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6 minutes ago, xking said:

Like the phoenicium literally makes no sense now

As if lore hasn't played second (or third, fourth) fiddle to GWs business model in relation to new miniatures for at least a decade now.

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Also, can anything ever again compete with the sheer magnificence this new Lizard wave is?

Also also, the entire reveal has been profoundly amazing ngl, which is the first time I thought that ever since GW started revealing stuff on warcom.

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12 minutes ago, Snarff said:

They are not necessarily gone, they can also just be replaced.

Yeah, in the case of Ironweld I expect they just don't need to exist anymore. Dawnbringers will come with their own new artillery kits.

Phoenicium always felt like a weird tacked on city, lorewise they haven't been relevant since the Realmgate Wars and in 2E felt like they stayed around only to justify the continuing popularity of Phoenix Temple. Which is understandable, I love the old phoenix and phoenix guard kits! I note that the new list of cities included in CoS also looks like it omits Phoenicium completely.

Basically in general my takeaway from all this is that Wanderers will be fully replaced by Kurnothi as part of Sylvaneth, Ironweld will just be part of Dawnbringers with new models, Phoenix Temple will be replaced with future LRL releases, Dispossessed will apparently continue to limp on with fewer kits than ever until they finally get a revamp, and Dark Elfs will continue to exist as basically a mostly complete WHFB army range until Malerion finally decides to show up.


Edited by madmac
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20 minutes ago, KingKull said:

Also, can anything ever again compete with the sheer magnificence this new Lizard wave is?

Gratz to you dino fans🤘 I may eventually get into them but I'm sure tables and tourneys everywhere will be flooded with them for a couple years. They really are some great sculpts. 

However, as a Destro / Death fan if you've got a min I could definitely write out a list. Heh. 😉

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2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

[And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


In the same boat right now.

I figure as long as they commit to Cities being a a muti race force then using proxies will be fine. Having elves mixed in with other spear men will look cooler anyway on the table.

A lot of Cities players will be doing a lot of self reflection on the coming months. I least am lucky that I DM for my friend group and use everything in Cities lol.


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7 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

Sylvaneth did, but theirs was also significant larger than most new foot heroes so felt different.

That's true (can't believe I forgot her I even have the model lol) , I suppose it felt different due to being part of a larger release. Was the Nighthaunt boat guy also a special character?

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What can I say...

I think it's the first time that it took me a little time to settle all this after such an avalanche of startling revelations (especially when we've been waiting for a particular army for almost a year ! )

Trying to be synthetic for each game :

40k : What a blast ! I wasn't expecting much and I was blown away. The Lion : astonishing ! Charismatic, the perfect figure of knight. 10th edition reveal : I hated 9th and I want to try this one. They are strong... The trailer also rocks and the Tyranid redesign promises to be spectacular. More skeptical about the return of terminators but hey, why not.

Kill Team : A little disappointing I must say. I would have liked inquisitorial stormtroopers so we are far from it...

Horus Heresy : I have absolutely nothing to say about this reveal.

AoS : The big one 😛. Séraphons: I'm not a fan of big lizards, but it's impressive nonetheless. Those kroxigors... woah. Ossiarchs/Soulblight: cool heroes, especially Ilya Volga. Can't wait for the SBGL range to be completely redone (hello grave guards). CITIES OF SIGMAR : aaaaahhhh... so much wait ! And... it was unexpected. In a way it means that the approach of making human soldiers "unique" is successful, but if I want to be completely honest, I didn't fall in love instantly. But that doesn't make it any less interesting. It's especially heads and helmets where I'm going to need some time to get used to them... the armor and amount of details are crazy: I'm still so eager to see the rest and I feel that the more I go looking at them, the more I will appreciate them ! What a time to be an AoS fan...

Underworlds : To be objective, since there is no COS, my interest has dropped significantly for this reveal... Nice stormcasts and Tzeentch critters but nothing more.

Now I will need a little more time to digest, like a good tyranid, and savor it all : what a day, thank you GW !

Edited by Draznak
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Having waited to watch the show after getting home, my god this is exciting!

Cities infantry looks great! I don't have a particular problem with any design choices (I especially like the fancy-but-worn helmets), and seeing those shields painted completely resolves any issues I might have had with them. I also like the cloth padding giving us some space for City colours.
The potential axing of the Steam Tank does worry me a bit, but everything else imo was expected. Going to have to get that last Steam Tank and two artillery pieces sooner rather than later. But the presence of Greywater Fastness on the artwork does soothe me a little.

The release date is also further out than I had hoped, but I'm just glad we are getting them this year 😛
Hopefully this reveal means the era of CAD models has ended. Next minis at Warhammer Fest? Or maybe they are starting another series of articles that shows 1-3 minis every month or two until October-November?

Seraphon are nice to see, might have to get some Kroxigors!

Other things are also quite exciting, although having Stormcast for Underworlds instead of Cities is a bit disappointing (although predictable), but I like that we have some alternate poses for Knights-Arcanum at least.

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Fantastic show. Ran out of reactions BEFORE it even started thanks to the Warcry leaks, so I can really say I'm speechless.

Everything was great (alas no interest in HH book, Votann sprue or Terminator / Termagant updates - while nice looking).

The perspective of once-again-AoSified rules for 40k has me really excited, and WOW, the Lion and the Fellgors :P (Just sad the new edition clearly overshadowed the Lion reveal IMO...).

And yet we clearly "won" the show. The Tzeentch sorcerer and minions are ALL I wanted them to be, and the three Knights-Arcanum and Seraphons are really good.

Little initial negative reaction to the Dawnbringers (the Bloodbowl Halfling face omg) but they are already growing on me. The armor etc. style is perfect : they will fit really well alongside the toned-down Thunderstrike Stormcast and the Cursed Cities heroes aesthetic. Can't wait to see other faces and the rest ! 

..... Warhammer Fest starts April 29th :D

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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59 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

A lot of Cities players will be doing a lot of self reflection on the coming months. I least am lucky that I DM for my friend group and use everything in Cities lol.


When I originally joined this forum in...late 2018? Late 2019? It was to access the members only CoS subforum - I've always been interested in them as the "regular people POV faction" but never committed to collecting them due to fear that eventually something would replace them. So while I'm personally happy that I waited this long, my heart really goes out to the real CoSheads (What are CoS fans called? Cissies? Sigmarites?) out there. Seeing your collection be squatted never feels great.

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Some overall thoughts about the show. Firstly, this is definitely the best reveal show in a good year or 2 imo. Feels like the first time in a while that most people correctly called the vast majority of what would be shown too.

40k: The Lion looks amazing, love the different head options. Very cool model. 10th edition is not a surprise and there's nothing really exciting yet I don't think. Definitely looking forward to seeing the other Tyranids and the direction they're going with the rules though.

AoS: Holy cheeseburgers those Seraphon look amazing. All the new stuff has looked pretty good but the Saurus sort of stuff is what really looks cool for them and the Kroxigors + the aggradon riders... just lovely. 

The OBR hero sure does seem uninspired (although admittedly cool), but I actually really like the look of the vampire huntress. The bestial elements are great and I love the idea of another less traditional vampire (with a wood chopping axe!), even if it is a shame they didn't go for a mounted vampire.

The Cities Troops... meh. They look like models that you could get from half s dozen other places right now. They were never going to be my cup of tea to be fair, but I'm unimpressed. 

Underworlds: Very cool, the out there designs for the Tzeentch in particular are great.

Kill Team: The Votann sure are there. The Beastmen look okay, maybe I need more of a look at them.

Overall very exciting stuff and interesting to see what will still be at Warhammer Fest (Cities, next Season of War, more 10th edition?)

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19 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

When I originally joined this forum in...late 2018? Late 2019? It was to access the members only CoS subforum - I've always been interested in them as the "regular people POV faction" but never committed to collecting them due to fear that eventually something would replace them. So while I'm personally happy that I waited this long, my heart really goes out to the real CoSheads (What are CoS fans called? Cissies? Sigmarites?) out there. Seeing your collection be squatted never feels great.

Yeah I was always wary of jumping into CoS, which still didn't stop me from accruing patchwork models from the range over the years, in isolated bouts of optimism and temporarily relaxed self-control.  I've got a full painted Frostheart Phoenix in my closet among other things. At this point I'm likely giving up on most of my City Aelves, painting my dispossessed, and using my random human models as proxies where I can.

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6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I hate to say it, but those Freeguilders just aren't clicking for me.

Those aren't freeguilders. They're dawnbringers. Freeguilds are the standing armies and garrissons of the Cities of Sigmar, made up of professionnal soldiers. Dawnbringers meanwhile, are just regular blokes taking up arms for Sigmar to go and found new settlements in the prospect of a better life or religious goals. If those look more like conscripted peasants to you, that's... because that's what they are. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Not sure if it was brought up again here but on the two mystery books.

I just recalled an old rumor from last year that CoS would launch alongside a campaign book for building their settlements and fighting across the Realms for them. You think that’s what the second one could be? It’d match up pretty nicely in that position and act as an expansion pack to their tome.

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13 minutes ago, ArcLight said:


The OBR hero sure does seem uninspired (although admittedly cool), but I actually really like the look of the vampire huntress. The bestial elements are great and I love the idea of another less traditional vampire (with a wood chopping axe!), even if it is a shame they didn't go for a mounted vampire.


I'm ambivilent about her sculpt and story. Don't we already have a Vrykos vampire lord that has a thing for bats (Lady Annika). Besides Soulblight Gravelords needed another unique foot hero like I need another hole in my head. By my count this new Vamp Lord would make the 15th foot hero (13th unique) for Gravelords. Would have preferred a mid sized beast or a mounted hero. Or heck, a ranged hero? Anything really except another foot boss. Lets hope the new Battletome differentiated between them all instead, of 15 units with identical A4 H3 W3 R-1 Dam 2 melee profiles. 

Did I miss anyone?


Deintalos the Exile


King Velmourn


Lady Annika


Prince Duvalle

Radukar the Wolf

Torgillius the Chamberlain

Vampire Lord (plus alternate Sculpt Anasta Malkorion)

Watch Captain Halgrim

Wight King


Heck Soulblight has more foot heroes than Flesheater Courts, Fyreslayers, and Ironjaws have for total UNITS in thier faction. 

Edited by Gothmaug
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11 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

I'm ambivilent about her sculpt and story. Don't we already have a Vrykos vampire lord that has a thing for bats (Lady Annika). Besides Soulblight Gravelords needed another unique foot hero like I need another hole in my head. By my count this new Vamp Lord would make the 15th foot hero (13th unique) for Gravelords. Would have preferred a mid sized beast or a mounted hero. Or heck, a ranged hero? Anything really except another foot boss. Lets hope the new Battletome differentiated between them all instead, of 15 units with identical A4 H3 W3 R-1 Dam 2 melee profiles. 

Did I miss anyone?


Deintalos the Exile


King Velmourn


Lady Annika


Prince Duvalle

Radukar the Wolf

Torgillius the Chamberlain

Vampire Lord (plus alternate Sculpt Anasta Malkorion)

Watch Captain Halgrim

Wight King


Heck Soulblight has more foot heroes than Flesheater Courts, Fyreslayers, and Ironjaws have for total UNITS in thier faction. 

That is insane. It says 2 things. SBGL have far too many Heroes and FEC,Fyreslayers and Ironjawz are in dire need of minis.

At least FEC are on the way.

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Great reveal show and pretty much everything has been said already.

While the new COS models do take a second or third look to appreciate, they mentioned multiple times these are like the basic battleline/infanty troops and I think for that they actually look really authentic. I agree with others the paint job makes them look droll and I think they will be exploited with other paint styles.

The roadmap is interesting. We know the only army left is Flesh Eater Courts and we have heard they are getting a decent release. I think they could be a perfect match to be the villain to the new COS. Especially if they are going to carry and expand upon the aesthetic we saw leaked with the warcry/underworlds box. 

Other option for book would be new Season of war, but wouldn't that be odd to release it in the same season of the new GHB? 

Another option is what if we get an expanded line of Kruleboyz and they got their own book to go up against COS.




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12 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

I'm ambivilent about her sculpt and story. Don't we already have a Vrykos vampire lord that has a thing for bats (Lady Annika). Besides Soulblight Gravelords needed another unique foot hero like I need another hole in my head. By my count this new Vamp Lord would make the 15th foot hero (13th unique) for Gravelords. Would have preferred a mid sized beast or a mounted hero. Or heck, a ranged hero? Anything really except another foot boss. Lets hope the new Battletome differentiated between them all instead, of 15 units with identical A4 H3 W3 R-1 Dam 2 melee profiles. 

Did I miss anyone?


Deintalos the Exile


King Velmourn


Lady Annika


Prince Duvalle

Radukar the Wolf

Torgillius the Chamberlain

Vampire Lord (plus alternate Sculpt Anasta Malkorion)

Watch Captain Halgrim

Wight King


Heck Soulblight has more foot heroes than Flesheater Courts, Fyreslayers, and Ironjaws have for total UNITS in thier faction. 

The Primaris Lieutenants have finally found their match.

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3 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

Great reveal show and pretty much everything has been said already.

While the new COS models do take a second or third look to appreciate, they mentioned multiple times these are like the basic battleline/infanty troops and I think for that they actually look really authentic. I agree with others the paint job makes them look droll and I think they will be exploited with other paint styles.

The roadmap is interesting. We know the only army left is Flesh Eater Courts and we have heard they are getting a decent release. I think they could be a perfect match to be the villain to the new COS. Especially if they are going to carry and expand upon the aesthetic we saw leaked with the warcry/underworlds box. 

Other option for book would be new Season of war, but wouldn't that be odd to release it in the same season of the new GHB? 

Another option is what if we get an expanded line of Kruleboyz and they got their own book to go up against COS.




IIRC Season of war thondia released shortly before the Gallet GHB, so there was some overlap.
I imagine the mystery book book before the GHB is Season of War Gallet.

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The Arks of Omen series started releasing in the beginning of the year. I think we will see a similar pattern with the Age of Sigmar narrative push starting January 2024 and will take us into 4.0. 

So a fun exercise will be what we predict to see in those books. Will it be one big hero like 40k or more like broken realms with a mix of different things.

A few models I think we are missing from this edition are





We could also see few unit expansions maybe 





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