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5 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

That’s fair, I guess I should’ve compared them to Scylla(woman on top, tentacles & monster mouths on bottom) instead or Greek’s other weirder sea monsters rather than the kraken.


It’s a longshot either way but I like to include the Valay on Valaya’s lists when I can.


The problem i see with them is mostly "how they'll fight on land?",aethersea solution is for Idoneth so idk how the Valay could fight other armies.

Iirc they mention Valay lives in the deep sea also.

Fyreslayers could get some more classical inspirations though.

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56 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

That's why Grungni needs Grombrindal. 
And to add more to this it will be logical to make Grungni main god for Gholemkind instead of KO. 
KO - no gods
FS - Grimnir
Dispossessed - Grungni, Grimnir, Valaya
Gholemkind - Grungni
Einheriar type of duardin faction - Valaya

6 BTs for dwarfs only ? I mean, I love the stunty little grudge gnomes, but that looks like a lot... that would be a nightmare to navigate and balance. 


56 minutes ago, Kronos said:

A few points there make me think about Morghur returning with his own faction, and either released or stirred from that Seraphon ship crash.

I would prefer if Morghur stayed with Beastmen. He's their more iconic character... With him gone, BoC players would really feel let down. I say, keep Morghur in Beatsmen, make him a cool "faction leader" centerpiece mini for BoC players to play with, and profit by upgrading the BM wih a more "feral, mutated" aesthetic.

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57 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

The problem i see with them is mostly "how they'll fight on land?",aethersea solution is for Idoneth so idk how the Valay could fight other armies.

Let’s just say in my mind they could fit with the golem race pretty well. xD 


57 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Fyreslayers could get some more classical inspirations though.

Oh heck yeah, no shortage in there of mythology fire beast influences from Capras to lava titans which the sentient volcanoes they’ve had forge their weapons for them before could fit the ur-gold bill.

53 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

6 BTs for dwarfs only ? I mean, I love the stunty little grudge gnomes, but that looks like a lot... that would be a nightmare to navigate and balance. 


Ideally they’d do a big 4 battletomes.

Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Ironweld with CoS, Gholemkin/nu-duardin

Good variety that’s easy to balance and can add more stuff to down the line like if Rootkings ever become a thing they could fit into nu-duardin as a sub-faction or even under Fyreslayers as they expand to “Fyreslayer Ledger-masters” that pull in the stranger ones from the realms(Rootkings, wild Ghur dawi, Ulgulian subterranean pale-eyed duardin)looking for sellsword work and fire monsters. 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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33 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:
  Hide contents

Cawdor riders
Lady Haera
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)
Aranthian Succession

Age of Sigmar
Spring Death Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

Nightmare's Quest


Horus Heresy
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator
The F* Vindicator

Warhammer 40k
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Primaris Lieutenant
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
Arks of Omen: Tau + Snikrot, Tau Hero 
Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Aeldari, Drukhari, Orks, Tau, Adeptas, Custodes, Sons

 Kill Team 

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Adeptus Titanicus
New weapons

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo



Thank you for keeping up with this list! really helps gauge when things should come out. Looking at this list a Seraphon launch box looks all the more likely as a lot of those releases are going to be forgeworld and not count against the release calendar. 

No mention of a Monday reveal means rest of Seraphon on Wednesday is also exceedingly likely. 

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26 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

6 BTs for dwarfs only ? I mean, I love the stunty little grudge gnomes, but that looks like a lot... that would be a nightmare to navigate and balance. 


It's 5.
To be fair Aelves tecnically will have 7 armies splited between 3 aspects, so 5 duardin factions having GSG and/or Scaven treatment isn't impossible. 

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4 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Rootking would be more in place with Sylvaneth imo. They use the plants of Ghyran instead of metal and have a long relationship with Alarielle. 

It would be interesting to see cross species units tbh.

Valay ambassadors or mages helping idoneth or Rootkings and ghyran Knights helping alarielle's children.


@Baron Klatzcyclops and giants  allied to the fyreslayers would be interesting as they are all associated with weaponsmithing and fire in the classical mythology.Grungni teached even to Ogors who wanted to learn so i can see these possibility.

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3 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

While i agree with your analysis @Baron Klatz i doubt we'll get Valay from the sea...valikraz and classical norse dwarf inspirations make more senses for a duardin factions that double down on the old ideas aosifying it,maybe as a "Khazalid empire" thing with dispossessed reclaiming things and a new "type of duardin" made by Valaya (and Grungni maybe).

Valkyries and krakens are too norse for a possible greek inspiration.

Wait, I don't pay a huge amount of attention to Dwarf lore.... Is Valaya alive? I had thought Nagash ate her in the ETs?

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I just want a kraken for idk and units like Depth Guard or some pilosaurus-like-mount




Personally would prefer that sort of thing to go to a Lovecraftian antagonist of the IDK, I believe they exist in the lore too. I always forget the race's name though

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8 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Wait, I don't pay a huge amount of attention to Dwarf lore.... Is Valaya alive? I had thought Nagash ate her in the ETs?

She's "dead" but somehow she is still worshiped in the realms.

There's even mention that one  of the Grungni's plan could be about bringing her back in some way.

Gazul is dead (esten by Nagash during his conquest of Shyish) also but he still has worshippers in the Gazulzagaz people with runechanters that can bring back dwarf spirits to battle.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

She's "dead" but somehow she is still worshiped in the realms.

There's even mention that one  of the Grungni's plan could be about bringing her back in some way.

Gazul is dead (esten by Nagash during his conquest of Shyish) also but he still has worshippers in the Gazulzagaz people with runechanters that can bring back dwarf spirits to battle.

In one of the more recent Grombrindal stories, the White Dwarf is going around re-opening Dwarf underworlds and looking for Valaya at the same time.

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

Random thought.

Could the rumour about Wanderers leaving CoS have something to do with Whitefang talking about Kurnothi? 

I put them on the same wishlist as the rumor that Phoenix Temple are leaving to become part on Tyrion’s Lumineth.

I.E a cocktail of hopium and saltier sprinklings of copium.(highborne aelves are not Lumineth & Wanderers are not Kurnothi/Sylvaneth, in fact the Sylvaneth still hunt down Wanderers as traitors. They’re not mixing when they’ll sell new models instead)

Though I hope they aren’t discontinued from CoS as they are vital scouts for the cities I could see reasons for it. Main one among them is that in settling in the cities they’ve stopped being “Wanderers” and are integrated with the other city aelves. Thus leaving a spot open for other nature aelves(though Lumineth partly fill the role with their land communion).

However, with Soulbound Era of the Beast saying the Nullstone Brotherhood’s anti-Aelf actions has only pushed them to join with the crusades instead of staying in the Cities it does make a case that they’ll be more active in CoS armies in settling territories to build their own homes.


Edited by Baron Klatz
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12 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

If it’s a new faction(definitely not unlikely for how long a stretch this year has to go with possibly only Seraphon & FEC keeping it up) here’s my list from most to least likely.

1. Gholemkin elite Order faction: Kharadron book notes them wanting to become a power in the Realms and looking through it* they copy-pasted the Gholemkin lore from the AoS2 Corebook and put it in the tome explaining them as a third major race of Chamon that built their empire alongside the human & duardin ones before the Age of Chaos had them go into hiding.

Plus an interesting piece here of Grungni healing his lands with his control over the Realm of Metal but it’s uncertain if the Kharadron will ever touch them. That leaves a lot of fresh territory for the Gholemkin to build on and get a boost.


Could be why Whitefang dropped a bunch of laugh emoticons on duardin talks because they’re a new surprise force that both gets them something but puts the older ones on the backburner longer(like Lumineth are doing to Deepkin & Daughters)

2. Gnarlwoods surprise faction: AoS, UnderWorlds, Warcry & Soulbound all keep pointing to a beastial intelligence hiding in the Seraphon crash site and twisted creatures emerging from the meat forest that could threaten Ghur and even the Realms altogether.

Did the spaceship crash awaken another God-beast for Destruction or long dormant monster spirits that are possessing people and driving them mad for Death?

3-a. Kruleboyz second wave with a new tome that’s just them: They do feel unfinished like Covid scuffed what was supposed to be a fuller launch and no doubt it’d make Orruk fans happy that Kruleboyz get full love that finally sees them get out from beneath the meta chart at last place while Ironjawz & Bonesplitterz get teases for a future tome and updates that’s all about them without the Kruleboyz cram. Though some new Ironjawz may also be released too but fit into the current tome for now.

4. Silent People elite Destruction: As we continue our seasons underground in Gallet and it’s monster-insect fillled tunnels and move closer to Lendu the odds only go up that they completed their hibernation cycle the Necroquake stopped way too early and venture forth into the daylight.

5. Kurnothi skirmishers: Whitefang did say “soon” and it’s not completely crazy that the Sylvaneth boost they give is through coalitions and shared units like Kurnoth Hunters.(could even be a fluffy rule that since all Kurnothi carry a visible Lamentiri seed in their stomachs that when units die on a 5+ roll the seeds have them insta-reborn as Kurnoth Hunters with bows to show the Sylvaneth’s influence)

Those are my hopes & guesses anyway! 😄


*on the Kharadron book I got yesterday, @zilberfrid @Snarff you guys would enjoy how much of a “oh Grungni’s returned!…wait what, that’s it? Oh who even needs that blowhard!” vibe the tome has. 

The tome talks more about what he’s done for everyone else instead of the Kharadron so only the Thryng simp for him while the others are preferring to double-down on their relationship with the other races of the Realms including the Ossiarchs as trade partners.

Other duardin are barely mentioned.

Also I Really like this bit of them driving the Cursed Skies back with ammunition.

”Needing Gods and magic statues to scare back that chaos gunk in our beloved skies? Absolute Hogwash! Science, progress and Firepower always prevail!”


This eases my mind greatly! Thanks for the screenshots!

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8 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Wait, I don't pay a huge amount of attention to Dwarf lore.... Is Valaya alive? I had thought Nagash ate her in the ETs?

To be fair there is alot of questions on that. 

It feels like Grungni is hiding her in one of the underworlds. Maybe she was restoring her powers in her sleep(after Nagash devour part of her healing powers). 

The one thing that I'm know sure is that  Order needs it's force in Shyish and Valaya as a god of home(heat of the hearth vs cold of the grave), brewery(drunk bravery vs soulgriping fear) and healing (save life vs bring death) will fit very well.

As well as returning of the Kurnoth - a god of the hunt as Order god in Ghur. 

Edited by cofaxest
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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

I put them on the same wishlist as the rumor that Phoenix Temple are leaving to become part on Tyrion’s Lumineth.

I.E a cocktail of hopium and saltier sprinklings of copium.(highborne aelves are not Lumineth & Wanderers are not Kurnothi/Sylvaneth, in fact the Sylvaneth still hunt down Wanderers as traitors. They’re not mixing when they’ll sell new models instead)

Though I hope they aren’t discontinued from CoS as they are vital scouts for the cities I could see reasons for it. Main one among them is that in settling in the cities they’ve stopped being “Wanderers” and are integrated with the other city aelves. Thus leaving a spot open for other nature aelves(though Lumineth partly fill the role with their land communion).

However, with Soulbound Era of the Beast saying the Nullstone Brotherhood’s anti-Aelf actions has only pushed them to join with the crusades instead of staying in the Cities it does make a case that they’ll be more active in CoS armies in settling territories to build their own homes.


They could just get rid of Wanderers to open up the design space ( or warehouse space) for something else. Wild Riders might be similar to lets say a centaur unit. Does Alarielle like to share power? She has Kurnoths power in her staff right? I think this will be an awesome bit of lore added to the Sylvaneth for sure.

Its not that i want GW to get rid of aelves in CoS. I do think they are being redesigned and phased out slowly and Dawnbringers is the first step. 

Also wanted to ask if u know of any new Bonesplitterz or Ironjawz units that are mentioned in recent tomes. I could wishlist a bunch of units for Gitmob/Grotbag but the Orruks leave me with nothing besides maybe wyverns and updated Boneplitterz units. I wouldnt like a second Kruleboyz wave so fast before other Orruks but it wouldnt surprise me if thats the case. 

Could also see Ogors getting an update. Maybe the rumoured CoS Ogor is a new maneater that is released in context to Dawnbringers. Will we ever see more Firebellies?

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21 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

*on the Kharadron book I got yesterday, @zilberfrid @Snarff you guys would enjoy how much of a “oh Grungni’s returned!…wait what, that’s it? Oh who even needs that blowhard!” vibe the tome has. 

I really liked this yeah, just got my tome 2 days ago as well. The FS tome also really seems like it's not pushing this narrative with lodges being divided over Grungi and those in favor of Grungi mostly seeing working with him as a way to bring Grimnir back quicker. It seems like the Battletomes and Black Library are pushing 2 entirely different narratives concerning Duardin. I'm hoping the Battletome one is leading and Grungi gets some sort of new army indeed, though I hope it doesn't mean that FS and KO will go even longer without expansions. There's already so much established lore for both factions that GW doesn't have to look far at all for any expansions.

Edited by Snarff
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22 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Do you think it'll be a New Model Monday today? Or will they hold off due to the Adepti-reveals later in the week?

Guessing they might still do Necromunda or Blood Bowl today?

Necromunday and Blood Bowl seem safe bets to me today (even more so than usual).

I also hope that they will publish a countdown image every day until Thursday as they usually do before a preview day... just to check our theories or not !

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14 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Thank you for keeping up with this list! really helps gauge when things should come out. Looking at this list a Seraphon launch box looks all the more likely as a lot of those releases are going to be forgeworld and not count against the release calendar. 

No mention of a Monday reveal means rest of Seraphon on Wednesday is also exceedingly likely. 

I'm very glad that you think it is useful. I write that list for a personal mental peace and if anyone think it useful it is a plus for me

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25 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Just a small rumour bit this morning from THWG that the new spider incarnate is coming soon - maybe showcased this week.

Apparently it can be summoned into combat!


There was an old rumoure about a spider incarn, its likely the one in the rumour engine

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