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38 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

The only issue with MB on grunta is that it wouldn't distinguish itself as different from the MBoF or MBoMK, it would just be an in-between step, it would be nice to have but its not like the army needs it. If its primarily a unique unit they could take it somewhere interesting though, like a unique bloodtoof warboss that gets the MK version of Skull Splitting bellow (3- for -1 commands), and lets bloodtoof units run & charge, and choose to run if he issues mighty destroyers.
I'm always for multiple sculpts of things though, but its annoying that so many end up being locked behind events and paywalls. I would've loved that alternate swampcalla shaman.

Then perhaps create another branch of the Ironjaws force? Gove some additional options to their playstyle. What about some sort of artillery or shooting weapons? Heck Brutes are large and strong enough they could throw a cannonball like a shot-put! Or make a Boar riding Warchanter that's an actual Priest and totem, opening up that avenue of play. What about a wierdknob on a boar fast enough to keep up with the infantry or Calvary, that has a unique spell and plays of the old More Orks = More Power trope to buff nearby units. Or a big Totem/effigy unit with similar mechanics to the Marshcrawler Sloggoth, granting an aura to all nearby Ironjaws. Heck that big Godbeast Skull that Gordraak toted around screams Totem unit or Terrain piece!  Or some Orruk Endless spells! There's a ton of development paths open to ironjaws that fits thematically in the current army aesthetic, Its just not GW's focus or MO to do things like this. 


Also new Ardboy sculpts would be great. 

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A gargant and ogor soup sounds like GW unfortunately. It‘s lame but so was the Orruk soup tome. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a slew of new kits if they get thrown together. 

Ironjawz are great but I‘d be miffed if I played them. The same few units might make for a good army but ultimately they feel like they could really use something to break up the monotony IMO. Thankfully our IJ player never minded having so little choice but I think it‘s a missed chance.


GW definitely created too many subfactions (and the like) for the model support they‘ve been willing to give AoS in the last 2 years. 😢


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Gargant & ogor soup!!??

New faction incoming. Half gargant, half ogor...

GOGORS!!! Basic battline the same size as fomoroid!!!

Or... half gargant half gnoblars...


Ok, ok, hear me out. If tis true and we get updated sabres and yetis (👈 frost troggs) then maybe this allow gargants to run some small units (pets) along side them. 🤔 Eh?...Kinda cool?

Edited by Vasshpit
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It sounds plausible to me.

On the one hand an army that would never have exceeded the 3/4 kits (SoB) and on the other, an army that GW doesn't seem to want to develop more than that in AoS (ogors). And above all, it would free up a place for a much-awaited faction (Malerion's aelfs - which I would also see merging in V4 with DoK - or especially the Duardins of Chaos).

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2 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

Then perhaps create another branch of the Ironjaws force? Gove some additional options to their playstyle. What about some sort of artillery or shooting weapons? Heck Brutes are large and strong enough they could throw a cannonball like a shot-put! Or make a Boar riding Warchanter that's an actual Priest and totem, opening up that avenue of play. What about a wierdknob on a boar fast enough to keep up with the infantry or Calvary, that has a unique spell and plays of the old More Orks = More Power trope to buff nearby units. Or a big Totem/effigy unit with similar mechanics to the Marshcrawler Sloggoth, granting an aura to all nearby Ironjaws. Heck that big Godbeast Skull that Gordraak toted around screams Totem unit or Terrain piece!  Or some Orruk Endless spells! There's a ton of development paths open to ironjaws that fits thematically in the current army aesthetic, Its just not GW's focus or MO to do things like this. 


Also new Ardboy sculpts would be great. 

Its not just about matching the aesthetic, but also matching what the army is narratively, which pretty much rules out any ranged options, outside of like throwing weapons. Ironjawz can't make elegant & effective ranged weapons, nor would they want to.
You could certainly expand Ironjawz, but I don't think anything you add wouldn't count as unit bloat, as the army has every tool it needs to fit its playstyle. That's not to say it won't happen though, it happened with every WFB army and all the old 40k forces, but personally I like seeing more small forces like ironjawz and KO (as long as they feel complete), than I do seeing big expansions to existing ones. Personally I really hated the arms race of it, where they'd release a new unit type or something, then rush to make sure most of the factions got access to it, it was like designing based off a checklist of unit types, rather than trying to fully realize what the faction should have & use from a narrative perspective.



1 minute ago, MitGas said:

A gargant and ogor soup sounds like GW unfortunately. It‘s lame but so was the Orruk soup tome. Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a slew of new kits if they get thrown together. 

Ironjawz are great but I‘d be miffed if I played them. The same few units might make for a good army but ultimately they feel like they could really use something to break up the monotony IMO. Thankfully our IJ player never minded having so little choice but I think it‘s a missed chance.


GW definitely created too many subfactions (and the like) for the model support they‘ve been willing to give AoS in the last 2 years. 😢


The orruk soup was pretty obvious seeing as they did it last edition, although I hope gargants and ogors don't get souped, as they share literally nothing narratively.

I prefer the design direction of many small factions, to having a handful of ones with a ton of units. Seeing more of the world through new factions is more exciting than just getting variations on what we already have, plus you get less units that don't really serve a purpose (i.e large swaths of the stormcast book) since the factions tend to be cut down to the most essential elements.

Thats not to say I hate seeing expansions for existing armies, but I'd like them to feel like natural expansions that complement the army rather than just to fill a starter set or something.

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5 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Its not just about matching the aesthetic, but also matching what the army is narratively, which pretty much rules out any ranged options, outside of like throwing weapons. Ironjawz can't make elegant & effective ranged weapons, nor would they want to.
You could certainly expand Ironjawz, but I don't think anything you add wouldn't count as unit bloat, as the army has every tool it needs to fit its playstyle. That's not to say it won't happen though, it happened with every WFB army and all the old 40k forces, but personally I like seeing more small forces like ironjawz and KO (as long as they feel complete), than I do seeing big expansions to existing ones. Personally I really hated the arms race of it, where they'd release a new unit type or something, then rush to make sure most of the factions got access to it, it was like designing based off a checklist of unit types, rather than trying to fully realize what the faction should have & use from a narrative perspective.



The orruk soup was pretty obvious seeing as they did it last edition, although I hope gargants and ogors don't get souped, as they share literally nothing narratively.

I prefer the design direction of many small factions, to having a handful of ones with a ton of units. Seeing more of the world through new factions is more exciting than just getting variations on what we already have, plus you get less units that don't really serve a purpose (i.e large swaths of the stormcast book) since the factions tend to be cut down to the most essential elements.

Thats not to say I hate seeing expansions for existing armies, but I'd like them to feel like natural expansions that complement the army rather than just to fill a starter set or something.

Personal preferences aside, I think there‘s a lot of ground in kit quantity between small forces and Stormcast. I understand your point though. SC feel like Chaos Cultists. Lots of units that fulfill similar - if not the same - roles. 

I‘ll always be for armies with enough variety and choice. Not sure IJ qualifies for that, arguably it doesn‘t want to either - but I just like armies with enough choice. IJ doesn‘t give me that vibe and as the AoS-ified heir to WHFB Orcs, it feels lacking. I understand it‘s hard to compare as they had gobbos but then something else should‘ve been added IMO. 

I was happy to see Sylvaneth receive more units. In the end I hope IJ players are happy with their army, that‘s what counts but I‘m not sure if GW‘s overall unit plan was all that well though out. 😋


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Dude if they soup gargants and ogors that will be so sucky! The orruk soup has been mostly awful so far and the goblin "soup" also doesn't work.  If they do soup them, then they need to actually synergize together instead of being multiple factions in 1 book for no discernible reason.

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Just now, MitGas said:

Personal preferences aside, I think there‘s a lot of ground in kit quantity between small forces and Stormcast. I understand your point though. SC feel like Chaos Cultists. Lots of units that fulfill similar - if not the same - roles. 

I‘ll always be for armies with enough variety and choice. Not sure IJ qualifies for that, arguably it doesn‘t want to either - but I just like armies with enough choice. IJ doesn‘t give me that vibe and as the AoS-ified heir to WHFB Orcs, it feels lacking. I understand it‘s hard to compare as they had gobbos but then something else should‘ve been added IMO. 

I was happy to see Sylvaneth receive more units. In the end I hope IJ players are happy with their army, that‘s what counts but I‘m not sure if GW‘s overall unit plan was all that well though out. 😋


Ironjawz are orcs reinvented, and do the concept really well. Orcs want to do nothing more than fight, and the entire army is about fighting, and getting into the fight. They really made their narrative match their playstyle.
They're not really a proper heir to Orcs and Goblins, because O&G didn't have a unified design or strategy, like most WHFB factions, they were a mixed arms horde force where pretty much everything was a mixed arms force of some variety. Kruleboyz and/or gitz come closest to what O&G were from a playstyle perspective.

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I've been catching up on this thread and I feel like we might be getting overhyped at this point.

1) this footprint could be just an indication of a new battletome for sons, or sons/ogors. There might not be any major new sculpts getting revealed. Bear in mind that the AoS reveals are just a part of a much larger stream. Desperately hoping for a new mega, a mega-sized named character, or new mancrushers is potentially setting yourself up for disappointment.

2) bear in mind we are also expecting battletome reveals for tzeentch/lumineth, as well as any new slaves to darkness sculpts that haven't yet been officially previewed (chosen?). That's already a packed stream, and makes it less likely that we'll see the kind of range overhaul everyone seems to be hoping for.

Hate to be a Debbie Downer

Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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My opinion would be any new units for iron jaws would be amazing and needed (waited for seven bloody years for it to happen) and I don’t think bloated or army change should be the concern, people want models to paint for their collection not necessary  about keeping it one dimensional play style alive 

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7 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I've been catching up on this thread and I feel like we might be getting overhyped at this point.

1) this footprint could be just an indication of a new battletome for sons, or sons/ogors. There might not be any major new sculpts getting revealed. Bear in mind that the AoS reveals are just a part of a much larger stream. Desperately hoping for a new mega, a mega-sized named character, or new mancrushers is potentially setting yourself up for disappointment.

2) bear in mind we are also expecting battletome reveals for tzeentch/lumineth, as well as any new slaves to darkness sculpts that haven't yet been officially previewed (chosen?). That's already a packed stream, and makes it less likely that we'll see the kind of range overhaul everyone seems to be hoping for.

Hate to be a Debbie Downer

I mean it a preview for models and usually every system that they announce beforehand get some sculpt preview, I don’t think that the low expectation here is to expect no model preview.

Edited by novakai
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10 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Ironjawz are orcs reinvented, and do the concept really well. Orcs want to do nothing more than fight, and the entire army is about fighting, and getting into the fight. They really made their narrative match their playstyle.
They're not really a proper heir to Orcs and Goblins, because O&G didn't have a unified design or strategy, like most WHFB factions, they were a mixed arms horde force where pretty much everything was a mixed arms force of some variety. Kruleboyz and/or gitz come closest to what O&G were from a playstyle perspective.

Exactly, here lies the problem. I said they were an AoS-ified heir. Unfortunately that‘s not a proper heir IMO. I’m sure some disagree but I know that some agree with me too. I‘m pretty sure O&G were beloved more than IJs, at least by the guys I know they were, and that‘s in part precisely because they gave players options. IJ armies are about as individual as Star Wars battle droids which is a bit of a shame. A few more kits would help - I don‘t want them reinvent the army for it, I can accept it changed and I understand the idea behind it. But chariots, more heroes, maybe another cheaper battleline could do wonders to make IJ even more compelling, especially visually. 

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5 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I've been catching up on this thread and I feel like we might be getting overhyped at this point.

1) this footprint could be just an indication of a new battletome for sons, or sons/ogors. There might not be any major new sculpts getting revealed. Bear in mind that the AoS reveals are just a part of a much larger stream. Desperately hoping for a new mega, a mega-sized named character, or new mancrushers is potentially setting yourself up for disappointment.

2) bear in mind we are also expecting battletome reveals for tzeentch/lumineth, as well as any new slaves to darkness sculpts that haven't yet been officially previewed (chosen?). That's already a packed stream, and makes it less likely that we'll see the kind of range overhaul everyone seems to be hoping for.

Hate to be a Debbie Downer

I‘d be extremely surprised if Tzeentch and Lumineth was more than the tome and the two heroes…. then again, maybe Lumineth could get another huge wave. 😝

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

I‘d be extremely surprised if Tzeentch and Lumineth was more than the tome and the two heroes…. then again, maybe Lumineth could get another huge wave. 😝

I still think we're also going to get a Warcry Warband dedicated to Tzeentch in the same manner as the Rotmire Creed is for Nurgle, but that's just me. I would love to see a named character model as well, so that our faction stands out a bit more.

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I still think we're also going to get a Warcry Warband dedicated to Tzeentch in the same manner as the Rotmire Creed is for Nurgle, but that's just me. I would love to see a named character model as well, so that our faction stands out a bit more.

Could be that they add it now in time for the BT update, good thinking. But I'd rather have a Fatemaster or those darn Sorcerer-Warriors (that can also be built into Forsaken) I keep fantasizing about since months! 😂 

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Just now, MitGas said:

Could be that they add it now in time for the BT update, good thinking. But I'd rather have a Fatemaster or those darn Sorcerer-Warriors (that can also be built into Forsaken) I keep fantasizing about since months! 😂 

@MitGas I feel your pain, I'm so desperate for Doom Knights I'm thinking of kitbashing some and running them as Tzaangor Enlightened. Maybe the new character could be a particularly powerful Fatemaster? Like an evil Middle/Far-Eastern version of Merlin. Maybe we'll get Forsaken with the new StD expansion, after all we haven't gotten the whole tome yet....

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4 hours ago, willange said:

Dude if they soup gargants and ogors that will be so sucky! The orruk soup has been mostly awful so far and the goblin "soup" also doesn't work.  If they do soup them, then they need to actually synergize together instead of being multiple factions in 1 book for no discernible reason.


4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

You know what. Im calling BS. This Tweet came after the Footprint. Just trying to drum up activity.

Honestly I could see it. Historically in Fantasy Ogres and Giants had a lot of history together, even if that history was the Ogres hunting the sky titans into extinction lol. 

Own 5000 points of ogres I'm going to finish painting this year. First reaction is I'm ok with it? So long as it builds on the lore and really takes a huge bite into Destruction's story and how the tribes/ giants interact. 

But if they souped them and it was just squishing them together, I feel that would break my back. Almost as much as if new Ogre sculpts make the old one look to small

Two biggest fears as someone with a collection of fat lads.

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35 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

@MitGas I feel your pain, I'm so desperate for Doom Knights I'm thinking of kitbashing some and running them as Tzaangor Enlightened. Maybe the new character could be a particularly powerful Fatemaster? Like an evil Middle/Far-Eastern version of Merlin. Maybe we'll get Forsaken with the new StD expansion, after all we haven't gotten the whole tome yet....

Yeah, that's certainly a cool idea. Although I like my Enlightened birbs too and wouldn't want to replace them as I love them like children, plus another disc-riding unit would perhaps be more difficult to make unique than ground-based troops IMO. i just want Tzeentchian armored warriors (that hurl spells cause come on, if any army should have that, it's us) cause I think Chaos armor looks rad and the concept art for Tzeentchian Chaos armor was always the coolest IMO (thinking of Adrian Smith's work but there are a few other cool depictions as well), even before they've incorporated more exotic design cues. I'm definitely happy with the mashup of swirly eastern trim and classic european armor (and random cool stuff) they've used for the Curseling.

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As a Sons of Behemat player, I wouldn't mind a Warclans style update for them and Ogors depending on how they do it. I would welcome the diversity of lists it may unlock, especially as I've eyed up Beastclaw stuff for ages. We'll see. 

Given there's two Destruction tomes coming, this would mean Gloomspite are getting theirs too, meaning all three Destruction books in need of an update would be getting one by way of two of them getting combined. I think that's pretty cool if that ends up being the case, but it's just a rumor and Rob doesn't have a 100% track record so, again, we'll see. 

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