edition.


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54 minutes ago, Talas said:

It seems like that Nafka/Faeit person posted more rumors about TOW and something related for AoS:

Not sure what that "all in" means, but maybe it refers to the 4th edition.


that's wonderfully vague and could mean anything.

"All in on AoS" could be as simple as expanding Cities of Sigmar, prepping for the next 'end of edition' book series, or leading all the way up to 4th edition AoS, and we're still totally in the dark on what that could be. Hopefully not indexes. 

You'd think GW would be more keen on being 'all in' on 40k instead, filling out codexes and getting those printed so people can play 10th ed in earnest, but we'll see how that pans out. 

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I can see gw being a little hands off on old world stuff, drop tomb kings + bretonia as the two factions with no real support in aos, then let people run with a lot of old models. I think a lot of people will just be running their current aos armies or old fantasy ones they have for the game. So the initial drop, then like heresy just drop the odd few kits here and there for factions like empire (for stuff cities of sigmar cant cover) It also means when they get around to next skaven or Ork books(or other dual system factions that keep their old aesthetics) they can double dip audience by dropping old world book for them at same time.

To be honest my main actual worry is all the side games are going to face same fate as old specialist games of starving each other out for attention, I remember a titanicus seminar where they said that epic killed old titanicus development. Some games like necromunda and bloodbowl though seem to be in an "end game" spot where they will just get occasional gang/book/character and be fine with minimal gw upkeep. Pretty sure outside of like 3 or so gangs needing to come out necromunda can nearly be considered a complete line and bloodbowl is a very minimal resource heavy game to make for them.

Titanicus will probably die again to epic(keeping it to HH for now is probably a good idea so it doesn't eat up everything dev wise), HH will likely just survive on its own once it gets a few more infantry kits then just drip feed stuff. Aeronautica while fun im kind of surprised they brought back looking at it, unless it was just brought out as a side game with understanding its mostly going to be cannibalised into epic to justify its costs. 

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2 hours ago, Talas said:

It seems like that Nafka/Faeit person posted more rumors about TOW and something related for AoS:

Not sure what that "all in" means, but maybe it refers to the 4th edition.


It's from faeit, which means clickbait with no substance. 

GW themselves have said and shown that new bretonnian and tomb kings are coming, which invalidates that "rumour". 

I highly doubt they've spent the past few years developing TOW to only release a box, a few books and gubbins. 

If the pandemic lock downs proved anything, it's nostalgia is a powerful thing with so many people returning to the hobby. 

This has the potential to make a lot of money for GW and making money is something they do very well. 

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16 hours ago, Draznak said:

An interesting detail in the latest article on Lion El'Jonson, and one that echoes GW's absurd policy of secrecy towards the studio's design teams : 'Seb' and 'Dom' worked on Lion. It's not even a surname anymore, just a diminutive. Soon a code name, that will be even better...


Why GW, are you so obsessed with secrecy about who makes your products ? It's ridiculous.

This isn't a ridiculous stance at all, its a totally understandable one given that segments of the community have literally sent death threats to GW employees who have been known to work on content the community doesn't like.

Edited by Armoured
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6 hours ago, Ogregut said:

It's from faeit, which means clickbait with no substance. 

GW themselves have said and shown that new bretonnian and tomb kings are coming, which invalidates that "rumour". 

I highly doubt they've spent the past few years developing TOW to only release a box, a few books and gubbins. 

If the pandemic lock downs proved anything, it's nostalgia is a powerful thing with so many people returning to the hobby. 

This has the potential to make a lot of money for GW and making money is something they do very well. 

I read the rumour as being that they'll put out a small but significant release this year for the anniversary, but we'll be waiting a long time after that for proper model support, as its not there yet.

I'd say that is plausible, but also eminently guessable, so if the source has a bad track record, I'd agree its the kind of thing anyone could speculate.

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3 minutes ago, Armoured said:

This isn't a ridiculous stance at all, its a totally understandable one given that segments of the community have literally sent death threats to GW employees who have been known to work on content the community doesn't like.

Yet that’s not the reason. Since they could let artist decide wether they‘d like to be credited. It’s another bad and employee disregarding practice of GW which above all craves money for their shareholders

/rant Publicly Shared Companies are plainly bad for everyone in and around the Company, except management and shareholders.


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10 hours ago, Talas said:

It seems like that Nafka/Faeit person posted more rumors about TOW and something related for AoS:

Not sure what that "all in" means, but maybe it refers to the 4th edition.


Faiet rumour spotted, opinion disregarded.

As others have said above, the fact this "rumour" doesn't take into account the revealed 3D renders of new TKs and Brets tells you everything you need to know about it. Generally, this Faiet post reeks of WFB players self-victimising themselves : "TOW will only be a few books, a box and accessories because bad GW hates us ! They only have eyes for AoS😢! (Btw did I remind you that AoS bad ?)". Just read the comments of the original Faiet post to get an idea of that. 

One thing they're right about though is the fact that 2024 will be big for AoS since it's the supposed time for 4th Ed to launch. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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44 minutes ago, Armoured said:

This isn't a ridiculous stance at all, its a totally understandable one given that segments of the community have literally sent death threats to GW employees who have been known to work on content the community doesn't like.

And yet plenty of GW employees have social media where they essentially claim credit for sculpting minis*, suggesting that they aren't at all worried about having their name tied to a particularly sculpt.

I have no problem whatsoever with artists being selective about what they are credited for, or indeed a given artist not wanting to be credited at all, but that's not what's happening. GW are refusing to credit any of their artists at all. The reason is simply: they don't want their employees to be able to use work they've done what at GW to get a better paid job, because they themselves don't want to pay their artists more.

*There's only ever one sculpter who talks about how proud they were to be "part of the team" for any given mini. It's an open secret that it's their way of claiming credit whilst avoiding whatever rules GW have about not doing so.

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49 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

As others have said above, the fact this "rumour" doesn't take into account the revealed 3D renders of new TKs and Brets tells you everything you need to know about it.

To be fair, the 3D renders could be for minis to be released next year, with an Empire vs. someone else (maybe Empire vs. Empire even, given the era of the setting) coming this year. I believe we've also seen 3D renders for Empire stuff, though I might be misremembering...

But that I think the rumour is trustworthy. It's a pretty safe guess to make: a lot of this year will be occupied by 40k releases, so there being a release box for TOW this year and nothing else until next year is not unlikely.

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1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

To be fair, the 3D renders could be for minis to be released next year, with an Empire vs. someone else (maybe Empire vs. Empire even, given the era of the setting) coming this year. I believe we've also seen 3D renders for Empire stuff, though I might be misremembering...

But that I think the rumour is trustworthy. It's a pretty safe guess to make: a lot of this year will be occupied by 40k releases, so there being a release box for TOW this year and nothing else until next year is not unlikely.

The simplest explanation is probably that since Brettonian and Tomb Kings are the first factions to receive renders, they are probably also the first factions to get a release. Not guaranteed, of coure, but in general, I think that is how GW operates in their marketing.

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14 minutes ago, Aleser said:

From youtube, cool art and most likely full reveal on Warhammer fest


Gw have a seminar at Gama on April 25th. They could announce Nightmare Quest then and tease new new season at Warhammer Fest. I assume we're going to have another four boxes in 2023-2024. 

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Gw have a seminar at Gama on April 25th. They could announce Nightmare Quest then and tease new new season at Warhammer Fest. I assume we're going to have another four boxes in 2023-2024. 


2 hours ago, Aleser said:

From youtube, cool art and most likely full reveal on Warhammer fest



Imagine if the next Season focused entirely on Destruction as the first did Chaos.

Spiderfang, Gitz and Troggoth Warbands.

Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Kruelboyz Warbands.

Gutbusters and Beastclaw Raiders.

Then throw in some Fyreslayers and Idoneth Deepkin.




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2 hours ago, Aleser said:

From youtube, cool art and most likely full reveal on Warhammer fest


It speaks volumes about the new SCE art direction that people are excited for new Stormcasts. Really digging the "lost knights on a quest" vibe. In a proper grimdark colour scheme with tons of weathering and Agrax Earthshade, these guys and gals will look 👌

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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3 hours ago, Chikout said:

Gw have a seminar at Gama on April 25th. They could announce Nightmare Quest then and tease new new season at Warhammer Fest. I assume we're going to have another four boxes in 2023-2024. 

As someone who's been going to GAMA for awhile now they almost never reveal anything new. The seminars aren't so much about unveiling the next new thing and more about getting retailers to carry GW. 

They will probably hype up 10th edition a lot and talk about how it's a good time to start carrying 40k or increase your stock of it. 

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