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8 minutes ago, The Red King said:

"I am once again asking for your financial support*"


*in the form of beasts of chaos points leaks please.

Seems like there are no changes for Beasts in the new GHB... makes sense, since the new book is coming soon.

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3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Cities has to be this year, right? That will be at least one big model drop.

Maybe we can even be hopeful for something we are not expecting. Like OBR wave two or a new destruction faction or something. 

Current rumor has it being the early summer one right before 40k 10th edition.

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19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I forget all the details of the big AoS leak we had a while ago (with lots of Cities details), so can anyone please summarise how much (if at all) this AoS teaser either supports or refutes the leak?

It didn't mention the Squigboss for GS, and had a chariot for Gitmob.

General BT order still seems to be fine, although there isn't really anything it could have gotten wrong.
If we go by Whitefang's hints, it will have been correct in some cases, incorrect in others.

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Current rumor has it being the early summer one right before 40k 10th edition.

1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Cities has to be this year, right? That will be at least one big model drop.

I don't know if I'm strong enough to deal with a cavalcade of 40k conversions if these come out the same year as 10e... Seems like a lotta people disappointed the Guard refresh was Cadians Again, and they'll be chomping at the bit to make new guard.

I can't blame them (it IS disappointing there's no guard besides Cadians), yet it always feels bad when people who won't even glance at AOS will take the models for conversions.

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

I forget all the details of the big AoS leak we had a while ago (with lots of Cities details), so can anyone please summarise how much (if at all) this AoS teaser either supports or refutes the leak?


This is the first half stuff:

"Heard these from a friend, take with an ocean of salt.

Releases 2023

S2D full release

Beast of Chaos:
New Beastlord
No other new models
Some resin kits may get range rotated (not 100%)

General's Handbook with big (bone?) Spider

Gloomspite Gitz:
Snarlfang Riders
Gitmob hero
Snarlfang Chariot with shaman option
Sylvaneth-size release
Completely reworked Bad Moon: constant passive effect with chance to wane/wax depending on amount of friendly losses

New "big dino" with magic structure on top
Razordon/Salamander Pack dual kit (2 bigger lizards)
Saurus Guard with leader options
More Azyr looking Saurus Sunblood/Eternity Warden?

Blades of Khorne vs Hedonites box (again)
New single Hedonite foot hero
New single Khorne foot hero (named?)"


So some of that??? I am awful at figuring out units, but the last two seem to be the two chaos things in April, so that looks like a match? The Seraphon ones as well........... even thought I only see a blob for one lol. Also not sure what that first thing is so it could be the spider......... I mean I see legs maybe??????

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48 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

This is the first half stuff:

"Heard these from a friend, take with an ocean of salt.

Releases 2023

S2D full release

Beast of Chaos:
New Beastlord
No other new models
Some resin kits may get range rotated (not 100%)

General's Handbook with big (bone?) Spider

Gloomspite Gitz:
Snarlfang Riders
Gitmob hero
Snarlfang Chariot with shaman option
Sylvaneth-size release
Completely reworked Bad Moon: constant passive effect with chance to wane/wax depending on amount of friendly losses

New "big dino" with magic structure on top
Razordon/Salamander Pack dual kit (2 bigger lizards)
Saurus Guard with leader options
More Azyr looking Saurus Sunblood/Eternity Warden?

Blades of Khorne vs Hedonites box (again)
New single Hedonite foot hero
New single Khorne foot hero (named?)"


So some of that??? I am awful at figuring out units, but the last two seem to be the two chaos things in April, so that looks like a match? The Seraphon ones as well........... even thought I only see a blob for one lol. Also not sure what that first thing is so it could be the spider......... I mean I see legs maybe??????

My faith in this "leak" took a nose dive when GW revealed the new squigboss. It is not listed in the leak (only a gitmob hero). 

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8 minutes ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

My faith in this "leak" took a nose dive when GW revealed the new squigboss. It is not listed in the leak (only a gitmob hero). 

True, I was a bit sceptical with seraphon tho but now we got some confirmation. We will soon see if this one is true with gitz book

Edited by Norray
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Last year all models from the same teaser video were released in the first 3/4 months so i would assume we have the same time frame here. I would assume this should all be released before adepticon which is on 22nd of march.

3 models for AOS - Seraphon: New Slann, new saurus warriors or a hero, new skink cavalary. I don't think these are new cold ones they look completelly diffrent.

Then we have 1 khorne hero from the new warcry set which should also be released in that timeframe

and lastly something from new underworlds warband, this really could be anything so no point in guessing. 

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The tail and arms on the new dino are definitely the recent fin rumor engine pics. Im hoping its a take on a pachycephalosaurus instead of a carnivore. 

Im also hoping that last one is our first look at dark aelves and not slaanesh. 

And I'm still hoping even more so that the snarlfangs are not our only gitmob units. Im just so excited for those! Im so very glad they changed design direction on the riders from the rippas kit. Im 99% convinced the artist from the kruleboyz grots did the new riders and I love the newer and more realistic look so very much! 

Overall its a silly vid for me. Just show us the damn product instead of a hype vid of mostly things we know are coming. 

@Vicar in a tutu

The squigboss could of been mistaken as the "new hero" like maybe the leaker only heard and not saw what is coming. 😉🤞

Edited by Vasshpit
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Yeah. First new model silhouette is 100% a new Slann sculpt. Slowed down at .56 you see a skink sitting on the arm just like the bone toad. I imagine its going to be an option for a new generic slann, with a bit or two to make another unique named one! Ala Rotigus. 

I can only hope the Saurus is a refreshed battleline, and not just a foot hero for the existing Saurus. He isn't overly kitted out with stuff, but they dont show the head so maybe he has some kinda funky head-dress? Im still pulling for them being the much needed battleline.

The Mounted Dino is a bit of a curveball. We're up close, but he doesnt seem small enough to be a replacement kit. I'm personally leaning that its a new unit/hero option. Something old, but new, like they've been doing with a lot of ranges lately. Dig getting some feathered dinos though. Really will add some texture and colour to the army!

Khorne is a foot hero, maybe named. Checks out for what to expect for their upcoming battletome, and TBH, Khorne really only needs rules love atm. Their range is fresh and diverse, unless they maybe pick up some kind of deamon kit from the world eaters release. 

... Im going to throw a curveball on the last one. Maybe its an elf... But I think its a new vampire. The bone top knot, the spiked shoulderblades over bare arms, and the sharp, pointed back collar. I'm betting this is the soulblight gravelord hero.

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51 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Only dissapointing thing is it looks like BOC may only be getting a Hero model, which is rather pathetic by GW. Update your old ranges James!!

If skaven are anything to go by GW currently have 0 motivation to do this. It’s a big middle finger to people who have been collecting for decades and just want models that compare with the newer army’s. 

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52 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

If skaven are anything to go by GW currently have 0 motivation to do this. It’s a big middle finger to people who have been collecting for decades and just want models that compare with the newer army’s. 

Also weird as skaven, beasts of chaos and seraphon(lizaren) are 3 of their more unique looking armies. Would have thought they’d be all over trying to make a big deal out of them.

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