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9 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I can’t call the soup situation (because dok+idk was talkes about aswell) a rumor, were just guesses of people worried.


I play IDK and DoK, and I refuse the idea the same manner as duardin do, but less books mean more time for the team to work on each book and some minis, and reduces the probability that your book is just too bad to be played seriously or forcing you to spam just one or two units.

Or it means that your book is playable as long as you play a completely different army with models you don't own that your army just got souped with. I'm not that worried about it in any case, I think most of the soup talk is just residual paranoia from 2E where it did seem like everything was being souped left and right.

Since then though, who else has been souped? Literally no 3E army has been souped yet, and the claims of inevitable souping get weaker with every new book that comes out. The flipside of that of course is that 3E has (so far) not added a single new army, unlike every previous edition. Personally I just think it means things are stabilizing. We have most of, not all, but most of the armies that GW intends to support for the time being and brand new armies and major reorganizations of existing tomes is going to continue to be a relatively rare event, like it is for 40k.

Edited by madmac
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3 hours ago, Chikout said:

I'm very curious to see what happens next edition for both AoS and 40k. At this point most armies are quite well served when it comes to heroes. Even a pretty small faction like KO now has 7 hero options. Are we really going to get another round of this? I'd love to see GW move to a New book plus unit next edition. 

Really hoping that Factiobs like KO, Fyreslayers, Skaven, BOC, Ogor Mawtribes, Idoneth and Warclans* all recieve units next Edition. Each has ebough foot heroes.

Heres hoping we dont need to add Khorne and Ossiarchs to that list.

*Ironjawz or Bonesplitterz specifically.

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8 minutes ago, madmac said:

Or it means that your book is playable as long as you play a completely different army with models you don't own that your army just got souped with. I'm not that worried about it in any case, I think most of the soup talk is just residual paranoia from 2E where it did seem like everything was being souped left and right.

Since then though, who else has been souped? Literally no 3E army has been souped yet, and the claims of inevitable souping get weaker with every new book that comes out. The flipside of that of course is that 3E has (so far) not added a single new army, unlike every previous edition. Personally I just think it means things are stabilizing. We have most of, not all, but most of the armies that GW intends to support for the time being and brand new armies and major reorganizations of existing tomes is going to continue to be a relatively rare event, like it is for 40k.

Well, I can't see the problem about you "don't have the minis", because people are in a constant search for new models to be released, and you don't have those "new models" anyway. They can not fit themselves into a same book? Maybe, but is the same as Kruleboyz and Ironjawz, they are the same race, but just that.


Yes, they did one soup in 3rd, the first army in the edition was a soup army, so you have precedents. And in 40k aswell, with Harlequins reunited again with Crafworlds.


And I keep saying, now we have 24 books, 24 releases with, at least, one model for each, so we have to wait 2 years and a half to have every faction updated to the current edition, do you think FeC players are happy with just one GA and another BT and any new mechanic involving the faction? Now think about reducing them, mixing dok and idk, fs and ko and s2d with boc, with the current roadmap we would have the full roster ready in less than two years, waiting for some campaigns to add lore or tweak the older books or releasing unprepared minis with a full year for that.

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3 hours ago, Chikout said:

I'm very curious to see what happens next edition for both AoS and 40k. At this point most armies are quite well served when it comes to heroes. Even a pretty small faction like KO now has 7 hero options. Are we really going to get another round of this? I'd love to see GW move to a New book plus unit next edition. 

I guess the evolution of low-investment additions to armies they don't want to do full releases for would be bringing back more singular medium sized monsters. Like Beasts of Nurgle, Chaos Spawn, or Fomoroids. Something on a 40-60mm base that theoretically fits in a blister or small box if they had less options.

Like you could probably fit a new plastic Varghulf/Vargskyr into a blister pack and sell it solo. Or like two Fyreslayers and a spitting lizard in a small box like the Warcry monsters. Monopose, but something.

I kinda think they are going to stick to the hero route though, as silly as that is. Single heroes sell to painters and players. I don't play Kharadrons (at the moment) but I own a couple of their heroes like Drekki Flynt because they are cool models and fun to paint. The local shop's discord has a couple people who buy heroes and don't actually play.

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37 minutes ago, madmac said:

Or it means that your book is playable as long as you play a completely different army with models you don't own that your army just got souped with. I'm not that worried about it in any case, I think most of the soup talk is just residual paranoia from 2E where it did seem like everything was being souped left and right.

Since then though, who else has been souped? Literally no 3E army has been souped yet, and the claims of inevitable souping get weaker with every new book that comes out. The flipside of that of course is that 3E has (so far) not added a single new army, unlike every previous edition. Personally I just think it means things are stabilizing. We have most of, not all, but most of the armies that GW intends to support for the time being and brand new armies and major reorganizations of existing tomes is going to continue to be a relatively rare event, like it is for 40k.

I think that souping is the only option IF GW want to make more factions and we already have plenty of souped tomes
Lumineth - technically is a soup tome
SCE - technically is a soup tome
Sylvaneth - technically is a soup tome
SBG - technically is a soup tome
Warclans - soup tome
GSG - soup tome
Ogors - soup tome
All 4 chaos gods tomes - soup tomes
Skaven - soup tome
Some of them have good transition (like Lumineth or Ogors), some of them have bad one (like Warclans or Skaven), but it is what it is IMHO.

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10 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

I think that souping is the only option IF GW want to make more factions and we already have plenty of souped tomes
Lumineth - technically is a soup tome
SCE - technically is a soup tome
Sylvaneth - technically is a soup tome
SBG - technically is a soup tome
Warclans - soup tome
GSG - soup tome
Ogors - soup tome
All 4 chaos gods tomes - soup tomes
Skaven - soup tome
Some of them have good transition (like Lumineth or Ogors), some of them have bad one (like Warclans or Skaven), but it is what it is IMHO.

I wouldn't say all the Chaos god books are soup tomes, they are actually the opposite. They used to be two factions; Warriors of Chaos and Daemons of Chaos. Then they dissolved Daemons of Chaos into 4 separate factions, one for each god while taking the god-aligned models from Warriors of Chaos (and a few new mortal units). Now it's even more focused than it used to be.

It's kinda the history of Chaos factions. First it was Chaos; then it was split into Chaos and Beastmen; then Chaos, Beastmen and Skaven; then Chaos Daemons, Chaos Warriors, Beastmen, Skaven, and Chaos Dwarves; then in AoS the Chaos Daemons split again. Who knows, maybe the next development in Chaos would be Marauders striking it out on their own as a solo faction, like Total War: Warhammer did with them 🤣

Edited by dirkdragonslayer
Missed a sentence.
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32 minutes ago, Ragest said:

And I keep saying, now we have 24 books, 24 releases with, at least, one model for each, so we have to wait 2 years and a half to have every faction updated to the current edition, do you think FeC players are happy with just one GA and another BT and any new mechanic involving the faction? Now think about reducing them, mixing dok and idk, fs and ko and s2d with boc, with the current roadmap we would have the full roster ready in less than two years, waiting for some campaigns to add lore or tweak the older books or releasing unprepared minis with a full year for that.

I don't think GW cares that much to be honest. What's the make or break difference between 24 armybooks and 26? If we're assuming GW is adding 12 new armies for a total of 36 than sure, it matters. Fudging the numbers here and there by +/-3 honestly doesn't move the needle either way.

As for your specific examples, all of those are terrible and a lot more players would be angry than pleased if it happened. I play both KO and FS and I'm very happy keeping them separated thank you very much. Beastmen and STD both just got completely awesome and separate tomes that really nail down the thematic differences between the two armies. I'm yet to see a single person who actually plays FEC begging to be souped with SGL, etc etc.  Who cares about getting a book a few months earlier when it's as souless as Warclans is?

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55 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I actually predict Warclans is going to be split up at some point. (Based on a vague Whitefang comment)

There is no synergy between the factions. The lore doesnt really match up well either. The only thing is a Waaagh! But even gitz join those.

Yeah I would not be entirely surprised if this happened eventually, just not until either Ironjawz or Bonesplittas gets a new model wave.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Heres hoping we dont need to add Khorne and Ossiarchs to that list.

Khorne has technically already gotten a new unit for this edition thanks to Warcry, so I think the Bloodbound are in a better condition than the other mentioned factions. 

Edited by LordAlpharius
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13 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

All this talk of soup, we should just call the game Age of Heinz now! 😂😂😂

Seriously tho, I don't know why people keep talking about armies combining when there has been zero rumours and no indication of it happening. 

Agreed. If it happens it happens and we'll go from there. 

We only really have Orruk Warclans and Ogors as examples and thematically it seemed fine. 

What we really need to focus on is dinosaurs. 

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26 minutes ago, Beliman said:

What do you mean "technically" a soup tome?

I think he considers any tome with potential keyword bingo "technically soup." Cause I don't think the different temples could be their own faction. Maybe by AoS 1.0 standards they could, when entire factions were rocking 1 hero and 1 unit.

Edited by dirkdragonslayer
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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I actually predict Warclans is going to be split up at some point. (Based on a vague Whitefang comment)

There is no synergy between the factions. The lore doesnt really match up well either. The only thing is a Waaagh! But even gitz join those.


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While I do like the Kruelboyz, I do think it was something of a wasted opportunity to re-introduce 'Greenskinz' as a middle-ground between Ironjawz and the Savage Orcs Bonesplitterz. It would have gone some way to making 'Warclans' feel closer to the Orcs & Goblins of WHFB, which presumably was their intent.

Whereas Kruelboys feel like they're being held back by virtue of being closeted in a soup book. They're different, but don't feel different enough, like they exist in a weird purgatory that wasn't intended for them.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

Even now I'm wondering what they would want to add to Soulblight. They already have a wide selection of vampire heroes. If two thirds of the factions are just going to get one thing, wouldn't it be better to do a unit than another foot hero? I'm pretty sure every OBR player would choose a unit of archers over another hero. 

I’m curious about this too.  As a SBGL player I can’t really think of a new character to add other than a mounted vampire lord or a new necromancer model.  Though we could get something we’d never guess like a vampiric shaman that channels the wild magics of Shyish!

I would rather have a new unit like the Vyrkos Blood-Born from Cursed City.

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Tired of people trying to will Dwarf Soup into existence every edition.  Kharadron and Fyreslayers are as unique culturally Wood Elves and Dark Elves from Fantasy or Empire and Bret's.  Just because they are the same species dosent mean they can just be thrown together without losing what makes them what they are. 


Edited by King Under the Mountain
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1 hour ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

I guess the evolution of low-investment additions to armies they don't want to do full releases for would be bringing back more singular medium sized monsters. Like Beasts of Nurgle, Chaos Spawn, or Fomoroids. Something on a 40-60mm base that theoretically fits in a blister or small box if they had less options.

Like you could probably fit a new plastic Varghulf/Vargskyr into a blister pack and sell it solo. Or like two Fyreslayers and a spitting lizard in a small box like the Warcry monsters. Monopose, but something.

I kinda think they are going to stick to the hero route though, as silly as that is. Single heroes sell to painters and players. I don't play Kharadrons (at the moment) but I own a couple of their heroes like Drekki Flynt because they are cool models and fun to paint. The local shop's discord has a couple people who buy heroes and don't actually play.

There's also a business side of things that probably benefits GW. If you play an army that you have most of and their new book comes out with only a single new hero then you probably pick that up and, much as you might want more new stuff, are fairly content to have had a cheap release. And for some people that's an appeal, it means the for the completionists that they can justify owning a few armies with the knowledge that they can probably generally keep on top of releases. Or it means that someone with just one army might decide they can afford to start a second project, or get into one of the smaller games.

It basically lets you still feel like you got something, whilst keeping you vaguely interested incase something else comes out that might get them another sale from you.

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