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3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

White Dwarf narrative storyline is about a new Waaagh! on Rhondal region in Ghur. The campaign is big enough to give cardboard cards and a cardboard Rhondal map in the past White Dwarf's issue.

I'm expecting two more big releases for Destruction factions this edition, and I will be not surprised if Destruction gets another new faction.

I wish it comes out true but I am really skeptical about that. Orruk warclans are "fine" until next edition since the received kruleboyz along a new bt. We know gargants will have just a upgrade kit for King Brodd. Ogors will have just the new bloopelt hunter. And I suspect that gloomspite will have just a new hero as well. A new destruction faction will be more than welcome but it doesn't seem likely. 


Era of the beast is basically the AoS timeline in ghur , Realm of the beasts. Nurgle could have had pestigors, Ogors could have had new sculpts or a new subfaction . It doesn't  really mean something for destruction faction or beasts of chaos.

A new season of war seems possible , as a new Morghur for BoC , but I am not expecting more than that.


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Personally, I think that "Orruk Warclans" is a battle tome born out of necessity and not intention or good design.

I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Kruleboys battle tome in the near future, accompanied by a second wave. Same, but with less new models for the Iron Jaws. And that will be that. Big Waaagh gets special rules dependent on the main faction, not what the have now & will include Gitz. Okay, the last part is quite out there, but I really wouldn't be surprised about a book split.


P.S. Savage Orruks vanish until their rebirth years down the line. Sry.

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I would have loved season of the beast to be an opportunity for some more bestial ogre designs as they are changed by steeping in the energies of ghur not only from the ambient but all the stuff they inevitably shove down their gullets.


Some gnoll looking ogres would be sweet (gnolls being another race known for insatiable hunger )


It would have been nice to see a glutton warscroll and model rehash . And the gorgers too please :/. Unsure why gw thinks another hunter was the way to go for what the battle time or army needed 

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Today I Had  a shower thought. If/when Chaos Dwarfs get released I really hope they do a plastic kit based on the Hell Cannon. With all the skills and tech they have today I’m hopefful  reimagined kit is going to be nothing short of beautiful if not enormous. I remember when It came out nearly 20 years ago I shouted at my White Dwarf when it was previewed. Can’t wait to have that same reaction when Chaos Dwarfs get re re re released.




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1 hour ago, xking said:

Why does nurgle not have his own endless spells?



1 hour ago, xking said:

And Tzeentch does not have his own terrain. The ****** 


So many AOS Factions dont have them. Seeing from what we have had for 3.0 they seem to be less and less a thing, especially Endless Spells.

1 hour ago, Skoll said:

I would have loved season of the beast to be an opportunity for some more bestial ogre designs as they are changed by steeping in the energies of ghur not only from the ambient but all the stuff they inevitably shove down their gullets.


Some gnoll looking ogres would be sweet (gnolls being another race known for insatiable hunger )


It would have been nice to see a glutton warscroll and model rehash . And the gorgers too please :/. Unsure why gw thinks another hunter was the way to go for what the battle time or army needed 

Aww mate I totally agree. Even just an updated Glutton kit wouldve transformed the range on the tabletop.

Im hopig Gitz werent released yet because they are getting a Wave 2.

Give us some more monstrous Troggoths!!

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5 hours ago, Kronos said:

Today I Had  a shower thought. If/when Chaos Dwarfs get released I really hope they do a plastic kit based on the Hell Cannon. With all the skills and tech they have today I’m hopefful  reimagined kit is going to be nothing short of beautiful if not enormous. I remember when It came out nearly 20 years ago I shouted at my White Dwarf when it was previewed. Can’t wait to have that same reaction when Chaos Dwarfs get re re re released.




By Hashut's beard I hope that such a masterpiece is restored to us.


3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Always get Fest and Day confused!! Awesome thanks mate thatll probably the place we see the next Warcry box then alongside the rest of the STD.

Here's hoping the next two war bands are either Ogres and Khorne, or Ogres and Death (preferably Soulblight). Though if the second warband turns out to be Tzeentch flavored I wouldn't complain......

23 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

Hopefully Lumineth/Tzeentch will be next week's pre-orders, not long until we get an answer! 

I seriously hope that the battletomes are coming soon, I just order the Tzeentch half of the Arcane Cataclysm box off of eBay.

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6 hours ago, Kronos said:

Today I Had  a shower thought. If/when Chaos Dwarfs get released I really hope they do a plastic kit based on the Hell Cannon. With all the skills and tech they have today I’m hopefful  reimagined kit is going to be nothing short of beautiful if not enormous. I remember when It came out nearly 20 years ago I shouted at my White Dwarf when it was previewed. Can’t wait to have that same reaction when Chaos Dwarfs get re re re released.




I think they will do this faction justice, if and when it comes out. I’ve been wanting to dive into a chaos army and if they stick with the horns of hashut design with dwarves and these machines I’m all in!!!! 

I feel it’s inevitable with how much they have appeared in the lore!! Bring on them chaos duardin!! 

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7 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


Here's hoping the next two war bands are either Ogres and Khorne, or Ogres and Death (preferably Soulblight). Though if the second warband turns out to be Tzeentch flavored I wouldn't complain......


I hope Ogors are next as well mate. Fingers crossed for an epic Warcry boxed set with Maneaters Vs Seraphon!!

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10 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Here's hoping the next two war bands are either Ogres and Khorne, or Ogres and Death (preferably Soulblight). Though if the second warband turns out to be Tzeentch flavored I wouldn't complain......

I really hope we get a CoS Warband sooner rather than lather (gotta fill out Camp Fortune on the Gnarlwood map), although I agree that we will probably be getting Maneaters vs Chameleon Skinks, and then something Death and Chaos related first.

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5 hours ago, Asbestress said:

I really hope we get a CoS Warband sooner rather than lather (gotta fill out Camp Fortune on the Gnarlwood map), although I agree that we will probably be getting Maneaters vs Chameleon Skinks, and then something Death and Chaos related first.

COS is the Warband I think we are all waiting on baited breath to see as it will basically be a prelude to the update.

This makes me think itll be the last of the upcoming 3 boxes. If we have 1 in November then February and finally in May. With the full COS update coming late 2023.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

COS is the Warband I think we are all waiting on baited breath to see as it will basically be a prelude to the update.

This makes me think itll be the last of the upcoming 3 boxes. If we have 1 in November then February and finally in May, itll the May boxed set with the full COS update coming late 2023.

I'm personally still in the camp that hopes that we'll get CoS in the February-May timeslot. It honestly depends on what happens after the StD release, as I think we'll probably start getting some Votann styled bi-weekly preview articles (with the first bigger reveal being in the New Year Open?) after that Battletome's out.
This would match up with the general time of the Soulblight release, and allow them to hype up the 10th edition of 40k during that same timeframe, and not have the post Edition release time in the Fall filled with an AoS army when they could be pushing new Codices and separate Tyranid and SM releases.

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1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

I'm personally still in the camp that hopes that we'll get CoS in the February-May timeslot. It honestly depends on what happens after the StD release, as I think we'll probably start getting some Votann styled bi-weekly preview articles (with the first bigger reveal being in the New Year Open?) after that Battletome's out.
This would match up with the general time of the Soulblight release, and allow them to hype up the 10th edition of 40k during that same timeframe, and not have the post Edition release time in the Fall filled with an AoS army when they could be pushing new Codices and separate Tyranid and SM releases.

Personally I hope we get Cities and TOW drip fed to us as much as we've been getting World Eaters and Votann. I need more fantasy/aos news ASAP, because like @MitGas those new berzerkers are growing on me. I wouldn't play World Eaters, but I would probably turn the new kits into some Night Lords Terror-Squads..... BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA GW! HELP ME OUT!!!!! 

In other news, I finally got to play Total War III yesterday after preordering it over a year ago (I use a Mac, not a gaming PC). Cathay has been a difficult but fun campaign, and I truly enjoy Kislev. Though can someone tell me how to run immortal empires? I'm currently stuck with just the Realm of Chaos campaign and it sucks.

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I was worried about the World Eater release. I have a partiality for World Eaters since Angron was released about a decade ago. Turns out it’s just for prehersy World Eaters so unless they redo Angron like Horus then I’ll be fine.


On topic of the Old World. It’s what I’m most excited for in all aspects of Warhammer right now. Well that and a return to Chaos Dwarfs. But Releases like Chaos Dwarfs, Gloomspite, Soulblight are all exciting to me. Because apart for the system they’re released for it’s still Old World Warhammer really. I’m a bit disconnected from the New era armies. I just don’t care when I see Kharadron and Lumineth releases. Doesn’t stir my Warhammer soul. Kroak though, that got my heartbeat racing. 

Hope it’s not too long now for a bigger glimpse into the Old World. I know it’s only rumours at the moment but if a chunk of the releases is via Forgeworld and in Resin it’s a bigger sell for me. I just can’t resist a Detailed, resin miniature. Prime material in my opinion and hope some Warhammer characters return in the full glory we’ve seen the Primarch’s treatedin. 

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5 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:


4 minutes ago, Fellman said:

What the what where are the DOT and LRL Tomes!?

Attempts to not roll eyes about more reveals for 40K and HH...



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I'm gonna visit my local GW store now, stomp on the ground and cry like a baby, that'll show them. 😤

If we only get a Curseling, they could at least let us know how much we got nerfed now. 😤😤😤

My life is so very hard.  

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