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6 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

IIRC this kill team season is focused on ships boarding actions and Arbites does not seems right.
The preview article,referring to the dark eldar image, talks about a space hulk so it does not fit quite right Arbites fighting them in such location.

Remember the Arbites are not the police for specific worlds but rather enforce Imperial law across the Imperium. This can give them jurisdiction over multiple planets and their orbits. In fact Arbites officers do engage in boarding actions and have access to their own cruisers in the lore. It's possibly that Gallowdark has emerged into an Imperial held system or a criminal they're pursing has fled into there. Or maybe the Dark Eldar trapped them there to hunt. It also fits the theme of the previous expansions with Imperial groups (Imperial Breachers and Kasrkin) venturing into the Gallowdark and fighting Xenos.

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1 hour ago, Joseph Mackay said:

The warscrolls book included in Cursed City had a publication date of October. Cursed City was massively delayed before any of the other stuff went wrong.

Good observation, maybe the timeline does fit after all.

The real mystery is how they bungled the communication related to Cursed City so badly after delaying it for so long, though. That still makes absolutely no sense: Hype the game up for months, sell out in one day, then pretend it never existed. If they had enough foresight to put the Vyrkos expansion models into the Soulblight battletome because they realized in October there would be trouble with Cursed City, it's baffling they were so short sighted with everything else at the same time.

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43 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Good observation, maybe the timeline does fit after all.

The real mystery is how they bungled the communication related to Cursed City so badly after delaying it for so long, though. That still makes absolutely no sense: Hype the game up for months, sell out in one day, then pretend it never existed. If they had enough foresight to put the Vyrkos expansion models into the Soulblight battletome because they realized in October there would be trouble with Cursed City, it's baffling they were so short sighted with everything else at the same time.

Wouldn't suprise me if someone lost their job over it. 

Hopfully they've learnt lessons from it all and it doesn't happen again. 

The amount of limited run boxes has seemed to improve resently and there has been clear communication on what is regular stock and what's not so hopfully we won't see it happen again. 

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35 minutes ago, DeLewko said:

New video went up showing how awesome the year was for 40k :D

If I didn't miss anything AoS had 11 release weekends if I only count main AoS model releases so no Terrain and no Warcry/Underworlds.

40k had 18 release weekends compared to that again not counting terrain or Kill Team which doesn't sound too bad.

But of course you also have Horus Heresy and Necromunda which take up slots.
Also Kill Team got way more than Warcry/Underworlds and 40k got more stuff on average per release weekend than AoS.

Below is a list of all AoS releases unless I missed something


15.01.2022 Fury of the Deep,
05.03.2022 Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin/Fyreslayers
02.04.2022 Arena of Shades
14.05.2022 Battletome: Nighthaunt/Daughters of Khaine + Awlrach the Drowner + Craventhrone Guard
21.05.2022 Echoes of Doom
18.06.2022 Battletome: Sylvaneth/Skaven + Gossamid Archers + Spiterider Lancers + Auric Flamekeeper + Akhelian Thrallmaster + High Gladiatrix + Scriptor Mortis
20.08.2022 Arcane Cataclysm + Deathmaster + The Lady of Vines + Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur
24.09.2022 Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch
08.10.2022 Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords/Sons Of Behemat + King Brodd
05.11.2022 Slaves to Darkness Army Set + Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes + Bloodpelt Hunter 
26.11.2022 Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch + Scinari Enlightener

10 Small Heroes (8 Vs Boxset Heroes + Awlrach the Drowner and Bloodpelt Hunter)
5 Units (Craventhrone Guard, Gossamid Archers/Spiterider Lancers, Chaos Chosen/Ogroid Theridons)
1 Medium Hero (Daemon Prince)
2 Big centerpiece model (King Brodd, Incarnate)
11 Battletomes

Of course this list doesn't include Warcry/Underworlds teams even thought you can use them in mainline AoS but they are foremost marketed for their respective games

Edited by Matrindur
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37 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

If I didn't miss anything AoS had 11 release weekends if I only count main AoS model releases so no Terrain and no Warcry/Underworlds.

40k had 18 release weekends compared to that again not counting terrain or Kill Team which doesn't sound too bad.

But of course you also have Horus Heresy and Necromunda which take up slots.
Also Kill Team got way more than Warcry/Underworlds and 40k got more stuff on average per release weekend than AoS.

Below is a list of all AoS releases unless I missed something

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15.01.2022 Fury of the Deep,
05.03.2022 Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin/Fyreslayers
02.04.2022 Arena of Shades
14.05.2022 Battletome: Nighthaunt/Daughters of Khaine + Awlrach the Drowner + Craventhrone Guard
21.05.2022 Echoes of Doom
18.06.2022 Battletome: Sylvaneth/Skaven + Gossamid Archers + Spiterider Lancers + Auric Flamekeeper + Akhelian Thrallmaster + High Gladiatrix + Scriptor Mortis
20.08.2022 Arcane Cataclysm + Deathmaster + The Lady of Vines + Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur
24.09.2022 Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch
08.10.2022 Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords/Sons Of Behemat + King Brodd
05.11.2022 Slaves to Darkness Army Set + Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes + Bloodpelt Hunter 
26.11.2022 Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch + Scinari Enlightener

10 Small Heroes (8 Vs Boxset Heroes + Awlrach the Drowner and Bloodpelt Hunter)
5 Units (Craventhrone Guard, Gossamid Archers/Spiterider Lancers, Chaos Chosen/Ogroid Theridons)
1 Medium Hero (Daemon Prince)
2 Big centerpiece model (King Brodd, Incarnate)
11 Battletomes

Of course this list doesn't include Warcry/Underworlds teams even thought you can use them in mainline AoS but they are foremost marketed for their respective games

Warcry and Underworlds was the most exciting stuff this year, too. There were some real bangers in those boxes. Ah well, at least it was a good year to work on my backlog. Let's hope some of our hopes and dreams for 3rd edition come true in 2023.


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I'll be in bed before our clock strikes midnight. Hellboy 2 is keeping me awake right now. Just another message to say you're all amazing. I hope 23 is a happy new year for you all. 

Heres to the best community in this hobby. The mods, admins, the long time members, the new members, the lurkers, everyone makes this place amazing. I love checking here after work, before bed, waking up, when it's been a ****** day, when it's been a good day, doesn't matter, I feel connected when I'm here. Small interactions make a big difference. 

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6 hours ago, EonChao said:

Remember the Arbites are not the police for specific worlds but rather enforce Imperial law across the Imperium. This can give them jurisdiction over multiple planets and their orbits. In fact Arbites officers do engage in boarding actions and have access to their own cruisers in the lore. It's possibly that Gallowdark has emerged into an Imperial held system or a criminal they're pursing has fled into there. Or maybe the Dark Eldar trapped them there to hunt. It also fits the theme of the previous expansions with Imperial groups (Imperial Breachers and Kasrkin) venturing into the Gallowdark and fighting Xenos.

Ok,i missed the lore blurb about the penal ship being part of the space hulk of Gallowdark.
It does makes sense them getting "trapped" in the space hulk.

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Happy New Year may Grungni/Hashut Forge us all a fantastic set of models and safe and fortunate year ahead.

Did we get a Middle Earth Strategy game reveal? Maybe that will get a preivew tomorrow with an Amazon tie in?

Either way here is hoping for a Slann Mage Priest reveal tomorrow:

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24 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Happy New Year may Grungni/Hashut Forge us all a fantastic set of models and safe and fortunate year ahead.

Did we get a Middle Earth Strategy game reveal? Maybe that will get a preivew tomorrow with an Amazon tie in?

Either way here is hoping for a Slann Mage Priest reveal tomorrow:

Yes Slann please. If it is revealed tomorrow I will paint my new Slan as an African rain frog in honor of this post.

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The 'random' supply drop boxes are back.

40k, Underworlds, Aelves and GA: Order ones available. Looking like they go live at whatever local hour pre-orders are (EG 10am UK time)

Underworlds one could be good this time around since they don't make as many peripherals anymore so they can't pad it out like last time.

Order box I'd be worried you just get a load of the Stormcast from Dominion, which has pretty questionable resale value. 


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19 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The 'random' supply drop boxes are back.

40k, Underworlds, Aelves and GA: Order ones available. Looking like they go live at whatever local hour pre-orders are (EG 10am UK time)

Underworlds one could be good this time around since they don't make as many peripherals anymore so they can't pad it out like last time.

Order box I'd be worried you just get a load of the Stormcast from Dominion, which has pretty questionable resale value. 


Interesting we got two AoS ones (Three with Underworlds) but 40k only got one. Also why make two Order ones with GA Order and Aelves but none from any other Grand Allience?

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I've ordered the Aelven one. 

My guess is its the kits being discontinued when the new cities book hits so probably wood and some dark elves. 

Either is fine with me as dark elves will go in my 8th edition warhammer army and wood elves in my living city army. 

The grand alliance box is probably freeguild stuff. 

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3 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Interesting we got two AoS ones (Three with Underworlds) but 40k only got one. Also why make two Order ones with GA Order and Aelves but none from any other Grand Allience?

They're presumably stock clearances in lieu of an actual sale, so they must not have much of the other GAs gathering dust.

I think last time there was only one 40k box too.

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17 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They're presumably stock clearances in lieu of an actual sale, so they must not have much of the other GAs gathering dust.

I think last time there was only one 40k box too.

Would think the GA order one is mostly freeguild stuff. 

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32 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They're presumably stock clearances in lieu of an actual sale, so they must not have much of the other GAs gathering dust.

I think last time there was only one 40k box too.

There was one 40k one and one Underworlds one last year. And contents differed between locations (the AUS ones had a Knight Castellan I believe which the UK one didn’t).

I ordered Aelves because I don’t have a huge amount of them beyond some Daughters of Khaine, Sylvaneth and old Dark Elves so I’m game to take a gamble

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24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That Underworlds one looks pretty tempting, but I think actually saving up for stuff I really want might be the responsible hobbying choice.

This is the sensible choice.

Also I suspect that part of the value here is taken up with a can of spray paint hence the dangerous message if you try to checkout 

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14 hours ago, Chikout said:

We already know that 2023 is going to start way better than 2022. We are getting 4 new chaos kits, 2 Gloomspite kits, at least 3 Seraphon kits plus the usual heroes. That's a much better start than 2022 and there's still the prospect of cities to come. 

And yet the skaven are still left out of an update.


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25 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

And only the aelves box is still available. Maybe would have bought the underworlds box. Hasnt even been a full day. 

Only the 40k one has sold out in the UK. 

I wouldn't hang about with these, they will sell out. 

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21 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Good observation, maybe the timeline does fit after all.

The real mystery is how they bungled the communication related to Cursed City so badly after delaying it for so long, though. That still makes absolutely no sense: Hype the game up for months, sell out in one day, then pretend it never existed. If they had enough foresight to put the Vyrkos expansion models into the Soulblight battletome because they realized in October there would be trouble with Cursed City, it's baffling they were so short sighted with everything else at the same time.

I think it's probably a question of GW not being sure whether they would still go ahead with the reprint and produce the expansions, it whether they would simply accept the game had been hit too badly by supply issues around COVID and that ship that blocked Suez for weeks.

It might be that if there hasn't been a ridiculous secondary market (in the UK boxes were going for double the original RRP on eBay, and I occasionally saw ones from Australia being advertised for A$1000, though given GW prices down there that might have been a discount), and the outcry on social media, GW would have gone with option 2 and continued pretending it never existed.

See, the problem with saying it's coming back is then you kinda have to, whereas going completely silent doesn't force you to not bring it back. If you're not sure what your going to do radio silence is probably the safest strategy (I mean, you could say "we'll see", but that's likely to ****** people off and/or be misread one way it the other).

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