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51 minutes ago, EntMan said:

My point was that as the new book won't be usable for a while, why not delay the release of the limited edition, take the opportunity to reprint without the errors, instead of putting out a knowingly defective product?

1.) That is defying the idea of an "early" release in a battlebox, isnt it?

2.) As the offspring of a teacher with an impecable eye for spelling errors i can tell you that no text was ever released without a surprising amount of errors. This is why there are reworked Reprints (Editions) for books. And yes, newer Editions regularly have new errors. C'est la vie.

3.) Since i already own a StD army i can certainly pay using the Battletome right now. Care to elaborate?

4.) Let us be honest. That was more of an 0 Day errata/balancesheet than fixing spelling errors.

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3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Gdubs, if you're feeling generous with the 2nd waves I'll raise my kruleboyz hand!!!

Spiderfang is at the top of my list at the moment. 

Does anyone have any hints at what tome is up next after Slaves? Its been to quit on the rumour front.

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47 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

At least their PRICES are premium 😛

I know, I know, it's lame that I've been gone from TGA a couple months and return to be a Negative Nancy, but as recently as today I was looking at Votann models and had to do a spit take at the prices. 42.50€ for a codex alone!

And even if I've been saying that for years, I wish I'd collected an army when I first joined this forum - I've since then transitioned (Heh) from poor uni student to working, but that includes Real Grownup Problems™ like rising living costs, the current housing crisis, energy prices...to the point I feel like I've finally been priced out of the hobby.

And although video games are also a luxury hobby, it's far easier in this day and age convince someone to, let's say, download Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch 2 or any myriad of cross-platform free-to-play games (that, for the record, have predatory monetisation but at least the core gameplay loop is free) than to tell your mate "Yeah sure we can do something next weekend, just buy a 1500pt army for 300€ and glue them together". It's far easier to say "Hey, should we try this f2p game? It can apparently run on any potato and has cross-platform play".

I don't want to derail into pricing talk (and summon sleeping mods) but I've been buying new in boxed/sealed WFH boxes for cheaper than their AoS counterparts. (Except those sealed metal blood dragon knights, they did bad things to my wallet!😭)

I've had an easier time buying random bits for a Tomb Kings army for my misses, than I have trying to fill gaps in AoS armies I already own part of! Rising costs & things being out of stock constantly (or removed from ranges completely) makes it impossible to encourage someone in my group to pick up a new AoS project.

Thing is, I don't mind paying higher prices if the service/quality matched the higher cost. Its harder to get people here buying as well as most of my group feel that an AoS army has to be an 'all-in purchase' now, rather than building it in stages, on the grounds that the model range could be removed/out of stock/replaced at any random point before we had a chance to finish it.

Anyway, that's enough derailing from me. I have a windmill to go and fight.

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8 minutes ago, Harioch said:

Yeah all elements points to a conquistador-esque style for Cities, except the shields that have a bretonian look to me.

It is as the leaks said.

Just looks standardish knights in shining armour to me, but I like that.

Edit: I just googled conquistador armour, and yeah could easily be that too. We'll have to wait to see the helmets.

Edited by EntMan
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6 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I love the look of the torso and leg, not so much the shields.

What are these bottom 2 things?

Horse barding/armour I think (or at least some kind of mount).

I think all of those pieces are will be from the same 'Knight' model.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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15 minutes ago, Draznak said:

If i remember correctly, Whitefang implied the opposite.

Erf can't find where I've saw his post....but it's very possible that I misread what he wrote back then too 😄

(Without counting that I wish the pocket realm made of Bretonnians/Wood elves by Lileath is still existing....)

Edited by Harioch
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3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Out of context this could be a new Ironbreaker torso... Which might suggest not a huge change in style/image for new cities. And if they squat Dispossessed then I can use them as Knight proxies.Screenshot_20221109-151856.png.1efb50149e9d22c2666d182c9e61944b.png

Definitely a mounted knight. The weird left arm is in perfect shield holding position, which leaves the right arm joint open to hold a lance at ready or charging position, or holding a banner aloft

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6 minutes ago, Harioch said:

Erf can't find where I've saw his post....but it's very possible that I misread what he wrote back then too 😄

(Without counting that I wish the pocket realm made of Bretonnians/Wood elves by Lileath is still existing....)

In my memory, he just reacted with a sad emoticon when someone said that the freeguild guards seen in the Skaven Deathmaster trailer (with conquistador-like helmets) could be the new style of COS.

It marked me, and gave me hope, because above all I don't want the COS to look like conquistadors.😛

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2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Definitely a mounted knight. The weird left arm is in perfect shield holding position, which leaves the right arm joint open to hold a lance at ready or charging position, or holding a banner aloft

Oh , yeah I'm definitely not suggesting it's dwarf. Just that stylistically it matches.

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All that heavy armor definitely fits the image in my head from looking at the weapons. Granted, this is obviously a knight, but those heavy, angular plates over chainmail...it really is a bit closer to Brettonian/Medieval style than the more sophisticated curved plate armor of empire knights.

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48 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Dawnbringer preview! Nothing too major, just more renders.





YES ANOTHER PREVIEW!! COS are giving me mad World Of Warcraft vibes for some reason and I am all for it, especially their language in the article of bringing things down to earth for the Mortals. This is so exciting Im really hyped to see 'Standard Humans' that arent Johann!!

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15 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Or, the intern doing the AoS socials knows as much as us.

Ah the good old GW socials. Know less than we do and still manages to stir up more wonderings than what we started with.🤣

Im taking the CoS refresh to mean we will loose the remains of the wfb helfs, delfs, welfs and dwelfs.. I mean dwarves 😅


I'd better start adding in some extra odds n ends to orders over the next few months just in case. 

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27 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:



Not really. I've worked in a social media job as well as currently working as a tabletop game freelancer. I have many friends in both industries. They literally can't say anything new or beyond official announcements without getting in trouble. I personally interpret that comment as urging patience rather than warning anyone off, but it's extremely vague and honestly no one should read anything into it (not even me).


Also, looping back to the earlier comments about the S2D print release, while an electronic option would be best for the environment and consumers, trashing a print run for minor errors would be beyond irresponsible. It would cost a small fortune for GW which their shareholders would insist they make up for in other ways and be a colossal waste of resources. That's not to mention that consumers frequently overestimate the speed of print runs--odds are low that a print run intended for November could be corrected by January (and there's no guarantee a new issue wouldn't slip in. Copy-editing is harder than most people give it credit for).

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So was there ever any weight to the rumors of wandering monsters of more incarnates for the current game? I remmeber when the current incarnate came out there was speculation that we'd get more, or some big neutral monsters for the age of beasts, yet I dont think any of that materialized. I'm saddened by the lack of beasts in my age of beasts. 


I'll have to go dig up that old Ghur battleplan that allowed for random wandering monsters. I think it was in 2nd edition, or perhaps right at the end of 1st, back when we had real  specific spells and magic items. Ooh Ill pick some subterranean beast (like a dread worm) for the neutral model and give it bonuses to eat Galletian Veterans! Will have to test it out this week at our local path to glory group. 

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49 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Ah, Sir Shiney McThreeshields?

(But being mortal human cities will still only be 5+ save)

I will be interested to see how they handle mortal humans in the new book, when Chaos and Vampire Lords are fairly bog-standard mortal Heroes, I am curious what the normal humans will be set at. I guess we have a cities book already but still given this is the new dedicated AoS humans rather than legacy stuff I am curious.

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1 minute ago, Gothmaug said:

So was there ever any weight to the rumors of wandering monsters of more incarnates for the current game? I remmeber when the current incarnate came out there was speculation that we'd get more, or some big neutral monsters for the age of beasts, yet I dont think any of that materialized. I'm saddened by the lack of beasts in my age of beasts. 


I'll have to go dig up that old Ghur battleplan that allowed for random wandering monsters. I think it was in 2nd edition, or perhaps right at the end of 1st, back when we had real  specific spells and magic items. Ooh Ill pick some subterranean beast (like a dread worm) for the neutral model and give it bonuses to eat Galletian Veterans! Will have to test it out this week at our local path to glory group. 

That was Wrath of the Everchosen wasn't it?

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