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54 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Gratz to all you dino - lovers!! I will be joing your ranks... eventually as ive just been waiting for an update or I may just pick up a few kits for frostgrave. 

New Vampires!😶🥴🤯🥴 Sold over and over again! Stunning!! 

Props to the artists!!!

The rest can kick rocks. 


So at this point Nightmare quest is all but confirmed to be Slaanesh vs Destro. I'd like several other things more but my bets on a full unit of loon knights like the Underworlds band. Would be an excellent time to update the ardboyz kit imo and with the kruleboyz look or add a unit to the gitmob aesthetic roster. Fimir would truly be a fantastic surprise as well. 🤤

Damn curious to see what it is!!


They're doing both underworlds and warcry in the same place so its tough to guess from the map, but orruks, spiders, and ogors all show up. There's a moonclan image too, but thats presumedly the warcry warband we just got.

I'm hoping its spiders, and a chance to refresh the old spider rider sculpt, but a band of maneaters would be great too, or some kruleboy cavalry.

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15 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Valrak gets more credit than he's owed. He gets a fair bit of stuff wrong, but people only seem to remember when he's right. 

Considering how many army boxsets we've had recently, it'd be more of a surprise if they weren't getting one (see: World Eaters).


Valrak has different sources, when he actually says its from a source he trusts it is true nearly all of the time (at least I don't remember one that didn't turn out to be true), its just he also does videos about other sources and things he heard, these are more of a coinflip. 

For the Seraphon/Cities boxes he didn't say where he got them from since he doesn't care about AoS normally, he just said it because something asked about it.

But I wouldn't be surprised if todays reveals turn out to be an army set since they where quite nicely layed out in the last shot of the video with 10 Saurus 2x5 Raptadon Riders and the Slann.

And  Dawnbringers will for sure get some kind of box

Edited by Matrindur
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9 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

I'm hoping its spiders, and a chance to refresh the old spider rider sculpt, but a band of maneaters would be great too, or some kruleboy cavalry.

Warcry seen to be more foot troops with 1~3 special models, so I wouldn't expect a cavalry.

A herd-like unit for breaka-clan, like @Vasshpit suggested would, fit perfectly for Kruleboyz. The beasts could easily be the Nightmare part of the box name!

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3 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Warcry seen to be more foot troops with 1~3 special models, so I wouldn't expect a cavalry.

A herd-like unit for breaka-clan, like @Vasshpit suggested would, fit perfectly for Kruleboyz. The beasts could easily be the Nightmare part of the box name!

A kruleboyz beast herd would be cool, but the seraphon one managed to squeeze in 10 chameleon skinks and a few of the flying dinos.
5 spider riders alongside some spider swarms or lone spiders could work, maybe with a shepherd to push them along.

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36 minutes ago, Elbaf said:

I don't know how much this is true but the youtuber Valrak heard a Seraphon boxset and a Cities of Sigmar boxset are coming

he recently had almost all of his "predictions" correct for 40K (for a big part of 2023), so his source may have seen the cities (?)

I do hope for a boxset with the all new sculpt


Did he say anything else for the Seraphon? like whats in the boxset or when?

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I think all of the resin seraphon models are gone plus saurus knights.  Dunno about temple guard i hope they will get rid of them too but they left grave guard in SoB so who knows. I can't wait to see the new cold ones !


What do we think the 5 battle tomes will be ? Looking at the preview i think death will be SoB and OBR since we have a rumor of new models for FEC. Order will be KO? Then Cities are end of the year army. Chaos is pretty obvious.


Overall the preview was everything i hoped for when it comes to Seraphon and Warcry, a bit disappointed with the warcry terrain. I thought we might get some more "bloody" pieces and it looks very much the same as the heart of Ghur. 

Lastly i don't think anyone was expecting the WHU warband to be dok. Models are ok but overhyped. I was really hoping we will get Malerion elves which might lead us to Ulgu next year. I still think 4th eddition starter should be Malerion elves vs Eshin =D

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8 minutes ago, DeLewko said:

I think all of the resin seraphon models are gone plus saurus knights.  Dunno about temple guard i hope they will get rid of them too but they left grave guard in SoB so who knows. I can't wait to see the new cold ones !


What do we think the 5 battle tomes will be ? Looking at the preview i think death will be SoB and OBR since we have a rumor of new models for FEC. Order will be KO? Then Cities are end of the year army. Chaos is pretty obvious.


Overall the preview was everything i hoped for when it comes to Seraphon and Warcry, a bit disappointed with the warcry terrain. I thought we might get some more "bloody" pieces and it looks very much the same as the heart of Ghur. 

Lastly i don't think anyone was expecting the WHU warband to be dok. Models are ok but overhyped. I was really hoping we will get Malerion elves which might lead us to Ulgu next year. I still think 4th eddition starter should be Malerion elves vs Eshin =D

KO, Khorne, Slaanesh, FEC, OBR, Seraphon, then we'll probably get Cities/Dawnbringers and Soulblight in the fall, although I'd love a kruleboyz rewrite too.

I think they'll go Order vs Order for the 4th edition starter set, and maybe push an angle of order being divided. Malerion elves make a great "bad guy" faction, and they can face off against stormcast or lumineth.

Slaanesh breaking free would be a great start to that kind of infighting, especially if Sigmar doesn't know about what's been going on.

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@KingBrodd, that Samurai Wolf is my second favorite model of the kit, right behind the Vampire-Ninja Ronin. Never have I been more excited to have been wrong about a release! Here’s hoping that the Slaanesh and Destruction warbands in the next box keep the hype going.

I am so torn between wanting new Ogor Maneaters and Gloomspite with new Troggoths.

Mawtribes deserve it more ans have been rumoured for Warcry for some time but a dozen Grots and 3 Forest Troggs is too good to pass up!!

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My only worry with the Seraphon release is that they, for lack of a better word, "waste" new kits on new units or replacements for heroes instead of troops. Who would honestly prefer an updated Sunblood or Eternity Warden over new Kroxigors or Salamanders? They said what we saw today "isn't even half" so, counting the not!Culchans as one kit (and assuming the presenters actually know what they're talking about) then we're looking at at least seven new plastic kits, including the three we saw today. Those last 4 could be Kroxigors, Salamanders/Razordons, Saurus Guard, and Knights (by far the ones who need the most help) but that new unit is already one of my favorites and I want more cool, new stuff like it too......

Lizardmen were going to be my first army (until I saw those poor Saurus...) so I am very excited about this but I am also paranoid. I will keep huffing the copium of it being such a standalone release which means every single kit will be updated and we'll get a bunch of new stuff and the book will be great and they'll finally be important in the lore and it'll be perfectly balanced and we'll get alternate sprues to use them as a new 40k army and Kroq-Gar will be my new dad and

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46 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

My only worry with the Seraphon release is that they, for lack of a better word, "waste" new kits on new units or replacements for heroes instead of troops. Who would honestly prefer an updated Sunblood or Eternity Warden over new Kroxigors or Salamanders? They said what we saw today "isn't even half" so, counting the not!Culchans as one kit (and assuming the presenters actually know what they're talking about) then we're looking at at least seven new plastic kits, including the three we saw today. Those last 4 could be Kroxigors, Salamanders/Razordons, Saurus Guard, and Knights (by far the ones who need the most help) but that new unit is already one of my favorites and I want more cool, new stuff like it too......

Lizardmen were going to be my first army (until I saw those poor Saurus...) so I am very excited about this but I am also paranoid. I will keep huffing the copium of it being such a standalone release which means every single kit will be updated and we'll get a bunch of new stuff and the book will be great and they'll finally be important in the lore and it'll be perfectly balanced and we'll get alternate sprues to use them as a new 40k army and Kroq-Gar will be my new dad and

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Seraphon fat was cut in transition. The variety is good, but, well… Saurus Guard are just glorified Warriors and can be merged into single unit. Then we have four (four!) foot heroes: Oldblood, Sunblood, Eternity Warden and Astrolith Bearer. There will be casualties.

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39 minutes ago, Flippy said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Seraphon fat was cut in transition. The variety is good, but, well… Saurus Guard are just glorified Warriors and can be merged into single unit. Then we have four (four!) foot heroes: Oldblood, Sunblood, Eternity Warden and Astrolith Bearer. There will be casualties.

I will accept Saurus/temple Guard being cut only if they give us alt heads and the ability to upgrade them in rules!

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29 minutes ago, Morglum StormBasha said:

My expectations at this point are 

seraphon - July ish 10 kits

cities Christmas/January 12 kits ish

fec - 4/5 kits 

then 4th Ed 

Don't forget we're getting 10th edition for 40k this year and it should be around June. I would expect the subsequent Tyranid and Space Marine releases would take up July's spot on the calendar. 

I think we might see a Seraphon army box as early as the beginning of April with the full release late May/June 

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When Grimdark Live broke the news on Kruleboyz didn't he mention that there were hobgrotz riding wolves? Those new gitz would look so much more at home in their range. Almost makes me wonder if the original plan for Kruleboyz was to be their own Battletome and not in Warclans. 

Those new Lizardmen look spectacular. I hope Kroxigors get a similar update because they will look savage. With how different the Saurus look I sure hope there is a new carnosaur old blood kit. The current one will just look out of place with that new look.

Edited by Lavieth
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That was indeed talked about. The artist(s) who sculpted them is the same as the kruleboyz grots. At least they look the same so maybe that was the plan... They are incredible sculpts imo as are kruleboyz and its a shame nothing came with them at this time. 

Im super excited to see where they and kruleboyz eventually go from here.


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1 hour ago, Lavieth said:

Those new Lizardmen look spectacular. I hope Kroxigors get a similar update because they will look savage. With how different the Saurus look I sure hope there is a new carnosaur old blood kit. The current one will just look out of place with that new look.

video shows actual carno, troglodon,ptrodactils,estegadons and bastilodon. so they wont be updated and im really happy about it.

they are nice and it would sucks having to trow all the army for those guys like me with allready 4k+points of them lol


i hoped only finecast models get redone. and maybe saurus too.i have luck till now, hope dont change coldones since i hate having old models and allready have 20 of those!

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2 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

hope dont change coldones since i hate having old models and allready have 20 of those

Do you mind explaining this mindset a bit more? I've seen it a few times in other situations, but I can't wrap my head around it. If you were fine with the models before, then why would you have a problem with new ones (unless you just don't like how the update looks, obviously)? They won't replace the ones you already have, and other people have a chance to get models they'd like more. If you didn't like the models and are mad they got updated after you bought into the old ones I can understand feeling bitter about it, but (you'll have to forgive me for using such a drastic metaphor) that's like hoping a cure for cancer never gets invented after going through chemotherapy.

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reason is, gw wont update every unit. so finecast is a nightmare and remplace all those units must have priority. actual cold ones are in plastic at least. without 1000 bubbles and warped/broken parts

Edited by Gaz Taylor
No swearing please! Even about Finecast!
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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

That was indeed talked about. The artist(s) who sculpted them is the same as the kruleboyz grots. At least they look the same so maybe that was the plan... They are incredible sculpts imo as are kruleboyz and its a shame nothing came with them at this time. 

Im super excited to see where they and kruleboyz eventually go from here.


The temporary truce part also got me thinking. My guess is that they will be getting their own tome some day with more Gitmob and maybe even Grotbag. They arent loyal to Skragrott or da Bad Moon. The biggest clue here are the shields they carry with the evil sun logo and i think they called it Glareface Frazzlegit now. Might be the name for the new faction. Its kinda similar to Gloomspite Gitz too. I'm convinced that this is going to happen, might even be before the end of the edition. Also just saying that Grom is still missing.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

The temporary truce part also got me thinking. My guess is that they will be getting their own tome some day with more Gitmob and maybe even Grotbag. They arent loyal to Skragrott or da Bad Moon. The biggest clue here are the shields they carry with the evil sun logo and i think they called it Glareface Frazzlegit now. Might be the name for the new faction. Its kinda similar to Gloomspite Gitz too. I'm convinced that this is going to happen, might even be before the end of the edition. Also just saying that Grom is still missing.

It could also be that they want to keep the door open for Gitmob and therefore test some different design and see what is liked. Might be a Warcry/underworld warband in the pipe. 

The problem for me that don't have any sentimental memories of Gitmob is that if they release Gitmob separately it will be another orc/goblin-faction instead of a new take on what destruction could be which is a bit sad.

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