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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Mordheim but not Mordheim. Mïsthaven?

What we need is more Mordheim. We could call it... MOREdheim.

But yeah, I completely agree, I want a Mordheim style skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms (or, to be honest, is settle for Mordheim 2.0 when TOW is released).

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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

Are we certain that it will be a brand new GHB? The fact that this ones says 2022-2023 makes me feel like it's going to be around in some sort of capacity next year. Could GHB be every summer and maybe every winter we just get a new Seasons of War book???  

rumours are getting pretty insistent and concordant that it's a "full" new GHB. The present one says 2022-2023 but also "season 1" so next one will be "GHB 2022-2023 season 2". Will this mean a somewhat "narrower" product? The same rumours point to sweeping changes in the rules side (galletian veterans going away and so on), so maybe the battleplans will remain similar? Personally I don't see this happening because GW must justify the full price of the new book but who knows. In any case, we'll know more soon enough after the winter break.

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2 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

What we need is more Mordheim. We could call it... MOREdheim.

But yeah, I completely agree, I want a Mordheim style skirmish game set in the Mortal Realms (or, to be honest, is settle for Mordheim 2.0 when TOW is released).

I feel it's coming. I've not yet got the copy of Cursed City Nemesis and not sure how the story will end but if you need a destroyed medieval looking town with warbands roaming and hunting for a precious resource then look no further than Ulfenkarn! With the Nadir ripping the city apart I could see a mordheim style game coming out of it.

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16 minutes ago, CDM said:

I feel it's coming. I've not yet got the copy of Cursed City Nemesis and not sure how the story will end but if you need a destroyed medieval looking town with warbands roaming and hunting for a precious resource then look no further than Ulfenkarn! With the Nadir ripping the city apart I could see a mordheim style game coming out of it.

And it's got a super rad name! 



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2 hours ago, Asbestress said:

Anyone got an opinion here when the first preview event is gonna be next year?
I would say first week of January, but since last year we didn't have a New Year open and just got a teaser video, I'd guess it'd be the LVO.

Any speculation for early 2023 reveals?

they generally reveal some stuff on Christmas day and on New Year's they release a teaser trailer of new stuff coming outsoon

but outside of that LVO is most likely the next event for 2023, for AoS is most likely to reveal what the next two army books are from the roadmap and probably start previewing dawnbringer crusade

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27 minutes ago, CDM said:

I feel it's coming. I've not yet got the copy of Cursed City Nemesis and not sure how the story will end but if you need a destroyed medieval looking town with warbands roaming and hunting for a precious resource then look no further than Ulfenkarn! With the Nadir ripping the city apart I could see a mordheim style game coming out of it.

Ooh, that's a good idea. The setup pretty much writes itself: dangerous city largely destroyed by a sinister disaster, with a valuable but dangerous commodity (gravesand) up for grabs for warbands brave, or foolish, enough to enter it. Will you enter Ulfenkarn: City of the Dead!

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34 minutes ago, CDM said:

I feel it's coming. I've not yet got the copy of Cursed City Nemesis and not sure how the story will end but if you need a destroyed medieval looking town with warbands roaming and hunting for a precious resource then look no further than Ulfenkarn! With the Nadir ripping the city apart I could see a mordheim style game coming out of it.

So I came to AoS during COVID and have loved it (AoS, not COVID).  My son and I also got into Warcry which I really enjoy as a light game we can play on a school night rather than AoS which (while awesome) takes several hours.  I hear a lot about Mordheim but don't know much about it.  What about it would be superior to Warcry?

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19 minutes ago, Ferban said:

So I came to AoS during COVID and have loved it (AoS, not COVID).  My son and I also got into Warcry which I really enjoy as a light game we can play on a school night rather than AoS which (while awesome) takes several hours.  I hear a lot about Mordheim but don't know much about it.  What about it would be superior to Warcry?

I suspect a lot of it is nostaglia. For me the main things I prefer are (a) the setting (to be honest I still prefer the Old World for various reasons, some of them no doubt rose tinted childhood glasses) and (b) it has a much heavier focus on campaign play and warband management, which scratches a particular itch for me. The current version of Necromunda is similar (since it is itself fairly close to old Necromunda, which mordheim was basically the fantasy version of), so you can get some idea of what it's like by looking into that.

I think a lot of it is also the community that grew around it (and still exists). Along with Necromunda, mordheim has to have some of the best custom scenery makers out there. Have a look on Instagram at various mordheim tags and you'll see some amazing custom built boards which just make you want to play mordheim.

Vince Venturella has an interesting video on it: 


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I felt cursed city was clear a homage to Mordheim (just not the same game type)

sadly I think the internal fiasco really done cursed city in and too bad we are still left in the dark of what happen to the game.

best you can hope for is that Warcry change shift the setting into Ulfenkarn in the future.

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1 hour ago, Ferban said:

So I came to AoS during COVID and have loved it (AoS, not COVID).  My son and I also got into Warcry which I really enjoy as a light game we can play on a school night rather than AoS which (while awesome) takes several hours.  I hear a lot about Mordheim but don't know much about it.  What about it would be superior to Warcry?

Mordheim is what drew me in big time to the hobby. I was already playing WHFB and 40K using borrowed minis at GW Leicester who used to put on  fantastic teaching games for big groups of smelly teens! But when Mordheim came out they had the free elf ranger mini in white dwarf (I think) and me and my mate painted it for an in-store painting competition (came 3rd after the original 3rd place complained he wasn't first!)

What I loved in those mordheim games there would be maybe 3 players per warband and 4 or 5 warbands on the go in some ruined buildings as we tried to collect gold and weapons . It was loads of fun in there.

The setting and the artwork was amazing and although I wasn't too bothered about the naming character side I did like that thought of having a large warband acquired over time and taking a squad of some of those for Any particular mission.

Basically an AoS/WHFB version of Necromunda would be great. I'm fine if the setting changes. My vote is for Ulfenkarn, really enjoying that game and the book.

Warcry is awesome too! They definitely share the same space in terms of small warbands and I've noticed they're increasing game by game content with more RPG elements but you could certainly have room for both games. A reimagined Mordheim I don't think would take away from Warcry

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1 hour ago, CDM said:

Mordheim is what drew me in big time to the hobby. I was already playing WHFB and 40K using borrowed minis at GW Leicester who used to put on  fantastic teaching games for big groups of smelly teens! But when Mordheim came out they had the free elf ranger mini in white dwarf (I think) and me and my mate painted it for an in-store painting competition (came 3rd after the original 3rd place complained he wasn't first!)

What I loved in those mordheim games there would be maybe 3 players per warband and 4 or 5 warbands on the go in some ruined buildings as we tried to collect gold and weapons . It was loads of fun in there.

The setting and the artwork was amazing and although I wasn't too bothered about the naming character side I did like that thought of having a large warband acquired over time and taking a squad of some of those for Any particular mission.

Basically an AoS/WHFB version of Necromunda would be great. I'm fine if the setting changes. My vote is for Ulfenkarn, really enjoying that game and the book.

Warcry is awesome too! They definitely share the same space in terms of small warbands and I've noticed they're increasing game by game content with more RPG elements but you could certainly have room for both games. A reimagined Mordheim I don't think would take away from Warcry

I alwaaaaaays wanted The Thing in The Woods. Especially after watching Brotherhood of the Wolf!!


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8 hours ago, CDM said:

Mordheim is what drew me in big time to the hobby. I was already playing WHFB and 40K using borrowed minis at GW Leicester who used to put on  fantastic teaching games for big groups of smelly teens! But when Mordheim came out they had the free elf ranger mini in white dwarf (I think) and me and my mate painted it for an in-store painting competition (came 3rd after the original 3rd place complained he wasn't first!)

What I loved in those mordheim games there would be maybe 3 players per warband and 4 or 5 warbands on the go in some ruined buildings as we tried to collect gold and weapons . It was loads of fun in there.

The setting and the artwork was amazing and although I wasn't too bothered about the naming character side I did like that thought of having a large warband acquired over time and taking a squad of some of those for Any particular mission.

Basically an AoS/WHFB version of Necromunda would be great. I'm fine if the setting changes. My vote is for Ulfenkarn, really enjoying that game and the book.

Warcry is awesome too! They definitely share the same space in terms of small warbands and I've noticed they're increasing game by game content with more RPG elements but you could certainly have room for both games. A reimagined Mordheim I don't think would take away from Warcry

Necromunda has awesome models, but its rules are convoluted, unbalanced and spread across multiple full priced books.

If a Mortalheim system came out, it'd have to compete with Frostgrave, which is a lot more compact, and a lot cheaper.

For a box of gangers and the books I would have needed to play, I could have a book and warband+wizard+apprentice for myself and THREE friends.

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Yeah, for all intents and purposes frostgrave is the modern counterpart to Mordheim. It's a better game than anything gw would put out for that niche.

It woul be nice to see a new wave of mordheim minis though. If Underworlds and warcry are anything to go by, they'd make some cool stuff.

I am collecting necromunda minis, but mainly using them in stargrave.

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15 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Are we certain that it will be a brand new GHB? The fact that this ones says 2022-2023 makes me feel like it's going to be around in some sort of capacity next year. Could GHB be every summer and maybe every winter we just get a new Seasons of War book???  

They said it on a Metawatch video.

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56 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Could someone give me a quick summary of what Frostgrave is? I've seen it mentioned a bunch of times now. Is it another skirmish game? Does it have minis? Just curious, sorry.

Frostgrave is the original in a family of skirmish games written by Joseph McCullough and published by osprey. It was followed by various spinoffs adapting the rules to different genres, and is now on its second edition. The X-grave games are campaign driven skirmish games about a small band of warriors going into a dangerous place to recover treasure. In that respect it is a spiritual successor to mordheim and necromunda, though it does does not copy their rules. It is a much more streamlined system than most GW games, and is very rules light and easy to learn but hard to master. There are plenty of campaign books, but no rules bloat. All you need to play is one fairly cheap and accessible rules book. It does have a range of minis, both fantasy and sci fi. They are made by north star and include numerous plastic kits which are great. They frequently make two versions of their kits, one with male soldiers, and one with female ones, so have better gender representation than a lot of wargames. The kits are really varied, with tons of customizability.

Note though that the game itself is "miniatures agnostic" you don't have to buy their minis, and can play it with any models you like. The core frostgrave game stars wizards and their apprentices and bodyguards , meaning that a lot of AoS models look great for it. There aren't factions, rather the look and feel of the warband comes from what spells you choose. So aos Chaos models could be used as demon summoners, undead as necromancers, and sacrosanct stormcast as elementalists etc. Stargrave is about crews o space pirates. 

The most novel thing is movable objectives. You run to treasure markers, but then your soldiers have to pick them up and physically carry them off the board while the other player tries to do the same, and you end up ambushing each other to steal the treasure. Ths and ai controlled monsters, makes the game very dynamic.

The game works best with lots of terrain, typically multi level ruined buildings like the ones you see for warcry. This makes it popular with crafters and modellers as you can actually fight over big diorama boards like you see for armies in parade. Much simpler terrain alsi works just fine as long as it blocks line of sight and divides up the board though. So you don't need huge or elaborate boards to get started. Its played on a similar table size to warcry, so a regular aos tables worth of ruins crammed into the smaller space tends to work well.

Anyway, its a great game, well worth checking out.

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I am reading the new Warcry Core Book and gosh it is impressing me. Really clean, tight rules set with a campaign mode that presses all the exploration and Warband growth buttons. And a compelling storyline that looks like it will have a nice beginning, middle and end. This looks like it might be a new favourite skirmish game.

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New warscrolls for Underworlds Warbands:

Chaos warband can set-up more than 7" away from enemy units with a condition (wounded enemy model within 12"). Their oath (ward 5+ and some extra bonus) are easy to achieve and good. Good weapon (3+/3+) profiles.
mho, their downside is 5+save.

Sons of Vermont are Grave Guard with save 4+ than can be 3+ instead of pile in, with 4 models and 2 range 2" weapons and an skill on a 2+ to stop enemies from pile in. The Wight King seems to be a better wight king with 5 attaks with dmg 2, and can issue Commands without spending CP and ressurect their people on a 4+. Good profiles with mw on To Hit  for the king and To Wound for his minions.

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5 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Necromunda has awesome models, but its rules are convoluted, unbalanced and spread across multiple full priced books.

If a Mortalheim system came out, it'd have to compete with Frostgrave, which is a lot more compact, and a lot cheaper.

For a box of gangers and the books I would have needed to play, I could have a book and warband+wizard+apprentice for myself and THREE friends.

Yeah I would certainly not want the usual GW rules bloat with a mordheim style game. Too many books. I don't spend money on Necromunda because I wouldn't know where begin. Been covered before but an app with the rules for their games then more people would get involved. 

Austin one it the great things about mordheim was price point. Buy one unit and use a few spare bits and you were good to go

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35 minutes ago, CDM said:

Yeah I would certainly not want the usual GW rules bloat with a mordheim style game. Too many books. I don't spend money on Necromunda because I wouldn't know where begin. Been covered before but an app with the rules for their games then more people would get involved. 

Austin one it the great things about mordheim was price point. Buy one unit and use a few spare bits and you were good to go

As far as I know, for Necromunda you need the core rulebook, gangs of the underhive and the faction book. Depending on mercenaries and game mode, you might need more. These are all full price books, every one of these books is more expensive than Frost- or Stargrave.

This also means the rules can be in any one of the books, so you'll need to bring them and find the correct section.

40k players reacted weird when I did not agree with this. I returned the core rulebook to the store and purchased Snotlings and some other stuff for the store credit, haven't looked back since.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

New warscrolls for Underworlds Warbands:

Chaos warband can set-up more than 7" away from enemy units with a condition (wounded enemy model within 12"). Their oath (ward 5+ and some extra bonus) are easy to achieve and good. Good weapon (3+/3+) profiles.
mho, their downside is 5+save.

Sons of Vermont are Grave Guard with save 4+ than can be 3+ instead of pile in, with 4 models and 2 range 2" weapons and an skill on a 2+ to stop enemies from pile in. The Wight King seems to be a better wight king with 5 attaks with dmg 2, and can issue Commands without spending CP and ressurect their people on a 4+. Good profiles with mw on To Hit  for the king and To Wound for his minions.

Ok i really want to use these skeletons as allies, they seem really fun and the models look awesome. They might even make me start a Soulblight army at some point.

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7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Ok i really want to use these skeletons as allies, they seem really fun and the models look awesome. They might even make me start a Soulblight army at some point.

My favourite models this year! As soon as they split the box I'll get one or two of these for the models needed in cursed city nemesis.


15 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

Hello from a fellow GW Leicester alumnus!

Hi! I used to go when Simon and Ed were working there. Massive credit to those two, used to put on great training sessions that were fun and they were always around to chat to. They even had these cards you brought with you to add a bit more rules knowledge every week that they'd sign as complete. Great guys!


17 hours ago, novakai said:

I felt cursed city was clear a homage to Mordheim (just not the same game type)

sadly I think the internal fiasco really done cursed city in and too bad we are still left in the dark of what happen to the game.

best you can hope for is that Warcry change shift the setting into Ulfenkarn in the future.

I think cursed city has unfortunately been a mess, some out of their control, communication has been poor though with zero explanations.

I think Ulfenkarn will play a major part still, it's the go to place now in shyish, mentioned everywhere and even has a soulbound book coming soon (anyone have any ideas on release?!)

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